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2nd January 2009 - Behind the Scenes 2009 // January


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While I applaud Jagex for taking the time to upgrade so many things this coming year, I can't say that 2009 sounds terribly exciting. However, I was really thinking they'd be more specific with what new content would be planned. As for this month, all I have to look forward to as a F2Per is organizing my spellbook and the logout timer change.


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While I applaud Jagex for taking the time to upgrade so many things this coming year, I can't say that 2009 sounds terribly exciting. However, I was really thinking they'd be more specific with what new content would be planned. As for this month, all I have to look forward to as a F2Per is organizing my spellbook and the logout timer change.




simple answer, get p2p.

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While I applaud Jagex for taking the time to upgrade so many things this coming year, I can't say that 2009 sounds terribly exciting. However, I was really thinking they'd be more specific with what new content would be planned. As for this month, all I have to look forward to as a F2Per is organizing my spellbook and the logout timer change.




simple answer, get p2p.




Second that Smellysocks. :thumbsup:




Start paying or stop moaning. :-#

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Sounds like a good month.


The only downside is the log out timer, think about: "connection lost" you were just fighting a powerfull monster you could survive 90 seconds but can you survive 5minutes?




I believe that if you lost connection you wouldn't log out until the monster was dead or you died. Either that or the game automatically logs you out in the middle of combat like it does when you close out of your browser while playing.




This sounds great. I love Vince!

Ah, this reminds me about the noob on the Runescape forums who was upset with the quest "Cold War" because apparently his grandparents died in the war. :wall:
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While I applaud Jagex for taking the time to upgrade so many things this coming year, I can't say that 2009 sounds terribly exciting. However, I was really thinking they'd be more specific with what new content would be planned. As for this month, all I have to look forward to as a F2Per is organizing my spellbook and the logout timer change.




simple answer, get p2p.




Second that Smellysocks. :thumbsup:




Start paying or stop moaning. :-#


I was not moaning, I was simply saying what I and the rest of the vast F2P community will have to look forward to with this month's updates.


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Without a doubt the best news I think I saw was the logout timer being increased to 5 minutes. Awesome. I can finally walk away from the computer to get a drink or even do a small chore in between tasks...even just recharge run without worrying about logging out.

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(RSOF)Quick find code: 16-17-173-58176370


Auto Logout Clarification


02-Jan-2009 17:22:00


Last edited on 02-Jan-2009 17:28:01 by Andrew


You will be relieved to hear that the proposed change to the auto-logout timer should NOT reduce your chances of survival in the case of a lost connection/power cut/crashed computer etc..




In RuneScape there are currently 3 logout related timers:




1) There is an 'idle' timer. This is currently set to 90 seconds, and auto logs you out if you haven't moved the mouse or pressed a key for 90 seconds. This is the one we are proposing to increase up to 5 mins.




2) There is a 'lost connecton' timer, which detects long periods with no network communication from your computer. (e.g. bad lag, or lost connection, or crash). This removes players who have lost connection. This is set to 30 seconds. This is NOT CHANGING.




3) There is a 3rd timer, to stop people deliberately unplugging their network during combat to escape combat, this waits an additional 60 seconds if you lose connection during combat. This is also NOT CHANGING.




As you can see neither the combat or lost connection timers are being adjusted. Only the 'idle' timer which is used in non combat situations to detect people who have left their computer unattended.




As to the REASON it is being changed. It is because it is a (very) common request that it be made a bit longer, which we are responding to. The most common example of where this helps is if you are playing the game and doing something else at the same time. For example say you have your character cutting down a tree, and are also reading the RuneScape forums (keeping a careful eye on your other window to watch for random events, but not interacting with it), at the moment after 90 seconds of forum reading the other window will suddenly logout, which is annoying. So it's upped to 5 minutes now.




Finally for people who are worried this will increase the risk of AFK cheating. We considered this, but aren't overly worried it will, since the timer we are increasing wasn't really made as an anti-cheat measure anyway, and wasn't effective at preventing that anyway. It was possible to bypass by simply leaving something holding down a key on the keyboard anyway.




Also, another interesting post by Andrew talking about Vince, the new head of RuneScape CONTENT, in the same thread on page 2.





02-Jan-2009 17:36:55


Last edited on 02-Jan-2009 17:39:32 by Andrew


Mod Vince is head of the RuneScape content team. (The team which makes the game itself, which is responsible for the vast majority of the updates and upgrades you see).




I am head of the Game Engine team. (the team which makes the underlieing technology which the game runs on top of). Most the stuff we do you don't even realise we are doing.




So my team typically improves the capabilities of the game engine, and the RuneScape team then goes and uses those new features to make cool things.




So if it is something technical like trying to make the game work on more computers, or load faster, or adjusting networking code, or adding entirely new capabilities it would be my team. If its making a new quest or rebalancing a weapon, or deciding the high alch prices of items, or indeed just about anything to do with the game design itself it is Vince's team.




DKers needn't worry :)




I think this month looks decent. Hopefully the phoenix familiar will be high-level and useful. This seems to be the 149th quest if the phoenix tutorial is a quest. I wonder if they are doing anything big for the 150th quest or just ignoring that marking point. The new achievement diary is always fun and useful. Interface updates are always great. I'm looking forward to a good new year of upgrades. ::'

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Thanks for posting that Chaos. The 5 minute auto log is going to be amazing, it shouldn't be this big worry fest that people are making it out to be.







Man, I really do love Runescape, and I'm sure if it was a real person I would of asked it to marry me by now.

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I'm loving those promised system upgrades. It seems so much more sensible imo to do this.

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could this finally be the year when some of the older quest lines are continued/finished? this year is shaping up to be great.




I'm certainly hoping that is what they are suggesting! I want Priffindas, Mourning's End Part III, Crystal Armour (even if it's useless!), Devious Mind sequel, another part of the Red Axe storyline and whatever else that has been left for ages!

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lets hope they revistit the loads of unsued and unuesfull places in both f2p and p2p (because both piss me offf and annyoy me).


BUt honestly i think this is for the best of all :thumbsup:



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Logout timer increased: awesome. The current timer only allows me to get a small snack from the kitchen before I have to race back to the computer. :shame:




Pheonix familiar: I'm not going to get excited. If I had to guess, Pheonix sounds like a level 50ish - 70ish sort of name, so I think the flaming birds would require 50 - 70 level summoning requirement.




Upgrading old content: Honestly, one of the smartest ideas made by Jagex. The old content is the foundation of RuneScape, so instead of releasing a flashy new update every month that people will only bother to try once, we can improve what made RuneScape the game we all know & love.




Looks like it's going to be a good year for RuneScape in 2009.

Only fear God,

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Rearrange spellbook <3

Don't you know the first rule of MMO's? Anyone higher level than you has no life, and anyone lower than you is a noob.

People in OT eat glass when they are bored.

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Doesn't look like we'll be getting a new skill soon. :cry:


Thank God. I hate another gp black hole right now

Don't you know the first rule of MMO's? Anyone higher level than you has no life, and anyone lower than you is a noob.

People in OT eat glass when they are bored.

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Adding on other skills is better than making new ones, especially since hunter, con, and summoning are still "new". See what level you need to be in the top 100K? >_>



95/99 Summoning

95/99 Slayer


[hide=This is what you look like when you play RS too long]2vvq0z4.jpg[/hide]

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