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Should spanking children be allowed?


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Yes under the right circumstances...


some kids just cant get "thats naughty" in there tiny heads.. so you have to use this method...




and it works, so dont say it doesnt..




im glad my parents did, now im straight laced as can be..




its just like the military... they straighten you out with brute force...


i wish it was legal to bring back those paddles in school, there would be a whole lot less bullying...

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I was never hit as a child, and I never really did much wrong.




But sometimes I feel like some bratty kids need to be smacked around a bit. Say, in a store. If a kid is crying and whining about something...haul off and smack that little fool into a shopping cart.




Maybe not that much, but it would be cool. Except for the whole child abuse thing.

I really wouldn't call it an era. It was more of a definitive time period during which dinstinctive characteristics were expressed in similar ways.


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God I hate when a little kid is crying at a resturant... :wall: One time I was eating at a Denny's and this bloody kid from hell was crying for like 10 minutes straight. I swear I was gonna throw my plate at him :evil:




You may know, that when you train an animal not to do something, you spank/hit them. They get the message that if they do that action, they are gonna get hurt. Which means pain. Well guess what. Humans are animals (Yes we are...) and our minds work that way too.


So I'm in Favor.

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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You may know, that when you train an animal not to do something, you spank/hit them. They get the message that if they do that action, they are gonna get hurt. Which means pain. Well guess what. Humans are animals (Yes we are...) and our minds work that way too.


So I'm in Favor.






Read "White Fang" By Jack London. Although its based more on how humans are if you read it like they are animals then its exactly what you have here.

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i was hit as a child, my dad in fact abused the fact that i had been punished and over punished me (he's mentally ill and doesn't know he did this stuff) for petty stuff. i can vaguely remember being hit over the head with a frying pan, and i can't remember what i did wrong.




now i am a parent, i do smack my own kids. but only as a last resort, and certainly little since they have grown up a lil. i find that appealing to their consience more effective. i ask first, then ask once more. if both doesn't work i start a punishment which i know they will hate and will hit them hard- like no pc, money, earlier bedtime etc.


then if none of that works they will get a smack. this i finds does stop what i've asked them to do, and they know that that is the ultimate punishment.




mostly it does work, but i hate the way i haveto inflict pain on my own children.




there are some kids in the road that i live and my children play with that when i asked have never been smacked in their life, and you know what- they are utter brats.

Runescape nick : Fat_Slug

Owner of Ears, Scythe and a 10 year veteran cape :D



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nice fat_slug.




also.. does anyone else hate it when you go to a some place with you family... and your little bro.sis.neice.nephews come with and start acting like.... "children" not in a good way...




its embarassing.. and for all you people out there reading this DONT BRING YOUR KIDS ANYWERE (restaurants, public places)




although zoos, parks. ect. dont count :P

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A good spanking now and then does wonders. It's all good as long as you don't beat them up.


Signature by Maurice Sendak

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A good spanking now and then does wonders. It's all good as long as you don't beat them up.




Or do it in public thats just wrong on some many levels.

Wondering what to do with life .....

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now at my highschool, most kids just do the wrong thing, bully other kids and basically go around being a [puncture]




now if the cane was in the teachers hand things would be different




beating is wrong


spanking should be a last resort

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Spanking should be allowed, I admit it, I used to get physicaly hurt when I did something wrong, I guess you could say its part of my culture lol (Im mexican), I dont see nothing wrong with it, Even I, Whos gotten beat by a belt, knocked down, hit with a stick, and a shoe, ect. Behave better, I just think it made me a stronger person on the inside and outside, So yes It should be allowed, If it is, Maybe stupid emo kids actualy have something to moan about.

Quit runescape...

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speaking from a kids point of view here, eh, it depends on how smart the kid is. if the kid's smart, he/she'll learn not to do it. if the kid's stupid, they'll do it just to piss their parents off, which really affects them. hitting your kids not going to change anything, it's just going to make them hate you. seriously, if you were good parents, you wouldnt need to spank them.

