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What movie(s) did you last see?


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Sommarnattens leende - A vert sympathetic Bergman comedy. Especially the first 40 minutes are very good. Gets a little bit less after that, but has a good comeback the last 20 minutes. Not a masterpiece, but still well worth the see.


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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"Seinfeld" seasons 5 and 6 - You all know about Seinfeld, so there isn't much I can say that you haven't heard before. I love it.








Animatrix - I really wanted to watch something animated tonight, but I didn't feel like watching any of the ones I had access to, but I hadn't seen this yet so I figured I should. If you liked the Matrix movies, you will probably like these. Nine fairly short stories, that I think all take place before the movies. Pretty interesting for fans of the film's story, and over all they are done pretty well. Each of them have a different style to them. I really enjoyed the Film Noir one, it was a little more different than all the others.








Dirty Deeds - I think I've seen this movie twice before tonight, and I think both times I wrote what I am about to write :D . It's a very generic cliched High School teenager comedy. And I enjoyed it. It wasn't a great movie by any means, but it wasn't a bad one either. It only rates at a 5.3 on IMDb, and that seems a little low. I found it enertaining. If you don't mind movies that really aren't anything special, and are pretty generic, then you might like this one. Plus, "Peter Petrelli" one of the main characters from the new serial "Heroes" is the main charachter in this movie.



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Les Rivỉ̮̬̉res pourpres (crimson rivers) - I tought it was a very nice french (woot) thriller until there was an absurd action scene (fighting with skinheads) which after I totally lost my respect for this movie. the movie started well, and had many very interesting plot themes (torted bodies found hanging at the mountains, a small facist university village and spectacular shooting locations) but they seemed not to lead anywhere until veru rushed ending. The athmosphere in the movie was finely done, but I really didn't get the ending. Afterall, movie is always many times enjoyable when it's spoken in other languanges than english (and has Jean Reno in it)



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Afterall, movie is always many times enjoyable when it's spoken in other languanges than english (and has Jean Reno in it)








Hmm, I think I lost you here. What do you mean?


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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Afterall, movie is always many times enjoyable when it's spoken in other languanges than english (and has Jean Reno in it)








Hmm, I think I lost you here. What do you mean?








The guy likes foreign movies and still doesn't know why. :P


^The most disturbing signature on Tip.it^

Last.fm|HELLY KAYLA!|Oh the mehagurtz!|#Siencemakers

"they care less about their spelling mistakes then I." - Lionheart

"apinagez... let me

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Afterall, movie is always many times enjoyable when it's spoken in other languanges than english (and has Jean Reno in it)








Hmm, I think I lost you here. What do you mean?








The guy likes foreign movies and still doesn't know why. :P








I guess that is plausible. Personally, I don't mind when a movie is in a foreign language and I have to read subs, but I am not happy about it.








I do like Jean Reno though.



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Afterall, movie is always many times enjoyable when it's spoken in other languanges than english (and has Jean Reno in it)








Hmm, I think I lost you here. What do you mean?








The guy likes foreign movies and still doesn't know why. :P








I guess that is plausible. Personally, I don't mind when a movie is in a foreign language and I have to read subs, but I am not happy about it.








I do like Jean Reno though.








Hee, I guess I expressed myself bit unclearly. I meant that if a movie is spoken in foreign languange, it gives an exotic touch (read = artistic) to movie, but still doesn't make the movie iself any better. It just sounds bit more stylish when they speak languanges you don't understand, for example, they can throw in the most cliche lines in the history of movies, but it wouldn't matter as it would sound so much different from the original one.








(As artistic I point to special [no idea what to call them] movies that are usually spoken in french, italy or spanish - I.E Almodovar, Fellini, Pasolini)



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Hee, I guess I expressed myself bit unclearly. I meant that if a movie is spoken in foreign languange, it gives an exotic touch (read = artistic) to movie, but still doesn't make the movie iself any better. It just sounds bit more stylish when they speak languanges you don't understand, for example, they can throw in the most cliche lines in the history of movies, but it wouldn't matter as it would sound so much different from the original one.








