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Bad word choice by Jagex?


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Discrimination is pretty much gone anyway in formal terms; I mean, a black man (may be only half but similar) is about to become president, this is a better society.




OT: I hear a lot of black kids where I live comment that Barack Obama isn't black enough, that he's only HALF black. So apparently they're still complaining about not having a black president. Then the ones that say he IS good enough go around and push others around in a taunting manner.




On-Topic: I thought that the people on RSOF were just making fun of the word 'niggle' because it sounded funny? I didn't realize there was actually a huge rant on the forums that made Jagex change the word out of fear of a lawsuit.




This is pretty ridiculous. I made a thread in Varrock Library that kind of makes fun of the whole situation. Niggles... hehe :P












This is funny?

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typical black people, woe is me! pay me off im black!




im so freakin sick of it, get over yourselves




Way to be racist. Skin color doesn't make people greedy and grasping and over-obsessed with past wrongs. Sad to say, such is simply human nature. Most of us overcome it. Some of all races do not. And I'd be willing to bet that many of the people complaining on the forums were not black. They were just whining because they like trying to stir up trouble.






And I like the word niggles. It sounds fun, and I think Jagex should have manned up and ignored the forums. But, what's done is done and it doesn't actually hurt anything.





The light at the end of the tunnel is the demon-infested lava pit.


blue = sad

hoo = who

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typical black people, woe is me! pay me off im black!




im so freakin sick of it, get over yourselves




Way to be racist. Skin color doesn't make people greedy and grasping and over-obsessed with past wrongs. Sad to say, such is simply human nature. Most of us overcome it. Some of all races do not. And I'd be willing to bet that many of the people complaining on the forums were not black. They were just whining because they like trying to stir up trouble.






And I like the word niggles. It sounds fun, and I think Jagex should have manned up and ignored the forums. But, what's done is done and it doesn't actually hurt anything.




No, hes not racist, hes completely right.


"black history month"


"black colleges"


"hispanic history month"


"hispanic college fair (at my school anyway"




This isnt only twords blacks, but all races that are singled out in 'good ways' like above. The race in question wants people to stop discriminating against them, but they want all these little benefits. Special months all for them. You know what I say? You wanna be equal? Get equal. Get rid of all that bullcrap mentioned above. Then we will all be equal. Its the fact that we still take offence to words like 'niggle' because it looks like the N word. If people were wanting to be equal, they wouldnt have to go and say "ZOMG TRHAT LOOKZ LIKE TEH N WORD RACISTS NAAZI ALURT!" and make it be changed. The N word actually means ignorant. But thats besides the point.


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Why oh why did Jagex use such a queer word choice? :-k




On a serious note, I don't see how it's anymore offensive than the word "duck". Niggle has two letters different - duck only has one.

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Why oh why did Jagex use such a queer word choice? :-k




On a serious note, I don't see how it's anymore offensive than the word "duck". Niggle has two letters different - duck only has one.




maybe because a duck is an actual thing that most people recognize. A niggle just sounds stupid and it reminds most people of another word.




Niggle is a real word but not many people recognize it as a legitimate word and associate it with ( :shame: :shame: :shame: :shame: :shame: :shame:)




2nd troll to 840+ post count.

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typical black people, woe is me! pay me off im black!




im so freakin sick of it, get over yourselves




Way to be racist. Skin color doesn't make people greedy and grasping and over-obsessed with past wrongs. Sad to say, such is simply human nature. Most of us overcome it. Some of all races do not. And I'd be willing to bet that many of the people complaining on the forums were not black. They were just whining because they like trying to stir up trouble.






And I like the word niggles. It sounds fun, and I think Jagex should have manned up and ignored the forums. But, what's done is done and it doesn't actually hurt anything.




No, hes not racist, hes completely right.


"black history month"


"black colleges"


"hispanic history month"


"hispanic college fair (at my school anyway"




This isnt only twords blacks, but all races that are singled out in 'good ways' like above. The race in question wants people to stop discriminating against them, but they want all these little benefits. Special months all for them. You know what I say? You wanna be equal? Get equal. Get rid of all that bullcrap mentioned above. Then we will all be equal. Its the fact that we still take offence to words like 'niggle' because it looks like the N word. If people were wanting to be equal, they wouldnt have to go and say "ZOMG TRHAT LOOKZ LIKE TEH N WORD RACISTS NAAZI ALURT!" and make it be changed. The N word actually means ignorant. But thats besides the point.




