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falconry botters


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I've been doing some falconry recently with my bonecrusher to get my weekly strange rocks and I noticed some players trying to grab my bird and acting very suspiciously.

For example, my bird would catch the kebbit, another player would run to my bird and would not act until I get my loot... very bot-like.


Has anyone witnessed this or reported any players?


I'm proud to say I hope Jagex bans the player I reported, I even added him to keep track of him in the highscore should he ever gets deleted.



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I've been doing some falconry recently with my bonecrusher to get my weekly strange rocks and I noticed some players trying to grab my bird and acting very suspiciously.

For example, my bird would catch the kebbit, another player would run to my bird and would not act until I get my loot... very bot-like.


Has anyone witnessed this or reported any players?


I'm proud to say I hope Jagex bans the player I reported, I even added him to keep track of him in the highscore should he ever gets deleted.

It's unfortuanate really, but as of reacently, jagex doesn't seem to be as intersted in botting, and there has been quite a few people getting 99 agility this way. As for hunter, atleast they aren't getting the most efficent xp or any loot.

First to 99 Farming on 27. September, 2005.

First to 3766 Port Score on 20. March, 2014.

First to 4664 Port Score on 2. March, 2015.

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Its easy to loose track of ur bird in falconry especially if u happened to click the kebbit tht someone else clicked; I wouldnt jump straight to the botter assumption


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True but its easily done.


Click a kebbit, see it get taken down by a falcon click the falcon so u run to it before u even realise its not urs.


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It's unfortuanate really, but as of reacently, jagex doesn't seem to be as intersted in botting, and there has been quite a few people getting 99 agility this way. As for hunter, atleast they aren't getting the most efficent xp or any loot.


I don't know but if you ever visited the Red Chinchompa area you will find a lot of bots aswell, I think bots are more common than we assume they are since the 2007 changes.


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True but its easily done.


Click a kebbit, see it get taken down by a falcon click the falcon so u run to it before u even realise its not urs.



I "played" with that bot for over 15 minutes, constantly catching a kebbit and watching it come to my bird and waiting for up to 1 minute to see if he'd ever start acting human and go after another... the to never tried to catch a kebbit when he was attracted to my bird...


There is no way that was a human being controlling that character, I'd bet my cat on this and I love my cat!



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Two places I've noticed them lately


1. Green Dragons in Chaos Tunnels. Well written bots but you can tell when they don't talk and constantly try to kill the same dragon I'm on even thought they are much lower level and using extremes, they may get lucky and get one out of every 10. They've probably been there forever but I was on a crusade for a while to get my own d bones instead of buying (until I got bored, made more money other ways and just started buying them again!)


2. Ess mines. Pretty obvious bots there. Again, probably there forever but I started going down there for strange rocks until you could start getting them from gold mining


Oh, and I forgot, I was doing some falconry the other day for rocks (didn't get any) as a break from chins and come to think of it there was someone there a bit suspicious. Wwouldn't talk but that doesn't mean anything. but I did notice him being pretty stupid as far as getting in each others way. Definitely could have been a bot

Edited by PlinkFloyd
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Two places I've noticed them lately


1. Green Dragons in Chaos Tunnels. Well written bots but you can tell when they don't talk and constantly try to kill the same dragon I'm on even thought they are much lower level and using extremes, they may get lucky and get one out of every 10. They've probably been there forever but I was on a crusade for a while to get my own d bones instead of buying (until I got bored, made more money other ways and just started buying them again!)


2. Ess mines. Pretty obvious bots there. Again, probably there forever but I started going down there for strange rocks until you could start getting them from gold mining

another place is level 20s at chins in pvp worlds, every time I go pking at chins there's 2-3 of em there.

DK drops (solo/LS): 66 hatchets, 14 archer rings, 13 berserker rings, 17 warrior rings, 12 seerculls, 13 mud staves, 7 seers rings

QBD drops: 1 kite, 2 visages, 4 dragonbone kits, 3 effigies, lots of crossbow parts

CR vs. CLS threads always turn into discussions about penis size.
It's not called a Compensation Longsword for nothing.

I've sent a 12k combat mission to have Aiel assassinated (poor bastard isn't even Pincers-tier difficulty).



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Bots are not any less common since 2007, just more advanced. Now bots can hold conversations with you, take breaks, visit random areas,etc. It's even harder to distinguish some bots from normal players.


Hold Conversations?


Isnt that one of the major problems and area of research in AI? Robots or computer programmes are unable to seem human and have conversations that are convincing. I dont think Bots in Runescape are going to be capable of doing this.


1593th to 99 Farming - July 08.

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Bots are not any less common since 2007, just more advanced. Now bots can hold conversations with you, take breaks, visit random areas,etc. It's even harder to distinguish some bots from normal players.


Hold Conversations?


Isnt that one of the major problems and area of research in AI? Robots or computer programmes are unable to seem human and have conversations that are convincing. I dont think Bots in Runescape are going to be capable of doing this.

they can understand basic things like "hunt lvl?" and "hello" not legitimate conversations though.

