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Things that annoy the HELL out of you.

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That's not surprising. It's highly unlikely to see fault in one's own arguments.


If you feel I don't understand - then enlighten me. I'm more than willing to listen, you don't need to come off as so brash to deliver a point. I still don't see how you've supposedly justified your actions by claiming that my post came off as 'disrespectful'.


Personal attack in question:



Refrain from personal attacks? Lmao. I see none.


Your inability to understand is obviously what makes you an atheist.



You're suggesting that we 'atheists' are incapable of understanding the concept - as if we're of lesser intelligence. That's clearly not so. I see that as a personal attack.

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If you guys want to continue the debate then please create an appropriate thread for it or take it to pm.


OT: Not understand coding. Meh, the more I play, the more I'll learn.



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What grinds my gears:



-"Chavs" who think it's cool to race around in their little 1 litre French/English hatchback.

-Spam bots every forum there is always an attack by the spam bots.

-People who think they are tough but when you stand up to them they get scared and run off.

-Jersey Shore.

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Suburban white kids that believe anarchy be a good idea.

"Let your anger be as a monkey in a piñata... hiding amongst the candy... hoping the kids don't break through with the stick." - Master Tang

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Anarchy is theoretically feasible, but in practice would probably disintegrate to [cabbage] in less than a week. Most people misunderstand anarchy or have preconceived notions of what it looks like (or both). But until we actually have a large scale implementation somewhere, we should not immediately rule it out as a possible form of life.

PM me for fitocracy invite

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Anarchy is theoretically feasible, but in practice would probably disintegrate to [cabbage] in less than a week. Most people misunderstand anarchy or have preconceived notions of what it looks like (or both). But until we actually have a large scale implementation somewhere, we should not immediately rule it out as a possible form of life.



If only we had an "anarchy week" where we say goodbye to the government. However, crap would go wrong because of all of those crazy people who would rape people just because there was no law against it.

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Anarchy is theoretically feasible, but in practice would probably disintegrate to [cabbage] in less than a week. Most people misunderstand anarchy or have preconceived notions of what it looks like (or both). But until we actually have a large scale implementation somewhere, we should not immediately rule it out as a possible form of life.

The same could be said for pretty much any 'pure' system, though. That human factor screws with everything, and the only people that really understand it are the supporters. Hell, that could even be branched out to the whole religion debate that seems to be going on - Theists have trouble understanding atheists and vice versa. That might be why we get arguments from both sides that seem perfectly logical to the people using them, but just serve to aggravate the people they're used against. And that seems to lead to the debate popping up time and time again, usually with different players, but never with any progress on either side.


I'm also annoyed by the fact that I spent 3 days in Arizona and came back to a 6 page religion thread. And the fact that my flight was delayed.

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I've made progress from my religion arguments over the Internet. I've learned that no matter what I say or do, I'll never be able to change anyone's belief sets and they'll never be able to change mind. It's a never ending cycle of "You're wrong, I'm right"...

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I've made progress from my religion arguments over the Internet. I've learned that no matter what I say or do, I'll never be able to change anyone's belief sets and they'll never be able to change mind. It's a never ending cycle of "You're wrong, I'm right"...


It is best just to stay out of it. :thumbup:

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What's everyone's issue with it? I think religion is quite an interesting discussion topic, and it applies to nearly everyone in the entire world. It's also a topic that changes people's lives and choices considerably, and therefore it is something worth knowing about. We did discuss it a bit much in threads it wasn't that related to, but now we have our own thread for it and hopefully we keep discussion there.

PM me for fitocracy invite

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What's everyone's issue with it? I think religion is quite an interesting discussion topic, and it applies to nearly everyone in the entire world. It's also a topic that changes people's lives and choices considerably, and therefore it is something worth knowing about. We did discuss it a bit much in threads it wasn't that related to, but now we have our own thread for it and hopefully we keep discussion there.

Hang around OT for a couple more years and go through these debates every couple of months and you'll realize you're just wasting your own time.


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Religious debates (best I can think of on these forums) annoy the hell out of me. They pop up in most threads that I read and it's always the same arguments, yet sometimes said differently. I might be Catholic but I'm not going to push my beliefs on other people nor do I expect atheist will try to push me out of religion. In other words, I never participate in those debates.

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I might be Catholic but I'm not going to push my beliefs on other people nor do I expect atheist will try to push me out of religion. In other words, I never participate in those debates.

I'm not pushing my beliefs on anyone (I am taking part in said debates). I'm defending and clarifying what I believe; you have no idea how many people lack adequate knowledge on the subject of Catholicism. They make assumptions about what we believe that are wrong, and I don't want other people to see these assumptions and think they're true.


Anyway, I'm not sure I like that topic creation simply because I know it'll take up so much of my time as long as it exists, and I dunno if I have that amount of time. :s


@AGreatMonk: I totally taught myself how to do that when I saw that video a week or so ago. So cool. :thumbup:


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I might be Catholic but I'm not going to push my beliefs on other people nor do I expect atheist will try to push me out of religion. In other words, I never participate in those debates.

I'm not pushing my beliefs on anyone (I am taking part in said debates). I'm defending and clarifying what I believe; you have no idea how many people lack adequate knowledge on the subject of Catholicism. They make assumptions about what we believe that are wrong, and I don't want other people to see these assumptions and think they're true.


Anyway, I'm not sure I like that topic creation simply because I know it'll take up so much of my time as long as it exists, and I dunno if I have that amount of time. :s


@AGreatMonk: I totally taught myself how to do that when I saw that video a week or so ago. So cool. :thumbup:


Sorry I didn't mean that people try to push beliefs on anyone, I worded my post wrong. I just don't like to participate in religious debates because there usually is no way out. Personally I don't really care what they think, and if they want to be ignorant, then so be it.

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