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how much people dont have enough cash for membership


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how much people dont have enough cash to pay for membership? do someone want to be a member but dont have enough cash?


i just want to know beacuse i dont have too


another pointless thread- about 20% of rs population buys their p2p for rs cash so its not a big deal not having rl cash(or chances of getting p2p)

First to 99 Farming on 27. September, 2005.

First to 3766 Port Score on 20. March, 2014.

First to 4664 Port Score on 2. March, 2015.

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how much people dont have enough cash to pay for membership? do someone want to be a member but dont have enough cash?


i just want to know beacuse i dont have too


another pointless thread- about 20% of rs population buys their p2p for rs cash so its not a big deal not having rl cash(or chances of getting p2p)




another pointless spammer- about 99% of rs population knows that is against rules and would never mention that in forum.




But yes, I have money but I think it's ridiculous they want to charge me $8 a month just because I have to pay by mail. I have the money but I have a real life and can't throw it away on a game. If they charged me $5 for pay by mail then ya, I'd be a member.

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Or peopel just don't want to spend their money on a game, or their parents won't allow them. It's as simple as that.


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Plus I think the whole teenage girl thing will end soon (hopefully), because my girlfriend is absolutely in love with him(she is 18), and im beginning to feel threatened by his [Justin Bieber] dashing looks.

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People do moan about the payment systems a bit with mail and phone which is fair enough.




But i'll give it to Jagex that Card ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã3 a month is SERIOUSLY good. I pay less than that for a return ticket to town on a bus.




People say they would rather spend cash on real life but ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã3 is like 1 beer in some places!

- My skills are now really, really lame ! Time to fix that! -

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how much people dont have enough cash to pay for membership? do someone want to be a member but dont have enough cash?


i just want to know beacuse i dont have too




Just FYI, it is "How many," posting it the other way make you sound a bit ignorant as it isn't proper english.




On topic, we all know that some kids don't have the cash for P2P or their parents won't pay for them. It is a fact of life, do you really think it fair for the jagex staff to work for free? Or even try to get by with the cash that can be generated by ad clicks?




There is a whole free version of the game that the p2p folk are paying for. Maybe I want the free version gone so that I can get more updates with the extra man power that the cash from not having free server generates?




Finally, go play one of the other MMORPGs that are free. Or some other game entirely, oh wait those are rarely free...




What it all boils down to is: Wait a few years, get a job, get a credit card,


pay for it yourself.





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how much people dont have enough cash to pay for membership? do someone want to be a member but dont have enough cash?


i just want to know beacuse i dont have too


another pointless thread- about 20% of rs population buys their p2p for rs cash so its not a big deal not having rl cash(or chances of getting p2p)




another pointless spammer- about 99% of rs population knows that is against rules and would never mention that in forum.




But yes, I have money but I think it's ridiculous they want to charge me $8 a month just because I have to pay by mail. I have the money but I have a real life and can't throw it away on a game. If they charged me $5 for pay by mail then ya, I'd be a member.


sue me if you want. its against the rules- jagex mostly doesnt care- they still get the money for it and are happy with it- so are both sides from the deal usually- spamming- please- who are you to talk to be about something like that? i just brought out the point that even when you cant or are not allowed to get p2p yourself theres always methods how you still can if you really want to- saying that i cant afford to isnt a reason not to and neither is saying that f2p is better cause all know how bad it is.

First to 99 Farming on 27. September, 2005.

First to 3766 Port Score on 20. March, 2014.

First to 4664 Port Score on 2. March, 2015.

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how much people dont have enough cash to pay for membership? do someone want to be a member but dont have enough cash?


i just want to know beacuse i dont have too


another pointless thread- about 20% of rs population buys their p2p for rs cash so its not a big deal not having rl cash(or chances of getting p2p)




another pointless spammer- about 99% of rs population knows that is against rules and would never mention that in forum.




But yes, I have money but I think it's ridiculous they want to charge me $8 a month just because I have to pay by mail. I have the money but I have a real life and can't throw it away on a game. If they charged me $5 for pay by mail then ya, I'd be a member.


sue me if you want. its against the rules- jagex mostly doesnt care- they still get the money for it and are happy with it- so are both sides from the deal usually- spamming- please- who are you to talk to be about something like that? i just brought out the point that even when you cant or are not allowed to get p2p yourself theres always methods how you still can if you really want to- saying that i cant afford to isnt a reason not to and neither is saying that f2p is better cause all know how bad it is.




Actually if jagex detects memberships payed for by the same card in different global locations they will ban both accounts as it breaks the rule, you cannot pay for someone elses membership outside of your family and you cannot exchange gp for rl benefits = membership.

