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What if the Dupe never occured


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The famous Dupe, the famous person Sixfeetunder who discovered it - what if none if it ever happened. Furthermore, assume Jagex released the same updates and Runescape turned out similar to this current time now.


What would the prices be?

Exactly how rare would they be?

Etc etc.


Firstly, Pink partyhat aka Purple partyhat would still be the rarest, but that's trivial in the bigger picture. If you think about it, even today partyhats are extremely rare, whether they were held onto by merchants or lost on accounts via pking / banned. There weren't many players who were able to obtain partyhats at the time, and I know many people dropped them, lost them or are on unused or banned accounts. The number of partyhats without the dupe would be amazingly low in regards to how many players play today. I strongly believe they would be unbuyable, and beyond priceless.


I'd love to see some estimates of how many partyhats are in existance now, and how many should have been in existance.



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Only jagex knows how many phats are in existance.


From my personal experience the numbers do not add up.


I know lots of accounts that have quit leaving behind rares in their banks.


Yet there are stil quite a lot of rares floating around, it isn't that unusual to see. Lending might distort this slightly but not that much.


I think jagex might be silently slipping in a few rares now and then.

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How many pumpkins are still around... Less people played when they where dropped and because you cant wear them/ pretty useless they where never duped in large numbers.


I dont think price would change that much because phats are only so high because every single one is being hoarded, having a less total amount of phats would not change the near 0 amount sold through the ge

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Who's to say that other people haven't duped items in the past, just without the stupidity of going public about it?

Duping was extremely easy in the start of RS.


When you got disconnected from the server and you had just dropped an item, sometimes when you logged back on the item you dropped on the ground was still there, and you also had the same item in your inventory still.

'They fixed this after alot of ppl found out and Andrew became aware of it. But it's just an example that you didn't have to have a 3rd party program to be able to alter the games dimensions.


It's obvious that the people behind the most famous dupe did it for fame alone, but there are many more who would be content without having to advertise their feats.

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Hahah this reminds me what a bunch of [bleep]s the bunch at jagex are sometimes.


Needles to say noone will probably believe the following but my brother had also found out the dupe trick perhaps even before that other idiot because he couldn't keep his mouth shut.

My brother figured out how to create items while looking for a way to dupe items because he knew trough experience that it was possible, he has helped develop some internet browser games and has a college degree for computer engineer.

A couple of days later he made a lv 1 account to see if the trick would still work and it did he then started creating a whole bunch of stupid items and held a couple of drop parties.

Then word was out by Jagex that they would give a life time of free membership to anyone that would tell him how the trick worked, not a second later and my brother wrote a very detailed text on how he did it, how he discovered it and whatnot but it was send on my account.


i have never received the membership nor have i even received a reply from Jagex on that message, also my brother got banned not because he "duped" but because he autoed.

I was pretty naieve back then and was convinced that i would get a lifetime free membership.

Also i had a very very sad childhood so more lies just makes me more mentally ill.


Regardless of whom believes it, if i ever get my hands on a guided missle i know where i'ma guide it.

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Hahah this reminds me what a bunch of [bleep]s the bunch at jagex are sometimes.


Needles to say noone will probably believe the following but my brother had also found out the dupe trick perhaps even before that other idiot because he couldn't keep his mouth shut.

My brother figured out how to create items while looking for a way to dupe items because he knew trough experience that it was possible, he has helped develop some internet browser games and has a college degree for computer engineer.

A couple of days later he made a lv 1 account to see if the trick would still work and it did he then started creating a whole bunch of stupid items and held a couple of drop parties.

Then word was out by Jagex that they would give a life time of free membership to anyone that would tell him how the trick worked, not a second later and my brother wrote a very detailed text on how he did it, how he discovered it and whatnot but it was send on my account.


i have never received the membership nor have i even received a reply from Jagex on that message, also my brother got banned not because he "duped" but because he autoed.

I was pretty naieve back then and was convinced that i would get a lifetime free membership.

Also i had a very very sad childhood so more lies just makes me more mentally ill.


Regardless of whom believes it, if i ever get my hands on a guided missle i know where i'ma guide it.


turkish embassy?

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I wish the folks at Planet Jagex would publish a census of how many of each exist, how many in active accounts, how many in dormant accounts.

