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My boyfriend bought Jarhead for me on DVD, and I watched it the other night. I thought it was a good movie. The only thing that really perplexed me was the fact that they didn't get to see alot of combat. The end was pretty good though. I liked that last line.








"We are still... in the desert."

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I don't really see why the Requiem for a Dream soundtrack reminds you of Lord of the Rings II, I don't even recognize it, even if you said it was a minute in the trailer. But meh.
It doesn't really remind of the LOTR movies, cuz they had a wide variety of original score, but I knew I had heard it before.








Yea, but I don't hear it in LoTR, not even at the parts you say it should be that's why I don't see why you say you think you heard it before.












The music used throughout the film was composed by Clint Mansell with string quartets performed by Kronos Quartet. Notable for its use of sharp, untremelloed string instruments to create a cold and discomforting sound from instruments frequently used for their warmth and softness, it was widely praised and has been subsequently used in various forms for trailers of other motion pictures, including the The Lord of The Rings.








I'm not crazy.








But today, I watched City of God. I really wish I knew Portuguese. The subtitles came so fast and so often it was difficult for me to keep an eye on the action and the cinematography/direction and overall difficult to watch the movie period. There is a lot of dialogue and narration that all comes really fast, I actually had to rewind like half a dozen times because I missed what was going on. But that's hardly the films fault.








From what I was able to see, I was very impressed. I didn't know Brazil had such talented movie-makers (well, I actually saw Constant Gardner before I saw this, so I figured the direction would be pretty good.) It all seemed to fit just right. It had plenty of action (shame I couldn't watch most of it) and the many different stories moved with amazing fluency...It was excellent transitions fit with flashbacks and differing time frames. The characters were pretty good but there was definately far too many to keep track of. You could never really get as attached as you normally do to a character, because even the main character Rocket seemed to have little face time. I understand that it wasn't that kind of movie, but I couldn't ever learn too much about the depth of the characters. For what it did have though, the character development was pretty good.








There was also lots of twists that came with the differing points of view and the changes in time. I thought this was a really well written movie, and really well done. I will probably have to watch it again at some point in the future, but I will have to keep my eyes on the screen, instead of the words. The also had a very well realised view of the ghetto, and it really gets to you how crazy it is. Spoiler?Then when it turns out it was a true story it all just ended out perfect. Definately glad they saved that for the end.








But definately a very good movie, perhaps my favourite foreign film I've seen (which is few). A position in my top 100 fo' sho', though imdb's rank of 13 or whatever may be a little high.








EDIT-Oh yeah, and further, the Blockbuster lady didn't want to let me rent this, because it was rated R (even tho my mom was right there) and she ranted about how violent and gory and disturbing it was. Sure, there was lots of warring and violence, but this was done very tastefully with minimul of blood and gore.

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The music used throughout the film was composed by Clint Mansell with string quartets performed by Kronos Quartet. Notable for its use of sharp, untremelloed string instruments to create a cold and discomforting sound from instruments frequently used for their warmth and softness, it was widely praised and has been subsequently used in various forms for trailers of other motion pictures, including the The Lord of The Rings.








I'm not crazy








You probably got better ears than me, and deff. not crazy. :P But they use the style of the soundtrack, not the soundtrack itself, right. Or am I misinterpreting the wiki quote now. :P








Glad you liked Cidade de Deus btw. :)








Memoirs of a Geisha - Too American, that's the movies biggest problem, other than the length. The time is taken, but not the patience this movie needed. The actors don't even speak japanese, they speak American. The costumes, art-direction and cinematography was good, but thanks to others flaws you didn't really get any feeling of authenticity. It looks good, but it's easy to look trough. And then you are in a large void. Empty. There was one very great dancing scene though, that was the best part of the movie. 6/10


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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I recorded Braindead (peter jackson) on my hdd recorder last night. I didnt get to watch it because there was something else on but ill defo be seeing it tonight :D



Mercifull <3 Suzi

"We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape" Jagex 01/04/01 - 02/03/12

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The Hills Have Eyes.
I'm gonna guess the new one? But the original was on TV the other day too...








