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Unafraid to bot


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I don't get why you want to segregate combat and skills so much. I like Runescape because it doesn't have classes which do exactly this. Games with classes require you to miss out on developed content or make more accounts to experience the entire game.


I also never said level 50's should get the best items, I said it makes no sense to give the most elite players the same items as a level 50 could get, but with a lot less work. Time-wise, you're better off not getting the cape if your pure intention for it is boss hunting or the stats. The bonuses are hardly amazing enough to make up for the time spent getting the cape.


A skiller would be a person who prefers to train non-combat skills above combat skills. I like both equally. I was a skiller before, but I enjoy doing pretty much everything. Unsafe PvP being the one thing I can think of not enjoying, because I haven't ever done it with the intention of doing it successfully.

About classes: Read a earlier post i made recently. But just incase you ignore stuff, i am not suggesting that you should choose a class and stick with it. I am suggesting that a Archer should be able to access Ranged weapons and items and monster spots without having to level other skills. It's to late for that though i guess. So incase you don't get it, you will have access to everything in Runescape. But your choices will be more towards classes. For example if you level Melee combat, you will have access to melee items. You shouldn't be forced to have 87 Crafting because that's needed for a Quest that has a good spot to kill monsters.


How would a player not be elite if they finish all the combat activities in game, achieve 99 in all combat skills plus 120 Dungeoneering. How is that not a elite player? Just because it's less grinding?


Whether the cape is worth my time or not, or if it's stats is not relevant to discuss.


Whatever class you represent if it's a overall class called "Completionist player" or "50 Skiller-50% Combat", i don't think your right player to represent Combat.


But enough of this. We have gone off topic. And like i said Runescape changing is to late.

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I choose the lazy casual gamer class. I can have access to all content now?


Going by Dire's class system, your archer would still have access to all content (E.G. The Melee Player's training area).

Not that I see how that isn't exactly like it is now, unless archers can't touch melee items. Which in this case would mean you wouldn't have access to all content.


But enough of this. We have gone off topic. And like i said Runescape changing is to late.


Sure, even though you ignored/misunderstood my points. I'm happy it's too late.

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Sure, even though you ignored/misunderstood my points. I'm happy it's too late.

I don't see how i ignored or misunderstood your points. And just to make things clear, i am no longer debating that Jagex should go on a less grind path. But here is my idea of class system could work:


If you level Herblore, you would achieve all things related to Herblore as you level up and achieve new "Tasks"

Same thing for all other classes.

And nothing stops you from leveling other skills. You can do it just like now. Only difference is that to wear melee items, you must have melee levels only to acquire them. So in that sense Quests monster and item rewarding would be cut off. However other requirements relating to the skill your doing would rise. So acquiring new items or monster spots for combat for example won't be without requirements, but the requirements will be demanded for the skill relevant to the monster spot/item.

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Sure, even though you ignored/misunderstood my points. I'm happy it's too late.

I don't see how i ignored or misunderstood your points. And just to make things clear, i am no longer debating that Jagex should go on a less grind path. But here is my idea of class system could work:


If you level Herblore, you would achieve all things related to Herblore as you level up and achieve new "Tasks"

Same thing for all other classes.

And nothing stops you from leveling other skills. You can do it just like now. Only difference is that to wear melee items, you must have melee levels only to acquire them. So in that sense Quests monster and item rewarding would be cut off. However other requirements relating to the skill your doing would rise. So acquiring new items or monster spots for combat for example won't be without requirements, but the requirements will be demanded for the skill relevant to the monster spot/item.


None of your "zomg i have to grind to go boss hunting liek a pr0" arguments are any justification for botting. Just boss hunt without a completionist cape, or if you find completing the game is really as bad, pointless, evil, and mind numbing as grinding probably is, and for some reason you don't think it's fun unless you have everything and that runescape is a horrible horrible game, just stop playing, and find something better to do or play a more fun game (such a crazy idea i no rite).


