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New Hitpoints Bar in the making? (with picture evidence)



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What is wrong with redbarring anyways? :?


Barrows at dharok redbarred but has 1hp left, you switch off prayer and he smacks you round the choppers. hard.

Many believe that the 1980 eruption of Mt. Saint Helens was a catostrophic geological event, in reality it was the day that Jimi Hendrix returned to Earth from the next world and actually stood up next to a mountain and chopped it down with the edge of his hand.

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the reasons that jagex' pictures always look fuzzy are:




1. they save it as .jpeg making it more fuzzy due to compression


2. they shoot the pictures on 4x anti-aliasing, making them much more smooth; even if you don't have the connection to support it, just try it sometime it really looks much better.




but even with these in consideration, the hp bar isn't rounded off at the end as it is in the picture, a new bar might be coming



became quest point master on: 21 dec 2007 2:43 pm

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It does look a little more detailed.




Jagex's pictures are always fuzzy because they save them as jpg images. #-o


I want them to start saving them as png's. :P




Anyway, I wouldnt mind a new hp bar.


I wonder how long it took them to figure out how many roosters it would take to kill jad. :-k


They don't save as .png because internet explorer still doesn't support them correctly and most of their users use internet explorer.

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It does look a little more detailed.




Jagex's pictures are always fuzzy because they save them as jpg images. #-o


I want them to start saving them as png's. :P




Anyway, I wouldnt mind a new hp bar.


I wonder how long it took them to figure out how many roosters it would take to kill jad. :-k


They don't save as .png because internet explorer still doesn't support them correctly and most of their users use internet explorer.




Why not use .bmp then? It's still lossless, but for Christ's sake, Paint in XP saves .bmp's as default!

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It does look a little more detailed.




Jagex's pictures are always fuzzy because they save them as jpg images. #-o


I want them to start saving them as png's. :P




Anyway, I wouldnt mind a new hp bar.


I wonder how long it took them to figure out how many roosters it would take to kill jad. :-k


They don't save as .png because internet explorer still doesn't support them correctly and most of their users use internet explorer.




IE <7 only has problems with alpha transparency in png images, not the image format itself. It should not really matter anyway a simple js can fix it. Jagex is just old school when it comes to web design.




Anyway Ontopic




A new bar would be great. Is it just me or was there an img leak of a diff hp bar a couple of years ago (probably just my imagination tho)? The bar looks silly in HD gfx currently and its something we see most of the time.



Thanks Gradeskip93 for my awesome sig!

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To me little graphical updates like this, while helpful just mean less resources spent on customer support.




Because it totally went like this:




"Hey, you wanna unban some innocent players today?"


"Nah. I just finished feeding Bob the cat, broke the game for pkers (lulz), and now I'm gonna work on a new hp bar"


"Why can't you use your time to unban innocent players? Do you not care?"


"no. If they didn't want to be banned, they shouldn't have gotten banned in the first place."





I lol'd hard. Although I agree with you. I doubt Customer Support and Development team are the same people.





I really don't understand why everyone's getting all worked up over a hitpoint bar.




Because every MMO is chock full of babies who are against any form of change just for the sake of it.




In before "omg now runescape is RUINED"








I've heard that it's polar opposite:












Lol, I remember this ^


Good lord...most complaining in RS is tame compared to some of the arena whining >.<


(Not to say I didn't hate every lock player >.<)

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I wonder if there will be a quest requirement to smith the HP bar. I can't wait to own with my new HP-2H.


edit: oops thought it was an upgrade to smithing...


Seriously, that will have no effect on my gameplay at all.



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Yes, it is possible that Jagex is remaking the health bars. They have looked quite ugly in my meaning for a long time now, so an update to them would surerly be nice :)



Add me if you so wish: SwreeTak

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I hope they get it to do more than just show hp.




Ex: Green when poisoned, blue if frozen or binded, yellow if diseased, etc, etc. There can be so many more uses if you take the time and think about it.

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It's feeding time at the Fight caves *wheels in 3 elephants and 56 chickens*




Hehe, nice.






I think a new hitpoint bar would be pretty nice. Never occurred to me that the current one is outdated. I'm so used to it that i don't even notice.


Fear one thing in all that is...

Fear Sneldo.

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I just turned on standard detail for prayer training (less lag in my house) and I'm enjoying it.




To quote the Granite Maul: Simplicity is the best weapon.




We're getting to tied up in fancy graphics.


So, Lone Star, now you see that evil will always triumph because good is dumb.

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I see nothing wrong with the current one.


So much for the rule "if it's not broke don't fix it".




I don't get it. Why is the hp bar RED? Mine is always green. If I click on somebody theirs turns red... weird.




on topic: Nice find. Wish I payed more attention because I actually read that one =P


Because the chicken has died, that's why it's red.

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I'm actually more amused that an army of Roosters are fighting Jad.




The HP bar dosent look that different to me, just longer. A Rooster is similar to a Chicken which has like... less than 10hp, so why so long?








Break the Walls down!

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I don't get it. Why is the hp bar RED? Mine is always green. If I click on somebody theirs turns red... weird.


Because the chicken has died, that's why it's red.


He was being sarcastic saying his hp are always full and he turns other peoples red when he clicks on them (kills them).


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I'm actually more amused that an army of Roosters are fighting Jad.




The HP bar dosent look that different to me, just longer. A Rooster is similar to a Chicken which has like... less than 10hp, so why so long?


I'm guessing it's longer to more accurately show the amount. If it's all mushed up then the amount of green for 1 HP will be unnoticeable.

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Looks like they game it a texture. The current one looks like it was done in paint (it's literaly 2 colours). This would help it blend into the game. I don't tend to notice to much, but the current one kinda stands out being the only 2D object in the '3D' game window.

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Lol, such a minor change, but a nice one.

"To do all that one is able to do, is to be a man; to do all that one would like to do, is to be a god." - Napoleon I

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