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Barack Obama is the 44th President of the United States


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And you think all these kids do this without any influence from parents whatsoever?




Of course not...after all, research shows that family has the largest impact on political views; teachers are second, and peers are third.




However, my point is that these kids are doing it on their own free will, not because their parents told them to volunteer/hold a sign. I do know what you mean though about some kids waving American flags/holding signs. I don't particularly know why it's a big deal as long as you're not using the kid as a political prop, or using them to send a political message.

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And you think all these kids do this without any influence from parents whatsoever? Perhaps there are some kids which take a real interest in politics from a young age of their own accord, but you can't deny that many parents force their own political views on their kids too.


I think there's a difference between forcing children into a certain political spectrum, and simply influencing them. The fact is, it's not like they'd been frog-marched down to the nearest HQ and told to do this for the Obama campaign, or told to hold an Obama sign and smile for the cameras. They did come in at their own free will, and if they'd have been a Republican, good for them too.




At the end of the day, these children are the future. They're the ones who will have to face the challenges left for them. They're the ones who will vote in ten years time. If they're getting involved in politics at such a young age and fighting for what they believe in by trying to make a difference, I think that has to be credited.




I can't speak for Australia, but certainly in the UK I don't know of many under-18s who canvass for any of the three major political parties near to an election. In fact, I don't know any who are even members of a trade union or a political party.




EDIT: Just read Sumpta's closing paragraph. Spot on. =D>

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Also, Sumpta, I couldn't agree more with your post. The fact that so many people are against the idea of paying a bit extra in tax in order to help a struggling single mother or anyone who's had something awful happening to them, honestly disgusts me.




And believe me, there are more of those than there are people simply looking for handouts and don't want to work. The vast majority of people want to work; they want to contribute to society, so why people are focusing on the small percent who don't is somewhat confusing.


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And you think all these kids do this without any influence from parents whatsoever? Perhaps there are some kids which take a real interest in politics from a young age of their own accord, but you can't deny that many parents force their own political views on their kids too.


I think there's a difference between forcing children into a certain political spectrum, and simply influencing them. The fact is, it's not like they'd been frog-marched down to the nearest HQ and told to do this for the Obama campaign, or told to hold an Obama sign and smile for the cameras. They did come in at their own free will, and if they'd have been a Republican, good for them too.




At the end of the day, these children are the future. They're the ones who will have to face the challenges left for them. They're the ones who will vote in ten years time. If they're getting involved in politics at such a young age and fighting for what they believe in by trying to make a difference, I think that has to be credited.




I can't speak for Australia, but certainly in the UK I don't know of many under-18s who canvass for any of the three major political parties near to an election. In fact, I don't know any who are even members of a trade union or a political party.




EDIT: Just read Sumpta's closing paragraph. Spot on. =D>




Agreed on every point. Most of us at around my age are going to be left the mess the Bush administration started, and we'll have to start cleaning it up. We get this legacy that we have to fix. Obama being elected was a step forward, and it needs to continue. We might actually be taken seriously for once.

I was going to eat hot dogs for dinner tonight. I think I will settle for cereal.



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Too bad he's not left-wing :wall:






Suppose he can't do it worse than Bush lol




thats where ur wrong. he will be worse than bush. it really depends on ur status. if u r poor great if ur upper class bad! this communism in a sense. and that slide show of ppl reaction. i cant really believe it. i mean every country in the world hates usa. its a fact. isnt it bad to see ppl having good reaction to obamas winning the presidency?

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Too bad he's not left-wing :wall:






Suppose he can't do it worse than Bush lol




thats where ur wrong. he will be worse than bush. it really depends on ur status. if u r poor great if ur upper class bad! this communism in a sense. and that slide show of ppl reaction. i cant really believe it. i mean every country in the world hates usa. its a fact. isnt it bad to see ppl having good reaction to obamas winning the presidency?




Yomyth, get your head out of the toilet. Everything you just posted is made up, and are statements without evidence. :| You aren't even an American, so how could you know. I'm not one either, so I don't entirely know too.




On Topic: I am not American, but this sure is pleasing :D

My relaxation method involves a bottle of lotion, beautiful women, and partial nudity. Yes I get massages.



