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My personal favourite:

My housemate was once left to her own devices and decided to cook herself some pasta so placed it in the pan and turned on the hob. There was no water in the pan. This would have been bad enough if she had simply forgotten to pour the water in the pan but it soon transpired that she just didn't know you needed water in order to cook spaghetti.


Maxed 15/06/13

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Those aren't even things I would even really consider cooking. That's just basic human skill. That's the stuff you do so you can actually get to cooking. And how do you not know you need water for pasta? I was making kraft dinner when I was like 8 (or younger). Around here, some schools used to have cooking classes. Some still do I think, but only in rural areas. Apparently everyone in suburbia needs to figure it out on their own, or stick with the microwave for the rest of their lives. All the life skills classes are in the rural schools (cooking, sewing, woodworking, metalworking. That stuff). Probably not an entirely unfair assumption.

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All the life skills classes are in the rural schools (cooking, sewing, woodworking, metalworking. That stuff). Probably not an entirely unfair assumption.

Rural compared to Halifax, but not that much I still have cooking and woodworking... Still its amazing the inability to cook some people have, I'm one of those people that can do anything with instructions so I have and can cook a lot of things. Think I was 10 or so when I made my first actual supper with minimal help though :thumbsup:


Wait, what in the world? Not sure how I got from where I started to where I am now up there, but going to go with it...

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All the life skills classes are in the rural schools (cooking, sewing, woodworking, metalworking. That stuff). Probably not an entirely unfair assumption.

Rural compared to Halifax, but not that much I still have cooking and woodworking... Still its amazing the inability to cook some people have, I'm one of those people that can do anything with instructions so I have and can cook a lot of things. Think I was 10 or so when I made my first actual supper with minimal help though :thumbsup:


Wait, what in the world? Not sure how I got from where I started to where I am now up there, but going to go with it...

Same. Give me the instructions and I'm good to go.

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I used to cook nothing for myself before I moved out. I was scared of the cooker and the oven. I've gotten a fair bit better now. I don't make complicated meals by any stretch of the imagination, but I managed to grill chicken without giving myself salmonella so I'm getting better :P I suppose the only food I used to have regularly that I don't now are sunday dinners, mash, roast beef or chicken. I suppose I could probably follow the instructions and roast a chicken and make a pan of mash but I think I'm too lazy :unsure: Let me just say our George Foreman grill is a godsend.


I edit for the [Tip.It Times]. I rarely write in [My Blog]. I am an [Ex-Moderator].

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I was scared of the cooker and the oven. I've gotten a fair bit better now. I don't make complicated meals by any stretch of the imagination, but I managed to grill chicken without giving myself salmonella so I'm getting better :P


I find it particularly striking that anyone could be scared of cooking. Is there anything particularly threatening about it? - is it the complexity of the skill, or the associated risk of poor cooking, or the perceived threat of hot surfaces, knives, and such?


I see the lack of motivation for improving one's ability as wasteful - you could have so much untapped potential here. Bah.

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It's precisely that - the average person just doesn't know how to cook well enough to live independently. It's exactly why we need to incorporate more vocational material into our curriculum - or perhaps, better vocational material (since food technology is mandatory in the UK). It doesn't matter whether we could cook a pasty/fairy-cake well - it should matter whether we could learn cutting/cooking techniques effectively, and apply them to a general scenario.


It's infinitely frustrating for me to see how people couldn't even boil water.

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When I was at university, my housemate honestly asked me how to boil pasta! I managed to explain how without smirking once.


Thing is, I did receive 'Food technology' lessons for three years during high school (it was part of the mandatory curriculum). All we ever cooked was shortbread and fairy cakes. It's the teachers that need sacking or else otherwise retraining.

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People saying they will pray for me. >.<


They may say it but they dont, most of them use it in place of "dang that sucks bro"

How do you know they don't?

"It's not a rest for me, it's a rest for the weights." - Dom Mazzetti

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Because those lying christians man with their shifty eyes and their beady little noses


Related to the cooking topic my sister somehow finds a way to use around half the dishes in the house when she cooks and doesn't manage to rinse any of them and that's how you get ants uuugh.


sleep like dead men

wake up like dead men

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It's precisely that - the average person just doesn't know how to cook well enough to live independently. It's exactly why we need to incorporate more vocational material into our curriculum - or perhaps, better vocational material (since food technology is mandatory in the UK). It doesn't matter whether we could cook a pasty/fairy-cake well - it should matter whether we could learn cutting/cooking techniques effectively, and apply them to a general scenario.


