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a durial321 interview (attack abuse bug)


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you guys are idiots you would have done the same thing and you stand here and lie saying you wouldent.




I hope the same truck hits you, too. First of all, don't insult people by calling them idiots. Second of all, do not DARE to call me a liar. Thirdly, no, lots of people on these forums would NOT break the rules for their own pixelated gains.




Get off my forum. You suck.




Dude, lately you've been getting more arrogant and arrogant Leestert. I think


you should lose the attitude.




What exactly was "arrogant" about my post? And the "attitude" is not very happy right now, because this whole mess really disgusted me.




Disgusted you because people lost items, or because someone abused a bug?




People will abuse a bug and it's Jagex responsibility to stop it, from what I can see, this guy went on a rampage for at least an hour and had pmods following him everywhere, yet he still carried on and he even says he spoke to to a Jmod, surely the servers could have been downed once a pmod tells a jmod, if not they need to have some sort of backup plan should a mess like this happen again.




If anyone deserves to have anger thrown at them it's jagex, but they are getting so big now (game wise) this is going to happen more and more, and as we have learnt, they don't have the rescources to cope at this scale?




Oh and if you do own these forums, can you give the Hamster a kick :)

Quit Runescape 10 jan 2007 - Playing again 2012



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Great score in that interview definately showing his side of the story.


It will be a cold cold day in Rs if he doesn't get banned because Jagex needs to show that their in control.Massive spaming, Massive Bug Abuse calls for Massive Bans, i don't care how hard and long you've worked on your account, if your gona be ignorant to the mods like that you deserve to suffer.I also wouldn't be suprised if a Huge Clan leader gets banned in the next few days as he initiated the major spam around edgeville.

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What this guy( kid) did is horrible, half those innocent people probable were not even aware of this bug and that is the reason they had there phat's on. I never knew about it until I logged in and 5 friends private I'med me and said bank your dragon you got on there is a bug in the game. Fally massacre , game history , how pathetic can we get here. He knew about the dang bug and took full advantage of it for his own prosperity. I say he gets a perm ban from this and to teach all others follow the rules or your next to go. And geesh he did this for 1 hour he has no morals, sympathy for anyone but himself, glad I never had the pleasure to have met such a unworthy, selfish human being. ! :evil: What he did is pure evil and good ridence to him. And to all who support him , I will be sure to have you on my ignore list. :lol:


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Stop protecting this guy. He deserves everything that's thrown at him.


It is quite clearly stated by Jagex that anyone who breaks the rules will get punished. Did he forget to read these rules?




Who cares if he is well-mannered, he deserves to get the same punishment past bug abusers have recieved.

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dearel321 i just want to let you know that you are responsibe for taking my green p hat. i worked long and hard for that p hat i didnt just get it when it first came out but i had to buy for 50 mill you should of thought about the people you were hurting before you went on a killing rampage. due to you i very well might quit rs i hope you enjoyed your killing spree because now you have made me and many other people suffer dearly for your 1 hour of happiness.

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I think he should be banned, but i see his reason for doing what he did.






With all the mods and j mods he knew he was going to get banned, but did he stop?, no.




He kept doing it because he thought it was fun, he didnt just do it for the loot.




What he did was twisted and cruel and he since he knew he was to be banned he caused more pain, when he could have stopped.




Also, leesters this is not your forum so please do not sat that.

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you guys are idiots you would have done the same thing and you stand here and lie saying you wouldent.




I hope the same truck hits you, too. First of all, don't insult people by calling them idiots. Second of all, do not DARE to call me a liar. Thirdly, no, lots of people on these forums would NOT break the rules for their own pixelated gains.




Get off my forum. You suck.




Dude, lately you've been getting more arrogant and arrogant Leestert. I think


you should lose the attitude.

Jagex deserves some blame sure. But The majority of the blame goes to the man that did the bug. If he was a good player he would have logged out and report it and Jagex could have fixed it up right away.




