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Is this considered racism?


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It is mildly rascist (EDIT: Actually it isn't. I changed my mind. Different people don't have to like one certain race), but different people prefer different things in girls. Your friends were just being idiots in saying that, because they probably feel the same too about other races.

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It is mildly rascist, but different people prefer different things in girls. Your friends were just being idiots in saying that, because they probably feel the same too about other races.








What's racist about being attracted to a particular group of people and not others? As other people have said, that's like saying you're automatically a homophobe if you're not a bisexual.

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Racial profiling is a pretty sweeping generalization... You can't honestly say you haven't met at least a few attractive people from every ethnicity...








I'd say people from all ethnicities are mostly average, no group is above another.








The only reason why some cultures seek to emulate western/european looks is media influence, and possibly the fact that caucasian people have interesting genetic 'mutations' that shouldn't practically exist, like blond/light brown/red hair, all sorts of eye colors from light blue to dark green and hazel, while the usual norm amongst most cultures in the world is simply black hair and eyes, sometimes brown.

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Uhh are you saying Rihanna isn't bangin'? :twss:








/end stupid joke








No, it's not at all. In fact, I'm white and won't date any white girl because they remind me of my sister, even if they're nothing like them. I go for the dark meat if you know what I mean. And the kind with soy sauce and sushi. ;)

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It scares me how many people don't know the difference between what is racist and what is it. Are we all afraid of being called racist nowadays? :wall:








it scares me how many people don't know the difference between racist and prejudiced








and no, it isn't racism, nor is it prejudiced. You have preferences, its just that a stigma is put on race so talk of preference is generally negative.

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No, it's not at all. In fact, I'm white and won't date any white girl because they remind me of my sister, even if they're nothing like them. I go for the dark meat if you know what I mean. And the kind with soy sauce and sushi. ;)




That sounds like some really disturbing complex you've got there. It's like you think you're sister's bangin' but you're trying to put yourself in denial or something.








Come on. What about the head cheerleader of Compton in "Bring it On"?




ANYTHING in "Bring it On" is composed of raw, unadulterated evil.

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by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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I'm always told by other guys about how hot a certain African American girl is. I just shake my head and say, "Eh, not really." I doubt that is racist.




ANYTHING in "Bring it On" is composed of raw, unadulterated evil.


Its a shame to say, but I have seen the movie. I agree wholeheartedly...And then some.


|Signature by Jason321|

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It's perfectly normal to be attracted to specifically certain races, be they your own or others. I, personally, am not attracted to African Americans or Indians, but attracted to white and Latina girls. It's a matter of preference, really, and there's nothing racist about it.

So, basically Earthysun is Jesus's only son.






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ANYTHING in "Bring it On" is composed of raw, unadulterated evil.


Its a shame to say, but I have seen the movie. I agree wholeheartedly...And then some.


Sadly, so have I, and I agree as well. :wall:

~ W ~



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No, I think it is ridiculous to say that is racist. I mean in GENERAL I do not find indian people attractive, but there certainly are some, and when I see one I find attractive(which I have) I will be the first to admit it.




The definition of racism is treating someone differently because of their race. Finding someone unattractive cannot fall into that category, since there are attractive and unattractive people in every race.

"It's not a rest for me, it's a rest for the weights." - Dom Mazzetti

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It's annoying, people dont really understand what racism is exactly. They think if you say something bad about someone who is different skin colour/relegion to you, then your racist :? . What is it though, how white people can be racist to black people, but black people dont get called racist for saying the same kind of stuff about white people? ;)

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I don't think it's racist because I'll admit that I only generally get attracted to black, white or mix-raced boys.


It's just my preference. However, I am friends with quite a few boys that are from other races too.


It's only racist if you say "I can't date her BECAUSE she's Indian" or say that you can't associate with someone because of their race which is something that I certainly do not do.

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First: No that's not racism.




This is probably dragging too much into it but I have to say it...


So a girl in Tennessee (I think, I'm not sure) got called a racist for wearing a T-shirt saying 'Go, Sarah, Go' (referring to Palin) to school, because the girl is Caucaisan and OMG she likes Palin more than Obama! Sorry that's not being racist but the ones doing the calling were being racist.




Also... This is probably way too far... Oh well.


On a college campus somewhere (don't remember where) someone hung an effigy of Obama, and if they catch the person who did it, he's going to be prosecuted for racism because it's a hate crime. Yet someone hung an effigy of Palin (in CA) and they know who did it (it's in the guy's yard...) and they're not going to prosecute him because she's not black. You could even call it a hate crime, because it's against a woman. But they won't because they don't believe Racism goes both ways.




