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Cool story about getting the best of a scammer


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Here's my story :)




So, my story starts out in edgeville on wednesday evening. A little level 75 with a magic shortbow on comes up to me and asks me if I have a whip. I said "sure do!" and proceeded to pull the whip out to show him. He then asks me "wanna make 200k real quick?" and I said absolutely, I'm always up for making a quick buck. At this point I knew exactly what this guy was attempting to do.




I should probably explain what the scam is before I go on with the story. The scam is like this, Scammer finds someone with a whip, offers him cash to kill him for a 'clan movie' so he can get accepted. Person with whip accepts and follows the person to the wildy with just his whip. The scammer than proceeds to take him to low hp and then trades the person with the whip his payment, (4 mystic tops) that all save over whip. He then shoots out a quick special and kills the person and gets the whip.




So after figuring out what this person is attempting, I go to my bank to 'deposit' everything in my inventory but my whip which I leave equipped. I pull out a full load of sharks, anti poisen, ice blitz runes, glory, and full ahrims which I leave in my inventory so he doesn't see them. The guy takes me to level 25 wild and starts attacking me with mithril arrows and a magic shortbow. He gets me to low HP and then tries to trade me the mystic tops, at this point, I eat, throw on my ahrims and start whacking away with my whip. He tells me to stop and tells me I'm not going to get paid if he doesn't kill me and I tell him that I don't want the payment anyways. I whack away til he has no food, at which point he decides it's a good time to run, 2 ice blitz's later and he's curling up on the floor.




I grab the 3 mystic tops (he protected one) and 400 mithril arrows along with his tele runes to varrok and MSB, run to level 19 wildy and elf crystal the hell out of there.




I then head back to edgeville to check out if he's back there and suprise suprise, he's there waiting to flame me. I then have a 20 minute conversation of him calling me a noob, then asking me to buy the tops off me, then people coming up and asking if he tried to scam my whip and flaming him. I told him and all the observers that he wasn't getting the tops back, as they were my trophies and I was running low on tops anyways, and he parted ways with a "F U noob".






So, if you guys are ever bored, or if someone ever tries to get a whip off you this way, try this, it's good fun :).






Hope you enjoyed the story, I'm not as eloquent with my words as some of the other talented writers in these forums are, but I think I got my story across OK.


- Fingerfelder

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nice one mate, i got scammed last night, lost 2m


nice to see people take it back to the scammers :(




Sorry to hear that man, I've never been scammed personally, thanks to all you helpful tip.iters. Was it a common one that got you or was it something new the tip.it community should know about?




lol got to love that!




and this scam with the mystic tops or d longs is getting really old now i wish it would stop, half of the pking videos i downloaded off the graveyard was using that scam lol ( example : magers inc )




Hopefully a bunch of people will see this post and start doing it back to them, eventually they might get annoyed that we are finally fighting back :)

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lol i go looking for these scammers, but instead i carry only my whip nature runes and fire runes.. alch one of the scimmys or tops drop the cash, protect the 4th object, and wait for a trip to lumby.. always makes a good profit

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i bring an ectophial, make sure protect item is turned on, and tele just as they are about to kill me after i am payed




he he he

Back by popular demand!

And I guess I just wanted to tell you, as the light starts to fade, that you aree the reason, that I am not afraid, and I guess I just wanted to mention, as the heavens will fall, that we will be together soon if we will be anything at all.

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I always considered myself 99.9% scam/hack/whatever-proof




But this is even better then just not falling for it. kudos my man, i wish there were more gutsier people like you :)

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