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Starting to Smoke


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Have you ever smoked before? People only feel relaxed by smoking because they've been smoking for a while and become dependant on nicotine. Your first smoke will probably cause you to splutter/cough or even wretch.




have you ever smoked before?




nicotine is a stimulant and calms nerves - if you ever have an anxiety attack, a cigarette will reduce or stop it




Your reason as to why people feel relaxed is false. However, people may become stressed when deprived of nicotine, so, if the user is addicted, the act of smoking would reduce the stress, in addition to the relaxing properties of nicotine

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You flip burgers... you have no idea what real stress is.


Yep.... I imagine there's allot of people on this forum who are in for nasty surprises.






Smoking doesn't do anything positive. People I know who smoke seem to get stressed far easier than people who don't, I think allot of their stress is caused by the simple need for cigarettes. If you see a smoker misplace their pack you'll see what I mean.




Alcohol on the other hand..... :thumbup:


Since 27 Aug 2002

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I would have to throw my vote towards the 'don't smoke' side of things. I know and respect a number of smokers, but can't stand being around them when they're smoking....




The main point of my post was to respond to this one thing, which will probably get me flamed, but whatever - too tired to care.




@Yomyth: I think you're very closed minded towards controlled substances. I recommend making some friends who use those types of substances and seeing they're not bad people at all.




I'm very well aware that there are people who 'use those types of substances' and are excellent people. The excellence of substance users is about as varied/diverse as the excellence of non-substance users. However, when there are excellent people who don't use substances that I personally detest, I see little reason to surround myself with those who do. Being against 'controlled substances' and their users is not the same thing as claiming those users are horrible people - simply that they are people I personally would not want to be around.


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If you see a smoker misplace their pack you'll see what I mean.



Yeah, we just ask a friend if they have one and repay them later. Smokers don't get irate or go on some killing spree when we lose our pack.





Alcohol on the other hand..... :thumbup:


I hope you're being sarcastic with this...alcohol can kill you a lot faster than cigarettes can. You can't get nicotine poisoning, and being addicted to cigarettes is a lot better than being an alcoholic.


"He could climb to it, if he climbed alone, and once there he could suck on the pap of life, gulp down the incomparable milk of wonder."

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I'm very well aware that there are people who 'use those types of substances' and are excellent people. The excellence of substance users is about as varied/diverse as the excellence of non-substance users. However, when there are excellent people who don't use substances that I personally detest, I see little reason to surround myself with those who do. Being against 'controlled substances' and their users is not the same thing as claiming those users are horrible people - simply that they are people I personally would not want to be around.




I agree. There's a good reason I don't date smokers. Although, I've always been somehow connected to the "drugee" crowd (by that, I mean soft drug users with the occaisional hard drug user). I don't know why, since I barely even drink, but something about that type of person can be rather attractive.





Alcohol on the other hand..... :thumbup:


I hope you're being sarcastic with this...alcohol can kill you a lot faster than cigarettes can. You can't get nicotine poisoning, and being addicted to cigarettes is a lot better than being an alcoholic.




You can get nicotine poisoning. Nicotine is a poison.

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Being against 'controlled substances' and their users is not the same thing as claiming those users are horrible people - simply that they are people I personally would not want to be around.


This is an incredibly diverse population of people, as you said. How do you expect to differentiate users from non-users? Most of them, especially without the anonymity of the internet, will not tell you upfront about what they do in their own time.




Your prejudice is comparable to early homophobia; it's an unrealistic aversion to an entire population of people (very few of whom fit the stereotype) based on their different beliefs and their "immoral" actions behind closed doors.

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Being against 'controlled substances' and their users is not the same thing as claiming those users are horrible people - simply that they are people I personally would not want to be around.


This is an incredibly diverse population of people, as you said. How do you expect to differentiate users from non-users? Most of them, especially without the anonymity of the internet, will not tell you upfront about what they do in their own time.




Your prejudice is comparable to early homophobia; it's an unrealistic aversion to an entire population of people (very few of whom fit the stereotype) based on their different beliefs and their "immoral" actions behind closed doors.




The prejudice is no worse than avoiding becoming friends with jocks if you don't like sports or partiers if you don't like to party or gamers if you don't like to play video games. Those aren't necessarily right, but they don't necessarily have any malintent behind them. For example, I never become friends with prolific drug users because I don't do drugs. So, I don't know if I would compare it to homophobia; that seems a little extreme. Unless Saidin is saying something that I missed.

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I would have to throw my vote towards the 'don't smoke' side of things. I know and respect a number of smokers, but can't stand being around them when they're smoking....




#1 reason why i don't smoke around people unless they are smoking too. i know that they don't like it, and i actually don't need one that badly, so i'll let it be for a few hours while i'm around people, if it's been like 9 hours, yeah i'll excuse myself from the group and grab one.