What exactly was "arrogant" about my post? And the "attitude" is not very happy right now, because this whole mess really disgusted me.




Disgusted you because people lost items, or because someone abused a bug?




People will abuse a bug and it's Jagex responsibility to stop it, from what I can see, this guy went on a rampage for at least an hour and had pmods following him everywhere, yet he still carried on and he even says he spoke to to a Jmod, surely the servers could have been downed once a pmod tells a jmod, if not they need to have some sort of backup plan should a mess like this happen again.




If anyone deserves to have anger thrown at them it's jagex, but they are getting so big now (game wise) this is going to happen more and more, and as we have learnt, they don't have the rescources to cope at this scale?




Oh and if you do own these forums, can you give the Hamster a kick :)

The deserve part of the blame but the majority of it goes to the abuser. if he was a good playerhe should have logged out and reported it so it could have been fixed.
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Nice interview.


I just though all this was hilarious, too defend durial: If i was in his position i would use the bug aswell, Not for items but for the fun.


RuneScape is just a game, and i laugh at ppl irl who would quit if they lost a P hat or something :roll: Kinda sad ...




I hope durial gets unbanned/unlocked.

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Just to the author. You said that anyone would have done this in his potion... Well, i would say that anyone with at least a mediocre sense of good and bad would NOT do it. Killing 5 people would have been excusable (but not likely), but what he did? NO! He has really just screwed up some people's runescape carrers, and if he feels sorry now then he is truly an idiot, full scale. He shoulda felt bad when he was on that rampage...

18/22 skills at or better than 60.

1300+ skill total.

Barrows:Torag's Helm x2, Guthan's Helm, Guthan's Warspear, Dharok's Greataxe, died to dharok, Guthan's Platebody, Ahrim's Hood. All in a total of 104 runs.

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What this guy( kid) did is horrible, half those innocent people probable were not even aware of this bug and that is the reason they had there phat's on. I never knew about it until I logged in and 5 friends private I'med me and said bank your dragon you got on there is a bug in the game. Fally massacre , game history , how pathetic can we get here. He knew about the dang bug and took full advantage of it for his own prosperity. I say he gets a perm ban from this and to teach all others follow the rules or your next to go. And geesh he did this for 1 hour he has no morals, sympathy for anyone but himself, glad I never had the pleasure to have met such a unworthy, selfish human being. ! :evil: What he did is pure evil and good ridence to him. And to all who support him , I will be sure to have you on my ignore list. :lol:
fully agreed, please, add me
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I wouldve done the same thing as me. Its every pkers dream to do this and he got to live it out people will remember him like they remember SixFeetUnder for the duping in 2003. But i also do feel bad for all the hard work the people put in to get their phats/rare items/armor. Dont flame me :twisted:

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dont get me wrong but what he did was bug abuse so if he gets banned for it then thats fair play and im sure he wont complain about it. i personally wouldnt have used it as i wouldnt risk my account that ive put so much time and effort into however he was more than happy to and considering all the player mods that were there for proof.




however i personally think that this is the most exciting things thats happened in rs in years and blame jagex for not thoroughly testing out poh. how many people have got scammed by getting booted out of houses and losing their items and so on now this being the most extreme of all.




remember the tangle vine? how many players lost rares and other valuable items to that because they didnt no what to do, did jagex do a rollback or anything else for that matter? nope so i doubt its gonna happen this time




from the video u can see the player mods telling everybody to bank valuables and tele repeating themselves over and over, however people continued to watch and follow




at the end of the day its just a game... many people seem to forget that thought.


First pair of dragon legs 18/01/05

Second pair of dragon legs 21/01/05

Third pair of dragon legs 23-01-05

Fourth pair of dragon legs 24-01-05

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it saddens me to see how some people get kicks from breaking rules. What this guy did was really selfish. Think about it. He went on a rampage just for self-pleasure at the expense of other players. I think he deserves whatever punishment he gets.



