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What is the closest you've come to riches?


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This is a thread about how close you came to becoming rich fast. For me it would have to be either the time an autoer died with a white phat and I almost got it, or the time that I was in the general store and I actually saw a santa hat appear and dissappear right before my eyes(they were only 190k back then, but I was lvl 50 and that was good enough for me). :o

Luring master.

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Just after the P hat dupe in RSC, I had a mask set and Someone offered to buy it for 4 Half wines. I declined




Next day I see people buying Half wines 20M ea... (Mask sets were only worth 2M back then)

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A few months before the pure ess change I traded full guthans for like 285k ess or something like that. I then traded it and got like 150k profit, amazing I thought at the time...




Now pure ess is up to like 120 each. I made 150k I could make like 34M. Kick me please.




Also before the mask rise, I sold my red for 8Mil. Now 20Mil. Kick me again!

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some dude sold a capentry house (YES CAPENTRY) becuase the houses at the falador mansion where once made for capentry and some dude dropped full rune+r2h (full rune was like 100k for helmet back then) and like 150k for r2h)



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one time my level 3 friend accidently attacked a guard in ardougne, too bad gloves are worth more than green halloween masks, anyways he was one spot away but i didnt see him die and a level 30 ran away with a green halloween mask, i tried to buy it from him for 10k but he wouldnt take it lol




(i wouldve given it back to my friend though)

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For me it would have to be either the time an autoer died with a white phat and I almost got it,






are you sure it was an autoer? Why would an autoer ware a phat?




Yeah, autoers aren't the only ones that die to randoms.. I've lost a red mask to randoms.




Well... On topic then. I have extremely bad luck with rares, every time i buy one, the price drops, so I sell it for like 200k less than I bought for. The next day I go on forums and for some reason check the prices, and they've risen up a lot higher than before.... I'm the cursed one, I could control the rare market that way :twisted:

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I collected 12 santas when they were dropped, I was a noob so i sold 3 of em to the general store, and the rest, once i found out thyere were worth alot, for about 50k each. If i had them now I'd get over 100m.

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being at varrock gen store and seeing some1 sell a white p hat


was busy buying buckets for making clay and didnt get it




i liked the dialogue tho




seller of white p hat: noooooooo, where are my millions of gp?!??!


the buyer: ooo, a white party hat. Does anyone know how much these are worth? do you think i could get a few thousand gp for it?




(note, buyer was lvl 22)

<the49ronin> O_o methinks ard is acting mighty high and pretty -.-

<Ard_Choille> I am pretty

<Ard_Choille> fo shizzle

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Had a green mask when they were 4.2M,sold it,next day they jumped to 10Mill...Then I got 10Mill..Bought it back..Next day..Dropped to 8.6 Mill sold bought Santa hat..Died and lost it..Lost 10Mill in 2 days

All Quests completed

99 Thieving achieved on January 10th, 2008

99 Defense achieved on August 3rd, 2008

85 Slayer achieved on July 31st, 2008

6 Dragon boot drops, 14 Whip drops

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Lets see, back when I was a low level, around christmas I remember this one guy trying to sell a Santa. Now, this was when I was an ignorent free worlder. I didn't know what a rare was, or how much one was worth. So thinking that it would be cool to be wearing that sround Christmas time, I traded the guy. Since I didn't know the worth of these, I asked him and he replied he would sell for *150k*. Now here is the kicker, I had that much money one me, however I thought it would be a rip off because it was just a hat. So I declined. So later I told my friend about this (who happened to be a higher level, not any more mind you, I'm at least 10 levels higher now) what happend. Of course then I learned that they were worth a hell of a lot more. Biggest mistake of my rs life.




Although, now thinking back on it, he probebly wouldn've tried to scam me. However, you never really know.


"Those who know nothing, can understand nothing"

- Ansem, Kingdom Hearts

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Ok my closest was seeing a level 100 whit full dragon die and he was wearing a white phat.




Now story time =D:




Ok well this one time i was farming verry bored looking evrywhere on the screen... when i suddenly see a RED PHAT!!! I GO GO GO RUN RUN GRAB IT ! AND ITS A ... tomatoe... my heart was like OMG WDF

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Some years ago (rsc) i had a full party hat set and sold it. I collected them all thinking i might get more cash if i sell the whole set. I can't even remember what i sold them for but it was less then 500k. Some time after that i decide to quit rs and i don't play for like 3.5 years and now when i get back they are worth hundreds of millons. Thats almost depressing.

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ugh...back in 04 christmas, some lucky dude found 12 YELLOW PHATS ON THE GROUND. he sold one for 8m, were 7m at the time. Was walking around fally sayin ha ha. put on his range gear, studded stuff and attacked a gaurd, lagged out i guess and died..lol. its a free for all, and i wind up with 7 yellows and 8m. I gave 2 away to my friends in real life of course, sold one for a bunch of stuff that wasn't close to 7m but got me started. i eventually sold them all, got scammed once and lost a few mill. Then i eventually felt nice and sold the 2 i had left and split the money between some friends (36m ea at the time). I wish i had just transfered the phats to another account and just kept 8m.

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ugh...back in 04 christmas, some lucky dude found 12 YELLOW PHATS ON THE GROUND. he sold one for 8m, were 7m at the time. Was walking around fally sayin ha ha. put on his range gear, studded stuff and attacked a gaurd, lagged out i guess and died..lol. its a free for all, and i wind up with 7 yellows and 8m. I gave 2 away to my friends in real life of course, sold one for a bunch of stuff that wasn't close to 7m but got me started. i eventually sold them all, got scammed once and lost a few mill. Then i eventually felt nice and sold the 2 i had left and split the money between some friends (36m ea at the time). I wish i had just transfered the phats to another account and just kept 8m.




I remember hearing about that :!:

Luring master.

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For me it would have to be either the time an autoer died with a white phat and I almost got it,






are you sure it was an autoer? Why would an autoer ware a phat?




Yeah, autoers aren't the only ones that die to randoms.. I've lost a red mask to randoms.




Well... On topic then. I have extremely bad luck with rares, every time i buy one, the price drops, so I sell it for like 200k less than I bought for. The next day I go on forums and for some reason check the prices, and they've risen up a lot higher than before.... I'm the cursed one, I could control the rare market that way :twisted:








Back in RSC: Bought a Santa 160k...next day it was 120k. I sold it, prices jumped up to 200k. A few days later, bought red mask 300k. Prices dropped down to 250k, sold it and prices jumped to 350k. A while later: Bought red mask 1M, prices dropped to 800k, sold it and the prices jumped up again. Decided to keep a santa for a while after buying for 800k, prices dropped down to 750k, as soon as I sold it again, they jumped up to 1.2M. Now you tell me who has the bad luck?

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