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The Inauguration of Barrack Obama: So Annoying



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It's exciting to see a President that I voted for be elected, but I do think that the media could have laid off of the extra shots of mega-caffeine about it.

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The man is one hell of a speech giver. Looked like it was all out of his mind. Brings to mind FDR's aspirations. I'm sure all of them won't be met as he outlined in the speech. But, he instilled hope and preparedness.




Now, I'm going to play the waiting game and see who the first person is to get indignant over the prayers.

catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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I take more issue with the old guy than the prayers. He sounds like Yoda.


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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Haha, Fox news fair? Classic.




Haha, any news/media source other than AP fair? Classic. God forbid one network have a differing bias than six flavors of CNN, three of NBC, and 60 Minutes.


Which is why I only read my news (NYT, WSJ, The Economist). However, if I do watch it on TV (usually as background noise), I put on CNN. Honestly, I think they're the least biased. Although if I want something funny, I just put on O'Reilley. :P




Now, I'm going to play the waiting game and see who the first person is to get indignant over the prayers.


Or how about a drinking game?

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I haven't seen that much on tv about him, maybe you watch too much tv.




For me, it's not about if he's black or not. I'm just happy bush is finally gone and we have a chance to improve our country. For some people, they have seen change from not being able to be served in a restaurant/stores, to be able to become president.

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Kinda annoys me too, but I'm a republican, so my option is invalid.


Hey, one of them got out of its hole!


Its good. Its much more than the first black president; 2 generations ago his direct relatives were basically tribal and completely third world, now he is the most powerful man in the world.


Kenyan =/= Tribal. Kenyans is somewhat developed, as far as African nations go.


True, but we are talking 60 years ago, and I did ssay 'basically tribal' making it suitably ambiguous. My point was the change from a string of presidents who are born into money, land ownership and power.


What he represents is different to many individuals :D Although, I agree it is a huge step forward for black people.


People who are black. people first language, thanks.

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He just failed twice taking the oath.


If you knew anything about anything, you'd realize it was the Chief Justice who messed it up, and Obama stopped for a few seconds, once at the beginning on that mucked up section and once at the actual part where the Chief messed up to let him correct himself.

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edit--to barihawk, hmm didnt know that about davis, quite interesting. American history has lost the fact it was a state's rights war under the guise of slavery




"Common history" aka what they teach in schools *shudder* is rife with mis/half-truths and nationalistic propaganda. I try to teach real history when I can but it's hard for a 9th grader with undeveloped reasoning skills and 10 years of wrong teaching to grasp the concept of true history. It's always either the white legend or black legend, when they should be teaching the gray. History should be approached from all sides, not one.




I completely agree with you here. ESPECIALLY colonialism. They don't really go into depth about how the colonists and conquistadors completely butchered and savaged millions of Native Americans. Hell, we celebrate Columbus; how backwards is it that we support a man that was the reason for the murder of millions of people. It's the same thing with the celebration of Che Gueverra. I am a socialist, but Che was nothing more than a brutal murderer, that killed those who refused to take up his cause.




Who won WWII? Oh, America. While it's true that we did, can we please explore the effect that Russia had on the Eastern Front? You know, the part where most of the battles were waged? I guess we took out their contributions because of the Cold War, but it just annoys me.

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What he represents is different to many individuals :D Although, I agree it is a huge step forward for black people.


People who are black. people first language, thanks.


What? :?




So then I should call you a person who has moronic tendencies instead of a moronic idiot? Screw semantics.


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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Yeah, Russia's kinda like the Vietnam veteran that ended up crazy. Suuure, he singlehandedly saved a hundred POWs, but the wheelchair throws us off.




Even though he ... bought new legs? It's hard to find a suitable analogy.




Also, Che did help Cuba .. somewhat. Some people now would be happier if Castro and Co. didn't lead, but the populace was so enthralled with his victory that they wanted to make him leader. Fidel could have pulled a Washington and demanded an actual election, to lay the groundwork, but it might still work out all right...




I'm rambling now.

catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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He just failed twice taking the oath.




No, he actually knew the oath correctly, and Roberts was giving it wrong:




In case you missed it: Here's the presidential oath of office


Posted: 12:53 PM ET


(CNN) Chief Justice John Roberts seemed to have some trouble administering the presidential oath of office Tuesday. Here is the actual oath in full, as laid out in Article II, Section I of the U.S. Constitution:




"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."




Filed under: Inauguration




http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/20 ... of-office/

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edit--to barihawk, hmm didnt know that about davis, quite interesting. American history has lost the fact it was a state's rights war under the guise of slavery




"Common history" aka what they teach in schools *shudder* is rife with mis/half-truths and nationalistic propaganda. I try to teach real history when I can but it's hard for a 9th grader with undeveloped reasoning skills and 10 years of wrong teaching to grasp the concept of true history. It's always either the white legend or black legend, when they should be teaching the gray. History should be approached from all sides, not one.




