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The craziest thing you ever heard.


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What's the craziest/coolest/best runescape tale you've heard? I'm not talking 'varrock library' here. I'm talking about real stories from experiences someone has had.




IE. Leesters gettin a chain for n64jive during his slave time.




Whatever you have got. I just wanna hear some cool stories :P

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I adore getting big XP jumps... here are a few things I've done that I'm kinda proud of:




1: Got over 1m magic xp in a day (without lame charging)


2: Got 1.3m fletching xp in an hour and 40 minutes


3: went from 53 to 65 agility within a couple hours (using quests and tickets)


4: Went from 77 to 90 prayer within 2 days of playing. 1.8m xp the first day, 2.3m the next day.






This is unrelated, but it also tends to surprise people that I got to 90 crafting without every buying hides (unless I found them for lower than alching prices. aka under 1500 per green, under 1800 per blue)




oh... and




did legends quest in the 60s combat


Got dragon chain at 73 combat without ever merchanting, staking, or playing a previous account



Proud to have gotten 1800 skill total before access to fishing guild


Why make a house when you can rob one?

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Some pictures i like and have collected (i have more but can't look through 2 gig of pics):






this is cause me and my friend always call people leprachorns ^








this was just after pie update, i was singin to me self "I felt da pie rise up in me"










This is after people found the water walking glitch, i was runnin around saying "I'm a goddess look! now bow down and give me your full iron!"










I just spent the last 15 minutes editing this pic above because it was 3MB and had some stuff that was kind of unappropriate :roll:




Its my clan of me , myself and i, it's one of 4 collages but i don't want to spend hours editting them all so theres a taste




Ps: how do i resive with out destroying the image or loosing peices?

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Some of the Cool/ fun things for me have been




1) Doing Dragon Slayer at 43, Heros at 54 and Legends at 68 on my first account.


2) Getting 144 Tears of Guthix in one go (with 195 QP) then only 66 with 201 QP the next time !!!


3) Leaving an inventory full of cabbages for an ancient mage pker at the abyss. He didn't appreciate my present for some reason!



Quod liet ingratum est; Quod non licet acrius urit.

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I tricked my m8 into thinking runescape had been hacked and whoever journeyed to the hacker in the depths of the wilderness would own all of runescape forever. The gullible guy fell for it and all he found was as he said "this weird castle where everyone jumped out and killed me" lmao. Well what can i say he really ticked me off on that day so i told him it and the poor lvl 40 got himself wuped at the castle in wildy.

world2isntthathardby4.pngI think merchanting is extinct....

lordofthehauntedminestextcb6.png Completed haunted mine at level 75.

Barrows Drops: Dh platelegs, Guth helm, Karils cb, Torags legs


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:roll: i'm happy be to one of the only ones who EVER died during mime event




:lol: i bet there are only like 3 of us in grand total




wow how bad is that!!


are you oddferys friend?


who made that pertintion about that.... really dumb how sum things


work in runescape.... lucky u were wering phat or was buying one :?

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:roll: i'm happy be to one of the only ones who EVER died during mime event




:lol: i bet there are only like 3 of us in grand total




lol nice, dag kings? :( bye bye ranger boots

I'm 106 and I'd do it if it wasn't for what Reb posted...


If Reb jumped off a cliff, would you follow him?

:lol: Who wouldn't? :wink:

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I was in wilderness with Black drag, magic bow, 100 mith arrows (p), and some sharks. A level 113 was down by the greaters and i unloaded two specails on him, and he started to run. I got some lucky hits and wondered why he wasn't eating. I hit one last 10 and him and the poison finished him.




He feel to the ground and dropped, 2 rune skirts, 2 rune legs, 1 warrior helm, 2 beserker him, 3 ammys of power, 1 strength ammy and 2 kites.




A picked it all up, ran out of wildy and split it with my friends. Thats when i realised why he didn't eat, he had no room for food :D

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I dunno if this is common or not, but I thought it was cool




Double nest.




(2 nests in one axe swing)








I'm not gonna lie... thats HAWT!




Craziest thing i heard, well i saw was my friend get drag chain from kalphite when it first came out using a drag mace... he sold for 13mil at the time. Then only a month ago he got banned... we still haven't firgured out why but hey jagex sometimes uses the old soviet tactics of killing(banning) because they can.

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May not be crazy but funny as hell. Besides its to big for my sig area.


Hopefully he will eventually mature and won't act the way he does at that time.






(Blocked part of the names)




I was in falador east bank and he started to beg for stuff so I tested the theory that many of the beggers/immature people on runescape came from miniclip, well this was proved for this trial.

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Umm, this was pretty wierd.. Only happened a few hours ago too. Im guessing its a glitch, it isnt edited at all. She was swaying to side and side and rolling around like a ball it was really odd.














Has anyone else experienced stoof like this? it might be a recent but now regular glitch :oops:

Currently not active on RuneScape.



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