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75+ Crimson charms in 30 minutes - Chaos dungeon waterfiends


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Table of contest:


1. Introduction


2. Suggested levels


3. Quest requirements


4. Equipment


5. Inventory


6. Familiar


7. Preparation


8. Fight


9. Banking


10. Charm rates


11. Economics


12. Experience rates


13. Duo method


14. Videos


15. Closing words




[hide=1. Introduction]This guide shows you a method how a high level player can gain at least same amount crimson charms in same time as he would get by ice barraging rock lobsters. Without forgetting minor amounts of other charms. Without losing much cash and getting fast xp too. Have fun reading!




P.S. I am aware that there is already a Guide to Chaos dungeon waterfiends. However this guide is more detailed which is the reason why I wanted to post it anyway.[/hide]




[hide=2. Suggested levels]Attack: 95+


Strength: 95+


Defence: 95+


Prayer: 70+


Magic: 95+


Summoning: 95+ (you can do also at 79+ and 92+ but slower)


- You can do this with lower stats but this is what I suggest for efficient killing. With lower stats you will easily end up to use more supplies.[/hide]




[hide=3. Quest requirements]- As a First Resort (for Oo'glog baths)


- The Fremennik Isles (for Helm of Neitiznot)


- Recipe for disaster (for Barrows gloves)


- Wolf Whistle (Obviously for summoning..)[/hide]




[hide=4. Equipment]equipmentwf.png


Back: Fire cape > Fishing cape (t) > Any other trimmed skillcape > God cloak


Body: Karil's top > Armadyl chestplate


Feet: Dragon boots


Hands: Barrows gloves > Dragon gloves/ Regen bracelet


Head: Slayer helmet (e) > Helm of Neitiznot (e)


Legs: Karil's skirt > Armadyl plateskirt


Neck: Amulet of fury


Ring: Berserker ring > Ring of life


Shield: No shield used


Weapon: Saradomin sword (for str training)/ Zamorakian spear (for controlled training)


Special weapon: Saradomin Godsword


- Use suggested items, there is no reason to compromise anything. This is for best possible offence without losing magic defence. This is why I don't put secondary items for most slots. Slayer helmet if you have waterfiend slayer task. If you have bad internet connection you can use ring of life.[/hide]




[hide=5. Inventory]inventorywf.png


1 Saradomin Godsword


1 Camelot teleport tablet


150 Iron within scrolls


3 Saradomin brews (4)


1 Super restore (4)


1 Super attack (4)


1 Super strength (4)


9 prayer potions (4)


10 sharks (can switch them to pineapple pizzas if you want, I find it annoying there to click twice to eat)


- If you want you can use also prayer mixes here. They heal 6 hp each dose, thus 2 of them give 4 doses of pray pot and heal 24 hp which is more than 1 prayer pot and 1 shark give. So, you can just switch 1 of each for 2 prayer mixes. Depending on your levels you may find this inventory doesn't work for you, then mix a bit amounts of prayer potions and sharks. This is good inventory to start with.[/hide]




[hide=6. Familiar]Steel titan > Iron titan > wolpertinger > elemental titans


- If you are using wolpertinger you should use void knight melee armour because you don't need scrolls. Steel and Iron titans are best for fast killing, when you are killing them quickly you won't receive that much damage either. Wolpertinger gives you +10% magic defence that you can increase even further by using scrolls of it to boost your magic level by 7. It's also pretty good fighter. Elemental titans are not good fighters but will heal and fight thus having double effect. Definitely take spare pouch if you are using them since they will get killed quickly.


I don't suggest using unicorn or beast of burdens here, if you want to use them you should go to Ancient cavern because they don't make you to get faster charms here.[/hide]




[hide=7. Preparation]First thing to do: Hop into world with as few people as possible. Yes, you read right, you want unpopulated world for slow respawns. This is important thing to do.


