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Uhm... k.




I played Tom in the final scene of Away today. >:D




Mutual masturbation is pretty ftw, apparently.




Aced it, too.




EDIT - Hmm. I couldhave sworn this was the Today thread.Ah well, this pertains to school, I guess.


sleep like dead men

wake up like dead men

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Uhm... k.




I played Tom in the final scene of Away today. >:D




Mutual masturbation is pretty ftw, apparently.




Aced it, too.




EDIT - Hmm. I couldhave sworn this was the Today thread.Ah well, this pertains to school, I guess.






Starting Uni this year, looking forward to it. Getting away from home and staying with randoms in a new city should be interesting.

It isn't in the castle, It isn't in the mist, It's a calling of the waters, As they break to show, The new Black Death, With reactors aglow, Do you think your security, Can keep you in purity, You will not shake us off above or below

Scottish friction

Scottish fiction

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What's a lanyard? We don't even have locked doors at our school, and if you walk sorta purposefully (or if you aren't Mexican or black) the teachers won't give a damn where you're going. We had to run around the school with swords in theater yesterday and about five teachers saw us without saying a word.




Wonder when we're gonna get shot up. They've had threats every year since 2002 except for last year. Maybe my presence is protecting the school. Bet that's it.

catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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What's a lanyard? We don't even have locked doors at our school, and if you walk sorta purposefully (or if you aren't Mexican or black) the teachers won't give a damn where you're going. We had to run around the school with swords in theater yesterday and about five teachers saw us without saying a word.




Wonder when we're gonna get shot up. They've had threats every year since 2002 except for last year. Maybe my presence is protecting the school. Bet that's it.


Stupid thing you wear around your neck, googling should give you some pictures or such. My school has them too and it's really stupid, though we don't get any "privileges" lol. Everyone has to wear that and their ID while entering the school, media center and other stupid places but no one really wears them except in the beginning. If you forget/lose it, some teachers will make you buy a new one which is just stupid. They claim it's for protection but eh.

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Only thing we have are ID cards. Only time we use them is when we get in trouble and they ask for our school ID's. You could use them to scan the barcode for lunch but I find it easier to just type in the ID number in the num pad.



The UK system isn't weird. Regarding subject choices:




From Primary school until your 3rd year (in general) of secondary school you just do a load of subjects given to you, but then you drop some subjects and only do the ones you're going to do GCSE in. After 2 years of GCSEs, you go to 6th Form College and do the first part of 4 A level subjects you pick (or BTEC or Applied A level or whatever) then in your second year of 6th Form you might drop one of them and do the second half of the A levels. Then you go to University. I really don't get all this AP rubbish I hear Americans coming out with.




Anyway I get my results for my first half of my A levels (AS) on Thursday. I'm not worried about them at all. I also think I'm not going to drop any, unless I fail one. I'm doing Psychology (probably get a B or C), Sociology (B, though I might have screwed up the test), ICT (A), and English Literature (A). I was going to drop English Lit but if I get a good grade in it, it might be worth keeping going with it.

AP= Advanced placement. Speaks for itself.


Not really. =/


If you want to make your brain and physical body suffer, get AP classes.


Not really, my AP psychology class was a breeze. :|



Only hard AP class I ever had was U.S History, and that's because I keep forgetting dates. The other AP were fair enough.

Wongton is better than me in anyway~~



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Ugh, my school is initiating a lanyard system. We have to wear one at all times from now on. We also have a card system, where there are 3 levels. Platinum is highest, then Gold, then Red. With a Platinum card you get to leave school a couple minutes early, which is great to avoid the rush and to get ready for cross country practice, you get to roam the halls during late start, and you get to travel without a pass. Gold can travel without a pass during homeroom and roam the halls, while Red Cards get nothing. I'll be recieving my Platinum card within a week. :thumbup:


You better as hell not be in high school.




I can understand a meager rewards system for kids... but if you're in high school you might want to question your school's opinion of yours and your peers' maturity.





Yeah, I'll be a senior in high school this year. The cards are given out by a number of factors. For a platinum, you need a 3.5 or higher GPA, or a 30+ on the ACT, 97% attendence and be enrolled in atleast 1 AP course. For a gold, seniors get them automatically, other then that you need a 3.0 GPA, and 95% attendence. Red is what everyone else gets.




My school has gotten really big on security in the last couple of years, so they have been trying to keep tabs on everyone who is and isn't a student. I don't mind the cards and it's just a lanyard. Since I've earned the highest so I don't have to worry about anything.

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Ugh, my school is initiating a lanyard system. We have to wear one at all times from now on. We also have a card system, where there are 3 levels. Platinum is highest, then Gold, then Red. With a Platinum card you get to leave school a couple minutes early, which is great to avoid the rush and to get ready for cross country practice, you get to roam the halls during late start, and you get to travel without a pass. Gold can travel without a pass during homeroom and roam the halls, while Red Cards get nothing. I'll be recieving my Platinum card within a week. :thumbup:


You better as hell not be in high school.




I can understand a meager rewards system for kids... but if you're in high school you might want to question your school's opinion of yours and your peers' maturity.





Yeah, I'll be a senior in high school this year. The cards are given out by a number of factors. For a platinum, you need a 3.5 or higher GPA, or a 30+ on the ACT, 97% attendence and be enrolled in atleast 1 AP course. For a gold, seniors get them automatically, other then that you need a 3.0 GPA, and 95% attendence. Red is what everyone else gets.