If you feel "compelled" to do something in runescape, that's a very very clear indication of runecsape addiction, hence why most people that bot on their mains are probably horribly obsessed and care much more about runescape than people who don't bot.

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They're addicted, therefore they bot so they can spend time away from the game...? :huh:


They're addicted because they feel "compelled" to do something in the game. Botting is a consequence of addiction, not the other way around.

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I think the basic flaw is they're not doing it.


Would a gambling addict give over their money to someone else so they can do it instead? If they were banned from the bookies, maybe. Otherwise, no.


The equivalent of a runescape botter would be a gambling addict that can't find enough time to gamble, so he gets a machine to gamble for him because he feels some uncompromisable desire to gamble. I'm not sure where you're example is going.


Actually I kind of see where you're getting at now, but while there are still addicts that feel just as compelled as the botter and grinds normally, that doesn't mean the botter isn't also an addict. Addiction isn't based on how much time you spent on the game, because what's a lot of time is subjective and based on the person. It's determined by the justifications for playing the game, and when it gets to where you feel "compelled" to play.

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They can't find time? Interesting:


  1. Tolerance. Has your use of drugs or alcohol increased over time?
  2. Withdrawal. When you stop using, have you ever experienced physical or emotional withdrawal? Have you had any of the following symptoms: irritability, anxiety, shakes, sweats, nausea, or vomiting?
  3. Difficulty controlling your use. Do you sometimes use more or for a longer time than you would like? Do you sometimes drink to get drunk? Do you stop after a few drink usually, or does one drink lead to more drinks?
  4. Negative consequences. Have you continued to use even though there have been negative consequences to your mood, self-esteem, health, job, or family?
  5. Neglecting or postponing activities. Have you ever put off or reduced social, recreational, work, or household activities because of your use?
  6. Spending significant time or emotional energy. Have you spent a significant amount of time obtaining, using, concealing, planning, or recovering from your use? Have you spend a lot of time thinking about using? Have you ever concealed or minimized your use? Have you ever thought of schemes to avoid getting caught?
  7. Desire to cut down. Have you sometimes thought about cutting down or controlling your use? Have you ever made unsuccessful attempts to cut down or control your use?

Granted, that's for substance abuse but none of those seem to imply the addicted are in control of their urges sufficiently enough to avoid neglecting themselves in order to feed them. If they can't find time for it, they'll take the hours from somewhere else. Firstly sleep, then into activities of daily living probably.


I'm just going to follow LDZ's lead and ignore you. You clearly don't know what you're talking about, you're mashing words into sentences and hoping they make logical arguments all for the sake of frustrating people and frankly, I'm not game.

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They can't find time? Interesting:


  1. Tolerance. Has your use of drugs or alcohol increased over time?
  2. Withdrawal. When you stop using, have you ever experienced physical or emotional withdrawal? Have you had any of the following symptoms: irritability, anxiety, shakes, sweats, nausea, or vomiting?
  3. Difficulty controlling your use. Do you sometimes use more or for a longer time than you would like? Do you sometimes drink to get drunk? Do you stop after a few drink usually, or does one drink lead to more drinks?
  4. Negative consequences. Have you continued to use even though there have been negative consequences to your mood, self-esteem, health, job, or family?
  5. Neglecting or postponing activities. Have you ever put off or reduced social, recreational, work, or household activities because of your use?
  6. Spending significant time or emotional energy. Have you spent a significant amount of time obtaining, using, concealing, planning, or recovering from your use? Have you spend a lot of time thinking about using? Have you ever concealed or minimized your use? Have you ever thought of schemes to avoid getting caught?
  7. Desire to cut down. Have you sometimes thought about cutting down or controlling your use? Have you ever made unsuccessful attempts to cut down or control your use?

Granted, that's for substance abuse but none of those seem to imply the addicted are in control of their urges sufficiently enough to avoid neglecting themselves in order to feed them. If they can't find time for it, they'll take the hours from somewhere else. Firstly sleep, then into activities of daily living probably.