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Too bad he's not left-wing :wall:






Suppose he can't do it worse than Bush lol




thats where ur wrong. he will be worse than bush. it really depends on ur status. if u r poor great if ur upper class bad! this communism in a sense. and that slide show of ppl reaction. i cant really believe it. i mean every country in the world hates usa. its a fact. isnt it bad to see ppl having good reaction to obamas winning the presidency?




You are talking some real [cabbage] there.


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Not to focus on the fact that Obama is America's first black president, but I found this 2004 RT thread quite interesting:




http://www.rottentomatoes.com/vine/show ... ge=1&pp=30




I think a lot of people can agree that back then they just couldn't see something like this happening as soon as 2008. Goes to show you it's hard to predict history.


Pixel sigs by me.

Pixel Art

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Democratic rhetoric has assured me Barack Obama will be President in 2012, so I'd say sometime around 2112.




Only 4 years off, Confucius has nothing on this guy lol.


He who learns must suffer, and, even in our sleep, pain that cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart,

and in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom to us by the awful grace of God.

- Aeschylus (525 BC - 456 BC)

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Not to focus on the fact that Obama is America's first black president, but I found this 2004 RT thread quite interesting:




http://www.rottentomatoes.com/vine/show ... ge=1&pp=30




I think a lot of people can agree that back then they just couldn't see something like this happening as soon as 2008. Goes to show you it's hard to predict history.


Yeah. It would have been something new despite who won, the first black president or the first (winning) party to have a women as a vice president. Either way, I think that this election has changed the thought that you have to be a white male to run for office. Honestly, I thought I'd never see a women president. But with Hilary Clinton and Sarah Palin this year, it's just changed that.

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Cute, but I can't help but cringe whenever I see young children at a political rally waving signs around.




You'd be surprised...








Isaiah is 12. Isaiah made more calls than many of our adult volunteers, and he came in the office without a parent.




I have a lot of pictures of young children coming in without their parents on my phone, but they're on my phone haha. This one girl Gracey, age 9, made more phone calls, and knocked on more doors than I did. She was a trooper. Her dad was always at work, and she came in on her own free-will.




And you think all these kids do this without any influence from parents whatsoever? Perhaps there are some kids which take a real interest in politics from a young age of their own accord, but you can't deny that many parents force their own political views on their kids too.




I don't care about right wing, left wing or anything like that, I summarise the situation and think who would be a better leader for that circumstance. I would then vote for them if I could, but I'm only 15.




Tony Blair is an idiot.


Gordon Brown is an idiot.




Why can't I vote yet. :|


Click my signature for my blog!

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Suppose he can't do it worse than Bush lol




In a sense, I want to applaud Bush for what he did. I have high expectations from Obama and without a [cabbage]hole of a country, I couldn't really hold him to those standards. It will be an interesting 4 years, that's for sure.





thats where ur wrong. he will be worse than bush. it really depends on ur status. if u r poor great if ur upper class bad! this communism in a sense. and that slide show of ppl reaction. i cant really believe it. i mean every country in the world hates usa. its a fact. isnt it bad to see ppl having good reaction to obamas winning the presidency?




You need to avoid political threads at all costs until you actually do your research or possibly stop restating exactly what your parents say (if that's the case your parents need to be taken out back and shot many times over). As I said in another thread, "the uneducated are a nuisance." You are both uneducated and a nuisance and are therefore proving me right.

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My biggest problems with these left-wing opinions are that they are coming from foreign countries. 3/4 of the liberal views on this page were posted y non-americans. I really think the world should not think that their opinion matters on who the U.S. president is. I'm not saying that you can't have an opinion, but their is no reason for me to respect your opinion unless you lived in the U.S.

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My biggest problems with these left-wing opinions are that they are coming from foreign countries. 3/4 of the liberal views on this page were posted y non-americans. I really think the world should not think that their opinion matters on who the U.S. president is. I'm not saying that you can't have an opinion, but their is no reason for me to respect your opinion unless you lived in the U.S.




It's good to respect their opinions too, though their views may be slightly different than ours.

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I don't care about right wing, left wing or anything like that, I summarise the situation and think who would be a better leader for that circumstance. I would then vote for them if I could, but I'm only 15.




Tony Blair is an idiot.


Gordon Brown is an idiot.




Why can't I vote yet. :|


You seem to have answered your own question in that post.

