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Animals - Do they have rights?


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And also I don't think cosmetic animal testing is right but I do think medical testing is right. But then only on sickly animals that have the disease and that the medicine is supposed to cure. That way even if the medicine is lethal then it puts the poor thing out if it's misery. I mean I would like to be put out of my misery if I was suffering form a horrible disease.

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And also I don't think cosmetic animal testing is right but I do think medical testing is right. But then only on sickly animals that have the disease and that the medicine is supposed to cure. That way even if the medicine is lethal then it puts the poor thing out if it's misery. I mean I would like to be put out of my misery if I was suffering form a horrible disease.




You don't test medical products on animals that naturally have the disease you're trying to cure -- just imagine trying to find a mouse with the AIDS virus! Or a monkey with a brain tumor!




Many lab animals are created by changing their original DNA with recombinant DNA (which is their DNA, with other DNA "pasted" in). This recombinant DNA causes the animal to develop abnormally, resulting in a disease or tumor (or whatever the scientists are looking for).


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that doesn't sound so bad to me.




Good gosh, man! If you're going to have a viewpoint, please at least back it up. Animal testing is, as the name sounds, testing on animals.




What do they test? The animal's limits. How much poison/cosmetics in the eye or wherever they're testing, can they take? It gives the animals pain which is quite obvious.




Testing without pain is an oxymoron and only exists in the naive minds. I'm not trying to be harsh, but when people say, "let's test on animals if they don't feel pain" just bothers me.




That is reality. So please, people, stop being so unrealistically optimistic.










I, personally, don't have a problem with it. Animals don't have souls while us humans do. God gave us dominion over the animals, and if we can help save human lives by sacrificing animal lives, then I say go for it. I do not advocate killing animals for no reason, but neither do I donemn hunting. We have the dominion, so I think it is fine. If you choose not to is also perfectly fine.

I'm currently transitioning from a Wizard to a Mage and a Priest to an Archpriest. Lol both are nonexistant in the top 25. Hopefully I can change that. :D

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that doesn't sound so bad to me.




Good gosh, man! If you're going to have a viewpoint, please at least back it up.




What are you talking about? No he doesn't... he doesn't need to write 30 paragraphs on the subject just because you like to.

Ghost: I am prejudice towards ignorance, so that would explain why I appear to be so.

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that doesn't sound so bad to me.




Good gosh, man! If you're going to have a viewpoint, please at least back it up.




What are you talking about? No he doesn't... he doesn't need to write 30 paragraphs on the subject just because you like to.




I'm not asking that he give me 30 paragraphs on his reasonings why. But saying "that doesn't sound so bad" with nothing else is, well, lame. If he even described what he thought wasn't as bad would help. (Which, by the way, was referring to us purposefuly giving animals the AIDS virus or tumors...)




A little proof never hurt anyone. :wink:

I'm currently transitioning from a Wizard to a Mage and a Priest to an Archpriest. Lol both are nonexistant in the top 25. Hopefully I can change that. :D

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  • 1 year later...

I believe That testing for drugs is ok. But not cosmetics. We don't really need cosmetics. But drugs are vital for our survival.




But what i don't like is people hunting animals. Whether for fun, which is just plain horrid. Or for the sake of a farm etc. In which case it is for the farmers convenience. Which, again in my opinion, is wrong.




however, eating meat is Alright. Although i would prefer free range meats - i always choose free-range eggs- If there bred to be slaughtered i see nothing wrong with it. They're going to be killed anyway.




Animal testing or killing for the sake of survival is Good. But Animal testing or killing for convenience or for fun is bad.

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It's impossible for me to think of myself as superior to another animal. The animal is less intelligent, but it doesn't mean that because I am more intelligent, I have more rights than he does to live and be happy. I'm a being of this planet, and so are the animals, and that's how things are.

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I hope everyone who is against testing medicines on animals gets cancer/ AIDS/ ebola/ ... and dies.






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Plus I think the whole teenage girl thing will end soon (hopefully), because my girlfriend is absolutely in love with him(she is 18), and im beginning to feel threatened by his [Justin Bieber] dashing looks.

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I'm not a vegetarian and never will be. The only convincing argument i see for vegetarianism is the ineffectivness of energy transfer from crops to meat, but we're not at a stage where that is a crucial issue. Humans have evolved to eat meat and I see no reason why as the dominant species we shouldn't be able to use animals for food.




