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Training most skills is useless


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Its not useless, you get a shiny new cape.




\' everyone loves capes...especially the shiny ones!




Shiny things make me e-horny.








Whether a skill is pointless or not is up to the player's attitude towards a skill. Some people (like me ) liked fletching. It was a good money maker until Jagex messed around with ge prices.




I don;t see why people grind skill to over 99. I know it is just for rankings, but that won;t help you in the long run unless they release special forums or areas in game for players who have 200m xp in a skill. WHat happens when a player gets 200m in all skills?


[software Engineer] -

[Ability Bar Suggestion] - [Gaming Enthusiast]

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Playing runescape is useless...The point is to have fun










When you break it down, Runescape is just a game. Games are created for the enjoyment of the players. Some players enjoy training their skills up, others like doing PVP, and others like doing quests. If training skills to you is useless, then find another way to enjoy the game or just play a different game lol. I know that some content in Runescape requires skills to access it, but i'm sure it's nothing you can't handle. :thumbsup:




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if you think about it that way, then yes. most skills are useless. however, many people enjoy skills that my lose them money, personally i want to get allot of none combat skills - like fletching and mining up even though there is very little benefit in having them, money making is only half the game, you still need to enjoy yourself!

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i was gonna say...all of runescape is useless, but it seems a couple of people already beat me to it. lol

I'm gonna be walking down an alley in varrock, and walka is going to walk up to me in a trench coat and say "psst.. hey man, wanna buy some sara brew"

walka92- retired with 99 in attack, strength, defence, health, magic, ranged, prayer and herblore and 137 combat. some day i may return to claim 138 combat, but alas, that time has not yet come

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The reason why people train these "useless" skills is the same why they play Runescape: because they enjoy it. :thumbup:

"An Amateur practices until he can get it right. A Professional practices until he can't get it wrong."


Quests just keep bringing me back to this game.

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I like blowing all my money on Herblore, I like training it. Look at my stats, I don't train fletching, summoning, ranged, slayer or hunter because I don't like them. and I don't feel the need to train them just to get ranked. ::'




Herblore, herblore, herblore! <3:<3:<3:







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Playing Runescape is useless.




If you think you can be efficient when you play runescape you are dead wrong, because you are wasting your time. But some people, as stupid as they may seem, actually play Runescape to pass the time and enjoy doing so. There is no one way to play this game and everyone chooses the path for themselves, two moneymakers and a big pile of cash doesn't get you success in this game.

First to 99 Farming on 27. September, 2005.

First to 3766 Port Score on 20. March, 2014.

First to 4664 Port Score on 2. March, 2015.

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It's a game, have fun with it, I think too many people have forgotten to have fun.


I agree, now, everything is all about the capes. Personally, I've started to do only things that I feel like doing and not grind out skills which I dislike. On topic, yep, most skills are useless.... but I do have fun raising my total level and take my time to enjoy the process. That's why I continue to skill.


#3325 to 99 Smithing #4332 to 99 Herblore

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All of that is true now, but you are loosing the most basic point of the game! To have fun! Some people like myself find it fun to train 24 different skills, and to level them all up to level 70 or w/e your goal is. There is also accomplishment still in this game that isn't a 99, such as getting ranked in all(or a specific rank) getting all skills to a certain level, and even getting your total to that next landmark.




I understand that.. but for me, it's not exactly fun grinding skills that will not help me in anyway during the game. And I don't care much for total skill level. I look at the game from an economic perspective. If it's costly to train some skills, I won't do it (unless it's for a quest req).. I'd rather have a few extra million xp in my bank to use on skills that I actually care about (e.g. summoning and prayer are costly), than to use it on a skill that I'll probably never use for added benefit again (like I said, my moneymaker is combat).




My highest non-combat skill is.. fishing, lvl 81.. I've only taken it up one level since I came back to the game a few months ago. With the g/e, there's no point anymore. As buying monks/sharks from the g/e is less costlier for me than actually fishing them on my own.




So really, I'm finding it hard to motivate myself to train any skill but combat, which kind of sucks.




Yep, I feel the same. But it's a new era. And as you said, that kind of creates "specialization" in the game, which is kind of an RPG thing. Could be a good thing in some ways. The newbs might start playing in different ways than we do (like not training certain skills, only for quest reqs, etc.).




Well actually, specialization is a real-world thing.. It just completely defeats the purpose of all these skills in runescape.. which is a negative we got with the g/e.





But that's just YOU. That's your opinion, not fact. If someone plays for fun or to set goals for them to achieve, then your way of playing is useless. The game isn't really all about money. It's more about skills than anything else, and money is a secondary result from that skilling. Then again, this is only my opinion.



|2,300+ Total|138 Combat|12 Lvl 99 Skills|99 Slayer|blogbutton.png

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All of that is true now, but you are loosing the most basic point of the game! To have fun!