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Only jagex knows how many phats are in existance.


From my personal experience the numbers do not add up.


I know lots of accounts that have quit leaving behind rares in their banks.


Yet there are stil quite a lot of rares floating around, it isn't that unusual to see. Lending might distort this slightly but not that much.


I think jagex might be silently slipping in a few rares now and then.

Contrary to popular belief jagex's account recovery system is nearly fully automated, a group of people (myself included) found out a pretty reliable way to recover accounts that were never in our possession that had been inactive since 01-03ish. I've only ever recovered a few accounts this way and stopped doing it a few years ago, but when this became more well-known a lot of people started going through old saved databases of hiscores lists and recovering accounts that had high skills for being back in the day. This resulted in many old inactive accounts being recovered with rares on them. By now about 3 years after this was found out pretty much all of the inactive accounts that are easy to recover have been picked over. I think this accounts for why there are still so many rare items in circulation when most of the people who played back then have quit.


Jagex is aware that their recovery system can be abused like this, and if you try to send in about 5-7 account recoveries your i.p. actually gets banned from filling out recoveries for an hour. I don't condone doing shady things like this, but just thought i'd shed some light on the subject that most players probably aren't aware of.

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Hahah this reminds me what a bunch of [bleep]s the bunch at jagex are sometimes.


Needles to say noone will probably believe the following but my brother had also found out the dupe trick perhaps even before that other idiot because he couldn't keep his mouth shut.

My brother figured out how to create items while looking for a way to dupe items because he knew trough experience that it was possible, he has helped develop some internet browser games and has a college degree for computer engineer.

A couple of days later he made a lv 1 account to see if the trick would still work and it did he then started creating a whole bunch of stupid items and held a couple of drop parties.

Then word was out by Jagex that they would give a life time of free membership to anyone that would tell him how the trick worked, not a second later and my brother wrote a very detailed text on how he did it, how he discovered it and whatnot but it was send on my account.


i have never received the membership nor have i even received a reply from Jagex on that message, also my brother got banned not because he "duped" but because he autoed.

I was pretty naieve back then and was convinced that i would get a lifetime free membership.

Also i had a very very sad childhood so more lies just makes me more mentally ill.


Regardless of whom believes it, if i ever get my hands on a guided missle i know where i'ma guide it.

Did your brother happen to be Dylock? As I remember him saying that he was offered lifetime membership if he told Andrew how it was done, and then was banned when he did tell Andrew.

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I want another dupe to happen tbh :twisted:





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When Jagex staff were damage controlling, their argument against a rollback was that after the dupe there were still less party hats than in circulation after they were initially dropped. So given this long amount of time since then, the dupe may be somewhat less significant than what we give it credit for.

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IMO it wouldn't really matter except that purple would of been the most expensive phat. Jagex

stated that partyhats recovered their rarity 1 year after the glitch happened which doesn't

seem like a long time if you ask me.


I want another dupe to happen tbh :twisted:






I could seriously careless if it happened although I'll lose quite a lot if it did XD

I would at least be happy that more players would have a chance of owning

a christmas cracker.

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If the dupe never happened, I would have a blue partyhat -_- I had to sell mine in RS classic because everyone was panic-selling at the time of the dupe. No one would believe me that mine was legit of course, despite having it for months, but was able to sell it amongst the chaos - now I wish no one had bought it lol. Wahhh I hate murphies law!!!


Almost annoying as the time I had 100,000 granite (10kg) in my bank - purchased for 10gp each, hoping one day it would be craftable and used for something. Sure enough summoning came out and eventually became craftable, making them rise to 8.5k each!!!! But by then I had sold it all because I needed 1M to buy something -_- typical.


It wasn't meant to be I guess.

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i was on break from rs when the dupe happened,but i remember the pictures and the crash of prices,and blue took over pinks spot,then a few years back when duke freedom got banned with like 60+ phats and tons of other rares for RWT,the price went crazy.Bans,updates,non-selling players will all affect the price,nothing u can do about it



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Well I got all of my phats pre-dupe time and I've kept some of them up till now. If the dupe hadn't happened, phats would be worth billions or more.

I'm no expert on street price, but I think even the purple is well past 1 billion, sadly :thumbdown:

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