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how does runescape help you in life?


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Infact, RuneScape, and all other online games are extremely unhealthy. It doesn't help you in any way to just sit at home and play an online game. You could be out socializing with friends, excersising, and stuff like that.




Actually RuneScape is ruining my life so bad, I would pay all the money I have, and get a large bank loan, to shut down Jagex completely.




Kinda hard to socialize with friends when most of mine are either in college, or working full time as I am.




Keeps me from being bored. I still read alot, and I had good grades when I was in HS. I am just a gamer by nature.




Which I will also add:




If you are at home doing absolutely nothing, what would be a better way to waste time. Watching TV, and letting it's hypnotic waves mush your brain into a gray milky matter? Sleeping? Doing nothing?




With Runescape, your brain is constantly going, and moving, and pushing. Each action you do leads to another, and you are forced to decide what to do next. It's basically keeping you in motion. Not only that, but you are double tasking, and sometimes even triple tasking many things. Watching a movie, on Tif and playing runescape. That is three different things you are focusing on, and I'd like to believe that is much better than keeping your eyes glued to a TV, which is what you would be doing other than Runescape if you are at home.




Now on the other hand, don't stay at home. Get outside and do stuff. Runescape isn't a life, it is a vacation.

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What? No. Just.....no.




Jesus Christ, these threads are getting worse and worse. Runescape does not "help you in life." Seriously. Are you going to go to a future employee, and say "Well, I feel I should be hired because I can type really quickly, have extremely poor grammar, and somewhat decent hand-eye coordination. Oh, and I also have 94 slayer."? No. It isn't going to happen. All of these things people say that video games (read: RuneScape) help is just a way to try to justify the time spent.




No. If you spend 5 hours a day for 4 years, and increased your word count slightly, you have accomplished very very little.




I'm not saying stop playing video games. At all. I AM saying stop trying to justify them with stupid threads like this. (Not directed at you, OP. I have no idea what other threads you have done.) Think about what you could have really accomplished to help you in life, had you only spent 2 hours a day playing, and 3 hours building an actually marketable skill set.




It's nothing to di with justifying playing games.


Or trying to say these are skills you can directly reel off to an employer.




It's pure and simple in the day-to-day living of life how things help you out slightly.


If runescape helps you to get you're typing speed up slightly, good for you - it may not be a huge achievment but its a helpful by product of having played.


If runescape improves you're hand-eye co-ordination and you're someone who plays alot of sports or needs this skill and therefore it helps you a bit all the better, not a hgue achievement but its asomething from real life that runescape helped with as a by product.








If you are someone who plays a lot of sports, the improvement that you get from RS is insignificant.




EDIT: I would love to sit and debate this with you (seriously), but I have to go to my job. Which, btw, RS in no way helped me get.




First and foremost you are assuming to be someone who plays sport you must be good at sport to begin with.




If you are bad at sports but still play or if you play a lot. An improvement is an improvement.




If you're hand eye co-ordination is say 1mm better that can make the difference between a hit and a miss in some situations.




To say any sort of improve is insignificant is stupid. I mean if a runner managed to run the 100m 0.01 seconds faster due to some new trainers it wouldn't be insignificant as tht 0.01 seconds can mean the difference between winning or losing.




I know runescape improved my hand eye-coordination a bit, whihc on the odd occasion has proved useful. Eg messing about with friends throwing rubbish at each other manging to block it more often. When I have to rush round to the tils in work cause it gets busy better hand eye co-ordination, even marginally means I can put stuff through the tils quicker and press the buttons quicker etc etc.




I'm not trying to say these improvements justify playing games or that they are any huge deal. But an improvement or life lesson is an improvement or a life lesson regardless of the source or how minute it is.






Yes, any improvement is significant. You seemed to miss my point though, perhaps I was not clear enough.




Look at it this way. I improve my hand eye coordination slightly, but at what cost? People who talk economics should understand this point quite well: That is an EXTREMELY inefficient way to improve your hand eye coordination, not to mention the fact that the repercussions for sitting still for such a long time would offset that improvement. (Increased weight, weaker heart, blah blah blah)




Look at it this way. If I shoot up some heroin, my hand eye coordination will get better, as I try to hit that tiny vein with a tiny needle. Are the side effects worth that?

"The greatest joy a man can know is to conquer his enemies and drive them before him. To ride their horses and take away their possessions. To see the faces of those who were dear to them bedewed with tears, and to clasp their wives and daughters in his arms."


-Genghis Khan

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What? No. Just.....no.