[hide=Massively off topic post]My problem wasn't so much that he said black people do that - some do. And so do some people of every race that has been oppressed at some point in time by another race. It was more the fact that he seemed to generalize that all black people act that way and only want the world (or at least the country) to worship them or whatever because they were mistreated in the past, and that's simply not true. At my old high school (about 60% black, IIRC), as soon as someone mentioned black history month, almost everyone in my classes, whether they were black, white, Hispanic, Asian, whatever, started banging their heads on their desks. Yes, please, let's get rid of all the 'positive' racial divides along with the negatives. I have no problem with that, and neither do many people that I know.




Also, please note that I said that most of the people whining on the forums probably weren't black. Prove that they were actually offended and not just stirring up trouble, and I will gladly shut up and acknowledge your superior insight into the minds of other people.




And I thought the n word actually meant black, but I really don't care either way.[/hide]





The light at the end of the tunnel is the demon-infested lava pit.


blue = sad

hoo = who

loo = 100

vo = broken ice cream cone = sad children = sad babies = dead babies


bluehooloovo = sadwho100deadbabies = Who is sad about 100 dead babies?


I've cracked the code!

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Why oh why did Jagex use such a queer word choice? :-k




On a serious note, I don't see how it's anymore offensive than the word "duck". Niggle has two letters different - duck only has one.


And the fancy thing about "duck" is that it can be transformed in more than one way, by substituting just one letter.


But really, niggle is a weird word, duck isn't.

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I really hope this topic doesnt turn into a racial flame war, I saw the seeds of it earlier but luckily the bomb has been defused. :ohnoes:




I dont think anybody would be actually offended by the use of the words, just trouble makers (like me) to make a joke out of the whole thing. It does sound awfully like the word, which is why I forsaw Jagex changing it, although Im not sure if it was the right thing to do.




On the one hand, it gives in to all the whiners, and makes them thing what they want they can get.


On the other hand, as more and more people notice the thread and notice the strange choice of word, more and more threads like my one would pop up until the RSOF would be spammed with them.




I think, although undignified, they took the best course of action.







And I thought the n word actually meant black, but I really don't care either way.




Please oh god, If you are white, do NOT address a large group of black people (Or African-Americans, although im from England and we are allowed to use the word black here :roll: )


With the N word.... Just dont do it, for your own safety....


Just kidding ladies, you know I love you =D

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I really hope this topic doesnt turn into a racial flame war, I saw the seeds of it earlier but luckily the bomb has been defused. :ohnoes:




I dont think anybody would be actually offended by the use of the words, just trouble makers (like me) to make a joke out of the whole thing. It does sound awfully like the word, which is why I forsaw Jagex changing it, although Im not sure if it was the right thing to do.




On the one hand, it gives in to all the whiners, and makes them thing what they want they can get.


On the other hand, as more and more people notice the thread and notice the strange choice of word, more and more threads like my one would pop up until the RSOF would be spammed with them.




I think, although undignified, they took the best course of action.







And I thought the n word actually meant black, but I really don't care either way.




Please oh god, If you are white, do NOT address a large group of black people (Or African-Americans, although im from England and we are allowed to use the word black here :roll: )


With the N word.... Just dont do it, for your own safety....




[hide=Still off topic...]Well, duh, I don't actually use it. :roll: I was talking about how the word came into existence. I thought it came from the word 'black' in some language besides English.[/hide]





The light at the end of the tunnel is the demon-infested lava pit.


blue = sad

hoo = who

loo = 100

vo = broken ice cream cone = sad children = sad babies = dead babies


bluehooloovo = sadwho100deadbabies = Who is sad about 100 dead babies?


I've cracked the code!

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Must be a yank thing as I dont see anything wrong with it....


