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RC Pkers - Who, What, Where, Why, How?


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Why not do what i do. If i know i'm going to die, drop your pouches before you do and glory for that matter:) Gives you a slight more chance of getting them back, most times its worked for me. If i get caught while picking them up i just drop them again, and keep doing it. Doesn't always work , depends where you respawn at, but if you do at flador then you got a chance.




It upsets the pkers and makes life a litle hell for us but its fun in a way, seeing them moan off cause they dont get nothing for killing you except for xp.

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i have been pked about 2 times lost a glory once but other time no glory the pouches being the main part of annoying if i get away which is most of the time if i fell upto it ill go back and make them tele as always and if im lucky get the kill, never happened so far but scaring them off is normally enough

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well my plan is that I use a ring of duelling. (unless i am on when it is very quiet). I just cw tele, then use my glories to tele to edgeville. This way the Pkers only get my duelling ring and a few ess. If they dont even start getting glories off me then they might just think that it is not worth the runes and stop. The flip side is that it takes about 10 seconds more per run, but I think that it is worth it in the long run.


Best Barrows Chest: guth skirt, dh helm, dh axe, racks, gp (23/08/06); best tt reward: robin, guthix helm, guthix legs, nats, rune legs

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To my personal opinion, looking through the eyes of a RC pker, Phr33 Gl0ry5 Pl0x! Like you said, defenseless, not looking for a fight...


Like doing salt on a snale..mean, but fun :D




Looking through my own eyes, those guys are ruining my skilling adventure, but on the other hand, it is always a thrill to know someone might be hunting me! Yes, it is sad, and no they dont stand a chance in higher wilderness when you are prepared to fight, but hey :D I would go general store runecrafting elseways.

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Well... This will surely make me unpopular... :roll:




I rc pk...




And so what? Now I got 57 glories... :roll: And I don't care.. As said 100 times before; "it was put in wildy for a reason". Rcers make easy, easy money there..




And concerning the pouches.. Just drop them before you die..

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I still don't understand Abyss PKers....




They kill their prey for a measly ~60k each (a glory - the rune costs for the person and people they miss). By killing each person they force them to go spend up to about 30 minutes getting their pouches back. It's just cruel :cry:




I have been pked twice in the course of two dyas whilst rcing chaos, but the glory didn't apply to me. I wasn't wearing one! I didn't have any pouches! Why did he kill me? No idea, probably for the fun. That really ticks me off... :evil:

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I always bring a teleport crystal, so if anyone attacks me, I just tele, get crystal bow/msb&rune arros, a range pot, antipoison, some food and just go attack them. After I've hit them 5 times they'll run and ask "99 range?"




Such nubz, they know nothing :oops:

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Why not bring a pray pot into the wildy, drink it when you're being attacked, drop your pouches and protect the glory, tele back to edge and pick up your pouches... Or just drop your pouches and run to bank and get to edge asap.

I'd like to see you solo all three dag kings at once.

Easily done with just 2 people.

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Well, RC Pkers are DEFENSELESS. So we strap D'hide




PSS-(Upon looking back, this isn't that long. So ha! I am NOT long winded.)




Don't you mean the RC'ers? the pkers have weapons, spells, food and run...

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I always bring a teleport crystal, so if anyone attacks me, I just tele, get crystal bow/msb&rune arros, a range pot, antipoison, some food and just go attack them. After I've hit them 5 times they'll run and ask "99 range?"




Such nubz, they know nothing :oops:




With a skull?

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I always bring a teleport crystal, so if anyone attacks me, I just tele, get crystal bow/msb&rune arros, a range pot, antipoison, some food and just go attack them. After I've hit them 5 times they'll run and ask "99 range?"




Such nubz, they know nothing :oops:




With a skull?






what do you mean, of course with a skull they were just rc'ing.




And that sounds like a good idea, i just Blitz-Spec-Dead and get their stuff

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I agree, Rc pkers are a huge pain in the pouch. The glory is okay, but the pouches are a pain. That's why i ectofunk my way the hell outta dodge city everytime i see trouble ahead. Luckily less of the rc pkers can actually attack me nowadays.

"Da mihi castitatem et continentam, sed noli modo"

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Why not bring a pray pot into the wildy, drink it when you're being attacked, drop your pouches and protect the glory, tele back to edge and pick up your pouches... Or just drop your pouches and run to bank and get to edge asap.




Prayer don't protect 100% in the wildy from pkers. Ring of Life doesn't work if there is a teleblock on as well.




Personally, I think RC Pkers are scums. The last time I got pked, I spent 1 hour in the abyss getting back the pouches as well as 8 Prayer Pots (4 doses each).




I am not a combat person, but if my combat level is high enough, I may just hang around there and attack other Abyss Pkers!




Nowadays I only use the Abyss if I need my pouches repaired. Never use it when I am skulled.

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Waa waa, I'm getting pked in the wilderness, it's not fair, waa waa.




Sorry, what were you saying?








Ok, this will make me unpopular, but WTH. Yes, I've RC Pked quite a few times for glories. As matter of fact, I know one friend of mine who has over 300 glories and 20+mill from RC pking alone. The challenge is, depending on the level difference, you have a slim opportunity to snare, tb, then kill said RC'r, all the while avoiding the skellies, and at times, competing for the kills.




Personally, if the said PK'd isn't being a jerk, I'll message them back to come get their pouches, and stand on the spot for em. But I'm nice like that.