Yeah sorry for the rant. By the way, I'm a Caucasian female... And I find mostly Caucasian guys attractive... And someone will probably call me a racist for saying that. It's not, people need to get over it. It's gone too far, we've gone too far with the race cards... Caucasians are actually getting the raw end nowadays...




I could go on but I won't because people will get more angry at me. But I want to hear what you say. :)

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First: No that's not racism.




This is probably dragging too much into it but I have to say it...


So a girl in Tennessee (I think, I'm not sure) got called a racist for wearing a T-shirt saying 'Go, Sarah, Go' (referring to Palin) to school, because the girl is Caucaisan and OMG she likes Palin more than Obama! Sorry that's not being racist but the ones doing the calling were being racist.




Also... This is probably way too far... Oh well.


On a college campus somewhere (don't remember where) someone hung an effigy of Obama, and if they catch the person who did it, he's going to be prosecuted for racism because it's a hate crime. Yet someone hung an effigy of Palin (in CA) and they know who did it (it's in the guy's yard...) and they're not going to prosecute him because she's not black. You could even call it a hate crime, because it's against a woman. But they won't because they don't believe Racism goes both ways.




Yeah sorry for the rant. By the way, I'm a Caucasian female... And I find mostly Caucasian guys attractive... And someone will probably call me a racist for saying that. It's not, people need to get over it. It's gone too far, we've gone too far with the race cards... Caucasians are actually getting the raw end nowadays...




I could go on but I won't because people will get more angry at me. But I want to hear what you say. :)




that is probably the best explanation of how to describe racism, but i think the reason its a hate crime against obama is because black people are minorities. i think politics/personnel prejudice play a big part in it too, not presidential, because my friends and i were detained a few months back and the only one the police questioned about were we got the "dope" was my indian friend,india not native american, and i personally think it was just because his skin was darker and i think a few of the cops were skin heads because they talked about how they beat there children but thats a different story

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I don't believe that black people are such minorities anymore... There's still less African Americans than Caucasians, but not enough for them to be a minority, I don't think... In the US I would say minorites are Asian and Middle Eastern people.

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If you prefer short girls over tall girls would that make you a heightist? No, I think that would just make you normal. There's probably a reason why people usually marry within their own race - even in a melting pot like America it's the norm.

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I don't believe that black people are such minorities anymore... There's still less African Americans than Caucasians, but not enough for them to be a minority, I don't think... In the US I would say minorites are Asian and Middle Eastern people.










can i have some of that crack that your smoking pretty please?






Im caucasian and let me tell you, WE are the majority,EVERYONE ELSE is the minority,IF blacks weren't A minority they would be the majority but they are not.....






Let me explain it to you in small words




Whites= majority of population




Everyone else= minority of population




Get it?

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Obama's half-black, so I suppose it's debatable?






his character is black though.


What level is he?!??!


I don't believe that black people are such minorities anymore... There's still less African Americans than Caucasians, but not enough for them to be a minority, I don't think... In the US I would say minorites are Asian and Middle Eastern people.










can i have some of that crack that your smoking pretty please?




Im caucasian and let me tell you, WE are the majority,EVERYONE ELSE is the minority,IF blacks weren't A minority they would be the majority but they are not.....






Let me explain it to you in small words




Whites= majority of population




Everyone else= minority of population




Get it?


If you knew how to read, you would know that he meant the amount of African Americans is increasing. I don't know if that's true or not though.


Cenin pân nîd, istan pân nîd, dan nin ú-cenich, nin ú-istach.

Ithil luin eria vi menel caran...Tîn dan delu.

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I don't believe that black people are such minorities anymore... There's still less African Americans than Caucasians, but not enough for them to be a minority, I don't think... In the US I would say minorites are Asian and Middle Eastern people.










can i have some of that crack that your smoking pretty please?






Im caucasian and let me tell you, WE are the majority,EVERYONE ELSE is the minority,IF blacks weren't A minority they would be the majority but they are not.....






Let me explain it to you in small words




Whites= majority of population




Everyone else= minority of population




Get it?




By the time you've grown up, according to US census bureau latinos and black people will constitute the majority of the US population.




Not to mention, in the world as a whole, white people constitute only around 8% of the world population, which means 92% of other people alive currently are *not* white.




Also, other nations will probably want a share of the wealth in the future, seeing how disproportionately it's distributed in the world; white people are a small minority in the world, yet besides Japan/China and a select few oil sheiks, control nearly all the important wealth and resources.

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