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Interview with Lead Designer Mark Ogilvie


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We got the chance to sit down with Mark Ogilvie of Runescape and talk about the new Dungeons of Daemonheim update for the game. Runescape has remained one of the top MMOs out there. Simple graphics and fun game play have kept players young and old active in the game for a long time. Now as the MMO landscape continues to change, Runescape is putting in some upgrades to help players feel the adventure that an RPG should have.


Dungeoneering is the new skill that players will get with the upgrade and this skill will allow you to enter and complete instanced dungeons. Mark was quick to point out that the dungeons are ever changing and you will never get the same experience twice. With boss fights, puzzles and shifting designs the dungeons will give players some variety to level up skills, enjoy solo or group play, and bring the feel of adventure back to the community.


Mark wants to express to players that You are the adventurer! There are hundreds of rooms in the random system and thousands of monsters to fight. The system works to keep the dungeon different each time. Mark explained that Dungeoneering is now a part of Runescape and they want players to enjoy the new system. With an upgrade to graphics and constant changing game play they hope players will enjoy new experiences in the game.


One of the biggest elements to Dungeoneering is the Complexity of the dungeons you choose. You can set the dungeon for what you want to do. If you just want a hack and slash short run then you can keep it simple. However, if you want to work on other skills sets and fight some seriously heavy bosses you can raise the bar a little for your group to do some serious work. Mark explained that they wanted a system which allowed players to work at their own pace without having to commit large amounts of time. The heavy dungeons are there for players who want them, but you can keep to the simple fun and still have a good time.


Also the coding of the Dungeon system checks the player or group before they enter. If the group is combat heavy the dungeon will adjust to their style of play. If the group is skill heavy and going in to do some crafting or train other types of skills, then the dungeon will take that into account and create an environment that is closer to the players style. This system helps players work on the skills they want at the pace they want. Something Mark was very serious about.


The size of the dungeons also is in the players hands. If you only have a short time to play then a dungeon will run you about thirty minutes. A long raid style adventure will go on for about two and a half hours. Either way players can set the time frame to finish their adventures, something many of us would love to do. The higher your Dungeoneering skill becomes the more access you will have to hire puzzles and boss fights. This works hand in hand with Complexity and players can adjust accordingly.


Mark also went into some of the features they continue to work on for Runescapes future. He wants to improve the grouping system for players. They are working to improve the system for players to group up much easier. Another thing Mark mentioned was doubling the number of boss monsters in the dungeons over the next few months. He wants to have more encounters available for players as soon as they can. They are also working on the first four hours of game play and making the game more dynamic in the beginning. They want players to have a more exciting beginning to the game and are working to take out some of the grind aspects which Mark feels turns players off to MMOs, especially early on in the game.


Runescape continues to do well and players have a lot of new material to work with. The Dungeon system is also coming with a graphics upgrade. Staying simple and true to core game play ideas Runescape has stood the test of time as a solid MMO. The new systems are in place to bring players back and add new content for existing players to explore the ever changing dungeons.


tl;dr of future updates:


1. Improved grouping system.

2. Doubling the number of boss monsters

3. More encounters available.

4. Revamping the first four hours of gameplay to be more dynamic.

5. Working on removing some of the grind aspects, especially early on.




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Interesting read, I didn't actually know a dungeon could take 2 and a half hours - Perhaps I should spend less time reading and more time training :mellow:

RIP Michaelangelopolous

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Nice press release. (Not intended as a slam at the OP.)


Too bad much of what's in it is either completely false or extremely misleading.

Qeltar, aka Charles Kozierok

Webmaster, RuneScoop - Premium RuneScape Information for Expert Players -- Now Free!

Featuring the Ultimate Guide to Dungeoneering -- everything you need to know to get the most of the new skill!


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"Original poster" -- just meant I wasn't shooting the messenger.

Qeltar, aka Charles Kozierok

Webmaster, RuneScoop - Premium RuneScape Information for Expert Players -- Now Free!

Featuring the Ultimate Guide to Dungeoneering -- everything you need to know to get the most of the new skill!


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Nice press release. (Not intended as a slam at the OP.)


Too bad much of what's in it is either completely false or extremely misleading.


Lol, do you have anything positive to say? If you are going to call an article false or misleading, at least quote certain sections.


You aren't "cool" or "edgy" because you have your smarmy, unbacked opinions. Hopefully you grow out of your teenage angst phase soon.


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Nice press release. (Not intended as a slam at the OP.)


Too bad much of what's in it is either completely false or extremely misleading.


Lol, do you have anything positive to say? If you are going to call an article false or misleading, at least quote certain sections.


You aren't "cool" or "edgy" because you have your smarmy, unbacked opinions. Hopefully you grow out of your teenage angst phase soon.