Jesus Christ, these threads are getting worse and worse. Runescape does not "help you in life." Seriously. Are you going to go to a future employee, and say "Well, I feel I should be hired because I can type really quickly, have extremely poor grammar, and somewhat decent hand-eye coordination. Oh, and I also have 94 slayer."? No. It isn't going to happen. All of these things people say that video games (read: RuneScape) help is just a way to try to justify the time spent.




No. If you spend 5 hours a day for 4 years, and increased your word count slightly, you have accomplished very very little.




I'm not saying stop playing video games. At all. I AM saying stop trying to justify them with stupid threads like this. (Not directed at you, OP. I have no idea what other threads you have done.) Think about what you could have really accomplished to help you in life, had you only spent 2 hours a day playing, and 3 hours building an actually marketable skill set.




It's nothing to di with justifying playing games.


Or trying to say these are skills you can directly reel off to an employer.




It's pure and simple in the day-to-day living of life how things help you out slightly.


If runescape helps you to get you're typing speed up slightly, good for you - it may not be a huge achievment but its a helpful by product of having played.


If runescape improves you're hand-eye co-ordination and you're someone who plays alot of sports or needs this skill and therefore it helps you a bit all the better, not a hgue achievement but its asomething from real life that runescape helped with as a by product.








If you are someone who plays a lot of sports, the improvement that you get from RS is insignificant.




EDIT: I would love to sit and debate this with you (seriously), but I have to go to my job. Which, btw, RS in no way helped me get.


And that's when it occurred to me, my wrong way of thinking. You're just an [wagon].




Sorry bud. Didn't realize not agreeing with someone meant you are an [wagon].






Lets see how far that thinking gets you in life.

"The greatest joy a man can know is to conquer his enemies and drive them before him. To ride their horses and take away their possessions. To see the faces of those who were dear to them bedewed with tears, and to clasp their wives and daughters in his arms."


-Genghis Khan

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What? No. Just.....no.




Jesus Christ, these threads are getting worse and worse. Runescape does not "help you in life." Seriously. Are you going to go to a future employee, and say "Well, I feel I should be hired because I can type really quickly, have extremely poor grammar, and somewhat decent hand-eye coordination. Oh, and I also have 94 slayer."? No. It isn't going to happen. All of these things people say that video games (read: RuneScape) help is just a way to try to justify the time spent.




No. If you spend 5 hours a day for 4 years, and increased your word count slightly, you have accomplished very very little.




I'm not saying stop playing video games. At all. I AM saying stop trying to justify them with stupid threads like this. (Not directed at you, OP. I have no idea what other threads you have done.) Think about what you could have really accomplished to help you in life, had you only spent 2 hours a day playing, and 3 hours building an actually marketable skill set.


I don't know about you, but for me enjoying life is far more important than high-end jobs, should I have to choose between the two. After all, the latter is only supposed to achieve the former, and often fails to do so.




I've learnt to type fairly fast due to Runescape, and basic economics, but that's it. It's not supposed to be an educational game (an oxymoron if I ever saw one), it's supposed to be a fun game.




Absolutely. However, I have a job that I absolutely love, that is EXTREMELY well paying, and extremely challenging. Runescape did not help me in one bit achieve that. It took years of schooling, and years of busting my butt at various other jobs.




Also, I am all about enjoying my down time. Otherwise, I would not be playing this game. I just don't kid myself, and say that this game helps me in real life. It doesn't. At all. Any "real life help" it gives would be negated by the real life negativity that comes with playing a game. Once again, I'm not attacking the game, I think it's great. I play it a lot during my free time.






Yes, Runescape did help me uncover a part of myself that I had not know before: My love for economics. It drove me to study Economics in college. I currently work on contracts that are often $200M and above, and I effect the United States economy (and the world's economy) on a daily basis. However, my love for economics was always inside me, RS just helped bring it out a bit.

"The greatest joy a man can know is to conquer his enemies and drive them before him. To ride their horses and take away their possessions. To see the faces of those who were dear to them bedewed with tears, and to clasp their wives and daughters in his arms."


-Genghis Khan

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Ok guys can we bring the argument to a stop now, Thankyou.




And death, please don't tripple post, the edit button is your friend ;)




In my personal opinion, the least it has helped me is that my typing is much faster than before, which alot of people have already mentioned. This will help me massively during University, and onto further life whenever something needs typing up. It also helped me Achieve some Typing and word processing Diploma's which i did on the side of my A2 courses during my 6th form years.




I culd have learnt to type fast without rs, but doing it as a by-product of having fun in a game is something good. It isn't justifying playing the game, it does not need justifying, it's having fun.

