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Runescape - Getting too serious?


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You could search any forum on any fansite about runescape, And 9 times out of 10, you'd find a post about How people are still angry that Player Killing in the wildy has gone (Even though its technically still there, In the form of Bounty Hunter). If you were to search a little harder in the Rants section, There'd be threads about how the Prices of everything is falling, How Jagex has apparently ruined the game. Players complaining about how the minigames work, How some items are near impossible to get (And in some cases, when you have them, They're useless). But has anyone just stopped what they were doing, whether it be training for a skillcape or messaging a friend about how Jagex has ruined the game, and said... "Why am i being so serious?"




If you think about it, It's really not that bad. Jagex may have removed Pvp in the wildy (I Am aware its coming back), but is that the most important thing that's happening in a player life? Runescape is just a game after all! I Beg anyone who's going for a 99/ Rare to stop and say...Why am i getting so serious about a few brightly coloured pixels on my screen? People posting things on this very forum suggests that maybe Players are getting far too serious. I Think we all need to calm down a little, and just accept the things that happen in-game.




So, Let's turn it to you, The Tip.it forum Public. Do you think its getting far too serious to be fun anymore? Are you one of those players that posts these sort of things, Getting angry about Pvp? Or maybe you'd just like to comment. I'd like to hear what people have to say about this matter. I for one am going to go have some fun, And not worry about Not being able to do some things anymore. Life is for living, And your runescape life is for Fun! Not to get angry over.


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Didn't even read what you said in your thread- the title is good enough.




I agree, rs is getting too serious -.-




You'd be able to comment more if you did ;)




1-0 to People thinking its too serious.


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Some people's life resolves around runescape! They play like 7 hours or more a day i play 3 in a whole week if i'm a have any time! I take runescape as a game which i play if i have time or nothing to do.




Has anyone noticed how everyone is all the time ranting instead of congratulating jagex on making a good game!

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Hmm could get a good debating going here




OT: i think that Rs is and isnt getting more serious tbh




I think the players definatly are getting more serious but equal i think the game (through updates) is becoming less serious




people no longer seem to do things for fun, just profit/xp gain and are often taking the game to serious, and in the mean time the game seems to be "dumbing" down for kids,




I wonder if these are a result of each other?




Overall though i think is a fine line and tipping the scales in either direction will only make the game worse

Theres a fine line between not listening and not caring,

I like to think I walk this line every day.

Pinning blame on Jagex is like trying to put pants on an old man.

You both know he needs them, but he'll just keep dancing around, avoiding them at all costs.

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Hmm could get a good debating going here




OT: i think that Rs is and isnt getting more serious tbh




I think the players definatly are getting more serious but equal i think the game (through updates) is becoming less serious




people no longer seem to do things for fun, just profit/xp gain and are often taking the game to serious, and in the mean time the game seems to be "dumbing" down for kids,




I wonder if these are a result of each other?




Overall though i think is a fine line and tipping the scales in either direction will only make the game worse






Well I agree, while the game is 'getting stupider' for little kids, I think jagex releases new content only the elite can interpret and use to its fullest potential. Along those lines, using things to thir fullest potential may be over serious. I don't know to be honest.




I play for fun, I train range with all my own hand-made materials. ;)


Come to my Clan chat (I'm there if I'm online) if you wish to borrow a Green H'ween mask, Blue H'ween Mask, Red H'ween Mask, or Santa for a reasonable price.

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I have to wonder about the childish remark though. I was in ESC earlier today, everyone was bashing the BTS because the penguin hide and seek bit seemed childish, as did the whole reward section. Yet at the same time, the conclusion to the Spirit series was announced, and that is one of the darkest chains so far.




Sure there's the childish updates. There are also some that are more mature behind them. As well as many complex features that players have uncovered to maximize their efficiency that no child would want to attempt.

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I have to wonder about the childish remark though. I was in ESC earlier today, everyone was bashing the BTS because the penguin hide and seek bit seemed childish, as did the whole reward section. Yet at the same time, the conclusion to the Spirit series was announced, and that is one of the darkest chains so far.




Sure there's the childish updates. There are also some that are more mature behind them. As well as many complex features that players have uncovered to maximize their efficiency that no child would want to attempt.


Hmm... There was an article on the front page a couple of weeks ago about how players seem to be getting younger, Maybe Jagex is accomodating for that?


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First I thought Jagex is way overreacting to stuff like macros, real-world traders, etc... It's just a game. Earn revenue, ban the occassional autofisher/cutter, carry on.




But if they did nothing & just let people macro and trade hundreds of millions freely... RS would lose it's meaning as a "game", and it's economy would become more controlled by criminals running gold-farming sweatshops than Jagex itself.




Being able to buy hundreds of millions of game currency with real $$ just because you're rich, is pathetic and ruins the game. So in that way it's good Jagex got overly serious at least in one issue.

