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Porn isn't a big deal. Neither is masturbating. Everyone does it. Literally. Now, every night is a bit much, but it isn't that big of a deal - although at 19, you should really be more into girls taking care of that for you.


You just need to get out more. Are you going to college or something soon?

catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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I am a very rational man so I just absolutely refuse to believe in any god... even if it makes me happy thinking that I will "go to heaven." The concept of god is such a ridiculous thing... I just don't know how people can believe it. Surely there must be something in their head that tells them: maybe this is all wrong? I mean, it just bothers me so much that billions of people all over the world can believe this.


Can someone religious please explain to me WHY you believe in a god? While were at it, why do you believe in an invisible place called heaven where all the good people go? I mean, surely, you must see something wrong with this theory, considering there is not one piece of evidence that supports any of it (and don't say the Bible, for all we know that was written by some random guy).


Although I do have to say I do believe in Jesus, I just don't believe he had any magical powers or preformed any miracles or is the "son of god." He was probably just a very influential man whose powers were exaggerated.


Again sorry if I'm offending anyone, I just want to know why people believe this.



(and pegpenguin, I hope you don't think you're the only one who looks at porn every night. Tons of men do it...)


By popular demand, this signature is back- however I currently do not have a blog up at the moment and if I did I wouldn't update it. Sorry, the sig links to nowhere :( .

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I am a very rational man so I just absolutely refuse to believe in any god... even if it makes me happy thinking that I will "go to heaven." The concept of god is such a ridiculous thing... I just don't know how people can believe it. Surely there must be something in their head that tells them: maybe this is all wrong? I mean, it just bothers me so much that billions of people all over the world can believe this.


Can someone religious please explain to me WHY you believe in a god? While were at it, why do you believe in an invisible place called heaven where all the good people go? I mean, surely, you must see something wrong with this theory, considering there is not one piece of evidence that supports any of it (and don't say the Bible, for all we know that was written by some random guy).


Although I do have to say I do believe in Jesus, I just don't believe he had any magical powers or preformed any miracles or is the "son of god." He was probably just a very influential man whose powers were exaggerated.


Again sorry if I'm offending anyone, I just want to know why people believe this.



(and pegpenguin, I hope you don't think you're the only one who looks at porn every night. Tons of men do it...)


Ha-ha I agree with you 100%, the more I learn about Christianity (I'm doing a philosophy of religion course) the more I fail to comprehend how anybody (let alone billions) can believe such obvious [cabbage], and lately I'm getting more and more intolerant and angry with people who believe in a God, which isn't a good thing...


And about the porn thing, it is perfectly normal and actually physically good for you, it's just when you get into the 15+ times a day, which I've heard about I think it becomes a problem lol and in reality there is literally no reason to feel guilty for it.


P.S I hope your not a Roman Catholic, as to them masturbation is worse than rape. :thumbsup:

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I am a very rational man so I just absolutely refuse to believe in any god... even if it makes me happy thinking that I will "go to heaven." The concept of god is such a ridiculous thing... I just don't know how people can believe it.


I understand how you feel. Sometimes, I just think of people who just have blind faith, and they must be happy living in their own little bubble of delusion. Sure, from my point of view, when they die they'll just rot with the rest of the world, but living a life completely convinced that you'll have an afterlife of eternal pleasure and happiness must be good. I guess ignorance IS a bliss.

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Can you disprove the Christian view of teh afterliefz? ;) I don't believe it either, but I don't hate people who do... If you're talking about the people who believe literally in the bible (Noah's arc and [cabbage]), then, yeah, they're idiots...

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I'm a Deist with Christian overtones because I like to say [bleep] you to everyone. I hate attitudes of extremism, but atheist extremism annoys me even more because of how smug and passive-aggressive it is.


Blind faith in anything is silly. And yes, you have complete blind faith in your atheism, because God by nature of faith can neither be proven nor disproven. Blind faith in a religion bugs me as well, but I've grown up around it, and even here in the buckle of the Bible Belt, you don't find many people who rub religion in your face. Many atheists I know are simply atheist because they think it's rebelling. They don't know jack [cabbage] about why the chose it, except other people they might find a good example did it, so that's a good enough reason for them. Many religious people are the same way.


Think for yourself, kiddies.


Oh, and Mario, to answer your question: I refuse to conform to your false rationality. Refusing to believe in a religion doesn't make you any more rational than the next guy. Being rational is a societal construct created so people could make themselves feel better about others because they know more about something they consider higher-level thinking.

catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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While were at it, why do you believe in an invisible place called heaven where all the good people go? I mean, surely, you must see something wrong with this theory, considering there is not one piece of evidence that supports any of it (and don't say the Bible, for all we know that was written by some random guy).

Give me a piece of evidence showing Heaven isn't real. Factual evidence.


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ISTP, there is none, but you can't really have faith in any religion considering most of them say they are the only way to access heaven or a similar paradisaical location, and the odds of them being right are pretty much equal. So the default belief is either what you've been taught, or none at all, unless you have a sort of revelation.


Skull, that link's probably going the very direction istp's post was. Granted, just because "not X' can't be proven, doesn't mean that X is true.