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I think that spanking is necessary. I think that bullying is necessary.




I know a lot of people will disagree strongly with those two statements, particularly the second, so let me explain it.


I don't think that everyone should gang up on one person, that is not benifficial to anyone, but I've noticed particularly in the last two years, that the new students to my school think they are top [cabbage]. When I came to my school, the older students made sure i knew my place, and did the same for my peers, as i have become one of the older students, this has stopped for the most part. All the little kids think they are the coolest thing to hit the earth, think they can beat anyone up.




A large amount of physical or mental pain is not necessary, but i think young kids these days need to know their place.

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seriously, if you were good parents, you wouldnt need to spank them.




Can I get an actual parent's affirmation on this unsubstantial opinion? Maybe good parents are the ones that spank their children, and not the other way around.

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speaking from a kids point of view here, eh, it depends on how smart the kid is. if the kid's smart, he/she'll learn not to do it. if the kid's stupid, they'll do it just to piss their parents off, which really affects them. hitting your kids not going to change anything, it's just going to make them hate you. seriously, if you were good parents, you wouldnt need to spank them.


This is a load of rubbish. Are you saying my parents weren't good parents? I was smacked when I was younger, as were my two older sisters and we turned out fine and we certainly don't hate our parents. In fact we love them dearly.

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wel, if my parents would have spanked me or hit me there would be no respect for each other.


sure there are little kids, raised without spanking that are little brats but there are also some that are little brats even though they get spanked


i dont believe in spanking. on the other hand parents who spank their children don't have to be bad parents it's just their way of parenting and if it works out fine for them......

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I was spanked as a child and remember experiencing intense feelings of anger towards my dad. Now that I look back, I don't really hold anything against my dad from all those years ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Ã

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from my experience with my nephews, spanking worked great, and it didnt really have to be hard at all. they dont get spanked very much at all anymore, just the "threat" of spanking them is good enough. they are also a lot better mannered than other kids their age.



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What I think this boils down to is that spanking can be used in the right circumstances, sparingly, and without much force. So despite my own belief's that spanking is wrong, I can understand how it could be used properly.


Your true character is what you are like when you believe there are no repercussions.

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I think it's good because now a-days parents have no control over their children. The other day i was walking through the store and this kid kept whining, and the mom couldn't get him to stop so she just bought him what he wanted. Back when most of our parents were kids, the parents could just give them a spanking and wham, there's an effective form of discipline and your money is saved.




my 2 cents ^^



RSN: Aka Tricks

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A very wise man once said that foolishness is naturally in a child, but the "rod of correction" will drive it out.

When you are learning, you are growing. If you stop learning, you stop growing. If you stop growing, you die. Train hard, eat fried chicken, and take a one-a-day. (And cook that broccoli 'til it's yella and pour cheese all over it)


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Wow, I guess I'm kinda late on this topic...but anyhow:




Definitely. I believe spanking should be used at home (if done by sensible parents) and heck, even using the cane whip at school, like they still do around the world. In my opinion, it works.




I was "spanked" as you call it, as a kid. Not beaten, not injured, but hit, yes. Theres a difference between spanking and beating.


The reason I say it works because, in my case, it has. I'm a 90 + avg student, and my parents never tell me what I can and cant do, or even when I can or cant go out. I know by now whats right and whats wrong, because I was taught that when I was a kid. WHenever my parents hit me, it was because what I was doing was unacceptable. Simple as that. If it was unacceptable the first time, I was smart enough to realize not to do it again :? :?




On the otherhand, if you have those "trailer trash" people hitting their kids, things often get out of hand. The whole topic rests on the sensibility of the parents really.

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even using the cane whip at school, like they still do around the world. In my opinion, it works.


I think brining weapons into it would be a bad thing and I wouldn't approve of that. I believe only the parents should be allowed to discipline their kids physically.


If some random teacher was to smack me with a cane then I would probably hit back then walk out. Corporal punishmen in school is bad IMO

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