Sodb Forum


Stop thinking. It's Runescape.
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you guys are idiots you would have done the same thing and you stand here and lie saying you wouldent.




I hope the same truck hits you, too. First of all, don't insult people by calling them idiots. Second of all, do not DARE to call me a liar. Thirdly, no, lots of people on these forums would NOT break the rules for their own pixelated gains.




Get off my forum. You suck.




Dude, lately you've been getting more arrogant and arrogant Leestert. I think


you should lose the attitude.

arrogent?? Leesters has full justification for what he is saying.












Honestly, where do you have the right to say its your forum? That even makes you more pathethic. I would have done the same thing becuase why? Jagex will return their items or else they will lose lots of costumers, Its against the rules, unwritten rules but it sounds: Unless in the wilderness u can't attack players. I even think you can sue them.




Yeah my grammar is not correct or maybe my spelling is leaking but I can do whatever I want on MY forum apparently? Becuase apparently normal members can say this forum is their own and decide their own rules?

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What Durial did was wrong. Doing a bit of damage to someone outside the wilderness is acceptable as long as you dont kill them in my opinion.




Durial on the other hand was going on a killing spree, trying to get-rich-quick.




People work long and hard for party hats. I know that, you know that and probably half of runescape knows that too. But this guy just goes and kills people regardless taking their phat as they die. People put so much work, effort and emotion into their phat just for him to come and take it.




Like you said, hes a 16 year old boy. He should know the difference between right and wrong and should know that the 'bug abuse' rule is one of the most severe to break.




I dont think perm banning people is the best course of action but I do believe he should be banned for a lengthly period of time (3-4 weeks) and be maxed out to 3 black marks.

I've seen people get permanently banned for saying runehq or tip.it in game and Jagex stating in they're ban message that they were "adverstising". If anyone in the history of runescape should be permnantly banned I cant think of a more likely candidate than this durial. I think you should rethink this idea of not giving him a permanent ban...










I think this punishment is fully justified. The fact that Durian was a level 115 shows that his is an avid runescaper and would not really want any harm to come to his account. I know that he went round killing a few people but he wasnt doing to gain an unfair advantage.




If you watch the video you will see that there is a group of 100+ randomers all following him, cheering him on and a lot of them are asking him to attack them too. Surely some of these people should be banned for 'encouraging others too break rules'?




But the fact is, with so many people all following you, you're gunna have a massive and uncontrable high as well as an immense sugar rush. This added to the fact of being given the power to kill whoever he pleases shows that he was actually caught up in the moment. This guy could have made billions but he chose not to. Why? - BEcause he wasnt doing it for this reason. Ina sense it was more peer pressure and the punishment I suggested of not perm banning him would suit his actions more. If Jagex perm ban him then I dont think that they're doing justice. If he made billions of this then I could maybe possibly understand a perm ban but it wasnt done for profitable reasons.




This is a big mistake and is quite obviously a wrong moment, wrong time scenario.




Seriously though, watch the video and its nowhere near as bad as people make it uot to be at all.




The only reason why I can see that other people want him perm banned is jealousy.

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I hope he got banned becuase bug abuse is bad BUT if he got banned many other should be banned too. or isn't using butler for free a bug? or barrows for free a bug? or many, many others! Let the one without sinds throw the first rock.

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K well instead of being a dihck, i wouldve done it also, im sure everyone would've. I hope he gets his char back.
It's people like this that are ruining the world. Please, dont fall to the dark side.
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Durial (7:02:39 PM): so I went around having fun killing whomever I pleased




Durial (7:06:32 PM): Like any Pker


Durial (7:06:38 PM): I didnâââ‰â¢t care what they thought


Durial (7:06:43 PM): I just wanted to kill




Durial (7:07:29 PM): It was hella fun though Smile




The Rat (7:07:45 PM): It would of been fun and amazing beyond words man Smile


These guys are some sadistic sob's...




