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I was crowd surfing.


Mars Volta is coming to town soon. Are they worth seeing if I'm not a huge fan?

Ive heard their shows are absolutely amazing. I would go.




#1 Wongtong stalker.

Im looking for some No Limit soldiers!

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Mars Volta is coming to town soon. Are they worth seeing if I'm not a huge fan?

I had a friend go, and he said it was an amazing show. A small venue packed full of people, good music, and a crazy guy who was most likely tripping.


He's a big fan though, so who knows.

More like half of the people there were tripping.


And yes, you should go see them. They're awesome. I took my friend who liked them a little, and now loves them after seeing them live. You should know their music off their first CD to make it really worthwhile.


"He could climb to it, if he climbed alone, and once there he could suck on the pap of life, gulp down the incomparable milk of wonder."

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On September 29th I went to my first real concert. I've been to a few gigs before, but not a real concert. Saw Muse and a few songs from U2, it was awesome! We even got about ten feet from the band when they came out. Our seats were actually all the way up here:



But we didn't even head up there until after Muse finished playing. When we first entered the stadium we were about an hour and a half early so we headed through the first opening we saw (on the first floor) to get a good look of the stadium. Then we started talking to a security guard on the floor and found out the railing we were leaning against was actually right next to where the bands came out of!


I'm pretty sure at that point Muse is standing in the opening, and Matt was talking with a few people that looked pretty official. They stood there for about a minute or two, then all of the lights in the stadium went off (it got REALLY dark!) and they stayed for a couple more minutes before heading towards the stage. I swear, I was close enough to make out their faces even in the dark, it was so cool!


Here's one of the videos, of starlight:


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Same post I made in the today thread, et ici.


I saw bring me the horizon, and the architects tonight, Oh,sleeper's van broke down in albany, so they didn't manage to make it to the show, unfortunately, and I skipped seeing everytime I die, can't stand them.

The architects had a great mosh pit, I got the [cabbage] beaten out of me, and I accidentally hit some kid in the mouth, and he was bleeding, [bleep]ing douchey crowd though, nobody helped me up when I fell, or when anyone fell. They had a huge [wagon] circle pit going for a couple songs, which was fun. I love moshpits/circlepits. I wasn't all too thrilled to see bring me the horizon, they were better last time I saw them. They're a really over-rated band, too many people like them much more than they should. They had an awesome shirt there though, it said smells like green spirit, and it was a naked baby underwater chasing after a bong. all in all it was a pretty good show, I just wasn't on the floor for bring me the horizon, I sat up in the balcony area.

After they were done, my friend, and two other girls I met today went and hung out behind metropolis, and then we went to belle province, and I had a pretty fun night. While we were waiting for my friend's dad to come pick us up this asian hooker/drug dealer came over to us and started hitting on us, and telling us about "peace and love", and told us about how she never shaves. Then we saw two or three hobo fights, and a hobo rip a handicapped guy out of his wheelchair, and wail on him, then the other hobos pinned the hobo down, and beat the crap out of him. It was quite interesting to watch. I had fun in the moshpit though, which was the main reason I went to the show, I haven't been in a mosh in quite a long time. Sucks oh,sleeper couldn't make it though, I'd have loved to see them.


I enjoyed myself.

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Going to be honest here and say that I don't get the point of moshing.


The only experience I've had with moshing was at the Eagles of Death Metal concert. Some idiot started to mosh and knocked a lady over. The band stopped playing and we all booed him as security escorted (dragged) him out.


So, what exactly is the point of moshing other than to kick the living crap out of each other, and doesn't it impair you from enjoying the artist's music? Personally I'd much rather watch and listen to the workmanship going on on stage.




My Bloggy


Proud to have served on Tip.it Crew

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Going to be honest here and say that I don't get the point of moshing.


The only experience I've had with moshing was at the Eagles of Death Metal concert. Some idiot started to mosh and knocked a lady over. The band stopped playing and we all booed him as security escorted (dragged) him out.


So, what exactly is the point of moshing other than to kick the living crap out of each other, and doesn't it impair you from enjoying the artist's music? Personally I'd much rather watch and listen to the workmanship going on on stage.

Moshing is so much fun. You don't even have to be in the pit, just around it and its a blast. With metal at least that how people get into the music, and get out all their aggression.

I dont know, I guess you have to experience it to understand, but some people dont like moshing no matter what.


And another thing, the goal isnt really to beat the crap out of each other, like when someone falls 4 people are there to pick him or her up. Its just a really cool environment.




#1 Wongtong stalker.

Im looking for some No Limit soldiers!

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I don't really like moshing either. It's kind of like "STOP SHOVING ME AND LISTEN TO THE MUSIC, DAMN IT." I don't know what kind of music makes you want to beat the [cabbage] out of each other. Crowd surfing is different. I wanna do that.


Edit: ok jaerk addressed some of that


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Also, when I saw The Faceless for the first song no one was even moving. It was the gayest sight I have ever seen, I wanted to cry.

Just something about being at a Death Metal (or deathcore, whatever) concert and nobody moshing is sad.


But things picked up and turned awesome during BTBAM.




#1 Wongtong stalker.

Im looking for some No Limit soldiers!

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Going to Melbourne Big Day Out January 26th. If any other TIFers are going, let me know. :)

Mastodon's going to be there. Just saying.


Speaking of which, I'm going to see them at the end of the month. Awesome.


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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Going to Melbourne Big Day Out January 26th. If any other TIFers are going, let me know. :)


You should go to New Zealand's BDO. :D




#1 Wongtong stalker.

Im looking for some No Limit soldiers!

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You shoulda came to BTBAM, crowd surfed with me.

I definitely shoulda. The vid that had you in it had some really good sound quality, BTBAM sounded good. There was a steady stream of good concerts these past two months, now it's crap like Slipknot and Gwar and Five Finger Death Punch.


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I've seen quite a few singers/groups/bands live.

I've seen:


Natasha Beddingfield

Sugababes (Twice)

My Chemical Romance

The Saturdays

Calvin Harris

The Script

Snow Patrol

The Wombats


Kaiser Chiefs


Quie a few of them were from this years "Radio One's Big Weekend" at Swindon, which was AWESOME


In december i'm going to see my favourite band Paramore live, that should be EPIC :D

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saw Third Eye Blind ( <3: ) and Kid Cudi last night.

i've seen 3eb before, but I'd never even heard of Kid Cudi, so i was surprised how much i immediately liked his music.


some other band opened for them but I forget what it was :unsure:

They were quite good, especially for being a band not even named on the ticket.

edit: the band name is "Hot Chelle Rae"

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I've seen quite a few singers/groups/bands live.

I've seen:


Natasha Beddingfield

Sugababes (Twice)

My Chemical Romance

The Saturdays

Calvin Harris

The Script

Snow Patrol

The Wombats


Kaiser Chiefs


Quie a few of them were from this years "Radio One's Big Weekend" at Swindon, which was AWESOME


In december i'm going to see my favourite band Paramore live, that should be EPIC :D

Oh man, I'm sort of jealous, but their new album isn't as good as All We Know is Falling. :P




#1 Wongtong stalker.

Im looking for some No Limit soldiers!

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Been to a fair few gigs recently, no-one really big though, just friends bands or local band nights at music bars. Sometimes those local gigs can turn out to be a ton better than some major band at a big venue. Anyway, next big gig i've got is Killswitch Engage/ In Flames. Gonna be good.

It isn't in the castle, It isn't in the mist, It's a calling of the waters, As they break to show, The new Black Death, With reactors aglow, Do you think your security, Can keep you in purity, You will not shake us off above or below

Scottish friction

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