I think animals have rights up to a point. I used to go along on a game shoot now and again, but now i've realised I disagree with the idea of it. Not because i have a problem with killing animals, but because of the mentality of it. The fact that people are going out there killing for fun is what i have a problem with. I don't care whether or not they eat the product, they don't go out shooting to feed their family nowadays.




I believe in animal testings for medicine if it is done correctly. Human life should always take precedance over the life of an animal, it's our right as the dominant species.




I don't agree with unnecessary animal suffering (bear baiting, [rooster] fighting etc.)




Ah what a young fool I was back then :P




For the record, i'm still not a vegetarian, and it's unlikely that I will be, but i'm starting to see some more convincing and powerful arguments for vegetarianism and against animal testing.




What it boils down to is our ability to suffer, and animals ability to suffer. Any convincing argument for why humans should be treated above animals ultimately boils to specieism, and various people have argued that although animal rights activists are laughed at nowadays, so were women's rights activists hundreds of years ago, and activists for blacks. Because animals can suffer, we should always seek to minimise their suffering if we want to consider ourselves moral beings.




Anyway, the arguments aren't totally clear to me, but it's all very interesting and i'm thinking a lot of it through. At the moment, i'm a hypocrite, I eat meat and agree with animal testing, even though I can see the arguments against it.

"Da mihi castitatem et continentam, sed noli modo"

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Bumping a year and a half old topic? Is that really necessary?




better than starting a completely new topic. how many topics on global warming do we have now?




anyway, i believe animals have rights.




they have the right to be eaten by humans.


they have the right to test drugs for humans.


they have the right to be kept captive by humans(pets).


they have the right to be used for any purpose humans so desire.




until the animals themselves can somehow stop us from doing these things, they will continue to happen, whether you like it or not.




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The most true statement I ever heard was "vegans are [bleep]s"






























People gotta learn, things eat other things!






I once heard "omg it hurts their feeling"


For F*cks sakes..They're dead!

Doomy edit: I like sheep

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Even the VP of PETA uses bovine insulin for her diabetes. I think that pretty much proves that for medical reasons it is okay. The funny part is that she says that even though she does use bovine insulin, others shouldn't. She claims that the only reason that she can is because she needs to be alive to fight against people who use animals for these reasons....She is pretty much saying "My life is more important that yours"

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I am not vegan and may not never be. (I'm lazy, I admit. And I love meat too much.) However, I have great respect to people who give up eating meat for sheer sympathy of animals feelings and to avoid unnessesary killing.




I don't have clear wievpoint on animal testing on serious deciases. I quess it might be okey if i'm thinking selfishly but then again I feel bad if I say I support torturing animals, dont know. But i'm definetely against all other crap thats done to animals like testing on non medical purposes, powerfarming, sporthunting/fishing.




I hope everyone who is against testing medicines on animals gets cancer/ AIDS/ ebola/ ... and dies.



I hope your whole lifetime is only pain and suffering. (Thats how it is for some test animals, in case you didin't know)






By the way.. Some comments on this thread made me feel sick for real. Some people just lack sheer emphasy.. damn spychopats..

Reality is hundreds of times more beautiful and more interesting than delusions. Fairy tales just tend to be easier to follow than the wonderful intricacies of life.

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The most true statement I ever heard was "vegans are [bleep]"






























People gotta learn, things eat other things!






I once heard "omg it hurts their feeling"


For F*cks sakes..They're dead!




Hallelujah, I was waiting for someone on this thread to make some sense. I like you more somehow.

The Maruder1- unbanned on 11-24-07! Whoo!

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The argument for animal abuse for medical purposes is failure. There exists in nature herbs that can do and without secondary effects everything pharmaceuticals do, and better. Pills are for money. They never cure, they always "treat" so you have to use them for a long time, they always addict. Pharmaceutical companies are in for the money, absolutely not your health. People would rather take a pill to "fix" their problems for them, instead of actually making an effort and tackling the physical and psychological reasons of their problems. Good nutrition has proven itself through numerous studies to be better than any pharmaceutical pills, without the drawbacks. For ADD, good nutrition and fish oil was proven to treat better than ritalin. Minerals and vitamins have been proven to prevent all types of cancer, and greatly improve one's condition. Good iodide and iodine supplements have been proven to cure all thyroid problems caused by the bromide in bread. Pills are good for one single thing: when throughout your lifetime you have failed at eating correctly and that things are too late, then pills can save your life. But for any non-life threatening situation, pills are useless. [1] Doctors receive heavy solicitation to give pills to their patients, the companies target them and even "score" them, invite them to dinner, or try to convince them with biaised studies.

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