DK drops (solo/LS): 66 hatchets, 14 archer rings, 13 berserker rings, 17 warrior rings, 12 seerculls, 13 mud staves, 7 seers rings

QBD drops: 1 kite, 2 visages, 4 dragonbone kits, 3 effigies, lots of crossbow parts

CR vs. CLS threads always turn into discussions about penis size.
It's not called a Compensation Longsword for nothing.

I've sent a 12k combat mission to have Aiel assassinated (poor bastard isn't even Pincers-tier difficulty).



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It's unfortuanate really, but as of reacently, jagex doesn't seem to be as intersted in botting, and there has been quite a few people getting 99 agility this way. As for hunter, atleast they aren't getting the most efficent xp or any loot.


I don't know but if you ever visited the Red Chinchompa area you will find a lot of bots aswell, I think bots are more common than we assume they are since the 2007 changes.

Oh, those are bots? I was wondering why there were players in every world standing in the exact same locations....


Not like, general area, the actual same floor tile.


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Oh, those are bots? I was wondering why there were players in every world standing in the exact same locations....


Not like, general area, the actual same floor tile.

Can it be that hard to check the popular bot-spots?


Or is the loss of membership fees more important... :-?

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i see Firemake bots all the time ill burn a log in there path and they will stand there for 3 to 5 min trying to light a log in the spot i burned my log. Sad thing is some of these bots are combat level 130+! This is a sad day in runescape. Another example is when a fallen star will land outside pure ess place in v rock and just like 10 or 20 people will keep running past it.... lol no1 runs past a star especially if u alrdy have a pick on you.

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If you want to witness just how bad the botting problem is in Runescape and why jagex can't afford to be too harsh on it anymore. Go play Soul Wars on world 44, then log back on world 44 after an update... there will be WAY less people playing. At least 40-60% of the people playing Soul Wars in world 44 are bots. Also go check out the Living Rock Caverns in world 84, a good number of those people are botting as well. You can tell because when they get attacked instead of just running to the other side of the rock they run all the way back to the pulley and deposit. Everytime they are attacked without fail no matter how full their inventory is.

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Hurr durr, why would jagex ban those botters, they pay jagex 6$ a month and sure jagex cares more about money than customers. Besides, botters keep the raw material's prices down which whould otherwise be [gabbage]'d thanks to the screwed-up economy.


No, to be serious all I can do is to shake my head and keep wondering how these bots aren't caught by the Jagex's super ultimate anti-cheat systems or why do I fell reporting those bots is just pointless and will be left unnoticed..


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Well a Clanny recently posted link to this forum here and the topic, this forum is for a large group of botters and none of them have been banned yet. Jagex Fails at botting so hardcore its not even funny. Guy got like 4 accts to 99 hunter in less then a month, and never got in trouble over any of it, it is pathetic how terrible Jagex is at covering botters in this game.


<Please do not post links to sites known for scamming and botting>

Edited by Danqazmlp
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I'm sure everyone's heard that Jagex doesn't perm for a first macro offense, not since May 12. It's 14 days, then 21, then perm (or possibly 40 day then perm).


It's unfortuanate really, but as of reacently, jagex doesn't seem to be as intersted in botting, and there has been quite a few people getting 99 agility this way. As for hunter, atleast they aren't getting the most efficent xp or any loot.


I don't know but if you ever visited the Red Chinchompa area you will find a lot of bots aswell, I think bots are more common than we assume they are since the 2007 changes.

Oh, those are bots? I was wondering why there were players in every world standing in the exact same locations....


Not like, general area, the actual same floor tile.

From what I've seen, you can use a custom spot or a default one; I guess a lot go for the default one :rolleyes:


Bots are not any less common since 2007, just more advanced. Now bots can hold conversations with you, take breaks, visit random areas,etc. It's even harder to distinguish some bots from normal players.


Hold Conversations?


Isnt that one of the major problems and area of research in AI? Robots or computer programmes are unable to seem human and have conversations that are convincing. I dont think Bots in Runescape are going to be capable of doing this.

they can understand basic things like "hunt lvl?" and "hello" not legitimate conversations though.

It couldn't be any easier to see who's botting.

wbm: Hunt lvl?

bot: 90

wbm: Hunt lvl?

bot: 90

wbm: Hunt lvl?

bot: 90

wbm: reported


Hurr durr, why would jagex ban those botters, they pay jagex 6$ a month and sure jagex cares more about money than customers. Besides, botters keep the raw material's prices down which whould otherwise be [gabbage]'d thanks to the screwed-up economy.


No, to be serious all I can do is to shake my head and keep wondering how these bots aren't caught by the Jagex's super ultimate anti-cheat systems or why do I fell reporting those bots is just pointless and will be left unnoticed..

Their detection system relies 100% on randoms or getting reported. It's very advanced, no?


I've been doing some falconry recently with my bonecrusher to get my weekly strange rocks and I noticed some players trying to grab my bird and acting very suspiciously.

For example, my bird would catch the kebbit, another player would run to my bird and would not act until I get my loot... very bot-like.

I haven't heard of falconry bots, although I haven't trolled the free botting forums in a while.


Has anyone witnessed this or reported any players?

No, I don't want to have to pay 300gp/ess or 500gp/coal.
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Safe link it seems :-s but i dont really get virus though, so dont trust me.

It's foe forums...and we already have a thread about hunter bots...


Edit: nvm threads got merged

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