I didnt watch Braindead in the end last night because i saw that Platoon was on so saw that instead



Mercifull <3 Suzi

"We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape" Jagex 01/04/01 - 02/03/12

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The 40 year old virgin - What's going on there in Hollywood, two class comedies a year! I liked it, a lot. Only thing I didn't really like was that it took two hours. But ah well. 7/10








Sin City - Seen it before, but that was on my pc with crap sound and crap monitor. Now I saw it at my friends place with great sound and a freaking big T.V. Almost the way it's suposed to be. Still great, if not greater. 9/10 <3


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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Last movie I saw on tv was waynes world




great movie, halarious... 9/10








Before that I saw saw 2 at a friends house, it was really good if your into those kind of movies. You really didn't expect alot of it, 8/10, but the first was the best.

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Two movies today, one tommorow.




First I watched The Negotiator. It's always on TV, but I've never seen it. I thought it was quite a good thriller. Sammy L was surprisingly excellent, and Kevin Spacey was quite good (obviously he wasn't at is best, but the role didn't call for it). Both did quite well, and Paul Giamatti added something aswell ;). I thought it was quite good, quite gripping. Excellent thriller.


Then I rewatched Walk the Line. Seen it before, so it wasn't as surprising or engrossing because I knew what happened...Pretty good music though, but it definately loses something the second time.




Tommorow is Jarhead, then sometime midweek will be Amelie. Better be good ;).

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Meet Joe Black - Pfft, how much sentiment can you stuff in a three hour movie. Pitt and Forlani did quite good, and the scenes with them both were quite nice. Too bad the rest of the cast, including Anthony Hopkins, sucked, and added nothing to the whole thing. No, the movie didn't do anything to me, which is too bad if a movie takes almost three hours. Not to mention it has got Marcia Gay (yes that's her real name) Harden in it. pukey.gif 4.5/10




Hilary Puff and Her Halfblood Prince - For teenage girls who still have trouble thinking for theirselves this is probably better known as RAISE YOUR VOICE. I was quite curious for this movie, as it is one of or best selling DVD's for months. Well. Yes. Can you take this movie serious? I don't think so. But I think I'm going to do it. Only because of Hilary still has got a bit flesh on her bones in this movie I'm giving this a 1.5/10.


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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lol Daan, serves you right for renting a Hilary Duff movie :P



Mercifull <3 Suzi

"We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape" Jagex 01/04/01 - 02/03/12

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Heh, well. Took it with me from work, collegue kept whining how good it was. Of course I knew it was bad on forhand. But I just wanted to see it, so I could join in on the convo about it. :P




8ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâý - The chaotic and autobiographical masterpiece of the new Fellini. One of my favorite movies. A must see. 9/10




Oh, that was my 99th movie of the year. Will see number hundred tonight, I think. :P


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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Heh, well. Took it with me from work, collegue kept whining how good it was. Of course I knew it was bad on forhand. But I just wanted to see it, so I could join in on the convo about it. :P




Was it worth it? :hsugh:










I watched Dinotopia a while ago. Seems like the tv stations around here are prefering to lump mini-series together instead of splitting them up (did it with Gullivers Travels not too long ago either). Anyhow, I've never really liked it much - it's good. It's just... the first "half" is [cabbage] IMO. And in the ah, 3 hours or whatever, the last 30min is all that seems to matter much.




5/10 - it's good they develop the characters some, but in all honesty, just took too long to get anywhere...




And then there have been all the Star Wars movie's that I've seen aswell. Well, damn. Let's just say > 7/10 for all.

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Wedding Crashers: Not as great as I had hoped. Heard from some people that it was amazingly funny. Was disapointed at the lack of laughs though, especially at the start. Interesting plot and easy to watch, but I just didn't think it was too great






Wallace & Gromit in The Curse of the Were-Rabbit: Another one I thought would be better than it turned out to be, especially after the oscars. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed it and it was pretty funny, but it wasn't on par with the previous Wallace and Gromit short films.