Damn that teenager known as Qeltar, one day he will grow up!

Q is my favorite poster, he actually uses his brain when he posts and has tons of useful information and ideas

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Nice press release. (Not intended as a slam at the OP.)


Too bad much of what's in it is either completely false or extremely misleading.


Lol, do you have anything positive to say? If you are going to call an article false or misleading, at least quote certain sections.


You aren't "cool" or "edgy" because you have your smarmy, unbacked opinions. Hopefully you grow out of your teenage angst phase soon.


Damn that teenager known as Qeltar, one day he will grow up!

Q is my favorite poster, he actually uses his brain when he posts and has tons of useful information and ideas


MHL and him would make a cute couple.





This article was pretty interesting. I can't wait to see some of the changes aforementioned.


[software Engineer] -

[Ability Bar Suggestion] - [Gaming Enthusiast]

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Nice press release. (Not intended as a slam at the OP.)


Too bad much of what's in it is either completely false or extremely misleading.


Lol, do you have anything positive to say? If you are going to call an article false or misleading, at least quote certain sections.


You aren't "cool" or "edgy" because you have your smarmy, unbacked opinions. Hopefully you grow out of your teenage angst phase soon.


Damn that teenager known as Qeltar, one day he will grow up!

Q is my favorite poster, he actually uses his brain when he posts and has tons of useful information and ideas


Because being mad about everything is "using your brain".


If he posts a lot of useful information, then why didn't he elaborate on his angsty post calling the article misleading and false?


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Nice press release. (Not intended as a slam at the OP.)


Too bad much of what's in it is either completely false or extremely misleading.


Lol, do you have anything positive to say? If you are going to call an article false or misleading, at least quote certain sections.


You aren't "cool" or "edgy" because you have your smarmy, unbacked opinions. Hopefully you grow out of your teenage angst phase soon.


Well first of all charles is defintely not a teenager.


Second, I'm too a bit annoyed by qeltar's... choice of words sometimes, but if he can back it by evidence then I'll stop complaining.


What exactly is misleading and false about the article?


By popular demand, this signature is back- however I currently do not have a blog up at the moment and if I did I wouldn't update it. Sorry, the sig links to nowhere :( .

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How does it take 30 minutes to do a small dungeon? It takes me 5-10 mins max.




is that a srs question? Ok lets look at the possible ways:


1)you skim by, they don't.


2)you get lucky, they don't


3)they go to the bathroom, you don't


4)you get easy puzzles, they don't



I mean it's pretty basic.

I have all the 99s, and have been playing since 2001. Comped 4/30/15 

My Araxxi Kills: 459::Araxxi Drops(KC):

Araxxi Hilts: 4x Eye (14/126/149/459), Web - (100) Fang (193)

Araxxi Legs Completed: 5 ---Top (69/206/234/292/361), Middle (163/176/278/343/395), Bottom (135/256/350/359/397)
Boss Pets: Supreme - 848 KC

If you play Xbox One - Add me! GT: Urtehnoes - Currently on a Destiny binge 


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One of the biggest elements to Dungeoneering is the Complexity of the dungeons you choose. You can set the dungeon for what you want to do. If you just want a hack and slash short run then you can keep it simple.


Yes, chose the complexity you want! for a hefty huge experience penalty. Basicly meaning that people will play either complex 1 to get through lower floors or complex 6 for max experience. There isn't much to chose I'd say personally.

Also the coding of the Dungeon system checks the player or group before they enter. If the group is combat heavy the dungeon will adjust to their style of play. If the group is skill heavy and going in to do some crafting or train other types of skills, then the dungeon will take that into account and create an environment that is closer to the player’s style. This system helps players work on the skills they want at the pace they want. Something Mark was very serious about.


I wonder if a group of 5x level 3 can make it through a dungeon without fighting. The basics will always be killing. No matter what ;) I'd love to see skill only dungeons. More puzzles, less killing.


The size of the dungeons also is in the players hands. If you only have a short time to play then a dungeon will run you about thirty minutes. A long raid style adventure will go on for about two and a half hours. Either way players can set the time frame to finish their adventures, something many of us would love to do. The higher your Dungeoneering skill becomes the more access you will have to hire puzzles and boss fights. This works hand in hand with Complexity and players can adjust accordingly.


He got it right here. But the difference is more between 5 minutes - 2 hours. 30 minutes is a long long time for a short dungeon!



.. An interesting read, but nothing new here. I do hope they do implement more skill-based attributes. It feels a lot like killing in my eyes. Perhaps have a skill-mode and a combat-mode and a normal-mode?

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How does it take 30 minutes to do a small dungeon? It takes me 5-10 mins max.

You really suck if you need 2.5 hours for a large dungeon as well. the interview tells us something new.