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If you don't like an update it doesn't make it childish. I'm a 16 years old and i can easily call myself way more mature than most people of my age, just after looking at the school. I find that penguin stuff one of the funnies updates in a long time.. Nobody's forcing you to go round runescape looking for the penguins, right? But I'll definately do something like that \' Well i'm just of that type: I enjoy walking around with chief's hat, bronze chain and pink skirt, I enjoy hitting a jellie with the steel battleaxe the other jellie dropped, etc, etc.




So i guess i don't take anything inside rs seriously :?

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Some people's life resolves around runescape! They play like 7 hours or more a day i play 3 in a whole week if i'm a have any time! I take runescape as a game which i play if i have time or nothing to do.




I don't think this thread was ment to point out how long people play the game.




yes, the game is getting a little to serios in terms of peoples attitudes. The quote above is only a small proof of that. I seem to find more people showing up where I am woodcutting and telling me to leave and hop somewhere else than I used too.




Also, the maturity level has plummeted. (I'm not complaining though, in some cases at least)


I do believe jagex is crafting the game to allow lower aged kids to play. Just do what i do, if their annoying you, use the ignore list :twisted:


Gained first quest cape on 3/22/09! Gained 99 fishing 5/22/09!

I forgot when I got 99 cooking!

Proud member of Jovial Rovers

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Some people's life resolves around runescape! They play like 7 hours or more a day i play 3 in a whole week if i'm a have any time! I take runescape as a game which i play if i have time or nothing to do.




I don't think this thread was ment to point out how long people play the game.




yes, the game is getting a little to serios in terms of peoples attitudes. The quote above is only a small proof of that. I seem to find more people showing up where I am woodcutting and telling me to leave and hop somewhere else than I used too.




Also, the maturity level has plummeted. (I'm not complaining though, in some cases at least)


I do believe jagex is crafting the game to allow lower aged kids to play. Just do what i do, if their annoying you, use the ignore list :twisted:


If Jagex is trying to open up the game for another age group, this combined with bringing PVP back...Maybe their just trying to get more profit?


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Some people's life resolves around runescape! They play like 7 hours or more a day i play 3 in a whole week if i'm a have any time! I take runescape as a game which i play if i have time or nothing to do.




I don't think this thread was ment to point out how long people play the game.




yes, the game is getting a little to serios in terms of peoples attitudes. The quote above is only a small proof of that. I seem to find more people showing up where I am woodcutting and telling me to leave and hop somewhere else than I used too.




Also, the maturity level has plummeted. (I'm not complaining though, in some cases at least)


I do believe jagex is crafting the game to allow lower aged kids to play. Just do what i do, if their annoying you, use the ignore list :twisted:


If Jagex is trying to open up the game for another age group, this combined with bringing PVP back...Maybe their just trying to get more profit?




Oh great, I hope that's not the plan. I find it hard enough to communicate with over half of the players just in the game as it is already.




You could search any forum on any fansite about runescape, And 9 times out of 10, you'd find a post about How people are still angry that Player Killing in the wildy has gone (Even though its technically still there, In the form of Bounty Hunter). If you were to search a little harder in the Rants section, There'd be threads about how the Prices of everything is falling, How Jagex has apparently ruined the game. Players complaining about how the minigames work, How some items are near impossible to get (And in some cases, when you have them, They're useless). But has anyone just stopped what they were doing, whether it be training for a skillcape or messaging a friend about how Jagex has ruined the game, and said... "Why am i being so serious?"




If you think about it, It's really not that bad. Jagex may have removed Pvp in the wildy (I Am aware its coming back), but is that the most important thing that's happening in a player life? Runescape is just a game after all! I Beg anyone who's going for a 99/ Rare to stop and say...Why am i getting so serious about a few brightly coloured pixels on my screen? People posting things on this very forum suggests that maybe Players are getting far too serious. I Think we all need to calm down a little, and just accept the things that happen in-game.




So, Let's turn it to you, The Tip.it forum Public. Do you think its getting far too serious to be fun anymore? Are you one of those players that posts these sort of things, Getting angry about Pvp? Or maybe you'd just like to comment. I'd like to hear what people have to say about this matter. I for one am going to go have some fun, And not worry about Not being able to do some things anymore. Life is for living, And your runescape life is for Fun! Not to get angry over.




(I'm focusing on the bolded part that I placed.)I think the major reason people get serious about pixels is because they want something of value returned to them after they spent their "mental effort". :roll:




Can you put value in something that dosen't physically exist? ;) Others can. :-#


Yes, people are getting to serious. It IS just a game, but dosen't it make it more fun for other people when they do get serious? It does for me. I love the competition and invisible races I have with myself. (I just want that draconic visage drop! woo!!!!) If I don't have a goal when I play, then wtf? What am I playing it for? Just to play? Bleh.




It IS just a game, but dosen't it make it more fun for other people when they do get serious?