If X is denying heaven's existence, and "not X" is affirming it, then neither is proven.

If "not X" is heaven, and X denying its existence, then neither isn't proven.

So we still don't know.

Matt: You want that eh? You want everything good for you. You want everything that's--falls off garbage can

Camera guy: Whoa, haha, are you okay dude?

Matt: You want anything funny that happens, don't you?

Camera guy: still laughing

Matt: You want the funny shit that happens here and there, you think it comes out of your [bleep]ing [wagon] pushes garbage can down, don't you? You think it's funny? It comes out of here! running towards Camera guy

Camera guy: runs away still laughing

Matt: You think the funny comes out of your mother[bleep]ing creativity? Comes out of Satan, mother[bleep]er! nn--ngh! pushes Camera guy down

Camera guy: Hoooholy [bleep]!


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Yeah, I was just going towards the point of there being no evidence either way, that they're just your own beliefs, so who really cares.


I'm not religious myself really, I just get annoyed by some of the atheists who act like those who believe in a religion are utter morons. Not to say the opposite itsn't true, either - the religious people thinking atheists are morons.


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I'm a free thinker. Can I be nonconformist now?


Yep. Now get in line behind all the other free thinking non-conformists.


Anyway, I really despise all the people that hate on religion like this. Don't believe in a religion? Hey, it's your choice to decide what makes sense to you. But when you start claiming that other people are "stupid" because of what they believe in, you're just acting like a douche. Now I don't mean all the fanatics that kill people because they think "God wants them to", or the people who just believe in whatever without questioning their beliefs, but the people that really analyze their beliefs and find a religion that works for them, who are you to say they shouldn't?


And before you start attacking me for being religious, I don't consider myself to follow or believe in any religion.


Get back here so I can rub your butt.

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I'm a free thinker. Can I be nonconformist now?


Yep. Now get in line behind all the other free thinking non-conformists.


Anyway, I really despise all the people that hate on religion like this. Don't believe in a religion? Hey, it's your choice to decide what makes sense to you. But when you start claiming that other people are "stupid" because of what they believe in, you're just acting like a douche. Now I don't mean all the fanatics that kill people because they think "God wants them to", or the people who just believe in whatever without questioning their beliefs, but the people that really analyze their beliefs and find a religion that works for them, who are you to say they shouldn't?


And before you start attacking me for being religious, I don't consider myself to follow or believe in any religion.

The problem is the people that believe whatever their parents told them to believe and then try to use that as justification for other world views - e.g., two guys can't get married because God would get mad. That's what I hate about religious people, I don't mind the other stuff.


Don't get me wrong, I agree with that, religious beliefs shouldn't govern what rules EVERYONE has to live by.


Get back here so I can rub your butt.

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Anyway, I really despise all the people that hate on religion like this. Don't believe in a religion? Hey, it's your choice to decide what makes sense to you. But when you start claiming that other people are "stupid" because of what they believe in, you're just acting like a douche.


But you see, when you are absolutelly convinced that your answer to a question is the right one, and someone disagrees with your answer, you tend to think they are wrong, and that must mean they don't have the same intelligence level than you. This applies for both atheists and theists.


Let me give you a (bad) example: You think 4x4=16; and your friend thinks 4x4=18. Obviously, it can't be both things, and you are sure that 4x4=16. You did your calculations and everything makes sence, you are sure it' 16, and if your friend didn't get 16 as a result, he must be doing something wrong, meaning he's less intelligent than you, and in most people's words, an idiot. Now, this being a mathematical equation I can't justify your friend's point of view, but suppose the answer to 4x4 can't be proven. Your friend did his calculations, and under his reasoning, it makes sence, so why wouldn't it be 18? Neither of them can be proven or disproven, there can be only one possible correct answer, and for both of you your own reasoning makes sence and the other one doesn't. So why wouldn't be the other one an idiot? Now, this is a very bad example, but I think you get the point.


tl;dr: if someone else doesn't agree with you and you're sure he's wrong, he's an idiot.

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Ok, ima gunna put some stuff out here, just cause.

Im a bit to bold for my size.

Im also a bit to kind for my gender

i can almost garrentee that at least 10-20 people think im gay -.-

Im not exactly the best with social stuff, but i wish i was

I doubt myself alot.

when all hope is seemingly lost, i get lucky. When i think things will go fine, i get not-so-lucky

Im quite content being alone, i dont really need a girlfriend....

but i would love one -.-

I forgive, but never forget

Im stuborn

Video games make me very angry. Im not sure why i play them

I once broke my laptop. I grabed the sides and twisted till the screen snaped.

I blamed it on the computer overheating.

im a dreamer...

I really wish that someone would actually ask me out to something for once....

Too bad it'll never happen -.-

My parents give me continuous headaces

I still love them though

I once asked out a girl. didnt go to well, but i feel good about it.

I love storys, whether it be the campaign of halo and MW2, or just a good book, or even an amazing movie like avatar.

I either lose friends quickly or keep them forever.

I tend to talk a bit to much sometimes

I feel very stressed in life

Thats all i can think of now....