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Serenity - i loved this movie. third time ive seen it, and just as good as the other times. i saw this the first time a while ago (when it was out in theatres, dont quite remember how long ago that was) not knowing anything about it. i saw it a lot on less than legal sites, so i gave it a try. i thought it was great, but i thought i was missing a lot having not watched the tv series that i found out about afterwards. anyways, i watched the tv series, and that was freaking awesome. the charachter development was going so well, but alas it wasnt making money and was cancelled. i dont know why, it was such a good show. anyways, i rewatched the movie right after i watched the entire tv series and realized how awesome it would have been had the show not been canceled. sure the movie was great, but it had to go through the story extremely fast. well, that was a few months ago, and i just bought the tv series so i rewatched the entire thing again. awesome. just awesome. finished the series last night and watched the movie today, and like i opened, i loved this movie.




V for Vendetta - had to wait till today to see it (couldnt find it anywhere last night, because i couldnt go to the theatre... :wink: ). anyways, ive been waiting for this for a long time, and am glad i finally got to see it. its just as good as i expected it to be. since it just came out yesterday, i assume not many here have seen it, so i wont post any spoilers. the movie is really, really dark. as in its never daylight, i think they filmed the entire thing at night. that i would say worked perfectly for this movie. the only problem is with captures of movie, they never film the dark stuff very well. i couldnt see a lot of the movie, so i cant comment on the filming. the acting was great, natalie and hugo both did great performances. good amount of action in the movie as the writers are known for, and the storyline is compelling enough to keep you completely engrossed in the story. definently a great movie, im going to go see it again tommorow :D



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Watched Jarhead. Heard lots of different things, and I knew going in that there was no battles so I wasn't set up for disappointment. I thought it was pretty good, but not particularly great. It kinda showed the boredom and insanity, but never really drove it's point home like some other powerful movies. It was pretty affecting, and the direction was excellent. Pretty good acting. Overall pretty good movie, but it wasn't amazing.

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Kill Bill Vol. 1 - Seen it again, loved it more, as I could find more of the references to other movies. This is a movie made by movies for movies. It now kicked Pulp Fiction of the second place and is after RESERVOIR DOGS my favorite Tarantino. 8.5/10


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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Shanghai Noon - i was supposed to be writing a paper and a speech today, but i really like to procrastinate. bad part is when i procrastinate i never feel like doing anything except sitting down and watching a movie. thats where this comes in. it was on tv, so i sat there and watched it. had a few funny parts, a little bit of action, but it was more or less a pretty boring movie. if you dont have anythign better to do you could watch it, you might get a laugh out of it. i wouldnt recommend it though.




Mr. Deeds - didnt really feel like watching another movie, but i felt like doing homework less. anyways, this was also on tv so i watched it too. generic adam sandler movie, funny the first and maybe second time through. not particularly special in any way. this one was a remake of the 1936 fim mr. deeds goes to town. not a very creative story, but it is kind of interesting. think the 1936 one was a little funnier, and all over a lot better.



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The Shining - It's kind of anoying when you've got friends who just got 'into' movies. They want to see all those movies that you've seen atleast a thousand times before. So I had to sacrifice my afternoon and see THE SHINING instead of SAMARIA. Well, it's good, we all know that. So I'm not gonna waste more words than necessary on it. 8/10 or something.




Mulholland Dr. - Well, the first time I was obviously surprised by some scenes, so at that time I let my hormones do the thinking. This time I was well prepared and watched it more serious. Well, it's just great. Could be kind of confusing at first time. But that doesn't really matter. It's all about atmosphere. 8.5/10


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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Finally got round to watching the Constant Gardener. Not what I was expecting... but in a good way. Was a really inciteful film. very impressed.



Mercifull <3 Suzi

"We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape" Jagex 01/04/01 - 02/03/12

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