(As artistic I point to special [no idea what to call them] movies that are usually spoken in french, italy or spanish - I.E Almodovar, Fellini, Pasolini)








Ah, ok̮̩̉̉. I thought you really meant that a foreign language movie is always better than an English language movie. Which would be a little bit akward. :P








The Gold Rush - The original silent version, not the '42 re-release. And I think I can count this one as one of my favorite movies from the silent era. I couldn't remember much from it, I knew the scenes with the cabin on the edge of the cliff, the scenes where Chaplin transforms in a chicken, and of course dancing with the potatoes was branded in my memory as well. I watched everything with my mouth open, it was brilliant. Great comedy, great drama, great Chaplin. 10/10








United 93 - At first I was a little bit nervous, if this movie would hit me again as it did in cinema. I thought it wouldn't. But for some reason it got to me more. It probably has got to do with being alone in my room or in a cinema with 100s of people. Normally, crying during a movie is not something I share with people, I don't really like it when people specifically mention it. But yesterday, during this movie, something strange happened, that I never experienced before. Normally, when you get emotional during a movie and you whipe away a tear, and it stays with that; nothing too fancy. But after the final shot I just bursted out in tears. It was so strange, everything of that day just flashed trough my head, all the memories I have from it and I was thinking about all that misery and anger and whatnot, and it just poured out of my eyes, I couldn't hold it. Damn.


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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But after the final shot I just bursted out in tears. It was so strange, everything of that day just flashed trough my head, all the memories I have from it and I was thinking about all that misery and anger and whatnot, and it just poured out of my eyes, I couldn't hold it. Damn.












there there, its all good :3>








i sumtimes cry too when watching movies.. when i watched this document about the jews and nazis and the camps, i literally cried for like 3 hrs :( :XD:

Doctor of Dental Surgery-2014

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Unforgiven - Not to big on westerns, but I liked this one. Pretty good storyline, overall pretty good acting, and it looked nice. Definently a must see if you like westerns.








Jersey Girl - This movie gets a pretty bad rap, some of it justified, some of it not. The story was decent, the acting wasn't great but it wasn't bad, and it had some good comedy in it's own way. It is my least favourite of all the Kevin Smith movies, but I still like it. I could see how some people wouldn't though.



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I watched Old Boy and Ali G indahouse this evening. Both great movies, though completely different.








Old Boy is a Korean film about revenge and Ali G is, well, Ali G :) I didn't expect Old Boy to be this good, it's a pretty great film; a good plot, good acting, a very original story and very intriguing as well.

Bill Hicks[/url]":dhj2kan9]Since the one thing we can say about fundamental matter is, that it is vibrating. And since all vibrations are theoretically sound, then it is not unreasonable to suggest that the universe is music and should be perceived as such.


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Brazil - This would've been third or forth time watching this movie. And it just keeps getting better. It's so frightening, especially trough the amazing sets. Gilliam uses really clean design materials, but completely messes them up. With wires comming out of special cameras, or a dirty brown piece in the perfectly white hall and the list goes on. That in combination with the haunting camera and frightning view of the future and you get completely sucked in. You feel you're losing your mind, and in your dreams you experience total freedom, but not for long; after a quick kiss the nightmare you're living enters your dreams. You try to survive, but in the end you need to give in and you just lose it.








P.S. The homage to cinema itself and especially the '40s is a great touch. :)


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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So this Mum, Dad, Son, Daughter and dog walk into a talent agency office...












If anyone cant figure it out I watched The Aristocrats last night heheh.



Mercifull <3 Suzi

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The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift - Ah, well. I don't really mind to keep myself entertained by fast cars, good looking women and Sonny Chiba. And I've learned some new age old Japanese sayings. :') Too bad some of the racing scenes gave me a headache. And the plot wasn't much either. But that's not what you're watching this for. It was alright, and it was a lot better than the second part from the trilogy. 6.


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift - Ah, well. I don't really mind to keep myself entertained by fast cars, good looking women and Sonny Chiba. And I've learned some new age old Japanese sayings. :') Too bad some of the racing scenes gave me a headache. And the plot wasn't much either. But that's not what you're watching this for. It was alright, and it was a lot better than the second part from the trilogy. 6.








Yes great movie with the fast cars and sweet scenes but acting was kinda bad. Anybody else notice the Home Improvement kid?