I dunno about you, but I need money to have fun. there's nothing fun about using the cheapest gear at 113 combat and being obliterated by level 90's with over 100m in mini-games. -.-


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I agree with you all the way actually. As you said, you only need one to two money making skills to support a account (Mine is runecrafting and farming)


However, I fell as though that... If I even need to make a mith bar, or a super strength potion, I would fell better saying "Hey, I can make that because I can!" I dont have to go the GE to get it... It just makes us (at least me) feel better that I can do it myself. It might take extra time to do it (Sticking with smithing, you might have to mine 4 coal and a mith ore to make a mith bar) but you did it yourself :thumbsup:




Albel doesn't say anything anymore, just comes in, leaves an arrow and vanishes into the night :(Probably
practising some euphonium

You nearly had me fooled, you fooler you


9/10. To me, always associate Albel with musical stuff in OT.

Everyone with a goatee and glasses is Albel now.

lmfao albel m8 wat r u doin, hi though.



[hide=Runescape Achievements]99 firemaking(2007), 99 woodcutting(2008), 99 fletching(2009), 99 magic(2010), 99 cooking(2010), 99 farming(2011), 99 construction(2011), 99 runecrafting(2012), 99 Hunter (2014),  99 ranged (2015), 99 HP (2015), 99 Slayer (2015), 99 attack (2015) 99 Defense (2015) 99 Prayer (2015) 99 Summoning (2015) 99 Strength(2015) 99 Herblore (2015) 99 Dungeoneering (2017)  99 Mining (2017) 99 Crafting (2017) 99 Smithing (2017) 99 Thieving (2017)  99 invention (2017) 99 Fishing (2018), 99 Divination (2018), 99 Agility (2018), MAXED (05/17/2018)[/hide]

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pixels are pixels. Making gp faster or losing it, they're still pixels at the end of the day so i agree with many posters, it's just for fun.




Well those pixels used to be traded for real-life cash :? but it is all just for fun. Some people take it too seriously.


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Well, FUN. Afterall, isn't that what Runescape's for?




I mean, some people like the social element of it, take fishing for example. When getting that to 99, I met a bunch of really friendly people, and with a shared goal, we all fished and chatted away, making money and passing the time.




I don't think i ever viewed getting skills up and beyond 70 or so in terms of self sufficiency, just because I made a goal, stuck to it, and achieved it, then moved on.




Though ify ou're looking at usefullness, then look at the GAME. No one is going to play this game forever, we'll eventually get hacked/banned/quit the game. What's the point of logging on to train when i'll quit and never play again.




Live for the moment.



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More than ever, efficieny is ruling how we play. For those who decide not to follow the efficient playing method, they are left behind as others easily outpace them.

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As a competitive person by nature, I'm one of those people who likes getting skills higher past the point of any practical use. Other than runecraft and slayer, all of my noncombat skills have found their way to at least 86.




I find combat personally useless, as a sort of counterexample to all of you guys who train combat to the exclusion of all else. My highest melee skill is 74 hitpoints, 12 below that 86. At 89 combat, I can do almost anything in the game that I want to (except for summoning, or using a godsword, two activities that I have no interest in), and can access pretty much any part of the game I might be interested in.






So yes. Training skills (or doing quests, or whatever) you're not interested in is useless to you. Nobody's forcing you to do it.


Lowest combat (only sub-90) on the TIF high scores list




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It's only useless depnding on your point of view. For those of us who have fun training them and feel like we've accomplished something when we get to the desired level, it isn't so useless after all.


It's good to be back.

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It's only useless if you find getting millions of GP to be fun. I personally play casually, training skills, earning money, or questing when it suits my mood, so for me skilling isn't pointless.




I don't say that focusing on maximum profit is a bad way to play, I think it's a perfectly acceptable way to play the game. Rather, I say I don't focus on it.




For example, my Fishing and Mining are different by around 10 levels, because I find the similar skills to be different in fun-ness.


My summoning and Farming are dreadfully low because I can't stand training them. I like attack, on the other hand, and it's over twice as high.






Besides, on the GE items may take forever to buy or sell.

If you jump into a river in Paris, you're insane. If you jump into a river in Egypt, you're in denial.

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That is a good point. Those who specialize are extremely prone to market swings.




To bring up a counterexample from real life to your 'real life specialization' argument made before, people diversify their stock holdings to ensure that they don't lose it all on one big selloff from one sector/firm/whatever at some point. If all of a sudden coal happens to be made obsolete, those people who have 83 mining and all other skills under 40 are also rendered obsolete.




I had this very thing happen to me - I was planning to make 52000 dorgeshuun orbs to get to 99 crafting. At the time, you could sell them on the forums for 1-1.5k, depending on the size of the order. By the time I was starting to gather the goblin wire, the last part for the orbs, the grand exchange was introduced, and the value of the orbs decreased 95% over the next few months.


Of course, since I had pooled 80% of my money into this, I about died. (Still have about 35m worth of untradable unfinished orbs in the bank - the cost of goblin wire tripled at the same time.)




Nowadays, as a rule, I never put more than 35% of my bank worth into a single skill, ever. I've had a few item prices crash on me, but it hasn't put a large dent in my wallet, since I have other things to do.




Now, of course, this still comes back to the fact that if you find all this useless, it will be useless to you, and that's your choice.


Lowest combat (only sub-90) on the TIF high scores list




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