After this equip yourself. Add scrolls into your helmet already. Set your weapon for crush attack and turn auto retaliate on. Get your inventory ready (leave food in bank). Take glory from bank. Teleport to camelot (or catherby if you are on lunar magic) and use charter ship to Oo'glog (1700gp). You can also use Mobilizing Armies teleports. Take baths in Run energy restore pool, prayer pool and hitpoint pool (3 in the middle). Run energy pool because it's nice to have endless run in case you get bad luck with Chaos dungeon portals, hp and prayer boost effects cannot be neglected either. After last bath teleport to Edgeville.


Summon your iron titan, take sips of super defence, attack and strength potions (don't use your 4 dose potions for this..). Now you are ready and you can withdraw your food and head to Chaos dungeon. Use following route to reach your target room: Cargoyles (meleeprayer), Mummies (meleeprayer), Zamorak mages, Dust devils, Black demons (meleeprayer), Earth Warriors (magic prayer, in case bronze dragon attacks), Turoths.








[hide=8. Fight!]Before entering room turn on Protect from Missiles and Piety. Waterfiends will be aggressive for about 10 minutes and until that you will need to use both prayers. You have to juggle your food a bit in the beginning. This inconvenience shouldn't last for long, though, unless you are getting many food drops. Use your first 2 SGS special attacks wisely, wait until you need both hp and prayer restore. Your special bar won't get recharged before Fiends come unaggressive and even after that it recharges slower than it should. This is because of using titan scrolls and is a glitch in my opinion and I have reported it too. EDIT! After update 8th July this no more occurs.




While fiends are aggressive your familiar will attack them automatically quite quickly, usually. However, sometimes he doesn't and you need to use call familiar button to get him back to work quickly. Do it as soon as you see him standing somewhere doing nothing. Try to pile fiends by attacking same monsters that your familiar is attacking. In this way you will have less of them on you at once and you will receive significantly less damage. This is also the reason why we hopped to empty world in the beginning. Notice also how your familiar is tanking many of the waterfiend attacks that would hit you otherwise.




After they become unaggressive you have to change tactic a bit. Stop wasting prayer points for protection prayer but definitely continue pietying until the end of the trip. You need both defence, attack and prayer bonus you get from using it. Using familiar requires a bit more attention now. Call him as soon as waterfiend you have attacked starts attacking you back. Don't wait until he autoattacks, often fiend is killed before that. Usually you receive a few attacks, then fiend will switch target and attack your familiar. When having high stats and pietying you usually can finish your target monster before it starts attacking you again. This is why I said using protection prayer at this points is waste. For even more efficiency attack new fiend always when previous is at low hp, then finish it off. In this way you receive a bit more damage but also get your familiar to move immediately towards new target.




In the end of the trip if you have ran out of food you can replace it by using Redemption prayer. It may sound a bit crazy but actually works. Just remember Waterfiends have max hit of 11. When being at 12-18 hp and having under 10 prayer points left turn that prayer on. When you receive damage and go under 10% hp your hp will get boosted to 30+. Then you can just take a new sip of prayer potion and continue killing a while with only piety on until your hp gets back down again. Often you can also use SGS special or receive some nice food drops.




When your familiar dies (yes, even iron titan will get killed there and I bet steel titan does so too), best choice is to use your remaining prayer points for pietying and teleport off. Having no familiar slows you down a lot and also makes you to use a lot more supplies. I have sometimes been taking 1 extra pouch that I can use when this happens. Up to your choice but I suggest starting without extra pouch and use that space for supply especially if you have lower levels than maxed. If you prefer longer trips with extra pouch, take less food and more prayer potions. You may have hard time especially when they are aggressive and may have to waste prayer points for protection prayer because of having no food. Feel free to try, though, it can be fun :)




Repot between 8-10 minutes (time is easy to check from your stats). Let your hp go down to 50-60 before doing so, drink 3 doses of sara brew and 1 dose of other pots. If possible, do repotting immediately after your stats have gone down, so that you will get full effect of them (Of course it's not a big difference but everything counts :)) It's good idea to use SGS specials soon after potting, don't waste them at full hp, though, unless you have really plenty of food left due to drops and you have to juggle them. Time both using prayer potions and other potions so that you don't lose turns in combat.