Want to be my friend? Look under my name to the left<<< and click the 'Add as friend' button!


Big thanks to Stevepole for the signature!^

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Ok guys can we bring the argument to a stop now, Thankyou.




And death, please don't tripple post, the edit button is your friend ;)






Sorry. For whatever reason, I have yet to figure out how to do multiple quotes in one post at this forum. :oops:




Also, I wasn't really trying to start an argument (nor did I think that I was in an argument), I just wanted to discuss that idea. Rereading my posts, it definitely does seem pretty antagonistic though.

"The greatest joy a man can know is to conquer his enemies and drive them before him. To ride their horses and take away their possessions. To see the faces of those who were dear to them bedewed with tears, and to clasp their wives and daughters in his arms."


-Genghis Khan

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These may have been said already, but I still want to repeat them as they have helped me. Sure, it might not be a major thing or get me a job, but atleast I actually have applied or require this as information at school and playing quiz games and such.




1. Bronze is made of tin and copper


2. What a Pestle and Motar is and how to use it (I was the only on in my class who didnt need instructions to use one ::' )


3. What an anvil is


4. Types of woods: Oak, Willow, Yew (its real, look it up), Pine, Evergreen (Helps in Geography :) )


5. Types of fish: cod, monkfish (its real), etc


6. How to co-exist with a bunch of crazy people with different views on stuffz :lol:


7. Patience


8. Typing. Sure, I can only type with 2 fingers, but I type pretty fast with those 2 damned fingers <3:




Other Stuff


1. Its basically a place where when I was really depressed, I could escape. Thought that was nice :D

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As several have said, it has also helped my typing speed, and possibly grammar too, from seeing how stupid people with bad grammar can look, even if it is just an online representation. I'm not entirely sure but I think it also helped me wean off of 'chicken peck' typing, to where you look at the screen rather than your hands as you type.


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Read through every post and ya' know, guys... there's shades of grey as well. Rather than "It's just a game". I've played RuneScape for 6 years and it definately affects you as a person. If you rarely play then it probably doesn't. I've realized that I'm always blaming video games for my antisocialism and outcast nature. It's not because of video games though. I've been the way I am now, for my entire life. (Although, growing more mature as I age, obviously) Ever since I can remember, I've always been antisocial. RuneScape has affected me as a person, positively. (although our old computer sucked and damaged my eye sight :evil: )




Though, the only thing RuneScape hasn't help me get... is a girlfriend. :lol:

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I cook lobster so much better now, all thanks to Runescape.


That, and also, if a giant fire-breathing dragon suddenly were to attack my town, I know all I would have to do is calmly sip a dose of my anti-fire potion that I keep in my cabinet, grab my shield, and teach it who's boss.




No, uh, Runescape helping...


Oxymoron anybody?




I guess it sort of teaches you goals, and time management, er, or lack of.


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Oh yeah forgot to mention that you should not start stabbing people when they're resting:there could be some claws under there! :shock:




Oh yeah don't swear at a job interview (i.e. near moderators)




Almost forgot that before runescape, I had no idea that you could eat, cook and fish sharks in 5 seconds. Same with wc, fm and mining. Runescape taught me it is good to burn 60,000 logs.

Best Rubik's cube time solve: 27.81 seconds.

Completed Facebook Tetris Marathon (670k score)

2000+ total with 5 99's, fletching, cooking, attack, thieving and firemaking

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Despite what many here seem to believe, Runescape has helped me, at least.




It is a good stress-reducer, and has improved my typing skills like no school-course ever could. (This would be thanks to merchanting in Varrok banks in the old days.)




It gave me some basic knowledge about medeival weapondry, although I have learnt much more from other sources.




Also, it has helped me understand how basic economies work, and how much I'm going to hate taxes.

The only difference between Hitler and the man next door who comes home and beats his kids every day is circumstance. The intent is the same-- to harm others.

[hide=Tifers say the darndest things]

I told her there was a secret method to doing it - and there is - but my once nimble and agile fingers were unable to perform because I was under the influence.

I would laugh, not hate. I'm a male. :(

Since when was Ireland an island...? :wall:

I actually have a hobby of licking public toilet seats.

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Runescape is not designed to help you. If you get something out of the game, awesome! If you don't, also awesome! We're here to have fun and unwind and


learning stuff may occur. But hell, I met my best friend (irl) through rs! He doesn't play anymore and I do, but knowing him and still being pals has made all the difference in my life. So side benifits are for the win essentially.


"Don't push me; what's the hurry?" - Imogen Heap

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