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Body piercing.. the new norm?


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I was just wondering what you guys thought about the trend involving getting lots of body piercing. Obviously, it is some kind of art form in one way or another, many countries and nationalities have body modifications/piercings engraved into their society as a social norm and in some cultures and/or tribes they are even seen as a status symbol. Obviously there is some kind of appeal behind this and I'd like your guys' two cents on it.




What do you think about piercings?


How many piercings do you have?


What would be the most extreme piercing you could ever see yourself getting?

and these children that you spit on as they try to change

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Eh, I know a lot of people with all sorts of piercings. I could maybe see myself getting one of those thin lip piercings, but really a tattoo is more likely. I got a lotta friends with lips, eyebrows, noses, and bellybuttons pierced.




I currently have a goose-egg.

catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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I'm generally OK with piercings, but what does drive me nuts are some of the places that people get pierced... Like the nipple. I don't know how comfortable a piercing is, but nipple piercing probably can't feel good, and it's in a place where people can't see it? Sometimes people will be able to see your tongue piercing, but they mostly won't. And I know that it can be unpleasant.




I can accept them as a style/fashion thing, but when you put them in places where people won't see them, that's just weird to me.

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I don't have any problems with body piercings....in moderation of course. Ears, belly button: alright.




Some of the other, more exotic piercings: lip, eyebrow, tongue, others ( :shock: ) are different. I find them off-putting.




I can't see myself ever getting any piercings. I think I would look dead awful with one.




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Would piercing my nipple make it more or less sensitive?




Far more. ;)




Piercings are fine,and look good on those who suit it...I myself have one in my lip and two in my earlobe. As for piercings on women, I am all for it;tongue and lip piercings are a turn on.

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I'm not into piercings, more into tattoos, but my girlfriend is obsessed with piercings. I convinced her out of Nose and Belly Button because those are way too cliche, but she's got a bunch of cool ones in her ears and she's going to get her tongue done soon. I'm looking forward to that one haha.


"He could climb to it, if he climbed alone, and once there he could suck on the pap of life, gulp down the incomparable milk of wonder."

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There's this 'scene' girl at our school and I heard her talking about wrist and neck piercings. :shock:


I'd like to get my lips pierced at one point in my life :D I'll probably do it when I'm away at Uni...



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piercings in places that make no sense = fail (like cheek, hip, chin, neck)


lip piercings=win


belly piercings don't make much sense to me.


and genital piercings are just kinda nasty.


but the main point is lip piercings are win.


and I [bleep]ing hate those giant ear gauge things. where it expands your earlobe so big someone could have sex with it.


those are just nasty.

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Gauges and anything below the waist is terrible for me.

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piercings in places that make no sense = fail (like cheek, hip, chin, neck)


lip piercings=win


belly piercings don't make much sense to me.


and genital piercings are just kinda nasty.


but the main point is lip piercings are win.


and I [bleep] hate those giant ear gauge things. where it expands your earlobe so big someone could have sex with it.


those are just nasty.




Yeah genital piercings are weird. And imagine a ring there combined with a tongue stud... reminds me of a hilarious post on SA about embarrassing sexual moments...

OH S***! He/she/it is back!

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Unfortunatly, I actually want to get alot of piercings, stuff like industrial/scaffolding, various studs, in the lip, around the ear. A few rings, on eye brows and such. A bridge piercing.




I might consider getting my nipples pierced lol...




tattoos are a yes too.

Luck be a Lady

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