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Name your strange habits


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Every night before I go to bed I pick my blanket up and shake it out then pick my 2 pillows up and shake them out. Then I turn my radio on, go turn my lights off and use my flashlight to get back to bed. I'd consider it more of a routine precaution check then a strange habit though.

This is the way the world ends. Look at this [bleep]ing shit we're in man. Not with a bang, but with a whimper. And with a whimper, I'm splitting, Jack.

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I do the following annoying things:








1. crack my knuckles




2. chew my nails from time to time, mostly when I'm thinking




3. spin my pen, when I'm thinking. (hopefully this will take over the cracking the knuckles and nail biting habit, just because it's a lot healthier).








There's probably a bunch more that I do that I probably don't find annoying habits but other people do.

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mmm okay :-/








ah come on, it was kinda funny :lol:








not a habit, but some people have been talking about ocds, and i think i might have one. everything MUST be complete. my movie trilogies must have all 3 movies (and in the same style packaging). my book series must all be up to date (if the series isnt finished), and all the books must be either all soft cover or all hardcover, and of course the same style. i have to have the special editions of movies, i will never buy the cheap one :evil: . the biggest part of it is picture websites though, if i find a few good pictures on a website, i dont get just them, i MUST have them all:








missing about 4 gigs that is backed up on cds. there is an exception though, on deviant art. way to many pictures on there. if i find a few i like from somebody, the i will have to get all of theirs. cant just take the good ones :cry: .



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* I do the joint cracking thing (fingers, toes, jaw, anckle, neck)




* When I open up a bag of skittles I always sort them by colour first, then I eat them in a specific order (purple, red, orange, yellow, green)




* When I walk up a certain staircase for the first time, I always try to skip every other step. If the staircase has the right number of steps to let me skip every other step without having to miss one at the beginning or end, I'll always try to walk those stairs like that, otherwise I walk them the normal way.

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Average stuff like tapping my fingers often, clucking my tounge a lot when I'm alone, listening to music I hate just for no reason at all. :?

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1. i must eat skittles in threes or the world is incomplete.




2. i get told off for stopping listening to teachers so i can understand things my way so i can work more efficiently but they never seem to understand.




3. i must always offer to help people at maths problems and try and work out everything needed at work.




4. i cant sleep with fewer than 3 pillows.




5. i must make everyone i meet my friend.




6. except when sleeping or in bed i must either be listening to music or making music to keep me acting normal.




7. i must talk to customers as they enter the shop or i feel incomplete. once i've talked to all the customers i talk to myself until a new person comes in to the shop.




8. i must not drive in the rain.




9. i must cycle atleast 10 miles a week.








theres probably a few more but thats about enough i think

-Destroy Topham-




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* When I open up a bag of skittles I always sort them by colour first, then I eat them in a specific order (purple, red, orange, yellow, green)








1. i must eat skittles in threes or the world is incomplete.








:shock: I'm tip.it's skittle freak but even I'm not that maticulous! (Mind you, I tend to shove the whole pack in my mouth at once :P)








No real strange habits for me, I can't think of any. Oh, well, I can dislocate my right shoulder at whim, but I don't usually make a habit of it :?

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i eat people
















jk i crack my knuckles aswell-and sometimes my ankles-i know a guy who can crack his ears :lol:



Just to be different.


Think about it. A freaking Dragon Cane with a Dragonstone gem.

The spec will simply your character equiping a glove and beachslapping the enemy, who will break down and do the Cry emote for 10 seconds straight.

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i eat people
















jk i crack my knuckles aswell-and sometimes my ankles-i know a guy who can crack his ears :lol:

*bends ears*




I think you mean clicking them...








since wen did i say he bent them :lol:



Just to be different.


Think about it. A freaking Dragon Cane with a Dragonstone gem.

The spec will simply your character equiping a glove and beachslapping the enemy, who will break down and do the Cry emote for 10 seconds straight.

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I can dislocate my right shoulder at whim, but I don't usually make a habit of it :?




I can do that with my left shoulder :P




It helps that I'm double jointed. I always make people go "eww" when I bend my fingers right back or when I bend my thumb to my wrist. Dunno if you can call that a habit though.

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Going for girls ive blatantly got no chance with cus they are too shallow :cry:








ditto...well not all the time...but meh








i also have been "playing" with and folding my ears since i was an infant...








i assume it had something to do with a comfort thing...but i have no clue








anywayz...i cant stop doing it at least once every 20 minutes...its really aggravating :x

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I tend to bite things while I'm at the comp. Pens usually, but sometimes even my cell phone. I don't even think about it, sometimes I just realise I've biten a pen for 15mins.



I'd rather die for what I believe in than live for anything else.

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I usually like it dark, all the time. It's just that I think the lighting makes me itchy sometimes :|








Me too...i just dont like the light. I like it in the dark because i feel more secure there. You know how little kids were scared of the dark because they thought there were monsters or something in there? i loved it when i was a kid, i thought i could sneak up on monsters and smack em. lol.








And too much light makes me paranoid...i feel as if im too 'visible'








anyway, i guess thats its just that ive been playing too much splinter cell :lol:


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I usually like it dark, all the time. It's just that I think the lighting makes me itchy sometimes :|
Same here, lol. That's perhaps my only strange habit :-?








yeah at dark orangey/yellow lights give me headaches.. just the pc light, all you need, trouble is seeing the keyboard when you get too tired to touchtype.. :lol:

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I usually like it dark, all the time. It's just that I think the lighting makes me itchy sometimes :|
Same here, lol. That's perhaps my only strange habit :-?








yeah at dark orangey/yellow lights give me headaches.. just the pc light, all you need, trouble is seeing the keyboard when you get too tired to touchtype.. :lol:








My eye doctor told me to always have a light on when using the computer cuz otherwise I'd go blind. :(

The Enrichment Center reminds you that the weighted companion cube will never threaten to stab you and, in fact, cannot speak.


In the event that the weighted companion cube does speak, the Enrichment Center urges you to disregard its advice.

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Sometimes I push my fingers into my eyes so that i get dizzy and start seeing colours. Woaw ^_^



Mercifull <3 Suzi

"We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape" Jagex 01/04/01 - 02/03/12

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Sometimes I push my fingers into my eyes so that i get dizzy and start seeing colours. Woaw ^_^








And you're popping your joints 24/7. >.> :P


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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Sometimes I push my fingers into my eyes so that i get dizzy and start seeing colours. Woaw ^_^








And you're popping your joints 24/7. >.> :P








Prolly has other "habits" too... :wink:

The Enrichment Center reminds you that the weighted companion cube will never threaten to stab you and, in fact, cannot speak.


In the event that the weighted companion cube does speak, the Enrichment Center urges you to disregard its advice.

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