My school has gotten really big on security in the last couple of years, so they have been trying to keep tabs on everyone who is and isn't a student. I don't mind the cards and it's just a lanyard. Since I've earned the highest so I don't have to worry about anything.




Does your school require you to take the ACT?




My junior year of college starts on monday and I'm having the hardest time finding one of my textbooks. Everything else I was able to get off Amazon cheap except for my french book I had to get from the book store for $160 :evil: (more then the total for the other 6 books I bought brand new off amazon). So hopefully my teacher will email me back soon telling me how I can find this one book that literally can't be found in the school's bookstore, the surrounding bookstores, or anywhere online.

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Yeah, I'll be a senior in high school this year. The cards are given out by a number of factors. For a platinum, you need a 3.5 or higher GPA, or a 30+ on the ACT, 97% attendence and be enrolled in atleast 1 AP course. For a gold, seniors get them automatically, other then that you need a 3.0 GPA, and 95% attendence. Red is what everyone else gets.





I wish we had something like that. :lol:




#1 Wongtong stalker.

Im looking for some No Limit soldiers!

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School starts in ten hours. And here we....GO!


Dang, I still got a few more weeks.




#1 Wongtong stalker.

Im looking for some No Limit soldiers!

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I have nine days. <.<




When do you guys get your schedules? I get mine the first day of school, but I know at some schools people get them weeks beforehand.




I got mine 2 weeks before school started.

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Started 8th grade yesterday.




Got cool teachers, and have a good amount of honors classes. Taking a programming class to prepare me for my future career in computers (want to do something in gaming).




Also hoping to try out Track this year, too. Running around the neighborhood to get in shape. ;)

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I dont start till the 8th. I go to a really [cabbage] school though. They keep the grade 9's in junior high because the high school is too crowded. its also unhealthily small. we only have 185 kids in gr 7 - 9, and about 220 in elementary (yep were k-9). our only options classes are band (not taking, i got 25% in it last year) art(i suck at it) outdoor ed(im unathletic) french(mom makes me take, and the teacher is cool) cooking(meh the food sucks) leadership(pretty slack, and looks good on your resume) and computers(not programming, its just learning photoshop and office, i could do all this since gr 5 -.- ). yep, no woodshop or metalshop. also we have this thing called TAG groups, instead of homerooms. for the first 30 min of the day, you are stuck in a room with people from random classes gr. 7-9. its supposed to build "school spirit :lol: ", but it just makes me hate Gr. 7s more.

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I have nine days. <.<




When do you guys get your schedules? I get mine the first day of school, but I know at some schools people get them weeks beforehand.


Got mine yesterday, but they've been known to change on the first day. Which sucks, because you're supposed to go to your second-period class to get your new schedule. And guess what: your second period can change! And there's a list of everyone's 2nd periods in the school, but it's like a game of hide-and-seek for it. With 2500 kids. PLAH.




I'm really [bleep]ing ready to start, though. My classes are apparently really strange, because nobody out of the 30 or so people I know have the same periods. We have the same classes, but they're complete opposite days. It's wierd. Oh, wait, my friend that just moved back from Dallas has almost the entire second day of classes with me. Pretty hilarious, how it's his first year at this school and we have tons of classes together (I've only met him a couple times, he's a cool guy and a lot like me, but honestly more of a friend-of-a-friend) , but my friends I've been at school with since middle school don't have any. Haha.




Oh well. I'm ready for theater in particular. I loved that class.

catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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First day of school. They refiled the pop machines with nothing but diet. :evil:




I heard that my school did that too. Doesn't affect me though, I don't drink it.

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First day of school. They refiled the pop machines with nothing but diet. :evil:




I heard that my school did that too. Doesn't affect me though, I don't drink it.


I do. Pisses me off. :evil:




But they have tasty ("healthy") lime ice cream this year. <3:

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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When do you guys get your schedules? I get mine the first day of school, but I know at some schools people get them weeks beforehand.


I got a list of my courses a few days ago (I think it was Saturday?), but we get our actual schedules (as in when those courses are during the day, and who our teachers are) on the first day of school (which is the 8th for me).


Apparently so many course lists have been [bleep]ed up this year that an arena to fix your schedule is being held a week before school starts. (It's always been in the afternoon on the first few days of school in the past) I might have to go. :wall: And if it's anything like what happened last time I had to go to one of these things, I'll end up waiting 40 minutes in one line for someone to tell me that no, I'm not listed under having a messed up schedule, being sent to the line for my counselor and waiting 20 minutes, having her tell me some stuff I need to know, and going back to the first line for another 30 minutes. Awesome.


Cenin pân nîd, istan pân nîd, dan nin ú-cenich, nin ú-istach.

Ithil luin eria vi menel caran...Tîn dan delu.

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I start back on September 4th, and I'm quite looking forward to it. I have quite a lot of good friends, enjor [most] subjects and it'll be good to actually be doing productive stuff with my days again. I've spent most of my summer writing and meeting up with friends so it's not been un-productive, but it could've been better. :P

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First day of school was today. Crudely dressed up as Shy Guy (red hoodie with a paperplate mask), ran through the halls like a maniac, went to class, enjoyed my first off-campus lunch, and then ran in the rain for Cross Country before going home and doing the regular stuff at home.




I hope I can keep up this kind of mentality. :?


^ Blog.


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