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How old are you runescapers?


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Though i don't play RS much but I often wonder how old are the guys @ runescape.




I'm 17, in november i turn 18. I play games like SoF2 Gold, GTA, PKR, full tilt poker, COD4. And sometimes runescape ;) .




So, How old are you guys?






~Edited title~mcneilp

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Turned 15 a few days ago. ::'




And lol, wout, I know a lot of personal info about you now. Where you live, how old you are...


Guess I'll hunt you down and behead your pets. :twisted:

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I'd like to point out I am 99% sure this breaks the rules.




Firstly it breaks jagex's rule over personal information being given out and one of the golden rules of tip.it is that they follow the jagex rules with the forum to give some continuity.




Even if it is allowed I'm fairly sure it belongs in off-topic


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Turned 15 a few days ago. ::'




And lol, wout, I know a lot of personal info about you now. Where you live, how old you are...


Guess I'll hunt you down and behead your pets. :twisted:





had to fdo it!


anyway,im 14 \'

99 Firemaking 30-5-2010 | 99 Fletching 13-7-2014
TET-AU member:6-10-2010 - 21-10-2011

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~Moved to Questionnaires and edited your title~




1.9 - Volunteering Personal Information




Tip.It is a G-rated (suitable for all ages) forum. For your privacy and security, asking for or volunteering certain personal contact information is not permitted. This consists of full name, city of residence, street address, telephone number(s) and password/account details.




So long as no-one gives any information which could potentially allow someone to contact you outside the forums,as listed above, this can stay open.

It isn't in the castle, It isn't in the mist, It's a calling of the waters, As they break to show, The new Black Death, With reactors aglow, Do you think your security, Can keep you in purity, You will not shake us off above or below

Scottish friction

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I'm 16 years old since april :lol:


Master of Firemaking since 10-11-2007 Yes, I QUIT! =]

Master of Woodcutting since Christmas 2007

Completed all quests - Completed all achievement diaries.

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19 here. I know, pretty old, huh?

"People are idiots. Some just like to say they reported you to see your reaction, others are just spastic losers that believe everything is reportable, and others got banned and end up reporting everyone because they are mentally disturbed"
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