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Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex * But Were Afraid to Ask - Hehe. A bunch of short movies by Woody Allen about sex. It's quite funny. Not all are equally good, but I laughed a lot. Highlights. Opening short with the fool, "What's my Perversion?", and the last short when we're inside the body of a man who's going to have sex. 7/10


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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Rest Stop - A straight to DVD horror/thriller. It sounded like a cross between Hostel and Wrong turn...I thought it had a great basic plot, but it ended up being unsatisfying. I really wanted to like the movie...it had the right elements: creepy and weird. There's a couple disturbing scenes, tho not as much as Hostel. What ruined it for me was the stupid decisions that main character made (stuff like dropping the only weapon she had at the time...a tire iron) and also there was some major parts of the plot that go unexplained...the girl meets a couple different people, then they disappear and it's never explained why. All in all, I guess it wasn't too bad for a fairly low-budget horror flick, I just found myself annoyed with it by the end.
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Babylon 5: The Gathering and "Babylon 5" season 1 and most of 2 - I am just putting all these together because I feel pretty much the same about all of them. They are pretty bad. Not to good of acting, plot lines aren't very interesting. Special effects are bad, and I know they are older shows, but it's really bad. The only reason I continue watching it is I really don't have anything else to watch at the moment. And the ongoing story is a little interesting. Overall it is not all that great. I'll probably continue watching it till I find something else.








Kill Bill: Vol. 1 and Vol. 2 - I really like it. That pretty much sums it up.



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I saw the new james Bond film Casino Royale on Friday. It was alright, particulaly the first scene which was the best in my opinion. Very dark, and gritty like a 50's Noir. However it eventually steeped into a generic Bond film despite Bond becoming slihtly different this time. The usual priapic figure, the usual story about terrorism. However this flet slightly less sophisiticated. The torture scene for example felt like one for 14 year olds, and story line was forced at points despite this being quite long.








In all i think the way to change the generic Bond, yet keep the prestige of it is to make the storys more gritty and dark. This just felt like a slightly different Bond in a regular Bond film. It was alright, just not anything to rave about. The ending was quite nice, I hope the next one feels more dark than this with me wanting to find out exactly who this Mr White is (maybe a tributed name to Tarantino as he was once set to direct i beleive. I havn't read the book though so he may be Mr White in that).
















I also saw The Prestige. It had a good cast, Christian Bale, High Jackman and Michael Caine. I think i read this was supposed to get Caine another oscar nomination, although he was good i doubt it was oscar worthy. The ending is quite strange and unexpected. Yet you can see why, and it takes us through the clues in the film (similar to The Usual Suspects ending). It was a good period film about two Magicians rivarly, that as the tag line says turned into battle. It gets quite vicious, and out sypmathys switch between the two men competing (Bale & Jackman). It was dark of course i would expect nothing less from Nolan the director of Batman Begins and Memento to name some. A very good film, well shot not too dark and not too victorian.










With so many trees in the city you could see the spring coming each day until a night of warm wind would bring it suddenly in one morning. Sometimes the heavy cold rains would beat it back so that it would seem that it would never come and that you were losing a season out of your life. But you knew that there would always be the spring as you knew the river would flow again after it was frozen. When the cold rains kept on and killed the spring, it was as though a young person had died for no reason. In those days though the spring always came finally but it was frightening that it had nearly failed.

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Hmm, weather was bad a few days ago, and that's always a good reason to put on them classics.








Laura (1944 - Otto Preminger) - Another masterpiece by Mr. Noir. Cleverly written and great preformances. It lacked a bit of atmosphere, but I didn't realy mind that.








All About Eve (1950 - Joseph Mankiewicz) - A very interesting look on the nasty side of theater and fame. Very well written and excellent preformances by the ladies. Bette Davis. <3


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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Got these two on TV yesterday night. :)








WarGames -> Great movie, one of my all time favorites. I was about 8 the first time I watched this, and the story really marked me.




Some unrealistic plot elements, but it all evens out with the good acting and great story behind the film.








I Spy (2002) -> Kelly Robinson 57 0 likes this ::'. It's supposed to be entertainment; and that's what it delivers.


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Last.fm|HELLY KAYLA!|Oh the mehagurtz!|#Siencemakers

"they care less about their spelling mistakes then I." - Lionheart

"apinagez... let me

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Raging Bull IN CINEMA! WOOHOO. Who want's to touch me? I laugh at you all! Muhahaahahah.


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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