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New US Heathcare Reform Legislation Passed by Legislature

The Dark Lord

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The US House of Representatives has narrowly voted to pass a landmark healthcare reform bill at the heart of President Barack Obama's agenda.


The bill passed by 219 votes to 212, with no Republican backing, after hours of fierce argument and debate.


It extends coverage to 32 million more Americans, and marks the biggest change to the US healthcare system in decades.


"We proved that we are still a people capable of doing big things," Mr Obama said in remarks after the vote.


"This legislation will not fix everything that ails our health care system, but it moves us decisively in the right direction," he said.


Mr Obama is expected to sign the legislation into law shortly.


Historic vote


The president has pulled off the most significant victory since his election 16 months ago, the BBC's Paul Adams reports from Washington.



We will be joining those who established Social Security, Medicare and now, tonight, healthcare for all Americans

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi


When the vote count hit the magic number of 216 - the minimum needed to pass the bill - Democrats hugged and cheered in celebration and chanted: "Yes we can!"


Under the legislation, health insurance will be extended to nearly all Americans, imposes new taxes on the wealthy, and bars restrictive insurance practices such as refusing to cover people with pre-existing medical conditions.


The Republicans have vowed to continue resisting it.


They say the measures are unaffordable and represent a government takeover of the health industry.


"We have failed to listen to America," said Republican party leader John Boehner.


Speaking moments before the vote, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said the health care reform honoured the nation's traditions.


While many Americans seem to genuinely yearn for the cross-party accord they call bipartisanship, and politicians at least play it pious lip service, this lengthy debate has revealed a gaping ideological chasm.


President Obama identified overhauling the health care system as his priority and he's got what he wanted, a victory that eluded Teddy Roosevelt, Richard Nixon and Bill Clinton. But when he threw down the gauntlet the conservatives eagerly picked it up. Healthcare didn't create the tea party movement but it gave it a focus and a cause. Healthcare didn't create the tea party movement but it gave it a focus and a cause.


There are dangers to his left as well as his right. He's harmed his reputation with his own power base, for many liberals feel there have been so many compromises the bill is hardly worth it.


Read Mark's thoughts in full


"We will be joining those who established Social Security, Medicare and now, tonight, healthcare for all Americans," she said, referring to the government's pension program and health insurance for the elderly established nearly 50 years ago.


Although Democrats pushed the measure through with three votes to spare, 34 members joined Republicans in voting against the bill, worried about paying a political price in the November mid-term elections.


In a last-minute move designed to win the support of a bloc of anti-abortion lawmakers, Mr Obama earlier on Sunday announced plans to issue an executive order assuring that healthcare reform will not change the restrictions barring federal money for abortion.


Next steps


A second smaller measure - a package of reconciliation "fixes" making changes in the first - cleared the House shortly before midnight.


It was sent to the Senate, where Democratic leaders said they had the votes necessary to pass it quickly.


'Make history' Pelosi urges House


According to the Congressional Budget Office, the final version of the Democrats' healthcare plan will cut the federal deficit by $138bn (£92bn) over 10 years.


The non-partisan body said the proposed legislation would cost about $940bn (£626bn) over a decade.


The reforms will increase insurance coverage through tax credits for the middle class and expansion of the Medicaid programme for the poor.


They represent the biggest change in the US healthcare system since the creation in the 1960s of Medicare, the government-run scheme for Americans aged 65 or over.





Mayn U wanna be like me but U can't be me cuz U ain't got ma swagga on.

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We really need to learn how to paraphrase.. But I'm all for socialized healthcare and the only reason we didn't get it sooner, is because we'd rather throw money into are military then take care of the health of our country.

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Doesn't this have to go through the senate again or something like that? Anyways the republicans (or the democrats depending on the year) will [bleep] about this for awhile and very likely scream about socialism etc. then they will after a time collect their medicare/social security.

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The Senate has a Democrat majority - it will pretty much be impossible for it not to pass.


I don't really care, though. Surprised more people aren't freaking out about this.

catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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Welcome to civilization, America. The rest of the developed world have been.. waiting for you.


All jokes aside, though, it is a relief to finally see (what I would call) progression in terms of health care. I am truly amazed that it has taken this long though. Coming from the UK, I've always been so used to having the NHS that it just feels strange thinking about such a developed country not taking care of its citizens, although I guess it could be argued that the US system of privatized health care was just an unfortunate byproduct of extreme capitalism.


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The Senate has a Democrat majority - it will pretty much be impossible for it not to pass.


