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Worst Shop Stocks?


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I dont think any of it needs changing, people should be more resourceful.




E ~ Maybe Im a little biased because I have enough supplies to do anything I want, but still I like the changes.

2376/2376 total achieved - May 2009


Retired Dec 2009

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Sp shard was the only stock that bothered me. Now that is fixed I feel this shop stock update is a very good update as it allows the economy flow more realistically.


I like the new stocks people cry too much over spilt milk such as runes, when shockingly enough there is a skill called runecrafting, and it's a profitable skill.


I agree with both of these statements. Shards was the only thing that would have bothered me, but as far as I know it's fixed now.


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10x of at least two types of ranged ammo :?:




I never buy from shops, so I can't say this bothers me overly much yet.

If you jump into a river in Paris, you're insane. If you jump into a river in Egypt, you're in denial.

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I would say that prices need to be fixed in the rune shop at rogue trader. Also the prices in "reward access" shops such as baba yaga, or the mage guild or the rune seller in mage arena should be adjusted bellow market rates. Long before the stock update, these shops had lower prices as a bonus for people willing to make efforts to access them. I accepted the lost of their uniqueness, in light of infinite shop stock; but if shop stock goes and world hopping for stock is removed, the least they owe us is a return to the lower prices of old.

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I would say that prices need to be fixed in the rune shop at rogue trader. Also the prices in "reward access" shops such as baba yaga, or the mage guild or the rune seller in mage arena should be adjusted bellow market rates. Long before the stock update, these shops had lower prices as a bonus for people willing to make efforts to access them. I accepted the lost of their uniqueness, in light of infinite shop stock; but if shop stock goes and world hopping for stock is removed, the least they owe us is a return to the lower prices of old.




Remember the auto buying bots that camped at all rune shops? That might return if they changed rune prices to the old state.


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I would say that prices need to be fixed in the rune shop at rogue trader. Also the prices in "reward access" shops such as baba yaga, or the mage guild or the rune seller in mage arena should be adjusted bellow market rates. Long before the stock update, these shops had lower prices as a bonus for people willing to make efforts to access them. I accepted the lost of their uniqueness, in light of infinite shop stock; but if shop stock goes and world hopping for stock is removed, the least they owe us is a return to the lower prices of old.




Remember the auto buying bots that camped at all rune shops? That might return if they changed rune prices to the old state.




Don't forget that there was auto buying bots that camped they're mostly because of RWT, now that RWT is pretty much obsolete, I have doubts they would return.

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I would say that prices need to be fixed in the rune shop at rogue trader. Also the prices in "reward access" shops such as baba yaga, or the mage guild or the rune seller in mage arena should be adjusted bellow market rates. Long before the stock update, these shops had lower prices as a bonus for people willing to make efforts to access them. I accepted the lost of their uniqueness, in light of infinite shop stock; but if shop stock goes and world hopping for stock is removed, the least they owe us is a return to the lower prices of old.




Remember the auto buying bots that camped at all rune shops? That might return if they changed rune prices to the old state.




Don't forget that there was auto buying bots that camped they're mostly because of RWT, now that RWT is pretty much obsolete, I have doubts they would return.




Legit players would buy them with bots and sell for profit and easy overnight money. Or Rwters would use a players account to buy the runes and sell the runes for profit to make money for the player who pays for gp.


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Remember the auto buying bots that camped at all rune shops? That might return if they changed rune prices to the old state.




I would agree with that except, 1st the shops I mentions are a mix of quest-locked / higher skill level shops so bots are unlikely. 2nd, even if they had a bot that beat the lunar island quest for baba yaga each store stock is keyed to the player themselves, so there's no world hopping to defeat the respawn time. Our "Yaga-bot" would have to wait the same amount of time for that set of 100 laws to respawn as any other player.

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My old account was falsley perm muted for magic rune hopping years ago. I was unaware bots have random click habbits and need sleep...




Anywho, unf broad bolt stock should be made higher, seeing as they are only purchasable from a store, not like other amunition which can be made.


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Unf broad bolts, or we'll come to a time addy bolts are cheaper to use.


Plain pizza stock or else we'll have to pay 3k for pp AND ~1k for a monkfish. Shame really.

R.I.P. oO000oO0oO00, RS2 range pure transformed to a maxed PvM char in EoC, ten years of time completely wasted.
Good to be gone :)

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All the stocks are fine tbh.




Every single shop item CAN be obtained elsewhere (either through drops, making it or a resource skill)




Shards were the only one unavailable anywhere else. The lower stock levels in runes etc means the economy will flow better because instead of everyone buying at the slightly more expensive shops where you can only get a few people will return to the ge.




Meaning all types of rune, ammo and other consumables will have a better flow thus removing some junk.


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All the stocks are fine tbh.




Every single shop item CAN be obtained elsewhere (either through drops, making it or a resource skill)




Shards were the only one unavailable anywhere else. The lower stock levels in runes etc means the economy will flow better because instead of everyone buying at the slightly more expensive shops where you can only get a few people will return to the ge.




Meaning all types of rune, ammo and other consumables will have a better flow thus removing some junk.




How I make bone bolts?


Click the pic if you wanna see a Ranged Slayer blog.

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All the stocks are fine tbh.




Every single shop item CAN be obtained elsewhere (either through drops, making it or a resource skill)




Shards were the only one unavailable anywhere else. The lower stock levels in runes etc means the economy will flow better because instead of everyone buying at the slightly more expensive shops where you can only get a few people will return to the ge.




Meaning all types of rune, ammo and other consumables will have a better flow thus removing some junk.




How I make bone bolts?




You cant but they are a drop. :lol: but its (2-29) from Skeletal Wyverns.




Spirit shards are better than before now, since you can sell any excess to the pet shop owners for 25gp ea.



Thanks Gradeskip93 for my awesome sig!

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You can sell shards for full price? Excellent. No more junk trading to try to get rid of them. It also means I can just buy all the shards I need then swap the pouches and sell back rather than having to make X pack yaks, swap for shards, make Y pack yaks, swap for shards etc. :thumbup:



Mercifull <3 Suzi

"We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape" Jagex 01/04/01 - 02/03/12

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