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Little Boy Father At 13 (After DNA Test, Not The Father)


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Supposedly the youngest male to father a child was 8 years old, but I couldn't find any evidence online to back it up. But if it is true, then yes, the 13 year old boy is able to produce sperm.




The youngest mother is 5 years old. http://www.damninteresting.com/?p=236


(Thought you might want to know)




#1 Wongtong stalker.

Im looking for some No Limit soldiers!

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I always assumed that 13 year olds thought having a girlfriend was disgusting. I'm not really sure here in Singapore, but a few people around me tell me that it is "okay" to have sex only after you're married.




I wonder how he managed to get her to do it though.. who has the courage to do such a thing at such an age.








Break the Walls down!

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I always assumed that 13 year olds thought having a girlfriend was disgusting. I'm not really sure here in Singapore, but a few people around me tell me that it is "okay" to have sex only after you're married.




I wonder how he managed to get her to do it though.. who has the courage to do such a thing at such an age.




13? And thinking Girl Friends are disgusting? Take 5 years off that figure.

My relaxation method involves a bottle of lotion, beautiful women, and partial nudity. Yes I get massages.



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I hear some chick gave birth at nine,and her daughter gave birth at nine.My grandma's 81,hers is 18.


so i herd u liek devarts?

If you look at me and feel offended by my 666-ism,think.I could be just as offended by your "cross".

[hide=This's why I'm hot]

The Eleventh Commandment:Thou Shalst only say "Amen,brother".

Amen, brother :lol:

Amen, brudda (referring to the 10th commandment)

amen Bruder! (german ftw)

I'm invulnerable to everything, except Lenin and Dragoonson.

That's impossible.


I love people.[/hide]

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Jeez, how did the parents let this happen?




Obviously you don't understand how easy for it is to get drunk, have unprotected sex and for [cabbage] to happen. 1 of my friends (16) is expecting. It's like smoking, one will always know how stupid it is to do it (smoking or unprotected sex) but it will still happen. The parents only have a certain amount of control, it's more the kids fault than the parents.




lol now youre proposing that these kids were drunk at 13 and 15 years old too? :shame: shame on them




It's not actually that uncommon in Britain and Ireland for people that age to get drunk, both countries have a serious binge drinking problem. I and most of my friends started drinking around 14, it's pretty common in Britain and Ireland for teenagers to start drinking then.

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Why is everyone thinking that producing sperm at age 13 is so strange? For christs sake puberty begins as early as 8 years old for some males.


It's not the fact that he's thirteen, It's the fact that he looks like a nine year old.


It's not actually that uncommon in Britain and Ireland for people that age to get drunk, both countries have a serious binge drinking problem. I and most of my friends started drinking around 14, it's pretty common in Britain and Ireland for teenagers to start drinking then.




I've got friends who are alcoholics, and have been since they were twelve. It's much more common if you have older siblings, because you try to act like they do, and end up doing things you should not be doing at a young age. but everyone I know started drinking at 12-13. A lot of them have stopped drinking because they'd get piss drunk and do stupid things. I personally drank for the first time at 14. It's not at all uncommon or strange from my point of view for people to drink at a young age.

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Nowadays I'm 16 and some days I just feel like cracking open a nice cold Canadian beer, to drink my anger away. American beer tastes like piss(Smirnoff is excluded, since I like the fruit taste in it.)




WTF was going through their minds though, the mom looks like a stoner, the kid looks like he's 8, the baby's doomed.

I was going to eat hot dogs for dinner tonight. I think I will settle for cereal.



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Dirty gyppos.




1) It doesn't say they're gypsies - He lives on an estate in Eastbourne and she lives in a council house in the same town. If you were referring to Kranked's post rather than this case them see #2.




2) So what if they were gypsies? Bloody narrow minded tube.




3) If you were trying to be funny or sarcastic to make some sort of point you failed miserably.





They are living with Penny, Chantelles jobless dad Steve, 43, and her five brothers in a rented council house in Eastbourne. The family live on benefits. Alfie, who lives on an estate across town with mum Nicola, 43, spends most of his time at the Steadmans house.


He who learns must suffer, and, even in our sleep, pain that cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart,

and in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom to us by the awful grace of God.

- Aeschylus (525 BC - 456 BC)

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Reporter: So, what will you do financially?


