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Ugh, MineCraft freezes every ~2 seconds for me now after the update. Anyone else having this problem?

My just lags like it froze, but comes back. Terrible, terrible condition.


Plus update broke mah mods. :sad:

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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So there's a new type of tree, and black sheep. Very cool. I also found a natural lava-fall, which started a major forest fire o.o

[hide=99s]47,297th to 99 Attack, 12/10/08
47,898th to 99 Hitpoints, 3/29/09
78,286th to 99 Strength, 4/5/09
36,125th to 99 Range, 6/7/09, 12:30 in the morning.
70,280th to 99 Defence, 4/16/10
67,781st to 99 Magic, 8/13/10
Somethingth to 99 Slayer on some day during the Summer (I forgot to write it down)
169,099th to 99 Cooking , 4/9/11
Idk what to 99 fm at some point
Idk what to 99 prayer on 1/28/2012

?? 99 thieving 12/30/2015

?? 99 herblore 1/2/2016, ?? 99 dungeoneering 9/5/2016[/hide]


Even if it's a dumb story, telling it changes other people just the slightest little bit, just as living the story changes me. An infinitesimal change. And that infinitesimal change ripples outward-ever smaller but everlasting. I will get forgotten, but the stories will last. And so we all matter-maybe less than a lot, but always more than none.

-John Green (An Abundance of Katherines)

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I did the exact same thing, but you had to press a button for every volley shot. This guy did it automatically. Jesus, imagine assaulting a castle with that. :ohnoes:

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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I dont know if its allowed here but anyways


me and a friend recently started up a Freebuild Minecraft Server,it is pretty empty


if any of us [Flodder450,Yelome,Dutchforces] asks from where you are,just say Flodder sent you ;D




Just went into that server, all iv'e done so far is built a bridge and started a 7x10 tower that will hopefully reach the sky.

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[hide=Story tiem]Recently got this, its loads of fun. It anoys the hell out of me that diamonds degrade though :P Ive tried my hand at mob traps and although both attempts ultimately succeded in killing mobs, it was far to slow and took hours to do. Yesterday i started making my first building for fun instead of function, its not pretty but i thought it was cool.


I started with a small island straight in front of my spawn and base.

i leveled it and made a wall of cobblestone in the water around it covering an aprox 20-16 area, i then filled it completely wih dirt/sand to rid it of water then du it out and mined the stone.

i then made a 16-11~ base and started building leaving a 3-6 or 7 hole in every 3 block high floor.

after three floors it was at ground level, i then flooded the remaining area between my soon-to-be tower and the wall keeping the water out. i built it about 5 floors higher and then made a crap ton of glass and went back to the basement and made this from the lowest to the highest point: bzsqx.png

After that i made more glass, striping a large section of the beach north of my base of sand.

i made the dome-like thingy seen in the first pic and filled it with dirt and iragated it for a hanging garden. Havnt planted wheat there yet though.

And heres a pic of my base as seen from the dome.2ylv78h.png[/hide]



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Jesus [bleep] spiders can climb walls. Oh god. Spider jockeys can too.


[bleep] you, Notch. [bleep] you.



And demon, it looks from the third pic that you found a pretty good build site.


Get back here so I can rub your butt.

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Jesus [bleep] spiders can climb walls. Oh god. Spider jockeys can too.


[bleep] you, Notch. [bleep] you.



And demon, it looks from the third pic that you found a pretty good build site.

It was originally just a hill, i mined half the hill once, took me two hours. didnt really do anything so im not really sure why i did it as my base looks pretty crappy on the outside :P


I just had the most epic spelunking experience ever.

i was tired of organizing crap in my chests and finishing off my tower and was running sort of low on diamonds so i decided to go mining, i went into a shaft id had some decent luck with and found a huge cave, with loads of waterfalls and pools of lava. i only brought one stack of torches though. after a while i run out and couldnt find my way back to my mine shaft, so i made a stairway to the surface. I had never been more than 150 blocks away from my base above ground so seeing plains freaked me out lol. i cut down a nearby tree and made a workbench and then a forge and compass and found my way home. was loads of fun, i found i think 14 diamonds and over 100 iron.



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Squids are freaking freaks. I saw them under my "underground town" in a giant pool of water. They spawned in freaking peaceful mode D:


I think they're calm until you hit them, they also drop ink pouches. I guess thats for cloth or w/e.


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Did stone tools get a massive increase in durability? I think it's double what it used to be.


I'll agree. seems like it changed.

I think the original durability was 66 blocks with a stone pick, so if you get more than that, it's increased.

Many believe that the 1980 eruption of Mt. Saint Helens was a catostrophic geological event, in reality it was the day that Jimi Hendrix returned to Earth from the next world and actually stood up next to a mountain and chopped it down with the edge of his hand.

-Random Youtuber

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Did stone tools get a massive increase in durability? I think it's double what it used to be.


I'll agree. seems like it changed.

I think the original durability was 66 blocks with a stone pick, so if you get more than that, it's increased.


I'll do a test when I'm on later and update ye all.




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If I recall from reading on the Minecraft Forums, sandstone disables a spider's ability to climb walls. Could be just [cabbage], though. In that case, make an overhang for your walls, or take out a block near the base - they can't climb it if it isn't a perfect vertical wall :P


I've been lagging on Minecraft as well, seems to be regardless of view distance as well. I'm not entirely sure what happened with this update, but there is an optimizer mod on the forums (http://www.minecraftforum.net/viewtopic.php?f=25&t=132717) that was tweeted by one of Notch's people (possibly Jeb, I can't recall or find in my history) as helping with the issue. It's worth a shot, considering the same mod boosted my FPS by a good 10 FPS before this update to begin with.


As for stone tools having increased durability, I didn't notice anything, but then again, I don't pay much attention to it anyway :P I'll poke around the wiki and in game to see what I can dig up later, if Dax hasn't done it by then.


And that bonemeal + sapling thing I don't remember reading about >.> interesting, I wonder if it also influences the type of tree grown as well...

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