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. . . Your Earliest Memory. . .


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Hi guys sorry if i spell something wrong ;)






This is just a weird question i want to ask you guys, what are your earliest memories. Like what is the earliest thing you remember.




For me I can faitly remember things before i was 3 but my earliest clearest memory is when i was two years old i asked my mother how old i was, and she said i was two and put two of my thingers up i was like wow two... Then I asked her when i will be three and she said tomorrow :o




Anyway search your mind take a deep breath and try and remember your childhood and your earliest memory as a kid :D

A friend to all is a friend to none.

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My earliest memory is still frame of being in the back of my Mum and Dads car, on a booster seat, with the rear window smashed. Someone had put it through earlier and stolen our video camera. My second clearest memory is when the policeman came to our flat about the robbery.




Edit - I was 2.


Thanks Venomai for this super sig and Kwimbob for the awesome avatar!

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I was 3 when I climbed into a treehouse in Norway on a holiday. I remember I saw a chest there before, and I was convinced it held treasure :lol:




I still have a cute pic of me climbing up there.

Bill Hicks[/url]":dhj2kan9]Since the one thing we can say about fundamental matter is, that it is vibrating. And since all vibrations are theoretically sound, then it is not unreasonable to suggest that the universe is music and should be perceived as such.


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I seem to have vague recollections of when my family used to live in my old house. Fair go it's hard to remember that since I would've been 1 at the time. But it's generally my sister and me using furniture to walk around the house.

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probably when i was 4 or 3. i was at my cottage and we had made a new set of staris going up to our veranda..unknowingly i tripped down a lot of stairs..and got huge splinters..al ove r my face. aswell as a few lacerations.

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Hmm... I know this sounds stupid, but bear with me. When I was around 3 or 4 years old I once told my mum I could remember being in her stomach, her, thinking I was making it up asked me what I could see. I told her I saw pink and black and could hear drums and people speaking but I couldn't understand what they were saying. She was naturally shocked at this, considering she couldn't figure out where I might have known something like this.




I suppose it could have been a dream or something I saw on the television, but I still have a very vivid picture of what I saw when I told my mum this.




My earliest one otherwise would have been when I was again about 3, I was at a beach and paddling in the sea, I looked down at what appeared to be mud, so, naturally being a toddler, wanted to eat it. I put my hand in and tasted it, but unfortunately it was sea water and I flinched and spat it out. I really don't know why I thought mud would taste any better though.



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Must have been when I was 2 and a bit, when I drowned. I don't remember the resuscitation but I remember the going under part. Hence my aquaphobia >_<




I have aquaphobia :(


I don't remember drowning, but I was abused alot in the swimming pool by my older brother and sister. I never wanted to swim, but they still threw me in the pool and ocean.




For any nit-pickers out there, technically you can drown and live. Drowning means only getting water in your lungs... which generally results in death.






My earliest memory was when I was about... 4 or 5. I crashed the car. Into a tree.




It was my dad's idea to let me try to park it, honest. :-$

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My earliest memory...hmm. When I was 2 and 3 I used to go to the Jungle Gym a LOT. At least 3 times a week. It was a place with slides and mazes (tubes and nets to play in). I lived in Canada so it wasn't a park. I remember asking my mom to come play with me in there when we were about to go. I remember her chasing after me while I crawled/ran to the other tube thing. :3> :3> Well, that would be my earliest memory.


Trix.--quit WoW as of 12/07

Thank you 4be2jue for the wonderful sig and avatar!

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my oldest memory was probably when I was 3 or so and I accidentally cut the end of my brothers finger off in the kitchen door, I remember hiding behind the toilet door because I knew my parents would be mad at me then being in the car with him on the way to the hospital with my mum holding his finger together with a flannel, so yeah heh.




Other than that is when I was 4 or so and I was chronically ill for weeks, literally couldn't stop throwing up, the medicine that the doctor gave me tasted of dr pepper, which is why i can't stand the stuff now.

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My earlier memory.. Probably playing in the backyard when I was like 2 or 3 with the girl who lived next door (I don't hardly remember her..).


My clearest memory from way back was when I was probably 3 or so and we had just moved into a new house. We were eating ice cream with our neighbors (whom I became good friends with for many years, but lost contact when we both moved away :( ).

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The only thing I remember about my early life is when I was four and a tornado was in our area and me and my parents hid in the bathroom. I didn't know what was going on then, but I thought it was cool, which is why I like tornadoes now. :D Then I have a huge gap in my memory until I was about 7.

the russians are the best! Hands down!
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My earliest memory was when I was about 2 and I decided to pick up the phone and call that number I hear so much about. So I dialed 911 (for those of you who don't know, I basically called the police) and then some lady answered and asked what my emergency was. I just hung up. About 5 minutes later, there were two police officers at my door. Soon after, an ambulance showed up too... I actually thought that they were gonna take me to jail.

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When I was 2, I was on the street with my mother and someone stopped us, talked with her and then asked me what was my football team... It's a really stupid thing to remember, but...




Also when I was 2 (this could be earlier) I remember going for a walk with my parents on a baby carriage too old, so it broke and we brought it to a scrap metal dealer who worked on a market near our house... It was a really strange place for me, people working on metal and wood everywhere


Currently having a break from sig-making...

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Avatar by Born2die, tyvm!

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My earliest memory was when I was about 2 and I decided to pick up the phone and call that number I hear so much about. So I dialed 911 (for those of you who don't know, I basically called the police) and then some lady answered and asked what my emergency was. I just hung up. About 5 minutes later, there were two police officers at my door. Soon after, an ambulance showed up too... I actually thought that they were gonna take me to jail.




Haha, at least you guys have efficient cops then.

Bill Hicks[/url]":dhj2kan9]Since the one thing we can say about fundamental matter is, that it is vibrating. And since all vibrations are theoretically sound, then it is not unreasonable to suggest that the universe is music and should be perceived as such.


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There were cavemen that spoke better english than some people who play rs.







Off-topic; 'english' is spelt with a capital E, you may want to change that.




On-topic; My earliest memory was when I was nearly three in Spain. We were staying at a hotel with a swimming pool, sitting on my mum's lap in a deckchair by the side. It wasn't her fault at all, but I tilted forward, fell off her lap, and smashed my jaw into the tiles... :-k

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well at my primary school they always used to give you cartons of milk before break and i hate milk but they made us drink it anyway so one day i threw up the milk all over everyones coats and outdoor shoes :D funnily they never made me drink the milk after that i wonder why :-k ...

ahahaha IMA A IDIOT

cant argue there mate
Real world? *looks around confuzzled* Real world?!? :ohnoes:


have now quit rs :-( (but i still browse these forums :-)

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hmm.. allitle in apropriate but i didnt noe wut i was doing,




i was prob like 1 and all i remember is that we were in a hotel in mexico and my mom wanted to take a picture, so my oldest cusin picks me up and i didnt wanna be picked up so i kicked him where it hurts(thats were my legs were)




other than that i rember visisting my dying great great aunt(my moms aunt's mother) she was in a wheel chair in a hotel, thats all i remember


i was prob like 1 or somtin






oh yea, that 911 made me laugh, no offence(i almost did it too except my mom took the phone away from me

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