I don't really care, though. Surprised more people aren't freaking out about this.

Well, the Senate passed the majority of the bill in December, so it only has to pass the "reconciliation package," which addresses the differences between the Senate and House versions of the bill. And yes, it will pass with no problem since it only needs a simple majority. Thank goodness for no 2/3 BS on this.


Anyway, on the actual subject, all I can say is "Please oh please work, and work well!"

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I've heard that health insurance cannot be bought over state lines, thus decreasing competition and high prices...if this is true, why couldn't we just do that?

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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It doesn't apply to me :) My state (Virginia) made it illegal for the Federal gov't to force this onto anyone in here. PRO.

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We really need to learn how to paraphrase.. But I'm all for socialized healthcare and the only reason we didn't get it sooner, is because we'd rather throw money into are military then take care of the health of our country.


Perhaps more should have gone towards education so that illiterate people like you can type multiple sentences with proper grammar. Only in my wildest dreams.

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We really need to learn how to paraphrase.. But I'm all for socialized healthcare and the only reason we didn't get it sooner, is because we'd rather throw money into are military then take care of the health of our country.


Perhaps more should have gone towards education so that illiterate people like you can type multiple sentences with proper grammar. Only in my wildest dreams.


you win the douche of the hour award.



Not to spam:

@ Um_Bong and Stevepole:


I've heard far more horror stories from people with NHS, then with privatized. Just saying... It may have its benefits, but I believe the cons (in my opinion) far outweigh the pros.

I have all the 99s, and have been playing since 2001. Comped 4/30/15 

My Araxxi Kills: 459::Araxxi Drops(KC):

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Boss Pets: Supreme - 848 KC

If you play Xbox One - Add me! GT: Urtehnoes - Currently on a Destiny binge 


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We really need to learn how to paraphrase.. But I'm all for socialized healthcare and the only reason we didn't get it sooner, is because we'd rather throw money into are military then take care of the health of our country.


Perhaps more should have gone towards education so that illiterate people like you can type multiple sentences with proper grammar. Only in my wildest dreams.


you win the douche of the hour award.



Not to spam:

@ Um_Bong and Stevepole:


I've heard far more horror stories from people with NHS, then with privatized. Just saying... It may have its benefits, but I believe the cons (in my opinion) far outweigh the pros.


If I won it by being an intellectual, then I will accept it gladly. I would much rather be an intelligent douche than an illiterate fool. Back on topic, I fear that this will only hinder America. Studies and polls have shown that approximately 60-70% of doctors surveyed will leave the United States for other countries if the bill is passed. Have fun getting into the hospital while there are an increased number of people there with children who have a stomach ache, and lucky you, who might have a serious problem like a broken bone, just get to sit and wait your turn. You might say that in that case your condition would warrant immediate treatment, and in privatized health care it would. However, under universal health care, you become just another number.

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We really need to learn how to paraphrase.. But I'm all for socialized healthcare and the only reason we didn't get it sooner, is because we'd rather throw money into are military then take care of the health of our country.


Perhaps more should have gone towards education so that illiterate people like you can type multiple sentences with proper grammar. Only in my wildest dreams.


you win the douche of the hour award.



Not to spam:

@ Um_Bong and Stevepole:


I've heard far more horror stories from people with NHS, then with privatized. Just saying... It may have its benefits, but I believe the cons (in my opinion) far outweigh the pros.


If I won it by being an intellectual, then I will accept it gladly. I would much rather be an intelligent douche than an illiterate fool. Back on topic, I fear that this will only hinder America. Studies and polls have shown that approximately 60-70% of doctors surveyed will leave the United States for other countries if the bill is passed. Have fun getting into the hospital while there are an increased number of people there with children who have a stomach ache, and lucky you, who might have a serious problem like a broken bone, just get to sit and wait your turn. You might say that in that case your condition would warrant immediate treatment, and in privatized health care it would. However, under universal health care, you become just another number.



People who are intelligent, don't need to make low remarks about one's grammar, because they can defeat their points "intelligently." You sir failed to do that. Though I do agree on your view of healthcare.

I have all the 99s, and have been playing since 2001. Comped 4/30/15 

My Araxxi Kills: 459::Araxxi Drops(KC):

Araxxi Hilts: 4x Eye (14/126/149/459), Web - (100) Fang (193)

Araxxi Legs Completed: 5 ---Top (69/206/234/292/361), Middle (163/176/278/343/395), Bottom (135/256/350/359/397)
Boss Pets: Supreme - 848 KC

If you play Xbox One - Add me! GT: Urtehnoes - Currently on a Destiny binge 


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I personally take a neutral stance with this bill. There are good arguments from both sides as to why we should (or should not have) universal healthcare/healthcare "reform".


