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Do YOU believe in God?


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You forget that he also would have known the eyewitnesses themselves. We know he knew the Twelve, and it's likely that he knew others, considering his involvement in the early church.




Besides, givin the point of your post, what in the world makes you think that Wikipedia is an accurate source about who saw Christ if Paul isn't? The Bible is the definitive source of information on Christ's life - I think a book written a couple dozen years after the fact by a man who knew the eyewitnesses is much more credible than an online source written 2000 years later.




Allow me to repeat myself - if you want to know what the Bible says, read the Bible, not Wikipedia. Regardless of whether or not Wikipedia mentions the appearance to the 500, the Bible does, and it is our source of information about Jesus Christ.




Paul specifically writes in corinthians that anything he knew about the resurrection appearances came from the scripture and [...] not eyewitness accounts.




What is scripture based on? Not eyewitness accounts? All historical data is eventually (down the line) going to come from an eyewitness account.




Moreover, I'm just curious, and since I don't feel the need to read through two books, could you provide me with the reference where Paul specifically writes that?

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What is scripture based on? Not eyewitness accounts? All historical data is eventually (down the line) going to come from an eyewitness account.




Moreover, I'm just curious, and since I don't feel the need to read through two books, could you provide me with the reference where Paul specifically writes that?




We're talking specifically about the "500 people" thing, which was from one of his "revelations," not from the scripture.







But I certify you, brethren, that the gospel which was preached of me is not after man.


For I neither received it of man, neither was I taught it, but by the revelation of Jesus Christ.




For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures;


And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures




And this one is interesting:



And unto the Jews I became as a Jew, that I might gain the Jews; to them that are under the law, as under the law, that I might gain them that are under the law;


To them that are without law, as without law, (being not without law to God, but under the law to Christ,) that I might gain them that are without law.


To the weak became I as weak, that I might gain the weak: I am made all things to all men, that I might by all means save some.


And this I do for the gospel's sake, that I might be partaker thereof with you.


Know ye not that they which run in a race run all, but one receiveth the prize? So run, that ye may obtain.




Apparently, Paul will assume any belief as long as he will ultimately be rewarded by god, or what he assumes god is.

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theres manny jokes that say wht i belive down load george carlin

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What is scripture based on? Not eyewitness accounts? All historical data is eventually (down the line) going to come from an eyewitness account.




Moreover, I'm just curious, and since I don't feel the need to read through two books, could you provide me with the reference where Paul specifically writes that?




We're talking specifically about the "500 people" thing, which was from one of his "revelations," not from the scripture.







And this one is interesting:



And unto the Jews I became as a Jew, that I might gain the Jews; to them that are under the law, as under the law, that I might gain them that are under the law;


To them that are without law, as without law, (being not without law to God, but under the law to Christ,) that I might gain them that are without law.


To the weak became I as weak, that I might gain the weak: I am made all things to all men, that I might by all means save some.


And this I do for the gospel's sake, that I might be partaker thereof with you.


Know ye not that they which run in a race run all, but one receiveth the prize? So run, that ye may obtain.




Apparently, Paul will assume any belief as long as he will ultimately be rewarded by god, or what he assumes god is.




Errrr, no.




1. He's not assuming "any belief". "To the Jews I became a Jew" just means that he is relating to the Jews, bringing the gospel to them in a way they will understand - remember, Christ came primarily for the Jews - it's not like their belief systems are opposite. In fact he says within that passage that he is always under the Law of God "(being not without law to God, but under the law to Christ". Becoming without the law to "those without the law" means that he was relating to the Gentiles, showing how the gospel is relevant and applicable to their lives.




2. He doesn't even speak about being rewarded by God - he says he is doing it for the sake of the gospel, which means it is for the sake of other people, not himself. I have no idea how you pulled this one out of that passage.

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God can only be around if he is part of nature, in wich case he is not god.




If God created all things, then He is outside of nature. By definition, He is spirit which is not materialistic and can never be recognized using physical instruments. Can He not exist in a different, spiritual, dimension? If scientists believe in 26 dimensions as a part of the superstring theory, then why not more in other dimensions? What started the collisions of universes associated with string theory? Einstein's theory of special relativity proves that time, space, and matter all had a starting point of which case nothing but a non-material being can create.




The bigger question is which God to choose from. No, they're not the same, as you can read the past 37 pages. :wink:

I'm currently transitioning from a Wizard to a Mage and a Priest to an Archpriest. Lol both are nonexistant in the top 25. Hopefully I can change that. :D

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Personally, I never believed or will believe in God.




Christianity is outweighed by science. It is said God created the universe. Who created God? At this point I would like you all ot know I didn't reaad these 38 pages.




My father starved himself for a week or so years ago, no angel or anything camedto him. He was a hardcore Christian for sure.




Some people die for what they believe in. Eg: suicide bombers. In WW2 the Japanese would never surrender: They suicided or sent kamikazis.




Schools teach evolution of animals. But doesn't this go against Christianity: God made the world in 6 days, resting on the 7th?




I had once found a typing error in the Holy Bible. It said of "thou shall be prison" when it was meant to be "thou shall be cast into prison." It was one of Jesus's sayings.




Some of you may be surprised to know I'm 11 years old :)



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I had once found a typing error in the Holy Bible. It said of "thou shall be prison" when it was meant to be "thou shall be cast into prison." It was one of Jesus's sayings.




That's not a typing error, it's a translation error. Do you think they had typewriters/printing presses in the first century?




Some of you may be surprised to know I'm 11 years old :)





Some people are changed by being a moderator. I wouldn't be.

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And i can predict the Christians are going to say "God is so powerful that he created himself", or some other lame answer.




God is the BEGINNING and the END. If he was the beginning then nothing created him. He is infinite so he has always been there and always will be.




