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Big update in the first week of september.


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For the month of august.... this is all they have to release. Two weeks of downtime.


Later this month we release a new batch of prayers, this time adding the ability to temporarily boost your ranged and magic attacks with prayers like ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâ¦Ã¢â¬ÅHawk EyeÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬ÃâÃ


I skill. If you skill you should join.

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When construction came out..they said:




This will be the biggest update this year.




So do you realy think it will be a new skill?

- I'm not proud of everything I've done, but I have no regrets


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Or perhaps I'm just getting my panties in a bundle and it will end up being another stupid minigame, where you spend about 10 hours getting enough points, only to buy a stupid costume.


I hope you don't mean trouble brewing :notalk: I actually like that minigame, and the costume even more. :P




As for the update, maybe *gasp* clan support? The only reason I have never joined a clan is because of the lack of in-game clan support.


136 Combat, 2290+ Skill Total

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September is the month of my birth and they might try to impress me with an almighty update \'


And shepherds we shall be, for Thee, my Lord, for Thee.

Power hath descended forth from Thy hand,

that our feet may swiftly carry out Thy command.

So we shall flow a river forth to Thee,

and teeming with souls shall it ever be.

In nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti.

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I'm actually looking foward to the new dragons and demons, I bet they'll look awesome. New prayers will be useful to. Your just making it sound as if they are useless. :?

No longer playing Runescape, I caught the WoW bug.

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I hope you don't mean trouble brewing :notalk: I actually like that minigame, and the costume even more. :P




As for the update, maybe *gasp* clan support? The only reason I have never joined a clan is because of the lack of in-game clan support.








i dont really believe runescape was designed to have clans in minds, but these days thats all it is any more... i guess they have to adapte the game to us to sometimes.




the friends list server is terrible, i mean jagex's servers are usually up to play RS on but the friends list goes down much much more often then the world servers.
















really i hope to god they add better gaming content, 80-85 ranged armror, such as white dragons.




or a better str bonus in boots like they did with the reciepe gloves.

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August is the time of vacations. Just about everyone I know went out on a vacation this month including myself (Norway FTW!) Lots of people use August as a last shot at going somewhere. Jagex knew this so they didn't plan anything spectacular maybe because alot of their staff gets this month off as well :-k . But September may be a great month so who knows :P

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Or perhaps I'm just getting my panties in a bundle and it will end up being another stupid minigame, where you spend about 10 hours getting enough points, only to buy a stupid costume.




Dude. The pirate outfits and void knight outfits own.




And how can you label the new prayers as "A few prayer buttons"? This is going to be a massive update. Finally, mages and rangers all 'round RuneScape will have a fighting chance to not be support skills. How can you not call that major?




And being an artist myself, graphics updates are my favorite kind. I'm really looking forward to these last two weeks of August.


Stunning signature created by the one and only My Boggy.


Just like Columbus he gets murderous on purpose

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Well, it seems for me that also this month was/is quite an good month about updates....




That whole shipthing looks like an pretty big update


Prayer is an relative small update, but with big consequenses I think


Graficupdates seems also big. Looking forward to this one




Besides, I think the first 2 update were also good. :)








So, the BTS suggested that augustus was an "easy" month about updates. If so, bring on septembre then! :D



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All I know is Jagex seems to have a lot of time this month to plan for the next month. I think September is going to be huge.
Umm, until you've started developing a game like runescape, I don't think you have any right to say that! Updating art/graphics is actually one of the most time consuming things you can do...so, think about what you're saying!


On topic: It's always hard to make predictions, and always kind of pointless IMO, because the one time you get it right, it spoils the surprise, but that's just my opinion.


Drops: Barrows: 60+ DK: 4... Dragon: 60+ Whips: 2... GWD: 0...ouch!

Main Goal: 2000 total with no 99's




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Umm, until you've started developing a game like runescape, I don't think you have any right to say that! Updating art/graphics is actually one of the most time consuming things you can do...so, think about what you're saying!


On topic: It's always hard to make predictions, and always kind of pointless IMO, because the one time you get it right, it spoils the surprise, but that's just my opinion.








Ok. Answer me this. Nobody else help Bflitny1 out.




Which would take a development team longer. Creating a quest... or updating the 3D models of a handful of monsters.






By how much longer would one take than the other? 10 minutes? 2 hours? 1 day? several weeks?










I'm not saying that any of the updates this month are worthless... I'm just saying that the updates at the end of this month dont' take as much time as normal ones. Logically, wouldn't it make sense that a bigger update is on its way? Creating a few prayers and updating the 3D models couldn't have taken the whole development team 2 whole weeks... could it?


I skill. If you skill you should join.

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With runescape, you can never speculate what's coming out next. Even when they tell you what's up to come (cons) it didn't come out when it was supposed to and surprised everyone when it did. And most of the updates are just out of the blue quests that nobody could guess.

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