I completely agree with you here. ESPECIALLY colonialism. They don't really go into depth about how the colonists and conquistadors completely butchered and savaged millions of Native Americans. Hell, we celebrate Columbus; how backwards is it that we support a man that was the reason for the murder of millions of people. It's the same thing with the celebration of Che Gueverra. I am a socialist, but Che was nothing more than a brutal murderer, that killed those who refused to take up his cause.




Who won WWII? Oh, America. While it's true that we did, can we please explore the effect that Russia had on the Eastern Front? You know, the part where most of the battles were waged? I guess we took out their contributions because of the Cold War, but it just annoys me.




Uh, I think you brought a little too much into the Black legend there. While the European incursion did result to the deaths of millions because of disease (a population which then surged back to even higher levels with new resistances to disease, I might add), they did contribute a lot to the New World while the New influenced the Old. The exchange brought two hemispheres into the modern era. If the Colonial age had not happened, we might still be in a relative Dark Age in Europe.




You have to approach history from ALL sides, weighing the actions and consequences on a scale, which must be balanced. For everything bad that happens, good happens as well.




Although you are correct on the USSR.




Edit: Thought of more stuff while I was taking a pee. So much thinking in the bathroom. If Columbus had not discovered America, then the American Revolution would not have happened, the French Revolution would not have happened, Napoleon would not have shattered Europe, the Alliance system would not be in place and WWI would not have happened (which while bad, destroyed the influence of royalty). We might even still have Kings and peasantry in all those nations today!




Also, look at life for Indians in Latin America under Spanish rule. I spent a lot of time studying Spanish Colonialism and the Indians not only benefitted from Spanish rule but actually turned a profit as a result of it.


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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What he represents is different to many individuals :D Although, I agree it is a huge step forward for black people.


People who are black. people first language, thanks.


What? :?






People first language is a semantic technique used when discussing disabilities to avoid perceived and subconscious dehumanization of the people having the disabilities.




I don't see being black as a disability. Even if you do see it that way, do you really need to nit-pick about such a small issue as word order?

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Oh I'm not saying that I wish colonialism hadn't happened, per se, but I'm saying the approach that the history text books take is kind of insulting. They make it seem like a happy time, with these brave men venturing out into the wilderness, and being friends with their new native neighbors. It just seems, jovial, rather than barbaric.




I don't think we'd still be in a dark age. During the Dark Ages in Europe, the Middle East and Asia were going through scientific revolutions, many of which influenced the Europeans that we traditionally recognize (Newton, Keplar, Copernicus, etc).




I do think colonialism is in part responsible for many things that plague the world today, such as terrorism, the wars between India and Pakistan, Palestinian conflict, and the shambles that Africa is in. I couldn't tell you if I think it was more of a bad thing than good, I haven't really thought about it to be honest.




edit: While I'm sure that the events that occurred would not have happened, other things could have taken their place. I'm not exactly a supporter of the Revolutionary War, either. While the King was somewhat of a tyrant to not place anyone in parliament, they were still colonies to England, so taxing them was pretty fair. It was nothing short of treason, but I could not say if that treason was justified or not.




Speaking of the Revolutionary War and textbooks, they make it seem like the idea of overthrowing England and forming their own country was a well supported idea. Almost no one wanted to go to war with England, and it didn't even pick up any steam until Patrick Henry gave his speech. Most of the colonists were loyalists, although that started to change as the Revolution began. I want to say that loyalists were in the majority, and some went to England while others went to what is now known as Canada.

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I think it's racist how a black man gets all the attention and George Bush didn't get any of this. But you know, since I'm white I can't really play the racism card, can I?




How is it racist that one president gets more attention than another? A ridiculous statement.


He who learns must suffer, and, even in our sleep, pain that cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart,

and in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom to us by the awful grace of God.

- Aeschylus (525 BC - 456 BC)

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I think it's racist how a black man gets all the attention and George Bush didn't get any of this. But you know, since I'm white I can't really play the racism card, can I?




How is it racist that one president gets more attention than another? A ridiculous statement.




Because he's black? If Obama was white he wouldn't get anywhere ner the hype he has now.


^Sir Jem 05-The Bunny Drinking Blog?^ Click it!


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I think it's racist how a black man gets all the attention and George Bush didn't get any of this. But you know, since I'm white I can't really play the racism card, can I?




How is it racist that one president gets more attention than another? A ridiculous statement.




Because he's black? If Obama was white he wouldn't get anywhere ner the hype he has now.


He is the first black president, I'm sure if there were a female president she would get the same attention.

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I got to miss 5th and 6th period because of this \'




It was a beautiful inauguration, but most of the people in my school are dumb. Remember the girl who talked about hijacking tanks and carriages and putting a grenade in? Remember the kid who wants to end the economic crisis by getting more money from the ATM machine? Well my entire school proved it's idiocy by always referring to the inauguration as eaither:




1. The Obama thing








2. The Obama interrogation








Get back here so I can rub your butt.

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