[hide=WOO TEXT! updated Jan 19, 2009 (last quote)]

And Evil you mad bastard. You are definately bringing TET back up to it's glory. No doubt about it. Keep it going champ.

24,485th to 99 defence on 7-23-08

I always forget you're 20 too. I always think you're 25 or something. o.o

Ya think that I'm insane, Its not sane... its not sane

obligitory devart link: http://evil-mumm-ra.deviantart.com/

Pogonophobia is the fear of beards.

She isn't naked so it's legal.
I'm a porn star.
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Get rid of the cause of the stress not the stress itself


That's some pretty damn good advice.




That's actually not good advice in this case. His stress seems to be coming from school and work for the most part. Think he should drop out of school and quit his job so he doesn't have them stressing him out anymore?

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The prejudice is no worse than avoiding becoming friends with jocks if you don't like sports or partiers if you don't like to party or gamers if you don't like to play video games.


Imagine if you attempted to avoid getting close to all those who played video games just because you don't agree with video games. This is unrealistic, to say the least. You might be able to avoid the obvious gamers -- those stereotypical geeks who socialize only by means of 'player chat' -- but for the rest of the population, some of which you may already be close with, it will be difficult to tell, let alone avoid all of them. :lol:

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The prejudice is no worse than avoiding becoming friends with jocks if you don't like sports or partiers if you don't like to party or gamers if you don't like to play video games.


Imagine if you attempted to avoid getting close to all those who played video games just because you don't agree with video games. This is unrealistic, to say the least. You might be able to avoid the obvious gamers -- those stereotypical geeks who socialize only by means of 'player chat' -- but for the rest of the population, some of which you may already be close with, it will be difficult to tell, let alone avoid all of them. :lol:




Yeah, that might be a bit hard considering everyone plays video games these days. Not to be sexist, but I guess a person like that would be stuck with a lot of women... :thumbsup: ?

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You can get nicotine poisoning. Nicotine is a poison.


The only ways you can get nicotine poisoning is if children eat cigarette butts, or if you are exposed to insecticides. An adult smoking cigarettes will not get nicotine poisoning. Alcohol poisoning is far more common than nicotine poisoning.


"He could climb to it, if he climbed alone, and once there he could suck on the pap of life, gulp down the incomparable milk of wonder."

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You can get nicotine poisoning. Nicotine is a poison.


The only ways you can get nicotine poisoning is if children eat cigarette butts, or if you are exposed to insecticides. An adult smoking cigarettes will not get nicotine poisoning. Alcohol poisoning is far more common than nicotine poisoning.




Alcohol poisoning is very common. Most people know it as a hangover. An adult can get nicotine poisoning from smoking too many cigarettes, chewing too much nicotine gum, or putting too many nicotine patches on themselves; it's just not likely because most people don't just one day pick up a pack of cigarettes and decide to become a chain smoker. In other words, smoking cigarettes can give you nicotine poisoning whether it is common or not is irrelevant.




Here's wikipedia on the topic.

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I'm afraid I was misunderstood... my point was that deloriagod said that in order to not be narrow-minded on the issue, one should actively seek out 'substance users' as friends, simply to verify that they aren't the scum of the earth. I'm aware that they aren't, but I'm not going to go out and try to find 'substance users' to befriend when I can just befriend people who are less likely to use said substances. That was all I intended with my post.


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SaidinWoT can now be tracked easily on weekends - Erm, maybe when I start playing again.

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I honestly don't think smoking should ever be the answer. In the long run, you will not live as long (probably). It can also be socialy debilitating for someone like you who sounds like they are going somplace in life. In many better educated social circles, you will find that smoking is not acceptable (these are of course generalizations). Realise that there are many more people who instantly hate people who smoke than there are people who hate people who dont smoke.




If I were you, I would find a more natural stress reliever be it running, puching a punching bag, listning to music, whatever floats your boat.




About befrinding 'substance users'. Nogo for me. The smell of cigarets makes me incredibly nauseus resulting in me being dizzy, lathargic, and all with an overwhelming desire to puke. I don't handle other substance odours much better, and most cented products make it incresingly hard for me to breathe and often cause tremors and lathargy.




I hate people who smoke because most are inconsiderate and have forgotten just how much their cigarets (not to metion them and their clothes) reek. 9 times out of 10 a smoker will go upwind of other people. I figure if I ever tried smoking i'd probably die by drowning...in my own bile.

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I have been thinking about this. When people smoke, they are doing nothing, and just breathing slowly. Couldn't this (the breathing) be the relaxation factor?

My relaxation method involves a bottle of lotion, beautiful women, and partial nudity. Yes I get massages.



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