However, I AM worried that the President passed this bill as some sort of lasting legacy before he completely fell out of favor with the voters. Because the United States is experiencing rapid population growth and already has (quite possibly) almost 400 million inhabitants, I'm afraid that this system might end up being terribly inefficient and might not bring about much benefit at all in the long run.


I think that the biggest issues that America is facing consists of cultural problems, immigration, and the Deficit. It seems like we're just hanging the noose around our neck with the aforementioned problems.



Mayn U wanna be like me but U can't be me cuz U ain't got ma swagga on.

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We really need to learn how to paraphrase.. But I'm all for socialized healthcare and the only reason we didn't get it sooner, is because we'd rather throw money into are military then take care of the health of our country.


Perhaps more should have gone towards education so that illiterate people like you can type multiple sentences with proper grammar. Only in my wildest dreams.


That wouldn't hurt either. I know my high school had a horrible english program and I pay for it in college but also I don't really care about my grammar and whatnot on the internet because lets face it it. It is the internet and who really cares?


@ Um_Bong and Stevepole:


I've heard far more horror stories from people with NHS, then with privatized. Just saying... It may have its benefits, but I believe the cons (in my opinion) far outweigh the pros.


I don't really know much about the English's NHS, as when I've looked at socialized healthcare I primarily look at Canada's and the French health care system. The biggest problem I see with the US's current health care system is how costly it has become for an average american to receive proper health care.

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Finally, they did it. I was beginning to lose hope, but maybe now we can work towards some actual reform now.


:lol: at everyone screaming about NHS or universal healthcare. I'm not happy with the bill because these things aren't in it.

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Wasn't this the bill that gives everyone universal health care by forcing them to buy health care and then if they couldn't afford it they would be fined or thrown in jail?


Or has that draft been thrown out?


[spoiler=click you know you wanna]
Me behave? Seriously? As a child I saw Tarzan almost naked, Cinderella arrived home from a party after midnight, Pinocchio told lies, Aladin was a thief, Batman drove over 200 miles an hour, Snow White lived in a house with seven men, Popeye smoked a pipe and had tattoos, Pac man ran around to digital music while eating pills that enhanced his performance, and Shaggy and Scooby were mystery solving hippies who always had the munchies. The fault is not mine! if you had this childhood and loved it put this in your signature!

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@michel555555: http://www.factcheck.org/2009/11/imprisoned-for-not-having-health-care/

It's not surprising how much the bill is hated considering what some of you believe is in there.


And congrats to the Americans. Hopefully this will work out well for your people.

This signature is intentionally left blank.

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I've heard far more horror stories from people with NHS, then with privatized. Just saying... It may have its benefits, but I believe the cons (in my opinion) far outweigh the pros.

I can tell you as a pure and simple fact that there are FAR more people pleased by the NHS than not.


Of course you hear more horror stories, the millions of others sat at home happy about the NHS are never heard. Yes, you may have to wait a little longer than private healthcare to get surgeries or treatment that isn't life saving. There is a lot of criticism of the dreaded 'endless waiting lists' which is slightly true. You will have to wait, but in exchange for practically FREE healthcare for EVERYONE. A system that allows the poor to get healthcare free, but also gives those who can actually afford it a chance to go private. I'm not exactly sure if that's how it will work over in the US, but over here if you really hate the NHS and can afford it, then you go private. Otherwise, for people like me, you go along day to day feeling happy that you don't have to pay for all your asthma prescriptions (untill I'm 18 anyway), and that when you fall ill in winter with a chest infection it isn't going to cost your parents anything. For people like my mum and dad who could never afford all the medicines they're on in a million years, never mind all the hospital and GP visits, the NHS is a lifesaver.


I just hope this works out for you America, just don't get the wrong idea from 'horror stories'. Free healthcare for everyone has always seemed such a natural thing to me, I was extremely confused when I found out the US doesn't have it.


I edit for the [Tip.It Times]. I rarely write in [My Blog]. I am an [Ex-Moderator].

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Just a question. Will Americans still be able to buy privatised health insurance? If so, why are so many against it? It's like that here in Aus, if it's minor you just go to your local hospital and wait, if you don't like waiting you should learn some manne- I men buy private health insurance, and if it's life threatening you don't have to wait or worry about private health insurance.

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Congratulations to the Americans. This is fantastic nws of course!


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