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08-Feb-10 - Musical Update & Strykewyrms


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i hate that you have to have a fire cape to fight these guys, I've never had any desire to do the fight caves, but now it looks like i have to. -..-


It's a bit silly to have to have the fire cape in order to attack the icy strykewyrms, but since I don't have the cape I won't need to worry about getting them as a task. :mrgreen:

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Ahh I love you Jagex =) Sadly I wont be able to do much with these updates as I have limited time to play, going to a boarding school and all -_- Doesnt make the updates any less epic though =D

"There are only two strategies in war. Move forward or change. The victor is the first to realise that when he cannot move forward he must change."


~ Mod Mark H ~



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Looks like a great Slayer update. Many Slayers have wanted a task-specific rare drop, and while they didn't *quite* get it, this is pretty decent anyway, since you have to be on task to actually get one of these items.


I might have to wrap up my skilling craze earlier than I intended to complete my Slayer helm...

Linux User/Enthusiast Full-Stack Software Engineer | Stack Overflow Member | GIMP User
...Alright, the Elf City update lured me back to RS over a year ago.

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Lots of nice new stuff.


My favorite part of this update was the option to turn on and off the chat box while using the orb of oculus though.

New wyrms have an awesome particle effect usage though, I must say.

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Everyone in my CC has wyrms but me. I'm gonna seriously cry.


^ Lol, just reread that. They all have worms. Sucks for them.




Woot, wasted 270+ points though and I got the task on my last 30 so I'm happy :) Only 86 slayer so I can't get ice :(


Any suggestions for gear?

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The Game Feedback is a mess. Apparently people dont like the Fire Cape as a slayer item at the current.


Well it is asking a lot of some people to get a fire cape, it is a difficult thing to get and if your computer lags at all then you are completely boned. I know I am waiting to get a fire cape on my pure until the summer so I will be at home on my good connection.

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The Game Feedback is a mess. Apparently people dont like the Fire Cape as a slayer item at the current.


Well it is asking a lot of some people to get a fire cape, it is a difficult thing to get and if your computer lags at all then you are completely boned. I know I am waiting to get a fire cape on my pure until the summer so I will be at home on my good connection.


Tbh thats what the point of being able to log out of the caves arw now. So things like that wouldnt happen.

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The new max hits are like this now.




Claws of Guthix: 47/48

Ice Barrage: 49/50

Fire Surge: 46




Smoke Barrage: 36/37

Shadow Barrage: 38

Blood Barrage: 39/40

Ice Barrage: 40/41

Miasmic Barrage: 43/44

Fire Surge: 38

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For some reason I have been trying to get a firecape for the last week. No such luck/skill.


I'm at wave 57 right now. Maybe it will work this time.


I actually took a break from Jad, to do nomad's requiem. That also took me 10 tries. But I managed that in the end.



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Off topic here, but do you think Jagex is not willing to buff the saving rune ability because RCers will be unhappy or to balance between the benefit and the cost? Or some other reason which I cannot think of right now.


Guild Wars 2-In game screenshot, the MMORPG you are waiting for. Click for thread.

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Ice Strykewyrms cb lvl 210 - 300hp appr


crushed nest x15 - noted

pure essence x 200 - noted

runite bar x1 - noted

water talisman x3 - noted

law runes x20

blood runes x15

magic logs x5 - noted

herbs x3 - noted

shark 1-3

seeds x1-2 - varies

key halves

death rune x20

super defense (3) x1

prayer potion (1) x1

uncut gems x1

mithril battleaxe

charm x1


closest tele = fairy ring (dks)

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I've done a task of desert strikewyrms, and found out a few things.... first off, they match the attack speed of your weapon. second, they have 120 hp. and here is a droplist...


Coins, (200,2675,3052)


noted herbs

Herb Seeds

Cactus seed

Poison Ivy Seed

rune hatchet

death rune

Water rune, 100

Law rune, 15

Air talisman

Mind talisman

pure ess, noted, 120

2 water skin (4)

Potato cactus, 10, noted

Super Def (2)

Yew logs, Noted, 10

Mithril Battle axe

Adamant bar, noted, 3



[hide=Siggy credits]The Awesome, Epic, Amazing, S3xah A-10 Sig By Unolexi! I wub u Uno!

InsanityV2 Did the Franz Ferdinand Sig.

Killerwatt is responsible for the Arctic Monkeys sig.

Pat_61 did the B-2 sig and the raptor sig.[/hide]

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I was playing in standard detail with all of the things at max for about 20 minutes then the game crashed...... It isn't my computer having a problem because it can handle HD without this happening. Has anything similar to this happened to anyone else? My friends say they're having lags problems in standard detail at max.

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im not surprised that the people who don't own fire capes are complaining that it isnt fair

im kinda surprised that the people who do own fire capes arent complaining that +15% ranged @ fight caves makes killing Jad too easy

usually the whining works both ways

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