Maybe we have black people here who get offended by anything starting with "nig"? Blame Jesse Jackson.






how adorable, he would be so upset and in a tantrum over this
















typical black people, woe is me! pay me off im black!




im so freakin sick of it, get over yourselves




Way to be racist. Skin color doesn't make people greedy and grasping and over-obsessed with past wrongs. Sad to say, such is simply human nature. Most of us overcome it. Some of all races do not. And I'd be willing to bet that many of the people complaining on the forums were not black. They were just whining because they like trying to stir up trouble.






And I like the word niggles. It sounds fun, and I think Jagex should have manned up and ignored the forums. But, what's done is done and it doesn't actually hurt anything.




No, hes not racist, hes completely right.


"black history month"


"black colleges"


"hispanic history month"


"hispanic college fair (at my school anyway"




This isnt only twords blacks, but all races that are singled out in 'good ways' like above. The race in question wants people to stop discriminating against them, but they want all these little benefits. Special months all for them. You know what I say? You wanna be equal? Get equal. Get rid of all that bullcrap mentioned above. Then we will all be equal. Its the fact that we still take offence to words like 'niggle' because it looks like the N word. If people were wanting to be equal, they wouldnt have to go and say "ZOMG TRHAT LOOKZ LIKE TEH N WORD RACISTS NAAZI ALURT!" and make it be changed. The N word actually means ignorant. But thats besides the point.










unstoppable truth right here. affirmative action... personally I think you accept a position knowingly that its because of affirmative action, and you claim you want to be equal then simply put, your a hypocrite.

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I really hope this topic doesnt turn into a racial flame war, I saw the seeds of it earlier but luckily the bomb has been defused. :ohnoes:




I dont think anybody would be actually offended by the use of the words, just trouble makers (like me) to make a joke out of the whole thing. It does sound awfully like the word, which is why I forsaw Jagex changing it, although Im not sure if it was the right thing to do.




On the one hand, it gives in to all the whiners, and makes them thing what they want they can get.


On the other hand, as more and more people notice the thread and notice the strange choice of word, more and more threads like my one would pop up until the RSOF would be spammed with them.




I think, although undignified, they took the best course of action.







And I thought the n word actually meant black, but I really don't care either way.




Please oh god, If you are white, do NOT address a large group of black people (Or African-Americans, although im from England and we are allowed to use the word black here :roll: )


With the N word.... Just dont do it, for your own safety....




[hide=Still off topic...]Well, duh, I don't actually use it. :roll: I was talking about how the word came into existence. I thought it came from the word 'black' in some language besides English.[/hide]


Yes your right the bad "N word" came from the latin/spanish word for black or negro in spanish and niger in latin. There is only 1 g in the old latin spelling it never ment anything more then the color black.

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I really hope this topic doesnt turn into a racial flame war, I saw the seeds of it earlier but luckily the bomb has been defused. :ohnoes:




I dont think anybody would be actually offended by the use of the words, just trouble makers (like me) to make a joke out of the whole thing. It does sound awfully like the word, which is why I forsaw Jagex changing it, although Im not sure if it was the right thing to do.




On the one hand, it gives in to all the whiners, and makes them thing what they want they can get.


On the other hand, as more and more people notice the thread and notice the strange choice of word, more and more threads like my one would pop up until the RSOF would be spammed with them.




I think, although undignified, they took the best course of action.







And I thought the n word actually meant black, but I really don't care either way.




Please oh god, If you are white, do NOT address a large group of black people (Or African-Americans, although im from England and we are allowed to use the word black here :roll: )


With the N word.... Just dont do it, for your own safety....




[hide=Still off topic...]Well, duh, I don't actually use it. :roll: I was talking about how the word came into existence. I thought it came from the word 'black' in some language besides English.[/hide]






Yes your right the bad "N word" came from the latin/spanish word for black or negro in spanish and niger in latin. There is only 1 g in the old latin spelling it never ment anything more then the color black.




this isn't harry potter :roll:


or is it,harry potter and the lost ''N word'' #-o

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Please oh god, If you are white, do NOT address a large group of black people (Or African-Americans, although im from England and we are allowed to use the word black here :roll: )


With the N word.... Just dont do it, for your own safety....




are you tring to say that the blacks will jump him? are you saying that they are a violent race!? you racist!