I'm just going to follow LDZ's lead and ignore you. You clearly don't know what you're talking about, you're mashing words into sentences and hoping they make logical arguments all for the sake of frustrating people and frankly, I'm not game.


You didn't make any argument. Cool story though.

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He was referring to the people who have made billions on this game over the years and so are selling to RWT sites. Or, even, those who are doing good staking and selling their wins to the RWT sites.


I hardly doubt someone who lets his account bot yew trees or somethingw hile he sleeps is selling his RS-GPs to these gold sites because they are making [bleep]-all from botting. Lol.


I can't get mad at these people. They're being very smart. They are getting forward in life by using their time on an online game to their advantage. It's the companies that you should hate on. They are the ones running bots all over the place for money.

I am sorry but you truly do not understand how profitable botting truly is. People do not just run one bot but they run multiple bots. The one odd bot is capable of producing hardly anything but a whole army of them? I think you are underestimating the botters. And besides when you use these sites to RWT, you are indirectly contributing to their success. Like i said before, they have every right to go ahead and sell their money but that doesn't mean the rest of the players who still intend on playing the game should not hate them for fueling RWT. That was the only point I was trying to make.


See, this is what I don't understand--this idea that botting ruins your experience of the game. Surely if you enjoyed the simple act of grinding up your skills it wouldn't matter whether a bot or a human was standing five tiles away. The evidence out there suggests people aren't suddenly dropping their virtual tools because they see a bot next to them, quite the opposite in fact, so how ruinous is botting to people's experiences really?

I came back after a long time to play in the f2p version of the game. i decided to train my mining a little near three rock iron spawn in dwarven mines. Unfortunately, due to my location it is tough to find the spot unoccupied on a low ping world. I found an empty world but with a high ping, the bot there became increasingly annoying because I had to make sure that I click as soon as the ore respawned or get beaten by the bot. I do not mind competing with players for resources but bots? This is indeed ruinous to my experience in the game.


so how ruinous is botting to people's experiences really?



Yup. Dat caps lock.

If this post was directed at me, I do not care whether some random player is getting ahead of me in the game by botting. I play the game because I like to play the game, and these bots limit me from doing certain activities that I would like to do in the game. Sure there are people like the ones you speak of, but there are also people like me who cannot perform certain activities in game because they are infested with bots.


Besides it is not the main accounts botting which are the problem, it is the entire army of low level bots created for the sole purpose of generating GP to be used in RWT.

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They should have jmods hopping all worlds and banning them manually

They're too busy replying to all the appeals.


unbinding green's kidneys for ltk's heart

do you farm guam like me sir ltk


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They should have jmods hopping all worlds and banning them manually

They're too busy replying to all the appeals.

Because Jagex manually does that.



unbinding green's kidneys for ltk's heart

do you farm guam like me sir ltk


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They should have jmods hopping all worlds and banning them manually

They're too busy replying to all the appeals.

Because Jagex manually does that.


Now that made me laugh irl.



Add me if you so wish: SwreeTak

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Many people... Or should I said too many people get worked up over botting. Runescape's game design is grinding oriented, and while I don't think it's the ideal game to play, that won't prevent most people from playing. But what is important to understand is Jagex is a company.


For Jagex, it is not realistic to hire mods to ban accounts, as if you have any idea how their profit works, it will overall not affect their revenue that drastically. To enjoy runescape, be proud of your accomplishments - tell yourself "I did what 80% of the people had to use bots for." Now these are the most sucessful rubescape players, and well it depends how you define sucess. At this point I don't know what point of view I am trying to support, but I ask myself the question... "Why do you play a game a bot can do just as well".


I'm not saying video games are bad, they are a marvelous and generally speaking cheaper way to escape reality, but I think most people that play runescape haven't tried other games. The problem with games like WoW and Runescape is you will regret it afterwards. You finally achieved your goal of 99 cooking, great, but are you better at this game? I know some people are thinking "Who is he to tell me how I should live" but Ive been through it, and I hope you welcome my words with an open heart.