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Who exactly r u blaming for being serious? the majority of the players? pkers? merchanters? who r u talking about? im not flamming i would just like to know.




Second, I think the players do have a right to be angry with the many things that jagex has done lately which is this whole year. I mean the year was going so well when bang! widly is gone. now im not a crybaby over it but i do understand why pkers r pissed off. now if ur not a pker and ur saying stop crying. i want to tell u something. say a skill u enjoy in rs or an item or just any aspect of the game of rs and picture it being taken away. wouldnt that suck. it does for the pkers.




now my belief is that jagex overreacted to RWT. I now rwt is bad but they just took away every aspect of rs away just to take out rwt. i mean would it really hurt anybody if it was there for 6 more months. rwt is bad regardless of whether ur a pkers or screwing around because it will ruin every aspect of the game. u will always have ppl getting good armor and stuff for no work or time played. it had to be shutdown and u can see other games. like diablo 2 online. there was so much rwt that players felt the aspect of the game was ruined. rs didnt want to turn into that direction, but they really first had to find legit substitutions.




Comon bh. not bh right now but bh multicombat. comon that was just chaos. clan wars was nice but it doesnt satisfy the loot pkers. GE was great regardless of all the beggars saying no!!! because nobody can get scammed and everyone knows how much each item is so nobody gets ripped off. and prices can change depending on supply and demand. next was fog which was a iou gift for taking away wild but it still doesnt cut it. Other updates such as graphics/summoning were also nice but those r just distractions to make the no good updates ppl go away.




Proof of Jagex and how bad timed everything was is the clan wars update. why couldnt they just do that from the start. really jagex seriously went all out and took away rwt without having a clue where to go to next. as if they thought nobody would get hurt by such a big update.




overall conclusion: The players to have a right to be serious/mad at jagex because lets face it. this year was terrible!

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Just because someone is unhappy, does not mean they are taking it too seriously.




If your favorite aspect of the game was taken out, and you were unhappy, are you taking it too seriouly?


Dungeoneering isn't a skill.

I'm faster than bots at Sorceress Garden.

PM me if you want to chat. My PM is always off.

My keyboard is on fire. Want some?

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Just because someone is unhappy, does not mean they are taking it too seriously.




If your favorite aspect of the game was taken out, and you were unhappy, are you taking it too seriouly?


This. For some people, the game becomes less fun when they update certain stuff. I guess you have the right to be annoyed if they remove your favourite thing to do.




And lol, I love your avatar <3:

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I think that runescape is too serious as I dont mind PvP only existing in bounty hunter as otherwise wilderness agility course would be too dangerous. A player can spot that player behind them. The rev just doesnt see them so ignores them.

My username is jamesrules90 NOT jimmyjames227.


Click here to feed me!

A nice undieable one!!!

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In some peoples lives, the game takes a lot of space. Some other people are so bored they just spend their time whining fault of something else to do.




Games should be played with a play n dump mentality. Eventually, all games become boring or crappy. Thats when you have to dump them and start anew somewhere else. If you get too attached and cant dump them, you whine whine and whine lol




Or worse the game makes you miserable but youre addicted. Lol MUST GET TINY CAPE PIXELS! ARGH BORINGGGGGG! = Omg jagex sucks they should make x skill easier!(whine) Hidden message: I hate RS I want to get un-addicted pl0x help me *cry*




Which you shall answer with a link of something fresh and fun. Victim saved! ;D!

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Players of RuneScape are going to have ranges of levels of how serious they take the game itself. As said, gaming takes a large function of people's lives and even put games before anything such as socializing. This is a way of showing seriousness, because you are not taking your mind of the game. Although like myself, I play for fun and its something to do (its better than sitting infront of a TV screen) but at times I admit I can get abit serious, especially working towards goals nearly achieved. Its a question, what do you mean by serious? How much you play? Players commuication? There are many factors to be considered.

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Players of RuneScape are going to have ranges of levels of how serious they take the game itself. As said, gaming takes a large function of people's lives and even put games before anything such as socializing. This is a way of showing seriousness, because you are not taking your mind of the game. Although like myself, I play for fun and its something to do (its better than sitting infront of a TV screen) but at times I admit I can get abit serious, especially working towards goals nearly achieved. Its a question, what do you mean by serious? How much you play? Players commuication? There are many factors to be considered.




Very well put. =D>





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  • 2 weeks later...

First I though, what the hell am I supposed to do now? (I pked a lot) Got pretty mad at first.




Then I realized I would never get PK or something like it (BH) back. After that I found out that skilling was fun. And now they are going to release a all PK world. NICE!




Well, a game should be fun, not make you angry when you play it. If so, you should quit big time. A game is about having FUN!






I feel that when a fun-factor in the game is removed, players have the right to protest.






I'd be angry if someone took COD4 out of the collection of my Ps3 games :roll:




They didnt take the COD4 out of your collected, they just changed the multiplayer idea. Like: You cant use that wepond on that map. Something like that.



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