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Nobody is hating on Obama. People are still just getting over the defeat. Myself included. I've already said I would give him the benefit of the doubt on most things. Anyway since he is a democrat he will not have anywhere near the amount of hatred or racism directed at his administration that President Bush has.




He won't have as much hatred or racism that Bush had?




When was anyone racist against Bush?




At the first sign of trouble republicans will jump all over Obama. Just you watch.




And at Tennisnick12:




Ask the kids in Iraq if they think they should have a say. Ask the troops from other countries if they think they should have a say. Everyone diserves a say. If you can't vote, it doesn't matter, really, but their views should NOT be disregaurded.

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I just don't see why the world feels that they need/have a say in American politics.


Beacuse USA is the strongest and most influential country in the world? ...Possibly?




Although it's not really that the rest of the world is trying to have a say, they are just interested for said reasons.

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Not to focus on the fact that Obama is America's first black president, but I found this 2004 RT thread quite interesting:




http://www.rottentomatoes.com/vine/show ... ge=1&pp=30




I think a lot of people can agree that back then they just couldn't see something like this happening as soon as 2008. Goes to show you it's hard to predict history.


and whoever said Obama (or whatever his name is) needs to understand that he has 20 years of sex scandals (just like everybody else in government) to get over before he can run for President.






This was the first election I've really followed, so excuse any ignorance I have, or may, show(n).


Isn't one of the unalienable rights in the Declaration of Independence "life"? When you don't allow someone to get healthcare, let alone some money, you're basically denying them that right.


And there is no way that everyone is born equal. Not only are there genetics, but do you really think a kid living in a gang-ridden section of a city will get the same chances as a kid living in a rich suburb? I thought part of the American Dream (Which is complete rubbish, but who cares) was hope, and giving people a chance.


Apparently I'm really left-wing, but I live in America. Oh well.


Cenin pân nîd, istan pân nîd, dan nin ú-cenich, nin ú-istach.

Ithil luin eria vi menel caran...Tîn dan delu.

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I see what your trying to say, but your example of kids in Iraq makes no sense. Kids in the US don't have a say in American Politics, so why should kids in Iraq.




Not to focus on the fact that Obama is America's first black president, but I found this 2004 RT thread quite interesting:




http://www.rottentomatoes.com/vine/show ... ge=1&pp=30




I think a lot of people can agree that back then they just couldn't see something like this happening as soon as 2008. Goes to show you it's hard to predict history.


and whoever said Obama (or whatever his name is) needs to understand that he has 20 years of sex scandals (just like everybody else in government) to get over before he can run for President.






This was the first election I've really followed, so excuse any ignorance I have, or may, show(n).


Isn't one of the unalienable rights in the Declaration of Independence "life"? When you don't allow someone to get healthcare, let alone some money, you're basically denying them that right.


And there is no way that everyone is born equal. Not only are there genetics, but do you really think a kid living in a gang-ridden section of a city will get the same chances as a kid living in a rich suburb? I thought part of the American Dream (Which is complete rubbish, but who cares) was hope, and giving people a chance.


Apparently I'm really left-wing, but I live in America. Oh well.


I'm not going to argue with your post, but simply say according to all of the other left-wingers out there you are an idiot. Because they all believe that Obama will not redistribute wealth or institute any other marxist ideas.

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Did I ever say Obama was going to redistribute wealth? And he's implementing universal healthcare, or at least going to attempt to.


Cenin pân nîd, istan pân nîd, dan nin ú-cenich, nin ú-istach.

Ithil luin eria vi menel caran...Tîn dan delu.

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I just don't see why the world feels that they need/have a say in American politics.


Beacuse USA is the strongest and most influential country in the world? ...Possibly?




Or because if America's leader decides hey,there are terrorists in S.E.A.,we're the ones who get attacked,and thus suffer?


so i herd u liek devarts?

If you look at me and feel offended by my 666-ism,think.I could be just as offended by your "cross".

[hide=This's why I'm hot]

The Eleventh Commandment:Thou Shalst only say "Amen,brother".

Amen, brother :lol:

Amen, brudda (referring to the 10th commandment)

amen Bruder! (german ftw)

I'm invulnerable to everything, except Lenin and Dragoonson.

That's impossible.


I love people.[/hide]

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