Durial (6:55:33 PM): I was the only one to master it


Master it? Is this, *gasp*, a confession?




The Rat (6:59:34 PM): Absolutely horrible that he stole it Sad, Especially after you did what you did, He stole from a new online gaming legend.




The Rat (6:52:45 PM): Durial, A timeless classic this will become, This will be spoken about for years to come in the history of RS and possibly gaming.


These guys need to deflate their ego's a bit.




The Rat (7:07:34 PM): I was looking at your stats with a good friend of mine discussing them, Your stats seem to represent a half RS skill player with Pking stats, Which the majority of the honest RS world are.


So, he's an honest guy because his stats say so? What, do you live under a rock? Or your mom's basement? (sorry, I never use that one but I have to in this situation).




The Rat (7:05:39 PM): Of course, although you did what any person in your shoes would have.


You are trying to tell me that any person, especially any 16-year old guy (like me) would be so cruel, self centered and sadistic as to go on an hour long rampage throughout runescape destroying people's lives and all that they've worked for for a bit of fun and fame? These sadistic losers are makin' me sick.




I hope both the writer of this interview and Durial go to hell where they belong.[/i]

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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Durial (7:02:39 PM): so I went around having fun killing whomever I pleased




Durial (7:06:32 PM): Like any Pker


Durial (7:06:38 PM): I didnâââ‰â¢t care what they thought


Durial (7:06:43 PM): I just wanted to kill




Durial (7:07:29 PM): It was hella fun though Smile




The Rat (7:07:45 PM): It would of been fun and amazing beyond words man Smile


These guys are some sadistic sob's...




Durial (6:55:33 PM): I was the only one to master it


Master it? Is this, *gasp*, a confession?




The Rat (6:59:34 PM): Absolutely horrible that he stole it Sad, Especially after you did what you did, He stole from a new online gaming legend.




The Rat (6:52:45 PM): Durial, A timeless classic this will become, This will be spoken about for years to come in the history of RS and possibly gaming.


These guys need to deflate their ego's a bit.




The Rat (7:07:34 PM): I was looking at your stats with a good friend of mine discussing them, Your stats seem to represent a half RS skill player with Pking stats, Which the majority of the honest RS world are.


So, he's an honest guy because his stats say so? What, do you live under a rock? Or your mom's basement? (sorry, I never use that one but I have to in this situation).




The Rat (7:05:39 PM): Of course, although you did what any person in your shoes would have.


You are trying to tell me that any person, especially any 16-year old guy (like me) would be so cruel, self centered and sadistic as to go on an hour long rampage throughout runescape destroying people's lives and all that they've worked for for a bit of fun and fame? These sadistic losers are makin' me sick.




I hope both the writer of this interview and Durial go to hell where they belong.[/i]




OMG he killed ppl on a video game, he is so sadistic...omg he ruined their LIVES...on the game...geez how cruel.


Let me reiterate, ITS A GAME, He might get banned, if he does...he has a good attitude...o well, its a game, i had fun.




And you hope he goes to hell for this? Because he abused a glitch...again on a game...which allowed him to get some free stuff...and again on a GAME...and he should hmm, rot in hell for this TERRIBLE TERRIBLE action?




yep, Get your priorities straight. Btw, if you havnt got this point yet....RUNESCAPE IS JUST A GAME.

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i know i prolly woulda done the same thing.


At least you're honest :wink: . That and you didn't say "anyone would've done it."




Durial defines sadism. Look up "sadistic" in the dictionary and I'll bet you'll find his picture. Anyone who would even think of going anywhere near as far as Durial did is a sadisitic psycho. Making such rash generalizations about this honest (well, I thought it was) community is pure ludicrousy. Anyone with any values or morals at all would not have done this. What he did was wrong, so wrong that even when his friend tried to rationalize it he ended up making Durial look like an even more worthless sob.




Again, I hope those two guys go to hell where they belong.




[And Leesters, stop with the tough guy attitude, and this ain't "your forum".]

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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