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How did your Runescape name "come to be"?


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My name was based off Mega man. I first thought of the name flameman, but that didn't sound too applealing at the time, seeing as how i was 10-11 (the flame part from my likeing to fire :ohnoes: ). So, I replaced the "man" with "boy". The numeral part was from my favourite system at the time, the Nintendo 64.




What about everyone else? :mrgreen:


99 Strength 99 Fletching 99 Range 99 Hitpoints 99 Attack

99 Dungeoneering <3 99 Magic 99 Smithing 99 Herblore

99 Theving

Slayer Drops: 14 whips, 22 D boots, 27 Granite Mauls, 42 Effigies, 5 Dark Bows.

What would be cool is if Drakan and his minions kill all the sig heroes in the quest except Raptor who is wrecking. You and him team up and cave in some vampyre heads. He becomes a total bro in future quests and in a GM quest he receives a fatal injury and his last dying words to you are "Brofist, mang"


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I started, wanted the name Relyt. Taken/not usable. Saw the suggestions, but decided I didn't want numbers. Put my name forwards on the end and took out a t, got Relytyler.




A couple sessions later, I died. So, I gave Relytyler to another kid(who never played it, so I took it back a few years later) and made a new account, again going with Relyt, but not being so creative that time and using 199, one of the suggestions(My password spawned off of that too, but that's another story)




Long story short, got bored on that one(I may have died, I dunno) and made one more account, Tylerelyt, based off the name Relytyler. I died on this one for sure, however I decided not to switch, and just worked my way back up.




After that, I switched between Tylerelyt and Relyt199 for mains for quite a while, but when membership came, Tylerelyt was about 50 combat levels higher and had all his skills worked on, so I stuck with him.

My skin is finally getting soft
I'll scrub until the damn thing comes off

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Its in my MSN addy which I'd made bout 3 years before RS.




Olly is my irl nickname, C is the 1st letter of surname, 3's a lucky numba.

2376/2376 total achieved - May 2009


Retired Dec 2009

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Lack of inspiration, that is... It was supposed to be "Suicide Killer" but.. I needed a shorter name, so it became "Suicidekilr".


I have 2 more accounts (Kamikazekilr, made after suicidekilr) and Bad Scimitar (First is a ranger tank, second is a ... pure melee noob)


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I name all of my game characters "Kaida" in one form or another. Most commonly Kadia or Kaidah. I came across it in high school when my then girlfriend (now ex-wife) was working on a social studies project, the one where you look after a doll that cries, and was looking through all kinds of baby names. "Kaida" is Japanese for "little dragon" and is most commonly a girl's name. Combine my love for dragons with my penchant for playing female characters in games and voila!




My first character was named "Kaida_Halden". A combination that included part of my last name. When she got perma-banned for botting (*cough* :oops: #-o a mistake I've been sensible enough not to repeat), I made "Kaida23". Not because I was 23 at the time, but because I liked the way it sounded. Probably because 23 has the same number of syllables as my last name and ends with the same sound.



THE place for all free players to connect, hang out and talk about how awesome it is to be F2P.

So, Kaida is the real version of every fictional science-badass? That explains a lot, actually...

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Been using JoeDaStudd for about 7 years as an alias and I forgot my password to the JoeDaStudd account so adding spaces made sense and was free.


  • Dragon Axe x11
    Berserker Ring x9
    Warrior Ring x8
    Dragon Med
    Dragon Boots x4 - all less then 30 kc
    Godsword Shard (bandos)
    Granite Maul x 3

Solo only - doesn't include barrows[/hide][hide=Stats]


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I used to get called 'Jasper' as a child, this was taken, so i tried 'Jaspa', this was taken, i didnt have the time or mental capability to think of something cooler so i stuck the year it was at the time (2001) at the end :thumbup: And thus, 'Jaspa01' was born.

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I used to get called 'Jasper' as a child, this was taken, so i tried 'Jaspa', this was taken, i didnt have the time or mental capability to think of something cooler so i stuck the year it was at the time (2001) at the end :thumbup: And thus, 'Jaspa01' was born.




99 Strength 99 Fletching 99 Range 99 Hitpoints 99 Attack

99 Dungeoneering <3 99 Magic 99 Smithing 99 Herblore

99 Theving

Slayer Drops: 14 whips, 22 D boots, 27 Granite Mauls, 42 Effigies, 5 Dark Bows.

What would be cool is if Drakan and his minions kill all the sig heroes in the quest except Raptor who is wrecking. You and him team up and cave in some vampyre heads. He becomes a total bro in future quests and in a GM quest he receives a fatal injury and his last dying words to you are "Brofist, mang"


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Back when I made my account I tried for about 30 minutes to find a name with no numbers. I had a fever and it was late so I just picked a name after a while. And man do I regret it. I can't wait to change my name ::'

Winters Omen.png


5,693rd to 99 Slayer on 10/08/2009

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My ranged tank originally started his rs life as a level 3 skiller... so I tried to think of a good name for a skiller and came up with "Free Xp Plox". It makes a lot less sense now that he's a ranged tank... but its still a beastly name.




For some reason when I was younger I had a fascination with panda's... so thats how my forum name started and my first black pure (back in april 01) came to bare the name "Panda P K"... which i normally wear my bunny ears on, which doesn't really make much sense but whatever.




TBH i'm just glad I didn't come up with stupider names when i started rs seeing as how i was like 11.

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Back in the 7th grade, I had a video project (with junk 3d animation software). I forget now why, but for some reason "The evil eye sees all" was a part of my video (no, I hadn't read Lord of the Rings at that point).


[actually the video was of a football flying across the screen, hitting an eyeball...]




Anyhow, that spawned my AIM sn, eyeseesall. Few years later, I started runescape. I decided I would get away from eyeseesall, and move to sees_all1 (seemed less creepy?). By the time I realized I could have gotten my RS name without the number, it was too late, sees_all was taken (whether it was before or after my acct was created, I don't know).

99 dungeoneering achieved, thanks to everyone that celebrated with me!


♪♪ Don't interrupt me as I struggle to complete this thought
Have some respect for someone more forgetful than yourself ♪♪

♪♪ And I'm not done
And I won't be till my head falls off ♪♪

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My friend got me started on Runescape, and at first I was going to name it Vyse, but that was taken so I started cycling through random words I liked. He told I could add numbers when I entered Death. I hate this name, it's so unoriginal. <.< But I loooooooove my skillers name. <3: (See Rsn 2 below my Avatar)




On a side note, the friend who introduced me convinced me that World 13 was the only world that worked. :?

Link to Forum Games signature.

[hide=TIFer Quotes]

This lack of discussion value..disturbs me.
English is the only language on this forum.

If you use another language, you need to include a traduction

bgok5jn dsgtalg

Oh wow, I hate everything -.-

Death kinda scares me.

your obsession with phallic objects shows quite clearly in your artworks.

Ffs, someone put this in their sig.


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Mine was to piss off my friend who has the name "maulmachine" and I took maulmachine1-5, was a great day and his expression was completely worth it.


Corporeal Drops:2xHoly elixers

Bandos Drops: Bcp(soloed) 5x hilts 8x tassets

Armadyl Drops:Armadyl Hilt(trio)

Zamorak Drops: 2xZamorakian spear 3x Steam battlestaff

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The Ratio Of A Circle's Circumference To Its Diameter.




I've memorized over a hundred digits of pi.




I hope this time around you don't get called a nerd...


I remember the last thread you reveal the meaning of your name, some kid had to spoil that.



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