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Tip.It Times Presents: N0valyfe Speaks!


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He's breaking the JAGeX rules of responsible gaming.




It is again prooven that being on top of the game makes you have no life, it's his life, but i think he needs help. Spending 10-12 hours on a game, that's too much, certainly at a period in life you have to built up your future.




I'm dissapointed.


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Wow, N0va is probally the most amazing player in RuneScape ( In my opinion )




Now, this interview + Bank-Pics revales that he made Levels, Skills, and Exp, without the use of much money. I respect that.

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cool, great interview in my opinion...but never new he used these forums, i think thats cool that a high lvl player uses tip.it




There's actually a fair few really high level players who are on tip.it forums...such as TheHate, S1acker, 0xpx0 etc... and alot of the tip.it mods have 99 in a few stats or more. :wink:

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nice bank


and respect to you n0va, i play for like a year longer then you and look at my stats :lol:


Computers will never be above humans because we made them.

That's what monkeys used to say about us.

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He's breaking the JAGeX rules of responsible gaming.


Spending 10-12 hours on a game, that's too much, certainly at a period in life you have to built up your future.




lol i play 6-8hrs on a school day and up to 20 hours on a weekend day.... hey it aint my fault runescape is a gr8 game. but ye thx for clearing that up, its better to spend money on skills then on items :)

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Lets just hope they make responsibe gaming an actual rule, not so much a time restriction but when they can see its seriously affecting someones life they should step in.




I know he enjoys it, but its such a waste of his life skills. Can you imagine his next job interview?




interviewer: so I see you finished college 3 years ago, what have you been doing since then?




Nova: Playing an online game 12 hours a day




interviewer: ooooook....we'll be in touch.




*nova walks out*




*interviewer puts application in bin*

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Several people in our staff tried to get Zezima to agree to one, but he wouldn't do it. There may be other famous top players in the future though ;)




yeh,twud be very interesting,Gj on that.He seems like a nice person but unfortunately runescape has taken over his life.

23 whip pks,3 dhorka,2 ahrims lvl 119 attack 99 strength 99 and defence 92 plus 94 mage

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the pic is really small... (well for me)




eheh click on the pic and it will get bigger ;)




and 10-12 hours a day might seem shocking, but ive done it pleanty lol.. lets see i started playing today at 2pm and i just kinda quit and its 5am. I cant do that on a daily basis, i do have things i need to attend to. but that sure is some dedication I accualy got completly sick of the game and quit playing for 6 months or so while attempting to play that much everyday.


RS name- Lunar3klipse, banned 3-16-06: found out theres a new appeal system, I get an extra appeal, fingers crossed.


BTW: Ill give someone a serious dollar, if I can use more than 30kb for a sig size :/ its my hosting for crying out-loud.

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Heh, one thing I learned throughout the years is that only few of the top 20 skilled players care about cash. They all could have been up in the billions worth if they had more patience and invested in rares - instead of selling them off, what most of them did. Then again, they just have a totally different playing style.




Besides, they usually make tons of new skills as well (slayer) and mainly use runecrafting these days to afford their expenses, so I guess they don't really 'need' rares to afford the expensive skills like prayer, farming etc.

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I think after he gets his final levels he should get a job.


And I also think he should stay away from other online games.


No need to get hooked on something else.


He can just do this one part-time, lol.

Exclusive Legacy Mode Player



He just successfully trolled you with "courtesy" and managed to get a reaction out of you. Lol

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N0valyfe basically owns Zezima.. Well, I know that Zezima has been playing alot longer, and back when he was playing at a lower level, it was so much harder to gain levels, but the fact is, he has gained more levels than ANYONE, just in Rs2. And considering Zezima was already high level when rs2 was released, hmmm, well, yeh.. :lol:


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Man...I've been playing for 4 months longer than him and I'm only level 80, and I've never had over 500k cash.


And another thing, why so much of everything? I mean 12 legends capes? What was it, like 14 whips or something? I mean it's nice to flaunt your achievements, but don't make us feel bad.

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Tip.It: Do you ever use a secondary account when you want to play without all the attention? Do you ever post on fan site forums using an alias, either to avoid attention or to keep from having what you say associated with you?




N0valyfe: I rarely sign onto secondary accounts, and I try (itÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s becoming increasingly harder these days because of the impersonators.) to claim the same [fan site forum] name as my account name. I do, however, mask my identity. Tip.It forums is an example.




Ohhh... I wonder who he is on tip.it? It would be interesting to find out who he is. :)




Maybe it's me...? :roll: No, it isn't. I wish! Well, not really. I mean, I wouldn't want to spned my life doing that. I mean, 10-12 hours per day!?! Not for me. But N0va seems pretty cool, I like how he commented on not being too wealthy, and yet having 360 mil in his bank.

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Man...I've been playing for 4 months longer than him and I'm only level 80, and I've never had over 500k cash.





Then you haven't been playing much daily. I've been playing since September 2005, and I'm level 84 and a multimillionare. I know not quite amazing stats, but good for 6 months.




And another thing, why so much of everything? I mean 12 legends capes? What was it, like 14 whips or something? I mean it's nice to flaunt your achievements, but don't make us feel bad




I think its mainly for organization and ease.


If you take an item out, there's still another in the bank spot, so you always know where your stuff is.

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I must say that was a nice thing to read. Its just kool to see how the higher ranked people think. Bank was *that* impressive, but then i take into consideration the amount hes spent to get where he is and the fact he bought no rares. Great job tip.it see if you can get a few other high ranked people that be awesome :D


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Several people in our staff tried to get Zezima to agree to one, but he wouldn't do it. There may be other famous top players in the future though ;)




I'd expect that out of someone like Zezima.




To be honest... I'm surprised N0va was that open in answering some of those questions. He kind of incriminated himself in my opinion. He pretty much implied that he had his life together, went through college, and the whole nine yards... and let a simple little game ruin his life.




I would hardly say it's ruined his life. Sure, it's kept him from going into a career right away, but that happens with tons of people for many different reasons. He didn't throw anything away but his time. Honestly, in the long run, there's little/no difference in graduating when you're 22 (not saying this is his age) and going straight into work than there is graduation when you're 22 and going into work when you're 25. In the long run it makes little to no difference.




RuneScape makes him happy, so what's wrong with that? To top it off, hundreds of thousands of people around the world know who he is. Would this be the case if he didn't play RuneScape?




I'm not saying that everybody should put off work to play RuneScape. For most people that's entirely unfeasable, but he's in a situation such that it's not detrimental to himself to play so much, so let the man enjoy what he does with his life.




Quite true.


And this guy seems to have some humour, opposing to Zezima. I know this is quite stupid to say. But as far as I've heard about Zezima, this guys seems to be way more spontan, and more charismatic. On the other hand, i totally agree with Zezima for ignoring everyone, and not willing to be interviewed. Its a choice that many would have made.

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