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its against the rules- jagex mostly doesnt care






if you are getting weekly money from someone do you care if its from your mother, father or your uncle?




as a great chinease statesman said: ÃÆââ¬Å¡ÃâôÃÆââ¬Å¡ÃâôIt doesnt matter what colour the cat is- as long as it catches the miceÃÆââ¬Å¡ÃâôÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâô

First to 99 Farming on 27. September, 2005.

First to 3766 Port Score on 20. March, 2014.

First to 4664 Port Score on 2. March, 2015.

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I think that 95% of us can spare or do work for the 5$ that the month in RS costs. I think it's more about people don't knowing how to do it and problems with their parents etc.


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its against the rules- jagex mostly doesnt care






if you are getting weekly money from someone do you care if its from your mother, father or your uncle?




as a great chinease statesman said: ÃÆââ¬Å¡ÃâôÃÆââ¬Å¡ÃâôIt doesnt matter what colour the cat is- as long as it catches the miceÃÆââ¬Å¡ÃâôÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâô




Actually I use money I make myself, and 5 dollars a month isint alot of money, and Jagex does care about all rule brakers so that statement was stupid

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I can afford it. But my parents just don't trust putting their credit card information onto a site because of what happened to my uncle when he bought an item off the internet. haha

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I can afford it. But my parents just don't trust putting their credit card information onto a site because of what happened to my uncle when he bought an item off the internet. haha




I understand your parents, but jagex has at least 200,000 members and you think they would still be there if they scamed. Good luck trying to convince them, my Dad was easy, He was like "Alright, if you help around the house more" SCORE







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I understand your parents, but jagex has at least 200,000 members and you think they would still be there if they scamed. Good luck trying to convince them, my Dad was easy, He was like "Alright, if you help around the house more" SCORE










I'd want a secondary source for valid info. 200,000 people posted on their mainpage doesn't sound very convincing when you don't trust them to begin with.


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so that statement was stupid






well, your rite, but mostly wrong, as long as the $ they get isnt stolen, they honestly couldnt care any less.






now if it is stolen or something illegal, then they care...






if some guy you saw on the corner of your hosue gave you $5 a month, for nothing...would you question him? or would you take it and not ask about it










you would take it, dont lie. everyone would take it... free money... no way anyone would turn that down

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People do moan about the payment systems a bit with mail and phone which is fair enough.




But i'll give it to Jagex that Card ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã3 a month is SERIOUSLY good. I pay less than that for a return ticket to town on a bus.




People say they would rather spend cash on real life but ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã3 is like 1 beer in some places!




ur completely right adn the blance of cash and hours fun of it play long engouh adn it costs less then 10 cents an hour

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so that statement was stupid




well, your rite, but mostly wrong, as long as the $ they get isnt stolen, they honestly couldnt care any less.




now if it is stolen or something illegal, then they care...




if some guy you saw on the corner of your hosue gave you $5 a month, for nothing...would you question him? or would you take it and not ask about it




you would take it, dont lie. everyone would take it... free money... no way anyone would turn that down




I love how you assume so many things. My friendS have gotten their accounts locked because they thought someone else paid for them, so don't tell me "they are fine with it as long as they get the money". And could you please brush up on your English skills? I seriously doubt anyone would take you serious otherwise. What you would do, and what Jagex would do are two completely different things, mainly because just randomly taking money could get them in serious legal trouble. Would you still take the money if he told you it was to keep quiet that a serial murderer was hiding in your house? I think not.




And xpx, to be frank, I never liked you, in fact, I think your ego is bigger than the state of Texas, but that's for another time. You really should be banned from the game. I mean come on, you are telling people to cheat at the game! That in itself is breaking the rules. Then, you yourself probably do that exact method you so clearly explained... you should just leave.

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How long would ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã3 last in an arcade.. half an hour if you're lucky? Well, i think we can agree that RS is better than any game in an arcade, and we get it for a whole month - for only ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã3! What great value!

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how much people dont have enough cash to pay for membership? do someone want to be a member but dont have enough cash?


i just want to know beacuse i dont have too


another pointless thread- about 20% of rs population buys their p2p for rs cash so its not a big deal not having rl cash(or chances of getting p2p)




I did it for 11 months :roll: :wink:.. I had no way paying for my P2P at the time... so a mate said he would get me a months p2p for a 1Mil.. I could make that in 10 min so i did not care.. :wink:


Respect- Oy_the_Great, Lode, Bubsa, Weezcake, Thrash111, Gloric, Vmser, Pianofrieak2, Runemetsa

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