Remember to add more scrolls into your helmet before it runs out of them. It's easy not to notice it and only wonder why killing changes so much slower.




A few words about drops.. Try not to lose your attack turns in combat when picking them. It's good idea to pick them when you need to eat and you would lose turn anyway because of it. Definitely pick up all charms, mithril arrows, water orbs, ranarrs and ranarr seeds, rune medium helmets and water battlestaves. All other drops you can ignore in the beginning. If you later have space you can start picking also water talismans, snape grass, seaweed, other herbs, death and blood runes, watermelon and strawberry seeds. Taking alchings is waste of both time and inventory space.[/hide]




[hide=9. Banking]Maybe you wondered a bit why I told to take Camelot teletablets instead of usual any 1-click teleport. Well, reason is quicker banking. When you teleport to camelot after trip it will take 5 minutes to get back to kill waterfiend (if you don't get bad luck with Chaos dungeon portals). Yes, I have timed this.


You are usually at both low hp and prayer after trip, at least you should be. This is what Oo'glog spas are great for. Deposit your loot to bank in Catherby and get ready to new trip, go to take baths in Oo'glog, teleport to edgeville and do basically same stuff you did earlier.[/hide]




[hide=10. Charm rates]This is what I can get in 30 minutes there




Total charms: 89 in 30 minutes.




You can compare this to what I was getting by ice barraging rock lobsters in 1 hour:


Gold: 84


Green: 64


Crimson: 150


Blue: 9


Total: 307




These are both pretty random numbers, though.[/hide]




[hide=11. Economics]In this section I present what your supplies cost and what your loot will be worth in 30 minutes trip. Extending trips to 1 hour is not genious if you prefer getting charms quickly.






As you can see, suggested supplies cost around 116k. You are also using titan scrolls, around 85 per 30 minutes. They cost 280 ea ->23,8k per 30 minutes . Also you will use super set doses, 1700 coins for ship trip, 1 iron titan pouch and some recharge costs for karil's. These in total will cost around 10k. Sum cost: 191k






Sum: 171k. 3 prayer pots are "leftovers". With these numbers we see easily that you can get really quick charms almost without losing money. Note that this is just an example loot, it varies quite much from trip to trip, that wasn't any good loot on that picture.[/hide]




[hide=12. Experience rates]These are based on 99 attack and 98 strength levels and using iron titan with scrolls.




13,274,887 defence xp


12,705,409 str xp




30 minutes later


13,286,000 defence xp


12,745,000 str xp






11,113 defence xp


39,591 str xp


Total xp: 50,704




I also did some trips using wolpertinger and void melee armour. These are xp rates from it:




12,787,429 str xp


13,839,947 magic xp




30 minutes later


12,825,000 str xp


13,848,000 magic xp






37,571 str xp


8,053 magic xp


Total xp: 45,624[/hide]




[hide=13. Duo method]I don't have any detailed guide with pictures of this method, I will just explain how it works. Hopefully you like blocks of text :P




Basic idea is that another player is healer and another tanker. Tanker should use iron/steel titan with scrolls and same equipment as in solo method. Healer is using either unicorn or pack yak+unicorn. Requirements for tanker are same as they were for solo method. Healer has to have 88 or 96 summoning and 92+ magic. Both need to be on lunar magics and accept aid turned on. You should be using lootshare too.. Healer takes runes for Heal Other spell (3 astrals, 3 laws, 1 blood), 200 casts should be enough. Also, both players should take runes for Stat Restore Pot Share (2 Astrals, 10 Earths, 10 Water) and Boost Potion Share (3 Astrals,12 Earths, 10 Waters) spells. Don't take mud staff! It's real pain to use it. If you want you can take mud runes to save 1 inventory space, however I don't suggest it because they cost over 300 ea making 1 spell to cost over 3k.




