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Future Update Discussions


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While it does suck that the quest was delayed (which they could end up releasing on next monday anyway), there's a reason why they put that part at the end of the bts, saying that this was not a guarantee of the content to be released.


Also, this was probably planned a long time in advance.


I think this is the first time I am genuinely annoyed by the potential screwyness of Jagex - I mean even if the quest was just delayed due to last minute bugs it'd be ok but they could've actually introed the bts video saying WHY the quest is being delayed instead of leaving it so unclear and open to the obvious suggestion that they diverted devs to get 07scape servers working for the vocal minority and their stupid money grab poll that they had to move thresholds on and ram down the throats of everyone with a million tweets and fb updates and ads because it wasn't performing as expected.

ITT: the incredible never-ending sentence.

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Ping - We are not annoyed just because it is delayed. We are annoyed that the delay seems, at this point, to be caused by 07scape taking QA/dev attention. The FIRST promise Jagex made about 07scape was it would NOT interfere with the live game in any way.

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Such a stupid move from Jagex. Regardless of whether TWW was delayed or not is irrelevant. Nobody, not even the people who play the 2007 servers is going to watch a BTS video about something everyone already knows everything about.


It irritates me to no end that they could have easily avoided such a shitstorm (lolfutureupdatesforum) if they just provided some damn clarity on the subject.


Did they just expect nobody to care that they made a BTS video on 2007scape after saying last week that this weeks BTS video would be on probably the most eagerly anticipated update in ages.

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Or they could have made 2 BTS at once...

Just upload both video's >.>

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Complete bullshit. If the Quest does not come out this next week, I will be furious. This will be a textbook example of lying and scamming. They *promised* us that quest for this month, and now they are postponing it for useless bullshit, and so they can get an extra month of P2P from people who were excited for this quest, This is pure deceit on Jagex's part. They also gave us their word that this 2007 bullshit would not affect the main game. [bleep]ing frauds.

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Jagex keep their word?


Free to play not alienated?


Rwt not ej(bleep)ed down our throats?


Priority given to actual updates instead of ones which would make money?





get used to it, sadly, as jagex will put their pockets before their players, they always have and ALWAYS WILL. (except when they removed free trade. Best thing they ever did.)

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It's funny how angry it makes people. They've done things like this for the past half decade. Dunno why you're not used to it by now, and still get so worked up over it.


Because Jagex has actually been getting somewhat better with this stuff recently. That's not a high bar, but it's there.

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It's funny how angry it makes people. They've done things like this for the past half decade. Dunno why you're not used to it by now, and still get so worked up over it.


Because Jagex has actually been getting somewhat better with this stuff recently. That's not a high bar, but it's there.


And as I said before most aren't all that pissed off just at the delay (sure its annoying but these things happen).

It's the culmination of last weeks BTS promising this weeks would be quest.

This weeks BTS not bothering to give a reason other than cause of 07scape.

Jagex 'rushing' and 'working hard' to bring 07scape asap.

This quest being one of the biggest most anticipated updates of the past few years.


All in all it adds up to the logical conclusion of: Jagex focussing on getting 07scape out today caused the quest to be delayed.

Which in turns means 07scape is effecting live game users, which is something we were directly promised would not happen.

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It's funny how angry it makes people. They've done things like this for the past half decade. Dunno why you're not used to it by now, and still get so worked up over it.


I am rather angry right now, so this might as come out as harsher than intended, but your posted argument is such a pathetic non-argument that it shouldn't even merit any reply, and it's a tired one too, as I have heard it hundreds of times. Simply because Jagex has wronged us in the past does not justify or excuse any current or future misdeeds on their part. We aren't surprised by this behaviour (after this much time, obviously it has become routine), but we are certainly angry about it, as is our right. If you [bleep] someone over a hundred different times, sure the 101st time won't be shocking, but will they still be angry? Ya betcha!



The world's not going to end by having to wait 1 more week >_>

It's the principle that counts, and it sets an extremely disdainful precedent. The precedent of delaying updates was already here, as was the precedent of breaking promises, but the precedent of sidelining the majority of players on the main game for a bunch of vocal brats who are an extreme minority was not here until now. There are so many things that we need done, and this is the shit they're focusing their time on? We still haven't gotten the 2 fixes to PoP, possibly 3, nor the quest they promised us.

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The world's not going to end by having to wait 1 more week >_>


I'm not mad of the fact they delayed The World Wakes. I would have been perfectly fine if they just came out and said "Sorry, we ran into some technical difficulties and we need it in QA a week longer".

What I hate is the implication of having delayed it to give this stupid [bleep]ing nostalgia trip more time in the limelight, for which any time spent at all is time too much.


So yeh, I am joining in the ranting on RSOF. If 2007 project showed me anything, is that if I'm obnoxious and vocal enough, I'll get what I want damn the expense of others.

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I agree with Unknown_Warrior. They delayed for an obviously farcical update, a broken version of the game that is inferior in most ways, which was NOT in the BTS, and what did they delay? A much superior, a very much anticipated (remember, people have been waiting for the GM quest for months) that WAS on the BTS. That's what the problem is. I had been anticipating that the update would be this week, or last week, or even the first week of February (like BoE in early December), but I was okay with that (in other words it's not the fact they delayed is what is problematic, it's WHY did they delay it?), I am not okay with this nonsense. The vast majority of the player-base should not be sidelined for a bunch of obnoxious and vocal brats who are a fringe. That is unacceptable.

