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Grab the phat


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I slaughter the guy who you trade the partyhat to with my multi-hit Saradomin Strike. Before he dies, his prayer runs out and I run away wiht the partyhat. I decide to hide in the non-existant Taverly Dungeon bank.


The code in my sig should say 1032 not 0132.

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Hmmm... looks like you don't have a phat...


I buy 2 phats in world 1, i give one to you. YOu wear it in excitement and I give you the second one. I reverse engineer the Runescape code and make that party hats are restricted to one per player. You get a message saying"The zombie head bites your hand while Silentsurf attempts to give it to you" (sorry, my reverse engineering is getting rusty) Then the game freezes up( because that's what happens) and I reverse engineer somemore to transfer all the paerty hats to me and unfreeze the game. All players get skulled for some techical glitch. I forget to fix the other part so my hand gets bitten off by several zombie head/phats and it hits me for 9, which is my remaining hp and I end up in lumbridge with 1 phat. I reverse engineer somemore to fix up to code and get those phats but while i am doing that, the developers of runecape have just got in to work and refreshed the code. All users are kicked out of the program(but they assume there's no one in there) so i get one phat. The others disspear after a minute.



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With my uber typing skills I log in and wait for you. When you appear I slaughter you in an unimaginable way, and take the phat. I tele your dead corpse to lunar island, then tele-group all the noobs to my secret island of mass destruction and force them into slavery. I hire Evil Bob who pretends to be 'good' bob and hacks into the main server and makes the phat unstealable. I then sit in my 5 story throne and laugh at all my noob slaves ::'

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You just said it :|




To bad i'm f2p :shock:




Gets member, teles to cammy, beats u up with my bronze scimi while my wooden shield absorbs all your hits




I take the phat, return to f2p and i hide in varrock castle




try to search me there! Hah!

ooh eeh ooh ahah, ting tang wallawallabingbang m8

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I make a goldmeta account name and since silver beats gold you must give it to me. but u dont because you dont wanna so since im gold i trick the bankers into putting me into the bank take the phat and walk out wearing it then tele in your face to a strange island in the carribean... karmja

supermonk wrote:

To Jagex, your worth five dollars. Remember that.


my old main art4258.png

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Entangles j00




Takes out Magic S-Bow, Takes a Rune Poisoned Arrow and shoots it off your head while you are like: WTF?!






I take the phat, entangle you and i tele you to cammy.




I hax0rz jagexz and let all the peehats dissapear.

ooh eeh ooh ahah, ting tang wallawallabingbang m8

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  • 2 weeks later...

omg h@x, whatever i see u sneak away with a p hat so i grab a bazooka and blow you to zammorak, the phat survives the explosion and i take it!!

I was once at the airport with my friends in California, had to go "potty" really bad, and just pissed my pants in the middle of the terminal. (All the cool kids piss in their pants, right?)


barrows loot: lost count

daga king loot: lost count :p

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Since you didn't state what you did with it, I assume you're where you hit him. I whip out my awesome Jackie Chan moves and Tae Kwon Do you to smithereens. I go hide in the Simpsons' nuclear power plant after taking the partyhat.


The code in my sig should say 1032 not 0132.

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