Kid: What's financially?




The fact that the 13 year old (and probably the 15 year old too) still don't get the implications of having a child, especially at that age, is more disturbing than the fact that they had underage sex. Only just, mind, but it's there.




It's obviously got to be left to the families to look after that child, as the parents just can not care for it adequately, however much they want to believe they can be good parents. They seem to think (especially the 13 year old) that being a good parent just means being around, and helping out with feeding and looking after etc etc. While those things are indeed things a good parent does, being an actual parent also involves being able to properly feed, clothe and generally look out for that child which means you need money. And a fair amount of it.




IMO, this child should have been put up for adoption, or at the least left in the hands of foster parents... the families sound like they have enough on their plate already, and there is no realistic way that 'Alfie' or 'Chantelle' are going to be able to look out for it.




Methinks the novelty of being a dad is going to get VERY old, VERY soon.

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IMO, this child should have been put up for adoption, or at the least left in the hands of foster parents... the families sound like they have enough on their plate already, and there is no realistic way that 'Alfie' or 'Chantelle' are going to be able to look out for it.




Methinks the novelty of being a dad is going to get VERY old, VERY soon.




Methinks you are painfully correct, best case scenario the kid ends up not doing the same thing.


Orthodoxy is unconciousness

the only ones who should kill are those who are prepared to be killed.

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I feel really really bad for that baby, It's gonna have an awful life.


They should put it up for adoption, or put the kid into a foster home. These kids are unfit to be parents.




lets hope they arent dumb enough to have another kid...

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Someone posted this on Digg. I lol'd.








And jeez, if the family is living on benefits, having a kid ain't helping.




I know some say that they got drunk and had sex, but it just seems highly unlikely, unless the 15 year old got hold of it.

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I'm not sure whether to worship this child's way with the women, be angry at society for letting someone younger than me (only by a year) lose his virginity before I do, be angry at his parents for not teaching him about Unprotected sex, or to be mad that this is another news thread.


If you don't mind having sex with girls like her, then you can lose your virginity in no time.




That photo of the 3 of them together tho looks like a siblings picture more than a family picture. :wall: She looks like she should be his much older sister, not his girlfriend.




Yeah she looks like a troll. Hahahaha 8-)

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I'm not sure whether to worship this child's way with the women, be angry at society for letting someone younger than me (only by a year) lose his virginity before I do, be angry at his parents for not teaching him about Unprotected sex, or to be mad that this is another news thread.


I'm just mad that this is another News Thread. I see this all the time, My Chem class is just across the Parenting Class so when class is over I see a bunch of Pregnant girls come out. Some of them are in their Freshman Year (Year 9) and around 14-15 years old. I've seen this break families up and you might find this heartless of me, but I find it hilarious when the Father runs away or does not admit it he is the Baby's Father. :lol:


That is even funnier than when a Gang Member gets shot and the Parents cry their little hearts out saying he is not a Gang Member and he looks like a white version of Soulja Boi. :lol: :lol:


oh I'm [bleep]ed up. Oh well :/

Wongton is better than me in anyway~~



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I feel really really bad for that baby, It's gonna have an awful life.


They should put it up for adoption, or put the kid into a foster home. These kids are unfit to be parents.




lets hope they arent dumb enough to have another kid...


They probably will be. sadly.

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How the hell does a guy have a fully functional [bleep] at 13 when he is 4ft tall?!?


lmfao i laughed at "fully functional"


maybe its screwed up hormones/puberty


After thinking about it, there are alot of hormones and chemicals in food, could be from that. And it's not too uncommon to hit puberty at an extremely young age nowadays. And two girls in my sister's second grade class already hit puberty according to my mum.




And, 666 posts. D; \'

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And two girls in my sister's second grade class already hit puberty according to my mum.




And, 666 posts. D; \'


how does she know that... -.-




and this is my 200th post lol but 666 is so sick just the day after fri. 13th? T.T

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And two girls in my sister's second grade class already hit puberty according to my mum.




And, 666 posts. D; \'


how does she know that... -.-




and this is my 200th post lol but 666 is so sick just the day after fri. 13th? T.T


It's because the parents told them, and the prinicipal called like everyone in my sisters grade and told them to give their kids "the talk".

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