If you are healer using yak you should put around 6 prayer pots and 24 pineapple pizzas into yak. Into inventory take 1-2 unicorn pouches, some pack yak and unicorn scrolls, 1 super set, 1 super restore, some food to survive of aggressive phase. Use same equipment as in soloing method but take also full dharok into inventory. Equip it after fiends become unaggressive and send other equipment back to bank. With heal other spells you can easily stay on low hp for basically no risk because all fiends are attacking tanker. I suggest staying over 11 hp, though, just in case you attack accidentally fiend who is not attacking your partner. When your partner needs healing use 3 unicorn scrolls and cast spell on him.


If you are using only unicorn, take a lot less food and think twice about taking dharok's with you. You can't use dharok's while fiends are aggressive, don't even think about trying it! Try to attack fiends that are at full hp, in that way you get most out of set effect. Use only piety when they are unaggressive to you.




As tanker you have to take around 1+3 titans because they will get killed early. Take also 1 super set, some food and rest prayer potions.. Keep fiends aggressive against you all the time by moving. Pray against missile attacks and use piety. In this way you get most out of your titan. Finish fiends that are at low hp so your partner can concentrate on high hits with dharok set.




Always when you are using prayer pots share them with your partner. This makes 1 prayer pot to give totally 8 doses out. Do same with boost pots.




It's possible to duo so that both are using fighting familiars, too. It's not as effective, though, because titans become almost useless when you gain unaggressive status and keeping them aggressive all the time makes you to leave quite early. Healer-tanker -combo is best choice.




Best choice is that only tanker uses sgs specials and healer transfers his spec energy to him by taking some nature runes with him too. Tanker is using prayer points faster and also receiving the damage so it's quite obvious he needs more restoring them too.




Pros and cons of duoing:


+ feel of teamwork :)


+ fun method of getting charms


+ trips last a lot longer


+ great possible xp rates


+ cheaper (at least I have feeling this is cheaper because of using less prayer potions)


- a bit slower charms


- preparations for trips takes some time[/hide]




[hide=14. Videos]You asked for it so here it's ;) Video of me going from Catherby bank to Chaos Dungeon Waterfiends and killing them a few minutes there with my beloved Steel titan. Forgive me I was really laggy because of recording. And forgive me also bad quality.






I will probably add more videos later.. we'll see.[/hide]






[hide=15. Closing words]This is my 2nd guide ever on tip.it forums, first being Orks in GWD with combat familiar (Iron/Abyssal/Lava titan). All feedback and comments are welcome![/hide]

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Great guide :thumbsup: , I heard once that ct waterfiends were possible but hard, so I have been waiting for somebody to figure out a good method and write a guide. Sadly, do to the way you get xp with slayer + combat, and my slight OCD I never get charms any other way than slayer along with combat xp :| .

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Very interesting :thumbsup: I've always looked at that room as sort of a room-of-death, lol. You also probably gave the only real use to heal-other in RS (besides a few pk'ers who scammed one-itemers in BH), although getting someone to try that duo method would be hard.


A Draconic Guide V1.4, Fimer - Multi-Timer Farming Timer V3.

Dragon Boots: 39|Abyssal Whips: 16|Dark Bows: 1|

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I did some duo trips with my friends who had 96 and 97 summoning and maxed melee. I admit it is hard to find anyone to do it unless you have friends who are interested in doing this.




There actually is some other real use for heal other spell: Bandos and zamorak GWD for supporting tanker using unicorn. If you are attacker and using unicorn you receive much less damage than you are able to heal and thus unicorn healing capacity goes to waste. I have tried it there succesfully (dharoking too at same time :))

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Yes, finally, a guide with original content! I have been waiting for an alternative method to bursting lobsters for a while. The only thing about the guide is that it is a bit text heavy, but that's understandable. :D




I will soon put this into practice!