If he was made then there must be a force more powerful. If there was, then God would contradict himself in being omnisent. Therefore he wouldn't exist.




Here is a question for you. Where did everything start? It couldn't of just been made like that, because the existance of God is much more credible than a bang from nowhere.






This is what i found in answer to your question Fiery.


Everybody lovin' it, but ain't no body touchin' it

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A question for you guys:


If God created time and matter, who created God? Because God is matter and he created this planet in 6 days (time).




How do you know God is matter?

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If something is not composed of some form of matter, it simply doesn't exist.






Kind of open-shut case that was :-? What's your point insane?

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Guest GhostRanger
If something is not composed of some form of matter, it simply doesn't exist.






Kind of open-shut case that was :-? What's your point insane?




If God is something of another world, He would not have to be made up of matter. Matter is of this world. The worldly restrictions (created by God) simply don't matter outside of this world.




For instance, if you were building a LEGO city, everything in that city was plastic. If the LEGO people could think, they would eventually realize that everything in their world is plastic. However, you, the creator, is not plastic. You are made something from ANOTHER world (outside of their LEGO world). Just because you aren't plastic, doesn't mean you don't exist.

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Bad analogy GhostRanger. Because despite lego men being plastic and humans carbon still both made of matter.



Mercifull <3 Suzi

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Bad analogy GhostRanger. Because despite lego men being plastic and humans carbon still both made of matter.




His analogy still works. God is a spiritual being. Spiritual is in another realm than material. Hence, God is not a material being even though He can create material things. God, after all, is pretty powerful. :wink:

I'm currently transitioning from a Wizard to a Mage and a Priest to an Archpriest. Lol both are nonexistant in the top 25. Hopefully I can change that. :D

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If something is not composed of some form of matter, it simply doesn't exist.






Kind of open-shut case that was :-? What's your point insane?




That's what science says. Science only deals with natural phenomena. God isn't natural. Therefore science can't tell that God exists, even if He does.

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I go to a christian school and i dont belive in God lol, but I still respect them,as it is thier right to believe what the believe.

trinitrotoluene its the dynamte,

trinitrotoluene im a nerd!

I bet you'd agree because Nitrogen was discovered in 1772 and was derived from the greek word 'Nitron', in which nitrogen is used as an anaesthetic.

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A question for you guys:


If God created time and matter, who created God? Because God is matter and he created this planet in 6 days (time).




How do you know God is matter?




How do you know God exists and created everything?




Scientifically the world (as in...the universe, EVERYTHING) was apparently created out of some big blast, atoms...all this scientific stuff.




BTW just to define matter: something that occupies a space.




I have no religion; I believe in what I want to. I don't believe in any religion or any "God".



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If something is not composed of some form of matter, it simply doesn't exist.






Kind of open-shut case that was :-? What's your point insane?




If God is something of another world, He would not have to be made up of matter. Matter is of this world. The worldly restrictions (created by God) simply don't matter outside of this world.




For instance, if you were building a LEGO city, everything in that city was plastic. If the LEGO people could think, they would eventually realize that everything in their world is plastic. However, you, the creator, is not plastic. You are made something from ANOTHER world (outside of their LEGO world). Just because you aren't plastic, doesn't mean you don't exist.




You said matter is of this world, well, that's not true. The whole universe is made of matter. And if your God-thingy does exist, he must be found in this universe. Our universe is expanding thousands of kilometres a day. So if God would be "outside" our time and matteruniverse, he would have been squashed by now.


There's simply NO WAY that a thing without time and matter can exist.




ps. The universe-expandingtheory is "proof" that our universe began extremely small. That's where the Big Bangtheory started and as a result of that theory, we can explain how time and matter started.


But remember these are ALL THEORIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There is NO PROOF is this and there will never be any proof. But this is more proof than any religion will ever give...

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The Big Bang theory is stupid, it just puts the question back further... Where did the extremely dense, pin hole sized, super heated pocket of matter come from? Exactly! They have no idea!




I do believe in God as it provides something to look forward to, a hope. Believing in God means that I believe that at some point if I keep on believing in him and doing his work I will go to heaven and I will have eternal life. Compared to being an athiest, it is a much brighter outlook. Being an athiest you have no reason to live, your purpose in life is to just multiply and carry on life, when you die you will be forgotten and your life will mean absolutely nothing compared to the rest of the universe.




Basically God has given us an invitation, we can accept it and believe in him and go to heaven, or we can reject it and live meaningless lives and be forgotten. I know which one sounds better... Do you?




And you cannot sit on the fence with this one.

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The Big Bang theory is stupid, it just puts the question back further... Where did the extremely dense, pin hole sized, super heated pocket of matter come from? Exactly! They have no idea!




No, you have no idea. "They" do.

Some people are changed by being a moderator. I wouldn't be.

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I do believe in God as it provides something to look forward to, a hope. Believing in God means that I believe that at some point if I keep on believing in him and doing his work I will go to heaven and I will have eternal life. Compared to being an athiest, it is a much brighter outlook. Being an athiest you have no reason to live, your purpose in life is to just multiply and carry on life, when you die you will be forgotten and your life will mean absolutely nothing compared to the rest of the universe.




Basically God has given us an invitation, we can accept it and believe in him and go to heaven, or we can reject it and live meaningless lives and be forgotten. I know which one sounds better... Do you?




And you cannot sit on the fence with this one.




I'd like to think that my memory will live on with my children, and be passed on to future generations. Just because i'm not religious doesn't mean i'm living a pointless life. My reason for living is to be the best that i can be, and ultimately enjoy my life - i don't think believing in god would change that, or make it easier to achieve.

Kirk and Lars I could handle. At the same time.
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