It's infinitely frustrating for me to see how people couldn't even boil water.

You don't really give any reasons for why people should have classes on how to cook in school other than because you think they should. It's not like people are dying because they didn't know how to cook a pizza, if people really needed to learn they could do that pretty easily.


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I didn't want to over-elaborate, so you could have simply requested it without the unnecessary remark.


Cooking is a necessary life skill - it's unhealthy to rely on processed foods and such. It's true - nobody starves to death because they can't cook pizza, but if they're eating frozen ready-meals prepared in the microwave everyday, they're certainly not living a healthy lifestyle - and that's killing people every year (obesity, diabetes, bowel cancers, etc.). I can't see why anyone shouldn't learn cooking in the classroom.

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It's precisely that - the average person just doesn't know how to cook well enough to live independently. It's exactly why we need to incorporate more vocational material into our curriculum - or perhaps, better vocational material (since food technology is mandatory in the UK). It doesn't matter whether we could cook a pasty/fairy-cake well - it should matter whether we could learn cutting/cooking techniques effectively, and apply them to a general scenario.


It's infinitely frustrating for me to see how people couldn't even boil water.

You don't really give any reasons for why people should have classes on how to cook in school other than because you think they should. It's not like people are dying because they didn't know how to cook a pizza, if people really needed to learn they could do that pretty easily.

When you look at how the causes of deaths have changed over the past half century or so and how that shift is so complexly linked to changes in our lifestyle, most of which have been for the worse from a healthcare point of view, I beg to differ that people aren't dying because they don't know how to cook properly. They aren't dying of starvation, I'll give you that, but they are dying from other things associated with poor diet.


We teach people how to perform trigonometry without needing a reference book to remind them how, but we fail to teach people basic skills in cooking, housekeeping or emergency resilience in general.

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I hate how my mom is harassing me about my grades. I have failed my maths 3 periods in a row now, but I have A's and B's in everything else... I am going to learn maths on in the summer, already agreed with teacher and so on.

Yet still, on a Saturday night I can't leave house... I am practically in jail here, as the other option is that I can get out, but I can't get anything in any course under B for the next 2 weeks the school is on. If I do get, then this grounded thing remains until end of the year, ergo 31st December...



So I've noticed this thread's regulars all follow similar trends.


RPG is constantly dealing with psycho exes.

Muggi reminds us of the joys of polygamy.

Saq is totally oblivious to how much chicks dig him.

I strike out every other week.

Kalphite wages a war against the friend zone.

Randox pretty much stays rational.

Etc, etc


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I'm aware that many people are leading increasingly unhealthy lifestyles. However, I don't think that has nearly as much to do with the fact that they didn't learn how to cook for themselves, as it does the abundance and cheap price of unhealthy food which makes cooking unnecessary for them in the first place.


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We teach people how to perform trigonometry without needing a reference book to remind them how, but we fail to teach people basic skills in cooking and emergency resilience in general.


On a slightly different note that's related to this point, it annoys me that we attempt to teach people advanced math when many of them don't know the basics. My grade 10 (15-16 years old) math class is learning how to graph parabolas and quadratic expressions, but don't know their times tables. It's frustrating for me since I've always been good at arithmetic and my own learning time is wasted by the teacher having to re-teach exponents and BEDMAS, and it's stupid (in my opinion) when we don't teach what people do need to know in order to function well in their life and rather focus on the things that many people do need to know.


Note: I'm not saying that advanced math concepts shouldn't be taught in school (I hate it when people whine but we're never going to use this! in any class); I'm simply saying that if there's something that needs to be taught, it should be taught as a priority.

And yes, I'm aware of how sad it is that so many grade 10s don't know their basic times tables. I was taught these things when I was about nine.

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I'm aware that many people are leading increasingly unhealthy lifestyles. However, I don't think that has nearly as much to do with the fact that they didn't learn how to cook for themselves, as it does the abundance and cheap price of unhealthy food which makes cooking unnecessary for them in the first place.


It still factors in. For some, it's the lack of time/laziness, or the perceived 'value' of unhealthy foods. For others, it's the lack of a better alternative (cooking for oneself is a non-option if they don't know how, obviously).

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