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"Baby Killer" given life sentence


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http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/sout ... 688929.stm




A father who murdered his baby daughter by snapping her spine will spend at least 22 years in prison.




James Howson, 25, was given a life sentence at Leeds Crown Court for the murder of 16-month-old Amy at their home in Doncaster, South Yorkshire.




He was convicted of murder on Tuesday after a jury heard he held Amy over his knee and broke her back in two.


That is just a horrifically chilling story. What has the world become? You hear of murders all the time, but this is just horrible, killing a defenceless child in such a horrific way.

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Happens all the time, everywhere, and yes I do mean babies are killed like this everywhere.




It is horrible yes, but it really isn't anything new, and there's hardly anything to discuss here unless someone wants to troll and posts something totally emotionless.

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What do you mean "What has the world become"?




It's always been like that. I'm sorry if my comment is slightly offensive but it has. Crime in the UK is falling. If anything, it's getting better, not worse.

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Gees. That guy is sick. Killing someone is extreme, but killing a helpless baby that didn't do anything! I'm glad this creep is going to jail.

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I'm glad this creep is going to jail.


When someone does something like this, it's obvious that he has an extreme mental disorder. There is without any doubt a deeper story behind this. In a better society, he would get help, and it wouldn't affect harmless babies in such a horrible way.



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there was a baby who died here in nz earlier this year under pretty unfortunate circumstances




the court found out during the trial that she was often put in a clothes drier (switched on and tumble dried), and sometimes attached to a clothes line and spun around for a while.




She wasnt even wet




i dont know if its moral panic or media frenzy but i do seem to read about heinous crimes more lately




i agree with the above post and hate it when the justice system is used as the revenge system, like the grandpa seems to want. But until we find a better (clockwork orange-esque) solution jail is the best option

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It is horrible yes, but it really isn't anything new, and there's hardly anything to discuss here unless someone wants to troll and posts something totally emotionless.




That baby got what it deserved.








Sorry, I'm just tired of all the "OMG I can't believe he did that!" "I hope he gets killed for that" crap every time something bad happens. Who cares anymore. It's not surprising or anything.

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It is horrible yes, but it really isn't anything new, and there's hardly anything to discuss here unless someone wants to troll and posts something totally emotionless.




That baby got what it deserved.








Sorry, I'm just tired of all the "OMG I can't believe he did that!" "I hope he gets killed for that" crap every time something bad happens. Who cares anymore. It's not surprising or anything.


well i disagree with the baby deserving it, but stuff worse than this happens all the time.


people are just too sensitive about stuff.


but i agree with it not being surprising, i hear about stuff like this daily. its lost its shocking effect on me i've heard about it so much.

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That's called Capital Punishment, lol.






Did the baby drop good loot?






[/end emotionless rude comment]






Yea, this most likely was a mental disorder, and it's amazing it wasn't spotted sooner. I feel awful for the baby, if anyone did that to my little sister I'd have to kill em, for real.

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I don't think child molesters/murders fare very well in prison. Poetic justice at it's finest.


Go to Saudi Arabia. Islamic justice is some crazy [cabbage].




Wonder if he thought she would be disabled in life, or mentally ill, or something.

catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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That sentence is not harsh enough, I believe the way the law of the land should work is "an eye for an eye". So since he snapped her spine in two, he should be dealt with the same way and have his spine snapped in two.




"An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind."




It's a good quote, but it doesn't prove anything. An eye for an eye is a great system. The only trouble is this: What if the person turns out to be innocent? An eye for an eye can work, but not until investigation technology gets to the point where it's impossible to get an innocent person.


Get back here so I can rub your butt.

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I hope he meets that big, horny inmate that every prison has.


And when someone drops the soap in the shower, he goes to pick it up.


lol u r so original.

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That sentence is not harsh enough, I believe the way the law of the land should work is "an eye for an eye". So since he snapped her spine in two, he should be dealt with the same way and have his spine snapped in two.




"An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind."




It's a good quote, but it doesn't prove anything. An eye for an eye is a great system. The only trouble is this: What if the person turns out to be innocent? An eye for an eye can work, but not until investigation technology gets to the point where it's impossible to get an innocent person.




The idea is that society has evolved past the barbarian stage. And that quote was from Gandhi. You don't mess with Mahatma Gandhi.


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That sentence is not harsh enough, I believe the way the law of the land should work is "an eye for an eye". So since he snapped her spine in two, he should be dealt with the same way and have his spine snapped in two.




"An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind."




It's a good quote, but it doesn't prove anything. An eye for an eye is a great system. The only trouble is this: What if the person turns out to be innocent? An eye for an eye can work, but not until investigation technology gets to the point where it's impossible to get an innocent person.




The idea is that society has evolved past the barbarian stage. And that quote was from Gandhi. You don't mess with Mahatma Gandhi.






Gandhi was a great person, and I love his peaceful ideas. But punishment for crime isn't good enough. I read a quote somewhere called "Pudgy on Crime" from the New York Times. I believe it went:




"The fact is, we as Americans are not tough on crime, but pudgy, with great rolls of fat hanging from our bellies and brains."




That isn't the exact quote, but the moral of the story is: We're too damn lenient.


Get back here so I can rub your butt.

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I'm glad this creep is going to jail.


When someone does something like this, it's obvious that he has an extreme mental disorder. There is without any doubt a deeper story behind this. In a better society, he would get help, and it wouldn't affect harmless babies in such a horrible way.




I suppose you are right. But if he is that extreme, then he should be in a Straight Jacket anyway.

My relaxation method involves a bottle of lotion, beautiful women, and partial nudity. Yes I get massages.



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Yea, this most likely was a mental disorder, and it's amazing it wasn't spotted sooner. I feel awful for the baby, if anyone did that to my little sister I'd have to kill em, for real.


i hadn't thought of that.


but if someone did that to my little sister i wouldnt just kill them, id make sure they suffered and died painfully and slowly. but im not saying he deserves that.






Gandhi was a great person, and I love his peaceful ideas. But punishment for crime isn't good enough. I read a quote somewhere called "Pudgy on Crime" from the New York Times. I believe it went:




"The fact is, we as Americans are not tough on crime, but pudgy, with great rolls of fat hanging from our bellies and brains."




That isn't the exact quote, but the moral of the story is: We're too damn lenient.


The fact is that that the american penal system isn't too damn lenient, it doesn't treat people fairly. It's quite ridiculous that the rich and famous can get away with doing horrible things, but anybody that isn't famous or doesnt have millions and millions of dollars has to go to jail for long periods of time, even if their crime isn't that bad.


the whole system itself is greatly flawed.


But the guy probably had some sort of mental problem.

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It's a sick crime, I agree. And I really don't want to turn this into an abortion debate, but it just interests me that a few months earlier and this baby girl would have been perfectly fine to kill in many gruesome, unpleasant ways. But after she's out of the mother? It's a damned life sentence if you harm her. Nevertheless, I fully support him being punished in whatever means necessary, because people who kill babies are sick bastards because they don't have the guts to take on a person who can actually fight back.


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