Its nice to get some stuff of my chest

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The existence of deities has been a more commonly held theory for far longer. Wouldn't that switch the sides of negative/positive?


Yeah but it's never been the same deity either.

Fair point. Although you could group all the religious ideas together versus the idea of atheism - which, naturally, has variations and offshoots.


Still, though. Still.

catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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I've got way too many to remember, but I'll share the ones I do.


- I'm 20 and I've been playing runescape for around 7 years and it doesn't embarrass me that I play. All my good mates (from Home and University (differrent cities)) know I play, even my Gf knows. They all jokingly make fun of me for playing but doesn't worry me. But I'm scared to tell them I've spent 180 days on this game :)


- My Family don't know that my Gf is a good friend of mines younger sister (only a year younger than me) but he and his family do.


- My grades were Ok last year at Uni, but I had 2 very bad marks so I lie to people and say they were better than they actually were. However I had 2 very good marks which I say were worse so I'm telling people the right average lol.


- I lost one of my Scholarships due to those 2 bad Papers and I haven't told my parents.


- I drink far to often for my own good and I suspect that's the reason for my poor marks.


- I injured my leg a year ago and still use it as an excuse to be lazy (though truth be told it still is kind of sore and should probably go see a Physio about it again but I'm too lazy).


- I have a strange attraction to accidental nudity pictures.


- I set a sink in my Chemistry lab on fire and set off the fire alarm. No one knows it was me.


- I once had a Girl stalk me for a couple of months. It was strange but I found it rather flattering.


- A guy I know is 'involved' with a friends Mum. My friend doesn't know but quite afew people do and I feel I should tell him but I haven't.


- I hate my Best friends Gf and now there living together and are potentially getting engaged. I don't know how to tell him he can do better and that shes not a nice person (aka B***h).


- I just got a Throwing Knife game winning kill in MW2 and I may have danced for 5 minutes (until the next game started anyway :D) and txted 3 of my mates :P


I think that's enough for now :D

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tl;dr: if someone else doesn't agree with you and you're sure he's wrong, he's an idiot.


I think you'll see that in a religious debate that cuts both ways. There are quite a number of things that would make people believe in some religious being. Enough things to absolutely prove it? Not by a long shot. But there's enough there that you have to at least respect the choice of someone who follows it. Provided they have examined their beliefs, of course. On this matter, until it's proven or disproven, it's really all a matter of agreeing or disagreeing on an opinion, as there are no facts on it. Hopefully one day we will get a definite answer either way.


I understand what you were trying to say with that analogy, but as bad as I am with math, I know that there is a definite answer to each equation that can be reached by applying the rules of the formula. With this, none of the pieces are in place. An incomplete equation. To prove or disprove religion, we need science to fill in the blanks.


Get back here so I can rub your butt.

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Haha sorry I turned this thread into a temporary religious debate. I kinda considered totally erasing that post a few minutes after I posted it, but I said, hey, what the heck. I've spent my entire tip.it life thinking twice about posting anything; I always read over my posts and think how people will respond. Sometimes I just hit the back button. But I just gave it a shot because I was curious if anyone felt the same way. :razz:


Really it is kinda hard for me to avoid being an extreme atheist... infact I think I am one. But I don't really want to be... I'm the kind of guy who likes to see it from other people's points of view. Like for example, when the government enacts some law that everyone complains about, I see it from the government's point of view and figure out "hey, that's actually a beneficial law."


Damnit sorry I talk too much. I've already edited this post 3 times now I won't do it again. Bye.


EDIT: fourth edit... spotted a grammar mistake. Bye.


EDIT: fifth edit... removed some cursing. Lol.


By popular demand, this signature is back- however I currently do not have a blog up at the moment and if I did I wouldn't update it. Sorry, the sig links to nowhere :( .

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Mario, you are more likely agnostic. Also don't get too much in the habit of agreeing with what the government bring in as a law, some aren't well thought out.

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Mario, you are more likely agnostic. Also don't get too much in the habit of agreeing with what the government bring in as a law, some aren't well thought out.


I don't know what that means. :mellow: But anyway I know that all the laws are well thought out, I just wish people would stop bashing on the government and try to see it from their perspective. For the most part, the government is trying to help. Now of course we shouldn't all stop bashing on the government, that's how it keeps running knowing that we still care about how our country is run. I agree that criticism is necessary, but sometimes its just ridiculous what I hear from people.


By popular demand, this signature is back- however I currently do not have a blog up at the moment and if I did I wouldn't update it. Sorry, the sig links to nowhere :( .

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But anyway I know that all the laws are well thought out, I just wish people would stop bashing on the government and try to see it from their perspective.



Yea man, totally thought-out. Now I'm obviously fairly big on government and all that, but sometimes you really do have to just step back and shake your head at the idiocy of some officials.


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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But anyway I know that all the laws are well thought out, I just wish people would stop bashing on the government and try to see it from their perspective.



Yea man, totally thought-out. Now I'm obviously fairly big on government and all that, but sometimes you really do have to just step back and shake your head at the idiocy of some officials.

Uhhh, nope, no.


Just constitutionally ape-[cabbage] insane Michael Atkinson and the rest of the octogenarians in the Senate.

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