Runescape is a little like weed to be honest. I'm not too sure at the general age group of the forum, but there are numerous mature and educated members here which raises my cheeks. On to the metaphor. A little pot is harmless, it can be used as a social activity, a time to relax, but if done too much, it leads to degration of social life, family relations, and overall lack of preparation for the real world.


Now I want to day I love people, regardless of skin, etc. And I DO want people to not have regrets. Don't play too much runescape, better yet, if you love games try something that doesn't focus on a lot of time to reach accomplishments. Games like Starcraft, where no matter how much you play, against a person your fight will begin with no advantage, besides the experience you learned previously. Not only do such games reward you more for improvement, they don't take over your daily life routine.


Hopefully I haven't upset anyone, and I suppose to adress te topic at hand, it will be a lot healthier to not play Runescape if bots bother you. It is as volunteering at Mcdonalds against a machine for the sake of competition. Good luck to everyone, if anyone wants some help quitting Runescape, and they feel they play too much. Admitting it is the first step, then you can send me a email at [email protected] and I will try helping you get back on track. Obviously free, it's just I know the importance of having someone... Just be there. There's many unexplored wonders and adventures. Cheers (:

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Let's try to steer away from spamville, kthxbai.


I'm sticking by my belief that bots are symptomatic of a system which has neglected to make content that is both fun AND rewarding and/or refuses to change their system beyond a few cosmetic tweaks to EXISTING infrastructure in fear that they would appear to be inconsistent when all they are showing us is that they can't make a difference when they need to.


The way they handle things, after releasing any kind of content, they always leave it alone afterwards, except for the occasional single set of tweaks (which usually makes things slightly worse), and then forge ahead without any kind of further quality control post release. Jagex is always working off of some kind of patchwork knowledge of what actually goes on in their game because of it and nobody learns a thing worth a damn.


A year or so later, they admit that they need to change it, but by then, NOBODY CARES and everybody complains that they spend too much time on these fixes that seem unnecessary at that point since everybody else assumed they were supposed to move on and never took another glance at it again.


Meanwhile, we hear complaints of people being constantly bored, yet there's so many years' worth of content that goes wasted because nobody wants to use it!


I still don't understand why it would be so bad if our fun content was more rewarding than our stupid mindnumbing content which nobody actually ENJOYS doing, because there was only a few days worth of effort spent into making it so that you can stand at an ugly tree that looks like the fifty trees next to it and bang your head against it for hours, yet we have all these other areas with so much programming going into them that they thought would be convenient for the people playing there, and all this fancy graphical retooling that makes it a unique place to visit, and nobody's there because YOU WON'T GET ANYTHING OF WORTH FROM SPENDING ANY TIME THERE.


WHAT WAS WRONG WITH BEING A PEST CONTROL PRODUCT? At least there were actual goals, strategy, teamwork, and fighting monsters that were endangering lives, and always being on the edge of danger and so on, even if there wasn't a risk of actually dying (let's face it that's not really a risk anymore). If anything, their experiences were probably more meaningful than those of a "slayer" that uses his immense knowledge of dangerous beasts to...do exactly the same thing as he was doing before, but with a piece of "special equipment" he happens to be carrying at the time. And then he clicks on the monster and beats it to death without any superficially imposed penalties.




Do you know why people make fun of this game despite the fact that there are so many things in it that we can study and appreciate? Why most people are ashamed to even discuss it in chat or admit that they play it? It's because they don't actually see that stuff! All they see is a bunch of morons stuck in the stone age doing incredibly boring things so that they can make more money. All of the fancy content, with the interesting things, hardly anybody touches that stuff. Let's all go run back and forth between a bank and the feeding pen like zoo animals.


wait, this isn't the rants board, my bad


Anyway, my point is that people consider that to be the work of a bot rather than anything capable of independent thought


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Do you understand what the word complete means?


Calm dude its the internet lol.... its called completetionist cape for a reason, not all things combat cape... quit crying. You want the thing your gonna have to skill. end of that story.



Wc'ing my way to 99 (Wish me luck)

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