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Not really a good indicator, since this was tame today and you can't see the physical stuff (being audio and all), but you'll find it actually COULD be understood why the school can't use this particular clip, but you'll probably be able to recognize the hostility. I always have the player on me, so I'll keep trying. As I said, VERY [cabbage]ty quality, and re-listening to the clip, the only real problem you can make out is the overly sarcastic clapping and scream near the end. You can just barely make out some of the comments made at the end, I'll try to fix it up in audacity, but i am not good wit compooter, so I may not be able to do much. I'll edit this post with the upload in a few minutes.


Edit: Managed to get some of the background noise, and you can now hear some guy's sarcastic scream at the end (seems to be saying "Go Matt!"), along with others you can't make out.



Again, apologies, it isn't much and I'm going to have to do more.


Get back here so I can rub your butt.

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yeah that just sounds like kids singing happy birthday to their buddy, lol


keep trying! You'll probly get something worthy of punishment soon enough




Anyone who likes tacos is incapable of logic.

Anyone who likes logic is incapable of tacos.


PSA: SaqPrets is an Estonian Dude

Steam: NippleBeardTM

Origin: Brand_New_iPwn

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Need to find some way to get into a normal sleeping pattern.. I don't sleep easy (i went to bed at 10pm last night as i was tired and fell asleep at 3am :() which means I will probaly have to wake up early some day...

Not that I have to, considering my earliest lecture throughout the week at 11am but I havn't had breakfast in weeks (as its served between 7:30 and 9:30).


Then again, waking up at 10-11pm every day is what I've always wanted :P


What are you doing at uni Doomy? I have three 1am starts, and a to pm start then one 11 start. Gotta love thrid year...except for the fact that I have a crapload of work to do...

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yeah that just sounds like kids singing happy birthday to their buddy, lol


keep trying! You'll probly get something worthy of punishment soon enough

Yeah, "you can totally hear the hostility" won't really work in my favor. I guess I'll record another week or so of it and compile the worst stuff.


Get back here so I can rub your butt.

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Reminds me of Suicide Mouse.

"Let your anger be as a monkey in a piñata... hiding amongst the candy... hoping the kids don't break through with the stick." - Master Tang

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Today I got accepted to work at Boxwell Scout Reservation as staff for Cubworld. I get to spend the entire summer camping while getting paid :thumbsup:



First job at 15 woo!



Three months banishment to 9gag is something i would never wish upon anybody, not even my worst enemy.

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My friend worked in a boyscout camp for a few years.

Most of the councilors would get drunk and high every night.

He has so many stories of hilarious [cabbage] that happened.


His camp at least was pretty crazy.




#1 Wongtong stalker.

Im looking for some No Limit soldiers!

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I got an award today from Verizon Wireless Cooperate office for my customer service skills. Apparently they listened into a call where I taught an elderly lady how to send and receive text messages. The note I received as well stated I was extremely patient and had a polite tone towards the customer. I was frustrated as hell towards the customer LOL. Dunno what smoke they were cracking.


[software Engineer] -

[Ability Bar Suggestion] - [Gaming Enthusiast]

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I got my new glasses in the mail for study and everything looks so awesome now. I didn't know how bad my eyes were.


Give us a look? I need glasses, one of my eyes is terrible, but I'm not really sure what style to get, because I'd pretty much have to wear them all the time.

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I got mine from zenni optical. Extremely cheap prices and you can upload a picture of yourself to see what they look like on you.


They start at like $10 for a basic pair and even titanium ones are around $40. Then they have stuff like thinner lenses, anti reflective coating, tint etc for.a few bucks and that costs hundreds in aus retail.

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Mobile tip it has no edit button...


Anyway they have a big selection too, and mine look much better than I expected.


My missus loves them because they "soften your hardcore look." I told her I will get a face tattoo to counterbalance it.

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Continuing the thing from yesterday, I got the kid in on it. He now knows I'm recording, but I told him not to antagonize the jerks so that they'd insult him back, but just to have the same "conversations" they normally have, just where I can hear it. This time I got much better results. I'll do this with him for a couple more days, and post what I find on Friday.


Get back here so I can rub your butt.

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Continuing the thing from yesterday, I got the kid in on it. He now knows I'm recording, but I told him not to antagonize the jerks so that they'd insult him back, but just to have the same "conversations" they normally have, just where I can hear it. This time I got much better results. I'll do this with him for a couple more days, and post what I find on Friday.

I've been in a similar situation to you, actually I pretty much still am, except that the teachers believe me. I think that the (in this case, handicapped) kid is in denial, however; he says that he doesn't feel bullied, when he definitely is being bullied. (Without going into details)


I didn't have a lot of time to write this post I just wanted to say keep it up. Bullying sucks, and I really respect the effort that you're making to stop it. :-)


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Thanks dsavi.


Anyways, maybe it won't take until Friday to get everything. After editing together what I had, I think this might be enough. What do you guys think? If not, I'll be off with the original plan to continue and post back Friday.



Vid starts low, gets worse near the end.


Get back here so I can rub your butt.

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@dizzle - no audio atm but I'll take a listen when i get home. Good job at any rate :thumbup:


On a somewhat related note, if you're interested in subtle video, these are an option: http://www.hammacher.com/Product/81148?promo=search http://www.hammacher.com/Product/81088?promo=homepage_hero

"It's not a rest for me, it's a rest for the weights." - Dom Mazzetti

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Yesterday night was a bit of a disaster near the end lol, one of my friends got too wasted and we ended up having to take care of him for an hour in a freezing cold tent, barely got any sleep. Today was much more fun, I met up with some people from my class and we enjoyed ourselves on the beach despite the cold weather. So yeah, today was good :)


I'll be leaving to Egypt tomorrow, not as a tourist but as a family member though, so don't expect me to be lying in the sun all days and having fun at some fancy resort lol.


Also, dizzle, keep it up, you're doing something good :)

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I learned something interesting today.

You can give off radiation to someone if they are sleeping right next to you in a full cycle of about eight hours. It's in very very very small dosages though. Interesting.

"Let your anger be as a monkey in a piñata... hiding amongst the candy... hoping the kids don't break through with the stick." - Master Tang

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I learned something interesting today.

You can give off radiation to someone if they are sleeping right next to you in a full cycle of about eight hours. It's in very very very small dosages though. Interesting.

Science can be awesome sometimes.


Get back here so I can rub your butt.

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woke up at 10am, messed about on facebook and the internet for a while, read half a book, then around 6pm went over a friends house to watch the new harry potter film.


Not all that much of a productive day tbh... tomorrow will be more productive though, got midwife, doctor and a date.... fun times.

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Humans vs Zombies has been going this week at my campus. I've spent the last two days chasing the humans around. I'm so exhausted right now though, I was out for atleast 5 hours running around my campus today. I think I'm going to pass out at like 9PM again. I've managed 3 kills so far, which is much better than the last game I participated in. I'm looking forward to more hunting tomorrow. :thumbup:

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