Note: The Duo method looks a bit difficult to get anyone to agree to heal you at such prices.


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Yes, finally, a guide with original content! I have been waiting for an alternative method to bursting lobsters for a while. The only thing about the guide is that it is a bit text heavy, but that's understandable. :D




I will soon put this into practice!




Note: The Duo method looks a bit difficult to get anyone to agree to heal you at such prices.




Text is heavy mostly because I tried to cover every little detail :) And also because I can't write in a simple way lol :P




Duo method is primarily aimed for friends, a fun way to spend time together and get good amount of charms while doing so. I would be really surprised if you found some random person in game or from forums who would want to do that, feel free to try, though :D




Thank you all for your feedback, it's appreciated.

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Since you asked I added a video of killing them with Steel titan, check section 14. Was using it first time there.. got feeling Iron titan is actually better against them. Might not be accurate because I was lagging a lot but I wouldn't be surprised if it is. They are weak to crush attack and Iron titan uses melee whilst steel titan mostly range.. also specials are melee attacks for iron and range attacks for steel titan.

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Pineapple pizzas heal 22 hp and are cheaper than sharks. It's two bites but if you click a pizza and click it again about a half second later you'll eat both bites in the same time as one shark.

Ah, this reminds me about the noob on the Runescape forums who was upset with the quest "Cold War" because apparently his grandparents died in the war. :wall:
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10 sharks (can switch them to pineapple pizzas if you want, I find it annoying there to click twice to eat)


- If you want you can use also prayer mixes here. They heal 6 hp each dose, thus 2 of them give 4 doses of pray pot and heal 24 hp which is more than 1 prayer pot and 1 shark give. So, you can just switch 1 of each for 2 prayer mixes. Depending on your levels you may find this inventory doesn't work for you, then mix a bit amounts of prayer potions and sharks. This is good inventory to start with.





So, yeah.

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Just want to announce that due to today's update this method will be a lot better since you can use SGS special attacks a lot more frequently :) And same works in my ORK training guide as well. Thank you Jagex!


Wait, why is this, how do we do specials more frequently now?


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Just want to announce that due to today's update this method will be a lot better since you can use SGS special attacks a lot more frequently :) And same works in my ORK training guide as well. Thank you Jagex!


Wait, why is this, how do we do specials more frequently now?


Summoning specials affected our special attacks regeneration rate. Now it doesn't.

[Summoning guide (AOW)] [Slayer guide] [Melee & Brawl player]


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  • 2 weeks later...

Why does nobody appriciate your guides? I found this revolutionary, great for 92+ summoners. Thank you for researching it and finding great methods. I'd love to use this spot, but I'd need a Wolpertinger (In my dreams) and decent Melees. Oh well, still seems liek alot of fun and efficiency.




Thank you for great guide #2


So, Lone Star, now you see that evil will always triumph because good is dumb.

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Thank you SirTommy :) Hope you like it.




Squareroot, fighting familiar boosts your killing most during the aggressive phase. Thus it would be inefficient and wasting time to use bob for food. Remember banking takes only like 5 minutes. Long trips are not main goal here if you are after fast charms. Of course the final answer is always up to your preferences..




If you want to be sure that you finish task without banking just take 1 unicorn pouch and some scrolls with you and switch to them when you need to. I haven't tried this method for slayer task myself yet since I haven't been doing slayer much lately.

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:o great guide, im so using this when i get pro enough :lol:

Off, is the general direction I wish you would [bleep].


[hide=My perception of the Admins in Assistclan:]



Slayer: Lots of Dragon Boots, 16 Whips, 24 Dark Bows, 7 Staves of Light, OVER 9000 Charms


Bandos: Lost count

Zamorak: ^^^^^

Saradomin: ^^^^^^^^^^^

Armadyl: None[/hide]

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