As for being able to PK elsewhere..I really don't see how one has much to do with the other. If I'm not RC pking, I'm at mage bank.




If you don't like the PK'ers there, no one is forcing you into the wild. Every altar has a non-Wildy entrance (except chaos, yes I know) that you are perfectly free to use without fear of being PK'd. With greater risk comes a greater reward. If you use the abyss to make your runes faster, well, you have to accept a greater risk to go along with that benefit. It's a check and balance that Jagex put in. Don't blame me for taking advantage of it.

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If theres one thing I've learnt from playing RS, it's that if theres a way to annoy someone, people will do it, no matter what. [i realise this doesn't apply to most people]




Take mining as another example. You're mining, surrounded by other rocks to mine. Where will someone try to mine? At the same rock as you.




They do it to be annoying. Apparently it's "fun" to annoy people and waste their time.




They can't say they do it for money, since the RCers make money at least 5 times faster than them.




Agree with your post 100%.




Don't care about glories, but why the pouches?! :)

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Waa waa, I'm getting pked in the wilderness, it's not fair, waa waa.




Sorry, what were you saying?






Ok, this will make me unpopular, but WTH. Yes, I've RC Pked quite a few times for glories. As matter of fact, I know one friend of mine who has over 300 glories and 20+mill from RC pking alone. The challenge is, depending on the level difference, you have a slim opportunity to snare, tb, then kill said RC'r, all the while avoiding the skellies, and at times, competing for the kills.




Personally, if the said PK'd isn't being a jerk, I'll message them back to come get their pouches, and stand on the spot for em. But I'm nice like that.




As for being able to PK elsewhere..I really don't see how one has much to do with the other. If I'm not RC pking, I'm at mage bank.




If you don't like the PK'ers there, no one is forcing you into the wild. Every altar has a non-Wildy entrance (except chaos, yes I know) that you are perfectly free to use without fear of being PK'd. With greater risk comes a greater reward. If you use the abyss to make your runes faster, well, you have to accept a greater risk to go along with that benefit. It's a check and balance that Jagex put in. Don't blame me for taking advantage of it.




You laugh because it's funny for you to Pk RCers, eh?




Hate to ruin your moment, but please, laugh outside and AWAY from my thread.




But on the bright side, you can eat some flowers, and punt a dog while you're out there.




And Bubsa, I know I am going into the wilderness, and don't expect a COMPLETELY safe trip, but please read every section of my first post (the entire thread, more accurately) to gain a better understanding of the point I'm trying to convey, here.




But a final question for you, do YOU RC Pk?

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Well, firstly, I laugh because I thought the previous post was humorous. I thought quoting that would make that kinda obvious, but perhaps not.




If you don't want dissenting opinions on "your" thread, don't post in a public forums where responses are expected.




If you read, thoroughly, my previous post you might have seen the point that I was trying to convey. That being, stated bluntly:




If you are determined to go to the Wild you have a chance of being killed by another player, if you are not prepared.




If you go to KQ you have a chance to be killed if you are not prepared.




If you go to you have a chance to be killed if you are not prepared.




You are not required, by any stretch of the imagination to enter the Wild, visit KQ, or to meet your goals of RC'ing/combat/raising any particular stat.




Therefore, we have proved that when you go to the Wild, or do anything dangerous it is by your own choice. When something unfortunate arises from one's own choices and actions, one cannot blame another for said events.




So yes, you can call RC PK'rs scum, or jerks, or anything else, but if you weren't going into the Wild to begin with, they wouldn't be there.




Lastly, I will reflect your owns words back to you, and kindly ask that you take the time to read my entire post at least once, before asking my if I like to fry up kittens for dinner on Thursdays.




Cause that's a Friday thing.

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It's the wildy. It's perfectly legit to PK there. RC pkers are a nuisance, but that is what they are supposed to be.




A friend once asked me to come RC pking with my friend. I just stood there a bit, because I never PK so I have no clue what I was supposed to be doing. Well, i know I am supposed to kill the other person but no clue how to do that effeciently. Been PK'ed countless times of course when I was RC'ing myself.




I saw RC pkers attacking each other. I saw them attack RC'ers. I asked my friend why? For fun.




And after 10 minutes hanging around we moved deeper into the wildy. Another RC pker joined us. So apparently RC pking is often a stepping stone for going deeper into the wildy.




Rc pkers scum? Why? They are just trying to enjoy their game in a legitimate manner. Wildy pking. A nuisance? Yep.




Anyway. It's not that difficult to circumvent RC pkers. And you can always run nats on Karamja.

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Okay... I have determined (due to lack or response) that RC Pkers do what they do for sport. Correct me now if I'm wrong.




PK me for sport, torture me for hours while I try to get my pouches back, laugh in my face while I fall to the ground.




I have no problem with PKing.




Ever heard of something called honor among thieves?




EDIT: The point of this post is to draw different opinions. However, what's NOT welcome is you laughing in my face, or in any way transitively.

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Well I've been pk'd rc'ing afew times now and have to say its nothing more than a nusence.




Loosing the puches is just plain annoying. They cant be traded so the pk'er doesnt get them. They dont even get a glory ammy from me! not that they actually believe me when I tell them this and then they have to PM me saying u hacked! u didnt drop a glory ammy!




WELL duh! I'm not carrying one. You've now just spent god knows how much killing me with runes for absolutely no gain.

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