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The world's not going to end by having to wait 1 more week >_>


I'm not mad of the fact they delayed The World Wakes. I would have been perfectly fine if they just came out and said "Sorry, we ran into some technical difficulties and we need it in QA a week longer".

What I hate is the implication of having delayed it to give this stupid [bleep]ing nostalgia trip more time in the limelight, for which any time spent at all is time too much.


So yeh, I am joining in the ranting on RSOF. If 2007 project showed me anything, is that if I'm obnoxious and vocal enough, I'll get what I want damn the expense of others.


Too bad it got locked and hidden.

Quest Cape Achieved on November 14, 2007


Items Acquired

Crystal Pick and Hatchet

Berzerker Ring x 3

3/28 Barrows Items

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The world's not going to end by having to wait 1 more week >_>


I'm not mad of the fact they delayed The World Wakes. I would have been perfectly fine if they just came out and said "Sorry, we ran into some technical difficulties and we need it in QA a week longer".

What I hate is the implication of having delayed it to give this stupid [bleep]ing nostalgia trip more time in the limelight, for which any time spent at all is time too much.


So yeh, I am joining in the ranting on RSOF. If 2007 project showed me anything, is that if I'm obnoxious and vocal enough, I'll get what I want damn the expense of others.


Too bad it got locked and hidden.


What got locked? There's several threads complaining about this, all sorts of people (including some who voted "Yes") are upset.


Also, the treacherous and slithery way in which Jagex did this has been duly noted. They didn't make any sort of apology, or any coherent explanation, except something on twitter (I think) and small piece at the end of that useless piece of shit 'BTS'(yeah let's make a useless BTS video that doesn't explain anything about RS2007 that people don't already know, and for an update which was NOT on the BTS, aren't we [bleep]ing benevolent?) that was so vague that people had to make threads asking for clarification. In other words, yeah we broke a promise, but maybe if we just stay quiet about it, everyone will forget!


So it's not merely the fact they pulled this stunt off, but they didn't even have the least bit of decency or courtesy on how to apologize, or offer an explanation or anything. There are people who often are short-sighted or make terrible mistakes, but at the very least they are conscientious of their mistakes and make an effort to at least present themselves properly or approach their victims properly, but not Jagex, because [bleep] common decency, we're above it! That's our company motto!

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The world's not going to end by having to wait 1 more week >_>


I'm not mad of the fact they delayed The World Wakes. I would have been perfectly fine if they just came out and said "Sorry, we ran into some technical difficulties and we need it in QA a week longer".

What I hate is the implication of having delayed it to give this stupid [bleep]ing nostalgia trip more time in the limelight, for which any time spent at all is time too much.


So yeh, I am joining in the ranting on RSOF. If 2007 project showed me anything, is that if I'm obnoxious and vocal enough, I'll get what I want damn the expense of others.


Too bad it got locked and hidden.


What got locked? There's several threads complaining about this, all sorts of people (including some who voted "Yes") are upset.


Also, the treacherous and slithery way in which Jagex did this has been duly noted. They didn't make any sort of apology, or any coherent explanation, except something on twitter (I think) and small piece at the end of that useless piece of shit 'BTS'(yeah let's make a useless BTS video that doesn't explain anything about RS2007 that people don't already know, and for an update which was NOT on the BTS, aren't we [bleep]ing benevolent?) that was so vague that people had to make threads asking for clarification. In other words, yeah we broke a promise, but maybe if we just stay quiet about it, everyone will forget!


The main thread.



As seen on reddit:



Quest Cape Achieved on November 14, 2007


Items Acquired

Crystal Pick and Hatchet

Berzerker Ring x 3

3/28 Barrows Items

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It's funny how angry it makes people. They've done things like this for the past half decade. Dunno why you're not used to it by now, and still get so worked up over it.


I am rather angry right now, so this might as come out as harsher than intended, but your posted argument is such a pathetic non-argument that it shouldn't even merit any reply, and it's a tired one too, as I have heard it hundreds of times. Simply because Jagex has wronged us in the past does not justify or excuse any current or future misdeeds on their part. We aren't surprised by this behaviour (after this much time, obviously it has become routine), but we are certainly angry about it, as is our right. If you [bleep] someone over a hundred different times, sure the 101st time won't be shocking, but will they still be angry? Ya betcha!


It was a pathetic non-argument because it was a statement; and everything I say doesn't need to be an argument (unlike some people).



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I bet Jagex is well happy with their triumphant please everyone pr stunt now - they made the minority of whiners perfectly content and upset the majority by delaying their quest and creating a shit storm of negativity against all their media outlets.


Lol the youtube video comments have been set to requiring approval. Guess they need to filter out the bulk of the comments to try and hide the backlash.

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It was a pathetic non-argument because it was a statement; and everything I say doesn't need to be an argument (unlike some people).

It's General Discussion. Everything is an argument here. Some are just more subtle than others.


I am not sure if ALG is being sarcastic/sardonic, or not, but I agree with the surface-level meaning of his statement. This is a public forum, where we are here to discuss our opinions, and views, among other things. Every time you post a normative statement (which is what your statement was), there will be some people who agree with it, others who disagree, and others, still, who are indifferent. You posted an opinion and I registered my own opinion which disagreed with yours. That's all there is to it. That's not me being combative or needlessly argumentative, that's simply having a somewhat heated discussion. That's all.

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