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Who actually has one...


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Ok, I see alot of siggy's on here with holiday items (I mean rare items oops) in them. Well, most of these siggy's rock, because they're hand drawn, etc...




But my question is rather pointless, but oh well. For those that have a holiday item in their siggy (an for those who don't), who actually has one on Runescape?




Kind of a pointless census thing. :P


Me doing staff.

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I used to have the yellow phat, but sold it a fair while ago. Everyone knows me by my sig, so I don't intend to change it. I guess I'll just have to re-buy the yellow sometime soon, haha. :P



Proper Daily blogging including Starcraft 2!


Includes goal for 80+ all stats

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I have them all and more. I didn't even include my mask set, trim armors, and all the newer holiday items. I do have all the armor I wear as a melee and mage in my current one.




I'll admit I don't have the cabbage trimmed bronze armor, but one can always hope.


Pixel sigs by me.

Pixel Art

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I have Green, Red, and Purple Party Hats, a Blue Mask, 6 santas, and every other non tradable holiday item including scythes and bunny ears.




ALL of my rares were obtained during the holiday drops with the exception of 5 of my 6 santas which were bought as an investment. All other rares, incuding the Phats were obtained during the drops.




Because of this I will NEVER sell ANY of my self obtained rares for any amount of money, especially my Phats. They have never seen another account and they will never see another account on RS :D \:D/


Sykoknight - 1900 skill total - 132+ combat


Fighting High Scores from late 2001 - Ranked 1894

Prayer High Scores from March 2002 - Ranked 749

Ya, I've been around too long.

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3 blues, 3 whites,3 reds, and the rest only one of them(have atleast one of every color). not one was obtained for more than 5k

The world would be a whole lot better if little green men in UFO's came down to earth to abduct rednecks.
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I have a purple, and if it weren't for my obsession over black mages, it would be in my sig :P






I used to have 2 santas, but I Sold one right when they dropped after Christmas (I was a nervous economy newb), and sold my other when I bought my purple.




I wish I Didn't sell that first Santa... (I'm still an economy noob to this day)

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