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It is beyond me how anyone can find the word 'niggles' offensive. It's not a racial slur so far as I know, though this seems to be what people think. It means something that kind of sits in the back of your mind and bothers you, something you know is just a little off.




Racial slur my foot. I am guessing people thought it was some form of another racial slur that starts with 'n'...but honestly, you had to try, actualy make a concerted effort to find that offensive.




Political correctness has long since exceeded what is healthy, it should never be this absurd, or in some cases essentialy make mentioning certain truths in life taboo.

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Please oh god, If you are white, do NOT address a large group of black people (Or African-Americans, although im from England and we are allowed to use the word black here :roll: )


With the N word.... Just dont do it, for your own safety....




are you tring to say that the blacks will jump him? are you saying that they are a violent race!? you racist!


I geddit. :D


But on a more serious note, odds are non-Afro-Americans will jump on him...

Matt: You want that eh? You want everything good for you. You want everything that's--falls off garbage can

Camera guy: Whoa, haha, are you okay dude?

Matt: You want anything funny that happens, don't you?

Camera guy: still laughing

Matt: You want the funny shit that happens here and there, you think it comes out of your [bleep]ing [wagon] pushes garbage can down, don't you? You think it's funny? It comes out of here! running towards Camera guy

Camera guy: runs away still laughing

Matt: You think the funny comes out of your mother[bleep]ing creativity? Comes out of Satan, mother[bleep]er! nn--ngh! pushes Camera guy down

Camera guy: Hoooholy [bleep]!


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typical black people, woe is me! pay me off im black!




im so freakin sick of it, get over yourselves




Way to be racist. Skin color doesn't make people greedy and grasping and over-obsessed with past wrongs. Sad to say, such is simply human nature. Most of us overcome it. Some of all races do not. And I'd be willing to bet that many of the people complaining on the forums were not black. They were just whining because they like trying to stir up trouble.






And I like the word niggles. It sounds fun, and I think Jagex should have manned up and ignored the forums. But, what's done is done and it doesn't actually hurt anything.




No, hes not racist, hes completely right.


"black history month"


"black colleges"


"hispanic history month"


"hispanic college fair (at my school anyway"




This isnt only twords blacks, but all races that are singled out in 'good ways' like above. The race in question wants people to stop discriminating against them, but they want all these little benefits. Special months all for them. You know what I say? You wanna be equal? Get equal. Get rid of all that bullcrap mentioned above. Then we will all be equal. Its the fact that we still take offence to words like 'niggle' because it looks like the N word. If people were wanting to be equal, they wouldnt have to go and say "ZOMG TRHAT LOOKZ LIKE TEH N WORD RACISTS NAAZI ALURT!" and make it be changed. The N word actually means ignorant. But thats besides the point.




first of all thank you =)


second of all why should they get benefits and celebration months that white people dont? thats actually more racist than anything. its also extremely unconstitutional, equal rights is in the constitution but black people get all these benefit programs and stupid junk, NOT equal. black people are actually the most racist people ive met. like this niggle thing, they are purposely looking for a way to get money because of a word that has absolutely nothing to do with racism in anyway, if you wanna be fair tell them to suck it up, take away all there benefit junk and make it ACTUALLY equal for everyone.


like the black people say, the color of your skin shouldnt affect anything, this being said, why do blacks get special stuff bc the color of their skin? THEY SHOULDNT, ITS NOT EQUAL





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like this niggle thing, they are purposely looking for a way to get money because of a word that has absolutely nothing to do with racism in anyway



My guess is there is not a single black person out there that complained.

Matt: You want that eh? You want everything good for you. You want everything that's--falls off garbage can

Camera guy: Whoa, haha, are you okay dude?

Matt: You want anything funny that happens, don't you?

Camera guy: still laughing

Matt: You want the funny shit that happens here and there, you think it comes out of your [bleep]ing [wagon] pushes garbage can down, don't you? You think it's funny? It comes out of here! running towards Camera guy

Camera guy: runs away still laughing

Matt: You think the funny comes out of your mother[bleep]ing creativity? Comes out of Satan, mother[bleep]er! nn--ngh! pushes Camera guy down

Camera guy: Hoooholy [bleep]!


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