2146 overall - 136 combat - 6 skillcapes


Plus I think the whole teenage girl thing will end soon (hopefully), because my girlfriend is absolutely in love with him(she is 18), and im beginning to feel threatened by his [Justin Bieber] dashing looks.

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I don't really like how Jagex say that because each Dungeon is 'unique' it gives a fun experience every time. Sure, the shape of the room and layout of the dungeon is the same, but you essentially do the same thing each floor anyway. The only significant variation I find is the different puzzles.

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Oh, I thought this was an interview about how I was made. :blink:

In reference to my rsn right now


Anyways pretty interesting on what they're trying to do.

Started free trade with 1.5m cash. 2 weeks later, have hit max cash 2x.


PvP drops: 359 Brawling Gloves, 11 Vesta's Longswords, 41+ Zaros/Ancient Statues

9 Dragon Full Helms, 3 Dragonfire Shields on the old PvP loot system


Brawler guide is being finished!


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Nice press release. (Not intended as a slam at the OP.)


Too bad much of what's in it is either completely false or extremely misleading.


Lol, do you have anything positive to say? If you are going to call an article false or misleading, at least quote certain sections.


You aren't "cool" or "edgy" because you have your smarmy, unbacked opinions. Hopefully you grow out of your teenage angst phase soon.


Damn that teenager known as Qeltar, one day he will grow up!

Q is my favorite poster, he actually uses his brain when he posts and has tons of useful information and ideas


Because being mad about everything is "using your brain".


If he posts a lot of useful information, then why didn't he elaborate on his angsty post calling the article misleading and false?


How is he being angsty or mad? By posting a different opinion and reaction other than getting excited and eating everything up? Look at any of his past posts and he elaborates on everything he says, and makes great points.

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Nice press release. (Not intended as a slam at the OP.)


Too bad much of what's in it is either completely false or extremely misleading.




For the surgical, efficient gamer, few things said hold true ( for example many dungeoneer although they do not enjoy it). But that can be said about any runescape activity: you can't choose what theiving to do because in reality one method is the fastest (that's the basic tennet many seem to be following).


Then again, the avid, scientifically inclined gamers know relying on Jagex' public image for truth as being similar to trusting a fast food chain on healthy eating strategies.


Forgetting the fun that's the main objective of any game, much of the rationale is indeed false or misleading to those already deeply immersed in runescape. However, I've dungeoneered with those of combat levels in the double digits. Much of the article is true to them (and true up until maybe level 45 dungeoneering thus far).


Public companies and honesty: i certainly can't think of an example of a semi-large company who fit the bill.

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Nice press release. (Not intended as a slam at the OP.)


Too bad much of what's in it is either completely false or extremely misleading.


Lol, do you have anything positive to say? If you are going to call an article false or misleading, at least quote certain sections.


You aren't "cool" or "edgy" because you have your smarmy, unbacked opinions. Hopefully you grow out of your teenage angst phase soon.


Damn that teenager known as Qeltar, one day he will grow up!

Q is my favorite poster, he actually uses his brain when he posts and has tons of useful information and ideas


MHL and him would make a cute couple.





This article was pretty interesting. I can't wait to see some of the changes aforementioned.


I doubt it. She's a girl's girl.


Damnit, I tripped over Magzar's half inflated blow-up doll and hurt myself. I wish he wouldn't leave that thing lying around. -.-


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Why are Jagex so insistant about promoting this minigame as a whole new dimension to RS... They've just made Stealing Creation with monsters for a maximum of 5 players, hardly groundbreaking stuff for them. :rolleyes:

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Nice press release. (Not intended as a slam at the OP.)


Too bad much of what's in it is either completely false or extremely misleading.




For the surgical, efficient gamer, few things said hold true ( for example many dungeoneer although they do not enjoy it). But that can be said about any runescape activity: you can't choose what theiving to do because in reality one method is the fastest (that's the basic tennet many seem to be following).


Then again, the avid, scientifically inclined gamers know relying on Jagex' public image for truth as being similar to trusting a fast food chain on healthy eating strategies.


Forgetting the fun that's the main objective of any game, much of the rationale is indeed false or misleading to those already deeply immersed in runescape. However, I've dungeoneered with those of combat levels in the double digits. Much of the article is true to them (and true up until maybe level 45 dungeoneering thus far).


Public companies and honesty: i certainly can't think of an example of a semi-large company who fit the bill.


Lol. You literally didn't have a point in your entire post. Kids acting smart ftw.


Companies try to promote their products, great discovery there buddy. I didn't know you had to be "scientifically inclined" to know that, haha


Why are Jagex so insistant about promoting this minigame as a whole new dimension to RS... They've just made Stealing Creation with monsters for a maximum of 5 players, hardly groundbreaking stuff for them.


GWD is just KBD with different strategies. Jagex fails! :rolleyes:


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