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Not sure what I'm dong for Halloween...Rest of my family might go away and I'll get house to myself! or stay in a relatives :evil:




Either way, hopefully going to a club thing going on down near where I live, gonna be amazing!! Have to dress up for it too :thumbsup:




Gonna buy a Mask that covers my forhead,eyes and nose, leaving my mouth all sweet :shock: Wonder why...going to a large disco/party with a lotta girls.... 8-)




Anyway, as i was saying, a mask to cover eyes, and maybe wear a suit type fo thing with it :twisted: Bu super cool ;)


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I remember really loving Halloween when I was 10 and younger.




I still think it's good fun for the young'uns and I get a bit miffed when people are offended by it... but at the end of the day, each to their own.




This year? I'll be staying home and catching up on some much-needed rest! :lol:

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I usually stay at my house with my friends and give out candy. When we feel someone is undeserving of candy, I have my friend put on his halloween mask, run up to my house infront of the undeserving teens and give out a guitar or xbox etc to my friend and say to the teens it was my last one.


Happy to find I'm not the only one who eats glass.

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Hehe, that's funny. Make sure your friend is bigger than them, though. Don't want to lose your stuff :lol:




It'd be even funnier if you were a sexy woman, and invited him in for his "tick'or'treat".





catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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  • 2 weeks later...
I remember really loving Halloween when I was 10 and younger.




I still think it's good fun for the young'uns and I get a bit miffed when people are offended by it... but at the end of the day, each to their own.




This year? I'll be staying home and catching up on some much-needed rest! :lol:




I still wish halloween was left to the freaks :(. Normal people take over all the fun stuff and claim it as their own :(.




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I haven't been out on Halloween for probably at least 5 years. But I did dress up as Mrs. Lovett from Sweeney Todd for school this year. I may post a picture of me in my costume later, but for now I'll leave you guys with a reference picture:




[hide=Large Image]2007_sweeney_todd_024.jpg[/hide]




My costume is based on that, but it's home-made. Not hand-sewn, but put together from things I already had (except I bought socks and a corset). I used:




  • [*:mn4qmdlr]My mother's old, black, lacy dress.
    [*:mn4qmdlr]My mom's poofy mesh skirt, which was worn under the dress to give it some body. But the skirt is slightly longer than the dress so you can see some mesh at the bottom, which was perfect.
    [*:mn4qmdlr]A store-bought black corset with black lace trim at the bottom. We sewed some red lace trim around the top. The corset was worn over the dress.
    [*:mn4qmdlr]My mom's black arm-warmers with black buttons down the sides, which were sewed down with red thread (which stuck out nicely, to match the red lace on the corset).
    [*:mn4qmdlr]Store-bought black socks with grey, brown and red stripes.
    [*:mn4qmdlr]My black converse. Not part of my costume, but I wore them. I intended to wear black boots, but it was raining today and I didn't want to get my mom's boots all muddy. So I wore my converse, which actually looked nice with the outfit, even if they were out of character.
    [*:mn4qmdlr]Crazy hair :lol:

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I can't see the picture, Tripis, but it sounds like an awesome costume :)




I didn't do anything for Halloween. Gave the kids that came round a few candies that were made in China, and that was it. I tried one of the candies this morning, and it smelt like rubber, had the same texture as one, and tasted like Vitamin C Tables :?

My relaxation method involves a bottle of lotion, beautiful women, and partial nudity. Yes I get massages.



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My parents wouldn't let me hand out the candy this year. Or go near any trick-or-treaters with the axe :| What's the fun of Halloween if you can't scare people with the threat of axe murder?


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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Like most Aussies, it will just be another night.




Same. I just wish it could be all and not most. No offence to any Americans here (and it's not really your fault at all), but I'd rather we not import your customs into our country when they have no relevance to us at all.

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Here's how my Halloween went: Came from school, ate, went out with a friend, went to the plaza to meet more friends, all of us went trick or treating, got separated because my friend and I have decided to meet two more people, got a Vendetta mask and a silly scream mask with a tongue out, went from door to door WAZZAPing everyone with the mask on (old people don't get the joke), went behind some school to chill, met a group of black people with baseball bats, nothing happened though, did pull ups, muscle ups, running, handstand push ups, etc and headed home while two of my buddies went to the bar. Now I'm tired.

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[bleep] CANDY YES




I'm probably one of the few high-schoolers that still trick-or-treats and enjoys it for the candy. Probably just gonna wrassle up a mask somewhere, though. Can't afford anything else.


my neighbor is a softmore and he trick or treats w/ his gf and buddy, he was a cowboy lmao :lol:


PSN: Skaterguy1224 Tactical Nukes - 22

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I've ended up writing my final draft for my english class. Oh boy, I know. I guess my friend invited me to a party tonight like last week but I apparently spaced it out, cause when my she asked me when I was heading over to the party I had no clue wtf she was talking about... Can't do anything about that now :wall:.




Positive side to all this is that I finish one essay before i start writing my another paper that is due Tuesday :| . [vent] I have had papers back to back for the past month, including a span for 3 weeks of midterms which doesn't make any scene to why it took three weeks...[/vent]

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Fixed. Sorry, it was bothering me








As for my night.. My brother got baked, dressed up as a ninja, and went trick-or-treating. So I went with him and encouraged him to do stupid [cabbage] most of the night. I had a good time and I don't think he could have had a bad time haha.

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I went to a party, went trick-or-treating with a couple of the people there, but stopped after 3 houses since every person who answered the door gave me dirty looks. So after that I just walked around and talked with people. Then played halo, COD, and rockband for the rest of the night :)

[bleep] the law, they can eat my dick that's word to Pimp

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