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Have You Ever Refused a Friend Request?


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Have you ever taken a friend request from somebody to be just to be polite, etc?




I only add people that I feel I can keep as friends, and who I've had a good experience with. I get really annoyed if someone asks, "Friends?" only a few minutes after I meet them.




What about you?

So, basically Earthysun is Jesus's only son.






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Well depends really, If I gave him a shark because he was going to die then asks if I will be his friend, I'd say mt list is full or no. But If I go do someting complicated with this guy (Monster Hunting, Parties, Events, Clan Chat discussion) then maybe I will.

Wongton is better than me in anyway~~



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Nope, I just delete them after I log on and they're not on...




They usually just ignore me anyway...


You are like a three legged cat. Everyone hates you and thinks you are ugly until, one day, they realize that you're cuter than all of the other cats. And you're fluffy too. I'm so glad I petted you.

I've always wondered: If there's offensive language, than there should be Defensive Language. But I've never encountered it. If it does exist, what would it entail? Being painstakingly polite in such a manner that infuriates another?
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If you have to ask to be my friend, you're not really my friend. If I like a person we'll add each other eventually, then it's kind of a given after we've talked enough we're friends. But normally I'll just talk via pm's to be polite and remove the person after a week. It never used to be like that, but when your list is full, you can't add everyone who wants to be your friend after knowing you for five minutes.

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i tell them my list is full and if they keep asking i tell them the real reason -.-smilie-1.gif


sometimes add people from boss hunting or long training periods


i hate people who ask to be your friend after one round of fog


someone asked to be my frend i i told them im only frends with people who can spell friend :lol:

Check it out, huge amount of effort has gone into this massive mod!


[hide=old sig]



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I usually add them if people ask to add me and if we have a good conversation for the days that follow they stay added. If we barely talk then I tend to just delete them after a week or so. Which is probably why my friends list seems a bit bare at the minute because I do tend if I don't talk to people for a while I will just delete them just so I can stay organised.

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I don't add anyone random because they ask me "how long does it take to get 99 Runecraft?". I just say my list is full or pretend I didn't read their request. Although If I am having a really friendly and nice chat with someone, I would deffinatly accept.

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Most people who ask to add me are too annoying for a friendship to ever work so I just tell them my list is full even though it's not even close. I like to know people a little before adding them, and I hate when people just want to be my friend for free help.

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If the person is nice to talk to then yeah, I add them.


I'm always helping newbies so I get a lot of "add me plz". Normally I just politely tell them that my friends' list is full (it really is). But if I find that I would make that player's day if I added them (you'd be surprised how much it means to some people) I'd add them, talk to them a bit and if I don't see them for a couple of days I delete them.


Pretty much what Dragon said.

Thread terminated.

I guess that means I'm the thread Terminator?


No Tip.Iters were harmed in the making of this post.

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I usually add them, and then they forgot about me and don't talk to me again. That is when I delete them.

My relaxation method involves a bottle of lotion, beautiful women, and partial nudity. Yes I get massages.



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